Edwin Brady 3a43ccc488 Merge pull request #2108 from Heather/sandbox_path : fix error when there is no sandbox
2015-04-14 20:12:10 +01:00

161 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use Cwd;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Env;
my $exitstatus = 0;
my @idrOpts = ();
sub sandbox_path {
my ($test_dir,) = @_;
my $sandbox = "$test_dir/../../.cabal-sandbox/bin";
if ( -d $sandbox ) {
my $sandbox_abs = abs_path($sandbox);
return "PATH=\"$sandbox_abs:$PATH\"";
} else {
return "";
sub runtest {
my ($test, $update) = @_;
my $sandbox = sandbox_path($test);
print "Running $test...\n";
my $got = `$sandbox ./run @idrOpts`;
my $exp = `cat expected`;
# Allow for variant expected output for tests by overriding expected
# when there is an expected.<os> file in the test.
# This should be the exception but there are sometimes valid reasons
# for os-dependent output.
# The endings are msys for windows, darwin for osx and linux for linux
if ( -e "expected.$^O") {
$exp = `cat expected.$^O`;
open my $out, '>', 'output';
print $out $got;
close $out;
# $ok = system("diff output expected &> /dev/null");
# Mangle newlines in $got and $exp
$got =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
$exp =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
# Normalize paths in $got and $exp, so the expected outcomes don't
# change between platforms
while($got =~ /(^|.*?\n)(.*?)\\(.*?):(\d+):(.*)/ms) {
$got = "$1$2/$3:$4:$5";
while($exp =~ /(^|.*?\n)(.*?)\\(.*?):(\d+):(.*)/ms) {
$exp = "$1$2/$3:$4:$5";
if ($got eq $exp) {
print "Ran $test...success\n";
else {
if ($update == 0) {
$exitstatus = 1;
print "Ran $test...FAILURE\n";
system "diff output expected";
} else {
system("cp output expected");
print "Ran $test...UPDATED\n";
chdir "..";
my ( @without, @args, @tests, @opts );
if ($#ARGV>=0) {
my $test = shift @ARGV;
if ($test eq "all") {
opendir my $dir, ".";
my @list = readdir $dir;
foreach my $file (@list) {
if ($file =~ /[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/) {
push @tests, $file;
@tests = sort @tests;
} elsif ($test eq "without") {
@args = @ARGV;
foreach my $file (@args) {
last if ($file =~ /--/);
push @without, shift @ARGV;
opendir my $dir, ".";
my @list = readdir $dir;
foreach my $file (@list) {
if ($file =~ /[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/) {
if (!(grep ($_ eq $file, @without))) {
push @tests, $file;
else {
print "Omitting $file\n";
@tests = sort @tests;
else {
if ($test =~ /[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/) {
push @tests, $test;
@opts = @ARGV;
else {
print "Give a test name, or 'all' to run all.\n";
my $update = 0;
my $diff = 0;
my $show = 0;
my $usejava = 0;
while (my $opt = shift @opts) {
if ($opt eq "-u") { $update = 1; }
elsif ($opt eq "-d") { $diff = 1; }
elsif ($opt eq "-s") { $show = 1; }
else { push(@idrOpts, $opt); }
my $idris = $ENV{IDRIS};
my $path = $ENV{PATH};
$ENV{PATH} = cwd() . "/" . $idris . ":" . $path;
foreach my $test (@tests) {
if ($diff == 0 && $show == 0) {
else {
chdir $test;
if ($show == 1) {
system "cat output";
if ($diff == 1) {
print "Differences in $test:\n";
my $ok = system "diff output expected";
if ($ok == 0) {
print "No differences found.\n";
chdir "..";
exit $exitstatus;