Comment out the R structure, only monads left

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Lennart Kolmodin 2010-08-24 22:15:29 +04:00
parent 4556008a65
commit 1467419c82
3 changed files with 112 additions and 102 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, MagicHash, CPP #-}
module BitsGet
( R(..)
, T(..)
, get
, getR
( -- R(..),
-- , get
-- , getR
, readBool
, readWord8
, readWord16be
@ -37,91 +37,12 @@ import GHC.Word
import GHC.Int
data R a where
RBool :: R Bool
RWord8 :: Int -> R Word8
RWord16be :: Int -> R Word16
RWord32be :: Int -> R Word32
RByteString :: Int -> R ByteString
RThis :: a -> R a
RNextTo :: R a -> R b -> R (T a b)
RMap :: R b -> (b -> R a) -> R a
RMapPure :: R a -> (a -> b) -> R b
RList :: Int -> R a -> R [a]
RCheck :: R a -> (a -> Bool) -> String -> R a
data T a b = !a :*: !b deriving (Show)
instance Functor R where
fmap f m = RMapPure m f
instance Show (R a) where
show r = case r of
RBool -> "Bool"
size_in_bits :: forall a. R a -- ^ The record
-> Int -- ^ Number of bits
size_in_bits r = case r of
RBool -> 1
RWord8 n -> min n 8
RWord16be n -> min n 16
RWord32be n -> min n 16
RByteString n -> 8 * n
RThis _ -> 0
RList n r -> n * size_in_bits r
RMap r _ -> size_in_bits r
RMapPure r _ -> size_in_bits r
RCheck r _ _ -> size_in_bits r
RNextTo a b -> size_in_bits a + size_in_bits b
data S = S !ByteString -- ^ Input
!Int -- ^ Bit offset (0-7)
deriving (Show)
size_in_bytes :: forall a. R a
-> Int
size_in_bytes r = byte_offset (size_in_bits r + 7)
get :: R a -> Get a
get r = do
bs <- getByteString (size_in_bytes r)
a :*: s <- getR (S bs 0) r
return a
getR :: S -> R a -> Get (T a S)
getR s0 r = do
case r of
RBool -> return (readBool s0)
RWord8 n -> return (readWord8 s0 n)
RWord16be n -> return (readWord16be s0 n)
RWord32be n -> return (readWord32be s0 n)
RByteString n -> return (readByteString s0 n)
RThis x -> return (x :*: s0)
RNextTo a b -> do
t :*: s <- getR s0 a
u :*: s' <- getR s b
return (t:*:u:*:s')
RMap r p -> do
a :*: s@(S bs o) <- getR s0 r
let codepath = p a
required_bytes = byte_offset (size_in_bits r - o)
bs' <- getByteString required_bytes
getR (S (bs `append` bs') o) codepath
RMapPure r f -> do
a :*: s <- getR s0 r
return (f a :*: s)
RList n r ->
let loop 0 s acc = return (List.reverse acc :*: s)
loop m s acc = do
a :*: s' <- getR s r
loop (m-1) s' (a:acc)
in loop n s0 []
RCheck r c m -> do
a :*: s <- getR s0 r
if c a
then return (a :*: s)
else fail m
-- make_mask 3 = 00000111
make_mask :: Bits a => Int -> a
make_mask n = (1 `shiftL` fromIntegral n) - 1
@ -388,3 +309,86 @@ shiftr_w16 = shiftR
shiftr_w32 = shiftR
shiftr_w64 = shiftR
data R a where
RBool :: R Bool
RWord8 :: Int -> R Word8
RWord16be :: Int -> R Word16
RWord32be :: Int -> R Word32
RByteString :: Int -> R ByteString
RThis :: a -> R a
RNextTo :: R a -> R b -> R (T a b)
RMap :: R b -> (b -> R a) -> R a
RMapPure :: R a -> (a -> b) -> R b
RList :: Int -> R a -> R [a]
RCheck :: R a -> (a -> Bool) -> String -> R a
instance Functor R where
fmap f m = RMapPure m f
instance Show (R a) where
show r = case r of
RBool -> "Bool"
size_in_bits :: forall a. R a -- ^ The record
-> Int -- ^ Number of bits
size_in_bits r = case r of
RBool -> 1
RWord8 n -> min n 8
RWord16be n -> min n 16
RWord32be n -> min n 16
RByteString n -> 8 * n
RThis _ -> 0
RList n r -> n * size_in_bits r
RMap r _ -> size_in_bits r
RMapPure r _ -> size_in_bits r
RCheck r _ _ -> size_in_bits r
RNextTo a b -> size_in_bits a + size_in_bits b
size_in_bytes :: forall a. R a
-> Int
size_in_bytes r = byte_offset (size_in_bits r + 7)
get :: R a -> Get a
get r = do
bs <- getByteString (size_in_bytes r)
a :*: s <- getR (S bs 0) r
return a
getR :: S -> R a -> Get (T a S)
getR s0 r = do
case r of
RBool -> return (readBool s0)
RWord8 n -> return (readWord8 s0 n)
RWord16be n -> return (readWord16be s0 n)
RWord32be n -> return (readWord32be s0 n)
RByteString n -> return (readByteString s0 n)
RThis x -> return (x :*: s0)
RNextTo a b -> do
t :*: s <- getR s0 a
u :*: s' <- getR s b
return (t:*:u:*:s')
RMap r p -> do
a :*: s@(S bs o) <- getR s0 r
let codepath = p a
required_bytes = byte_offset (size_in_bits r - o)
bs' <- getByteString required_bytes
getR (S (bs `append` bs') o) codepath
RMapPure r f -> do
a :*: s <- getR s0 r
return (f a :*: s)
RList n r ->
let loop 0 s acc = return (List.reverse acc :*: s)
loop m s acc = do
a :*: s' <- getR s r
loop (m-1) s' (a:acc)
in loop n s0 []
RCheck r c m -> do
a :*: s <- getR s0 r
if c a
then return (a :*: s)
else fail m

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module BitsPut
import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as B
import Data.Binary.Builder ( Builder )
import qualified Data.Binary.Put as Put
import Data.ByteString
import Data.ByteString
import Data.Bits
import Data.Monoid
@ -63,4 +63,4 @@ instance Monad BitPut where
let PairS a s' = run m s
PairS b s'' = run (k a) s'
in PairS b s''
return x = BitPut $ \s -> PairS x s
return x = BitPut $ \s -> PairS x s

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@ -14,26 +14,17 @@ import qualified BitsPut as BP
import Test.QuickCheck
main = do
quickCheck prop_Word16be_with_offset
quickCheck prop_Word16be_list
quickCheck prop_SimpleCase
quickCheck prop_Word32_from_2_Word16
quickCheck prop_Word32_from_Word8_and_Word16
quickCheck prop_Bools
quickCheck prop_Word8_putget
prop_SimpleCase :: Word16 -> Property
prop_SimpleCase w = w < 0x8000 ==>
let p = RMap RBool $ \v -> case v of
True -> RWord16be 15
False -> RMapPure
(RWord8 7 `RNextTo` RWord8 8)
(\(msb:*:lsb)-> (fromIntegral msb `shiftL` 8) .|. fromIntegral lsb)
w' = runGet (get p) lbs
in w == w'
lbs = runPut (putWord16be w)
-- these tests use the R structure
-- quickCheck prop_Word16be_with_offset
-- quickCheck prop_Word16be_list
-- quickCheck prop_SimpleCase
-- quickCheck prop_Word32_from_2_Word16
-- quickCheck prop_Word32_from_Word8_and_Word16
prop_Word8_putget :: [Word8] -> Property
prop_Word8_putget ws = length ws <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word8) ==>
-- write all word8s with as many bits as it's required
@ -56,6 +47,20 @@ prop_Bools bs = property $
in bs == bs'
where lbs = runPut $ BP.runBitPut (mapM_ BP.putBool bs)
prop_SimpleCase :: Word16 -> Property
prop_SimpleCase w = w < 0x8000 ==>
let p = RMap RBool $ \v -> case v of
True -> RWord16be 15
False -> RMapPure
(RWord8 7 `RNextTo` RWord8 8)
(\(msb:*:lsb)-> (fromIntegral msb `shiftL` 8) .|. fromIntegral lsb)
w' = runGet (get p) lbs
in w == w'
lbs = runPut (putWord16be w)
prop_Word16be_with_offset :: Word16 -> Property
prop_Word16be_with_offset w = w < 0x8000 ==>
let b :*: w' :*: w'' = runGet (get (RCheck RBool not "fail" `RNextTo` RWord16be 15 `RNextTo` RWord16be 16)) lbs
@ -88,6 +93,7 @@ prop_Word32_from_2_Word16 w1 w2 = property $
lbs = encode w0
w0 = ((fromIntegral w1) `shiftL` 16) .|. fromIntegral w2
instance Arbitrary Word8 where
arbitrary = choose (minBound, maxBound)