Edwin Brady 13a36a3d32 Annotate functions as %hint for auto search
This allows extra hints, as well as constructors, to guide proof search
for auto implicit arguments.
Added test proof010 which shows how this works to simulate type classes
with overlapping instances (and consequently no injectivity restriction
or assumption)

%hint only works on functions which return an instance of a data type.
Proof search exhaustively searches hints and constructors, so use with
care especially when adding lots of recursive or overlapping hints.
2015-03-29 21:24:04 +01:00

40 lines
953 B

data MyShow : Type -> Type where
ShowInstance : (show : a -> String) -> MyShow a
myshow : {auto inst : MyShow a} -> a -> String
myshow {inst = ShowInstance show} x1 = show x1
showNat : MyShow Nat
showNat = ShowInstance show
showFn : MyShow (a -> b)
showFn = ShowInstance (\x => "<< function >>")
showBools : MyShow (Bool, Bool)
showBools = ShowInstance (\x => "some bools")
showStuff : MyShow a -> MyShow b -> MyShow (a, b)
showStuff sa sb = ShowInstance showPair
showPair : (a, b) -> String
showPair (x, y) = myshow x ++ ", " ++ myshow y
testShow : List (Bool, Bool) -> String
testShow [] = ""
testShow (x :: xs) = myshow x ++ "\n" ++ testShow xs
testShow2 : List (Nat, Int -> Int) -> String
testShow2 [] = ""
testShow2 (x :: xs) = myshow x ++ "\n" ++ testShow2 xs
main : IO ()
main = do putStrLn $ testShow2 [(2, (+1)), (3, abs)]
putStrLn $ testShow [(True, False), (False, True)]