Miëtek Bak d2296e991c Remove unused imports
Currently, build-depends are not expected to be ready at the time Setup.hs
is run.  This may change in a future version of Cabal; meanwhile, removing
these unused imports fixes failures at `cabal copy` time on OS X.
2015-05-18 16:42:05 +01:00

260 lines
10 KiB

import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch)
import Distribution.Simple
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (autogenModulesDir)
import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs as I
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo as L
import qualified Distribution.Simple.Setup as S
import qualified Distribution.Simple.Program as P
import Distribution.Simple.Utils (createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose, rewriteFile)
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.Text
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath ((</>), splitDirectories,isAbsolute)
import System.Directory
import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as Px
import System.Process
-- After Idris is built, we need to check and install the prelude and other libs
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Idris Command Path
-- make on mingw32 exepects unix style separators
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
(<//>) = (Px.</>)
idrisCmd local = Px.joinPath $ splitDirectories $ ".." <//> ".." <//> buildDir local <//> "idris" <//> "idris"
idrisCmd local = ".." </> ".." </> buildDir local </> "idris" </> "idris"
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Make Commands
-- use GNU make on FreeBSD
#if defined(freebsd_HOST_OS) || defined(dragonfly_HOST_OS)
mymake = "gmake"
mymake = "make"
make verbosity =
P.runProgramInvocation verbosity . P.simpleProgramInvocation mymake
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Flags
usesGMP :: S.ConfigFlags -> Bool
usesGMP flags =
case lookup (FlagName "gmp") (S.configConfigurationsFlags flags) of
Just True -> True
Just False -> False
Nothing -> True
execOnly :: S.ConfigFlags -> Bool
execOnly flags =
case lookup (FlagName "execonly") (S.configConfigurationsFlags flags) of
Just True -> True
Just False -> False
Nothing -> False
isRelease :: S.ConfigFlags -> Bool
isRelease flags =
case lookup (FlagName "release") (S.configConfigurationsFlags flags) of
Just True -> True
Just False -> False
Nothing -> False
isFreestanding :: S.ConfigFlags -> Bool
isFreestanding flags =
case lookup (FlagName "freestanding") (S.configConfigurationsFlags flags) of
Just True -> True
Just False -> False
Nothing -> False
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Clean
idrisClean _ flags _ _ = do
verbosity = S.fromFlag $ S.cleanVerbosity flags
cleanStdLib = do
makeClean "libs"
makeClean dir = make verbosity [ "-C", dir, "clean", "IDRIS=idris" ]
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configure
gitHash :: IO String
gitHash = do h <- Control.Exception.catch (readProcess "git" ["rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"] "")
(\e -> let e' = (e :: SomeException) in return "PRE")
return $ takeWhile (/= '\n') h
-- Put the Git hash into a module for use in the program
-- For release builds, just put the empty string in the module
generateVersionModule verbosity dir release = do
hash <- gitHash
let versionModulePath = dir </> "Version_idris" Px.<.> "hs"
putStrLn $ "Generating " ++ versionModulePath ++
if release then " for release" else (" for prerelease " ++ hash)
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True dir
rewriteFile versionModulePath (versionModuleContents hash)
where versionModuleContents h = "module Version_idris where\n\n" ++
"gitHash :: String\n" ++
if release
then "gitHash = \"\"\n"
else "gitHash = \"git:" ++ h ++ "\"\n"
-- Generate a module that contains the lib path for a freestanding Idris
generateTargetModule verbosity dir targetDir = do
absPath <- return $ isAbsolute targetDir
let targetModulePath = dir </> "Target_idris" Px.<.> "hs"
putStrLn $ "Generating " ++ targetModulePath
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True dir
rewriteFile targetModulePath (versionModuleContents absPath targetDir)
where versionModuleContents absolute td = "module Target_idris where\n\n" ++
"import System.FilePath\n" ++
"import System.Environment\n" ++
"getDataDir :: IO String\n" ++
if absolute
then "getDataDir = return \"" ++ td ++ "\"\n"
else "getDataDir = do \n" ++
" expath <- getExecutablePath\n" ++
" execDir <- return $ dropFileName expath\n" ++
" return $ execDir ++ \"" ++ td ++ "\"\n"
++ "getDataFileName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath\n"
++ "getDataFileName name = do\n"
++ " dir <- getDataDir\n"
++ " return (dir ++ \"/\" ++ name)"
-- a module that has info about existence and location of a bundled toolchain
generateToolchainModule verbosity srcDir toolDir = do
let commonContent = "module Tools_idris where\n\n"
let toolContent = case toolDir of
Just dir -> "hasBundledToolchain = True\n" ++
"getToolchainDir = \"" ++ dir ++ "\"\n"
Nothing -> "hasBundledToolchain = False\n" ++
"getToolchainDir = \"\""
let toolPath = srcDir </> "Tools_idris" Px.<.> "hs"
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True srcDir
rewriteFile toolPath (commonContent ++ toolContent)
idrisConfigure _ flags _ local = do
generateVersionModule verbosity (autogenModulesDir local) (isRelease (configFlags local))
if (isFreestanding $ configFlags local)
then (do
toolDir <- lookupEnv "IDRIS_TOOLCHAIN_DIR"
generateToolchainModule verbosity (autogenModulesDir local) toolDir
targetDir <- lookupEnv "IDRIS_LIB_DIR"
case targetDir of
Just d -> generateTargetModule verbosity (autogenModulesDir local) d
Nothing -> error $ "Trying to build freestanding without a target directory."
++ " Set it by defining IDRIS_LIB_DIR.")
generateToolchainModule verbosity (autogenModulesDir local) Nothing
verbosity = S.fromFlag $ S.configVerbosity flags
version = pkgVersion . package $ localPkgDescr local
-- This is a hack. I don't know how to tell cabal that a data file needs
-- installing but shouldn't be in the distribution. And it won't make the
-- distribution if it's not there, so instead I just delete
-- the file after configure.
configureRTS = make verbosity ["-C", "rts", "clean"]
idrisPreSDist args flags = do
let dir = S.fromFlag (S.sDistDirectory flags)
let verb = S.fromFlag (S.sDistVerbosity flags)
generateVersionModule verb ("src") True
generateTargetModule verb "src" "./libs"
generateToolchainModule verb "src" Nothing
preSDist simpleUserHooks args flags
idrisPostSDist args flags desc lbi = do
Control.Exception.catch (do let file = "src" </> "Version_idris" Px.<.> "hs"
let targetFile = "src" </> "Target_idris" Px.<.> "hs"
putStrLn $ "Removing generated modules:\n "
++ file ++ "\n" ++ targetFile
removeFile file
removeFile targetFile)
(\e -> let e' = (e :: SomeException) in return ())
postSDist simpleUserHooks args flags desc lbi
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Build
getVersion :: Args -> S.BuildFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo
getVersion args flags = do
hash <- gitHash
let buildinfo = (emptyBuildInfo { cppOptions = ["-DVERSION="++hash] }) :: BuildInfo
return (Just buildinfo, [])
idrisBuild _ flags _ local = unless (execOnly (configFlags local)) $ do
verbosity = S.fromFlag $ S.buildVerbosity flags
buildStdLib = do
putStrLn "Building libraries..."
makeBuild "libs"
makeBuild dir = make verbosity [ "-C", dir, "build" , "IDRIS=" ++ idrisCmd local]
buildRTS = make verbosity (["-C", "rts", "build"] ++
gmpflag (usesGMP (configFlags local)))
gmpflag False = []
gmpflag True = ["GMP=-DIDRIS_GMP"]
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Copy/Install
idrisInstall verbosity copy pkg local = unless (execOnly (configFlags local)) $ do
target = datadir $ L.absoluteInstallDirs pkg local copy
installStdLib = do
putStrLn $ "Installing libraries in " ++ target
makeInstall "libs" target
installRTS = do
let target' = target </> "rts"
putStrLn $ "Installing run time system in " ++ target'
makeInstall "rts" target'
makeInstall src target =
make verbosity [ "-C", src, "install" , "TARGET=" ++ target, "IDRIS=" ++ idrisCmd local]
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Main
-- Install libraries during both copy and install
-- See
main = defaultMainWithHooks $ simpleUserHooks
{ postClean = idrisClean
, postConf = idrisConfigure
, postBuild = idrisBuild
, postCopy = \_ flags pkg local ->
idrisInstall (S.fromFlag $ S.copyVerbosity flags)
(S.fromFlag $ S.copyDest flags) pkg local
, postInst = \_ flags pkg local ->
idrisInstall (S.fromFlag $ S.installVerbosity flags)
NoCopyDest pkg local
, preSDist = idrisPreSDist --do { putStrLn (show args) ; putStrLn (show flags) ; return emptyHookedBuildInfo }
, postSDist = idrisPostSDist