2016-04-21 08:27:24 +01:00

175 lines
5.8 KiB

module Queries
import SQLiteTypes
import Schema
import Database
import Decidable.Equality
import Language.Reflection
import Language.Reflection.Errors
import Language.Reflection.Utils
%access public export
%default total
%language ErrorReflection
namespace Row0
data Row : Schema -> Type where
Nil : Row []
(::) : (x : interpSql t) -> (xs : Row s) -> Row ((c:::t) :: s)
%name Row r1,r2,r3
getSchema : Row s -> Schema
getSchema {s} _ = s
getCol : HasCol s attr -> Row s -> interpSql (getTy attr)
getCol Here (x :: xs) = x
getCol (There at) (y :: xs) = getCol at xs
projectRow : (SubSchema s1 s2) -> Row s2 -> Row s1
projectRow Empty r1 = []
projectRow {s1=(attr::small)} (Head tailSub alsoThere) r ?= {projectRow_lemma}
let head = getCol alsoThere r in
let tail = projectRow tailSub r in
the (Row ((getName attr ::: getTy attr)::small)) (head::tail)
showRow : (s : Schema) -> Row s -> String
showRow [] [] = "\n"
showRow ((_ ::: t) :: s) (x :: xs) = showSql t x ++ "|" ++ showRow s xs
namespace Table
data Table : Schema -> Type where
Nil : Table s
(::) : (r : Row s) -> (rs : Table s) -> Table s
showTable' : (s : Schema) -> Table s -> String
showTable' s [] = ""
showTable' s (r :: rs) = showRow s r ++ showTable' s rs
showHeader : Schema -> String
showHeader [] = "\n"
showHeader ((col ::: _) :: s) = col ++ "|" ++ showHeader s
showTable : (s : Schema) -> Table s -> String
showTable s t = showHeader s ++ showTable' s t
namespace Expr
data Expr : Schema -> SQLiteType -> Type where
Col : (c : String) -> {t : SQLiteType} ->
{auto ok : HasCol s (c:::t)} ->
Expr s t
(==) : Expr s t -> Expr s t -> Expr s INTEGER
(>) : Expr s INTEGER -> Expr s INTEGER -> Expr s INTEGER
(<) : Expr s INTEGER -> Expr s INTEGER -> Expr s INTEGER
(>=) : Expr s INTEGER -> Expr s INTEGER -> Expr s INTEGER
(<=) : Expr s INTEGER -> Expr s INTEGER -> Expr s INTEGER
Length : Expr s TEXT -> Expr s INTEGER
Not : Expr s INTEGER -> Expr s INTEGER
CstI : Integer -> Expr s INTEGER
compileOp : String -> String -> String -> String
compileOp op x y = "(" ++ x ++ ") " ++ op ++ " (" ++ y ++ ")"
compileExpr : Expr s t -> String
compileExpr (Col c) = "`" ++ c ++ "`"
compileExpr (x == y) = compileOp "==" (compileExpr x) (compileExpr y)
compileExpr (x > y) = compileOp ">" (compileExpr x) (compileExpr y)
compileExpr (x < y) = compileOp "<" (compileExpr x) (compileExpr y)
compileExpr (x >= y) = compileOp ">=" (compileExpr x) (compileExpr y)
compileExpr (x <= y) = compileOp "<=" (compileExpr x) (compileExpr y)
compileExpr (Length x) = "LENGTH(" ++ compileExpr x ++ ")"
compileExpr (Not x) = "NOT(" ++ compileExpr x ++ ")"
compileExpr (CstI i) = show i
fromInteger : Integer -> Expr s INTEGER
fromInteger = CstI
namespace Query
reflectListPrf : List a -> Tactic
reflectListPrf [] = Refine (UN "Here") `Seq` Solve
reflectListPrf (x :: xs)
= Try (Refine (UN "Here") `Seq` Solve)
(Refine (UN "There") `Seq` (Solve `Seq` reflectListPrf xs))
-- The evaluator needs a 'function case' to know its a reflection function
-- until we propagate that information! Without this, the _ case won't get
-- matched.
--reflectListPrf (x ++ y) = Refine "Here" `Seq` Solve
reflectListPrf _ = Refine (UN "Here") `Seq` Solve
solveHasTable : Type -> Tactic
solveHasTable (HasTable ts n s) = reflectListPrf ts `Seq` Solve
solveHasTable (HasTable (x ++ y) n s) = Solve
data Tables : DB file -> Schema -> Type where
T : (name : String) ->
{default tactics { byReflection solveHasTable; }
ok : HasTable db name s} ->
Tables (MkDB file db) s
(*) : (t1 : String) ->
ok : HasTable db t1 s1} ->
Tables (MkDB file db) s2 ->
{auto disj : isDisjoint s1 s2 = Disjoint} ->
Tables (MkDB file db) (append s1 s2)
toTables : (tbl : String) ->
ok : HasTable db tbl s} ->
Tables (MkDB name db) s
toTables tbl {ok = ok} = T tbl {ok = ok}
compileTables : {db : DB f} -> Tables db s -> String
compileTables (T n) = n
compileTables (x * y) = x ++ ", " ++ compileTables y
data Cmd : DB f -> Type where
Insert : (into : String) -> (s : Schema) ->
{default tactics { byReflection solveHasTable; }
ok : HasTable db into s} ->
(values : Table s) ->
Cmd (MkDB f db)
Delete : (from : String) -> (s : Schema) ->
{default tactics { byReflection solveHasTable; }
ok : HasTable db from s} ->
(when : Expr s INTEGER) ->
Cmd (MkDB f db)
syntax INSERT INTO [table] AS [schema] VALUES [values] = Insert table schema values
syntax DELETE FROM [table] AS [schema] WHEN [when] = Delete table schema when
data Query : DB f -> Schema -> Type where
Select : {db : DB f} -> Tables db s -> Expr s INTEGER -> (s' : Schema) ->
{auto ok : SubSchema s' s} ->
Query db s'
syntax SELECT [schema] FROM [tables] WHERE [expr] = Select tables expr schema
compileQuery : {db : DB f} -> Query db proj -> String
compileQuery (Select ts expr proj) = "SELECT " ++
cols ++
" FROM " ++
compileTables ts ++
" WHERE " ++
compileExpr expr ++
where cols : String
cols = Foldable.concat . List.intersperse ", " . colNames $ proj
---------- Proofs ----------
Queries.Row0.projectRow_lemma = proof
rewrite (attrEta attr)
exact value