Edwin Brady d5377be628 New language-dependent FFI
More documentation to follow, but in brief:
- IO is now a synonym of IO' FFI_C
- IO' is parameterised over an ffi description, which explains which
  types are allowed in foreign calls, and what a foreign call target is
  (in C, that's a String giving the function name, for example)
- New function "foreign" for building a foreign call, given an ffi
  description, call target, and the type of the call. The type is enough
  to build a structure which the compiler uses to generate the call.

The type of main now needs to be IO' x (), where x can be any FFI

There is currently only an ffi description for C; Javascript will
follow. FFI_C should also work for the llvm backend (it's really about
the calling convention, not the backend specifically). Small changes
will be needed to the various code generators.
2015-01-17 19:08:33 +00:00

100 lines
2.8 KiB

-- Test for problem with parameter propagation in fromState'
data StateTy : Type where
STInt : StateTy
STString : StateTy
STMaybe : StateTy -> StateTy
STList : StateTy -> StateTy
interpSTy : StateTy -> Type
interpSTy STInt = Int
interpSTy STString = String
interpSTy (STMaybe a) = Maybe (interpSTy a)
interpSTy (STList a) = List (interpSTy a)
data State : StateTy -> Type where
MkState : (t : StateTy) -> Ptr -> State t
data StateC : StateTy -> Type where
MkStateC : Int -> (t : StateTy) -> Ptr -> StateC t
isObj : Ptr -> IO Bool
isObj p = do
"object" <- mkForeign (FFun "typeof %0" [FPtr] FString) p
| _ => pure False
pure True
stateVarName : String
stateVarName = "__IDR__IQUERY__STATE__"
stateVarExists : IO Bool
stateVarExists = do
o <- mkForeign (FFun ("typeof " ++ stateVarName) [] FString)
pure $ if o == "object" then True else False
initStateVar : IO Ptr
initStateVar = mkForeign (FFun (stateVarName ++ " = {count: 0}") [] FPtr)
getStateVar : IO (Maybe Ptr)
getStateVar = case !stateVarExists of
True => map Just $ mkForeign (FFun stateVarName [] FPtr)
False => pure Nothing
getStateVar' : IO Ptr
getStateVar' = case !getStateVar of
Just s => pure s
Nothing => initStateVar
stateCExists : Ptr -> Int -> IO Bool
stateCExists c n = do
r <- mkForeign (FFun "typeof %0[%1]" [FPtr,FInt] FString) c n
pure $ if r == "object" then True else False
incCount : Ptr -> IO Int
incCount c = do
n <- mkForeign (FFun "%0.count" [FPtr] FInt) c
mkForeign (FFun "%0.count++" [FPtr] FUnit) c
pure n
infixl 5 =>>
(=>>) : IO (Maybe (State a)) -> (State a -> IO (Maybe b))
-> IO (Maybe b)
s =>> f = do
(Just s') <- s
| Nothing => pure Nothing
f s'
infixl 5 :=>
(:=>) : IO (Maybe (State a)) -> (State a -> IO ()) -> IO Bool
(:=>) s f = do
(Just s') <- s
| Nothing => pure False
f s'
pure True
access : Nat -> State (STList t) -> IO (Maybe (State t))
access n (MkState (STList t) p) = do
r <- mkForeign (FFun "%0.val[%1]" [FPtr,FInt] FPtr) p (fromNat n)
True <- isObj r
| False => pure Nothing
pure $ Just $ MkState t r
fromState' : State t -> IO (interpSTy t)
fromState' (MkState STInt p) = mkForeign (FFun "%0.val" [FPtr] FInt) p
fromState' (MkState STString p) = mkForeign (FFun "%0.val" [FPtr] FString) p
fromState' (MkState (STMaybe a) p) = do
isNull <- (mkForeign (FFun "(%0.val == null).toString()" [FPtr] FString) p)
case isNull == "true" of
True => pure Nothing
False => pure $ Just !(fromState' (MkState a p))
fromState' (MkState (STList a) p) = do
n <- mkForeign (FFun "%0.val.length" [FPtr] FInt) p
ps <- sequence $ map
(\n => mkForeign (FFun "%0.val[%1]" [FPtr,FInt] FPtr) p n) [0..(n-1)]
sequence $ map (\p' => fromState' (MkState a p')) ps