Edwin Brady 8c283520f3 Some Prelude reorganisation
Added Prelude.Interactive, for the I/O things, including some
convenience functions for starting simple looping interactive programs,
which involved adding Prelude.File too, and moving getArgs to the

Removed a no longer relevant test.
2015-08-10 00:45:40 +01:00

276 lines
7.3 KiB

module Prelude
import public Builtins
import public IO
import public Prelude.Algebra
import public Prelude.Basics
import public Prelude.Bool
import public Prelude.Classes
import public Prelude.Cast
import public Prelude.Nat
import public Prelude.List
import public Prelude.Maybe
import public Prelude.Monad
import public Prelude.Applicative
import public Prelude.Foldable
import public Prelude.Functor
import public Prelude.Either
import public Prelude.Strings
import public Prelude.Chars
import public Prelude.Traversable
import public Prelude.Bits
import public Prelude.Uninhabited
import public Prelude.Pairs
import public Prelude.Stream
import public Prelude.Providers
import public Prelude.Show
import public Prelude.Interactive
import public Prelude.File
import public Decidable.Equality
import public Language.Reflection
import public Language.Reflection.Errors
%access public
%default total
-- Things that can't be elsewhere for import cycle reasons
decAsBool : Dec p -> Bool
decAsBool (Yes _) = True
decAsBool (No _) = False
---- Functor instances
instance Functor PrimIO where
map f io = prim_io_bind io (prim_io_return . f)
instance Functor Maybe where
map f (Just x) = Just (f x)
map f Nothing = Nothing
instance Functor (Either e) where
map f (Left l) = Left l
map f (Right r) = Right (f r)
---- Applicative instances
instance Applicative PrimIO where
pure = prim_io_return
am <*> bm = prim_io_bind am (\f => prim_io_bind bm (prim_io_return . f))
instance Applicative Maybe where
pure = Just
(Just f) <*> (Just a) = Just (f a)
_ <*> _ = Nothing
instance Applicative (Either e) where
pure = Right
(Left a) <*> _ = Left a
(Right f) <*> (Right r) = Right (f r)
(Right _) <*> (Left l) = Left l
instance Applicative List where
pure x = [x]
fs <*> vs = concatMap (\f => map f vs) fs
---- Alternative instances
instance Alternative Maybe where
empty = Nothing
(Just x) <|> _ = Just x
Nothing <|> v = v
instance Alternative List where
empty = []
(<|>) = (++)
---- Monad instances
instance Monad PrimIO where
b >>= k = prim_io_bind b k
instance Monad Maybe where
Nothing >>= k = Nothing
(Just x) >>= k = k x
instance Monad (Either e) where
(Left n) >>= _ = Left n
(Right r) >>= f = f r
instance Monad List where
m >>= f = concatMap f m
---- Traversable instances
instance Traversable Maybe where
traverse f Nothing = pure Nothing
traverse f (Just x) = [| Just (f x) |]
instance Traversable List where
traverse f [] = pure List.Nil
traverse f (x::xs) = [| List.(::) (f x) (traverse f xs) |]
---- some mathematical operations
---- XXX this should probably go some place else,
pow : (Num a) => a -> Nat -> a
pow x Z = 1
pow x (S n) = x * (pow x n)
---- Ranges
natRange : Nat -> List Nat
natRange n = List.reverse (go n)
where go Z = []
go (S n) = n :: go n
-- predefine Nat versions of Enum, so we can use them in the default impls
total natEnumFromThen : Nat -> Nat -> Stream Nat
natEnumFromThen n inc = n :: natEnumFromThen (inc + n) inc
total natEnumFromTo : Nat -> Nat -> List Nat
natEnumFromTo n m = map (plus n) (natRange ((S m) - n))
total natEnumFromThenTo : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> List Nat
natEnumFromThenTo _ Z _ = []
natEnumFromThenTo n (S inc) m = map (plus n . (* (S inc))) (natRange (S (divNatNZ (m - n) (S inc) SIsNotZ)))
class Enum a where
total pred : a -> a
total succ : a -> a
succ e = fromNat (S (toNat e))
total toNat : a -> Nat
total fromNat : Nat -> a
total enumFrom : a -> Stream a
enumFrom n = n :: enumFrom (succ n)
total enumFromThen : a -> a -> Stream a
enumFromThen x y = map fromNat (natEnumFromThen (toNat x) (toNat y))
total enumFromTo : a -> a -> List a
enumFromTo x y = map fromNat (natEnumFromTo (toNat x) (toNat y))
total enumFromThenTo : a -> a -> a -> List a
enumFromThenTo x1 x2 y = map fromNat (natEnumFromThenTo (toNat x1) (toNat x2) (toNat y))
instance Enum Nat where
pred n = Nat.pred n
succ n = S n
toNat x = id x
fromNat x = id x
enumFromThen x y = natEnumFromThen x y
enumFromThenTo x y z = natEnumFromThenTo x y z
enumFromTo x y = natEnumFromTo x y
instance Enum Integer where
pred n = n - 1
succ n = n + 1
toNat n = cast n
fromNat n = cast n
enumFromThen n inc = n :: enumFromThen (inc + n) inc
enumFromTo n m = if n <= m
then go (natRange (S (cast {to = Nat} (m - n))))
else []
where go : List Nat -> List Integer
go [] = []
go (x :: xs) = n + cast x :: go xs
enumFromThenTo _ 0 _ = []
enumFromThenTo n inc m = go (natRange (S (divNatNZ (fromInteger (abs (m - n))) (S (fromInteger ((abs inc) - 1))) SIsNotZ)))
where go : List Nat -> List Integer
go [] = []
go (x :: xs) = n + (cast x * inc) :: go xs
instance Enum Int where
pred n = n - 1
succ n = n + 1
toNat n = cast n
fromNat n = cast n
enumFromTo n m =
if n <= m
then go [] (cast {to = Nat} (m - n)) m
else []
go : List Int -> Nat -> Int -> List Int
go acc Z m = m :: acc
go acc (S k) m = go (m :: acc) k (m - 1)
enumFromThen n inc = n :: enumFromThen (inc + n) inc
enumFromThenTo _ 0 _ = []
enumFromThenTo n inc m = go (natRange (S (divNatNZ (cast {to=Nat} (abs (m - n))) (S (cast {to=Nat} ((abs inc) - 1))) SIsNotZ)))
where go : List Nat -> List Int
go [] = []
go (x :: xs) = n + (cast x * inc) :: go xs
syntax "[" [start] ".." [end] "]"
= enumFromTo start end
syntax "[" [start] "," [next] ".." [end] "]"
= enumFromThenTo start (next - start) end
syntax "[" [start] ".." "]"
= enumFrom start
syntax "[" [start] "," [next] ".." "]"
= enumFromThen start (next - start)
---- More utilities
curry : ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
curry f a b = f (a, b)
uncurry : (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
uncurry f (a, b) = f a b
namespace JSNull
||| Check if a foreign pointer is null
nullPtr : Ptr -> JS_IO Bool
nullPtr p = do ok <- foreign FFI_JS "isNull" (Ptr -> JS_IO Int) p
return (ok /= 0)
||| Check if a supposed string was actually a null pointer
nullStr : String -> JS_IO Bool
nullStr p = do ok <- foreign FFI_JS "isNull" (String -> JS_IO Int) p
return (ok /= 0)
||| Pointer equality
eqPtr : Ptr -> Ptr -> IO Bool
eqPtr x y = do eq <- foreign FFI_C "idris_eqPtr" (Ptr -> Ptr -> IO Int) x y
return (eq /= 0)
||| Loop while some test is true
||| @ test the condition of the loop
||| @ body the loop body
partial -- obviously
while : (test : IO' l Bool) -> (body : IO' l ()) -> IO' l ()
while t b = do v <- t
if v then do b
while t b
else return ()
------- Some error rewriting
%language ErrorReflection
cast_part : TT -> ErrorReportPart
cast_part (P Bound n t) = TextPart "unknown type"
cast_part x = TermPart x
cast_error : Err -> Maybe (List ErrorReportPart)
cast_error (CantResolve `(Cast ~x ~y))
= Just [TextPart "Can't cast from",
cast_part x,
TextPart "to",
cast_part y]
cast_error _ = Nothing
num_error : Err -> Maybe (List ErrorReportPart)
num_error (CantResolve `(Num ~x))
= Just [TermPart x, TextPart "is not a numeric type"]
num_error _ = Nothing