Use test-framework to handles tests

This commit is contained in:
Lennart Kolmodin 2010-08-26 23:56:27 +04:00
parent db823eb431
commit 856e4d3678
2 changed files with 53 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -7,33 +7,72 @@ import Data.Binary.Put ( runPut )
import Bits
import Data.Bits
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Storable
import System.Random
import System
import BitsGet
import BitsPut
import Test.Framework.Options ( TestOptions'(..) )
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 ( testProperty )
import Test.Framework.Runners.Console ( defaultMainWithOpts )
import Test.Framework.Runners.Options ( RunnerOptions'(..) )
import Test.Framework ( Test, testGroup )
import Test.QuickCheck
main = do
quickCheck prop_bitreq
quickCheck prop_composite_case
args <- getArgs
defaultMainWithOpts tests (setMaxTestCases (if null args then 1024 else read (head args)))
-- increase the number of test cases
setMaxTestCases n =
{ ropt_test_options = Just $
{ topt_maximum_generated_tests = Just n
quickCheck (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: Word8 -> Property)
quickCheck (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: Word16 -> Property)
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "Internal test functions"
[ testProperty "prop_bitreq" prop_bitreq ]
quickCheck (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Bool] -> Property)
quickCheck (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Word8] -> Property)
quickCheck (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Word16] -> Property)
, testGroup "Custom test cases"
[ testProperty "prop_composite_case" prop_composite_case ]
quickCheck (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: [Word8] -> Property)
quickCheck (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: [Word16] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_put_with_bitreq"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: Word8 -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: Word16 -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: Word32 -> Property)
-- , testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: Word64 -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_putget_list_simple"
[ testProperty "Bool" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Bool] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Word32] -> Property)
-- , testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Word64] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_putget_list_with_bitreq"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: [Word32] -> Property)
-- , testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: [Word64] -> Property)
-- these tests use the R structure
-- quickCheck prop_Word32_from_2_Word16
-- quickCheck prop_Word32_from_Word8_and_Word16
prop_putget_with_bitreq :: (BinaryBit a, Num a, Bits a, Ord a) => a -> Property
prop_putget_with_bitreq w = property $

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@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ test-suite qc
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: BitsQC.hs
build-depends: binary-bits,
base==4.*, binary, bytestring,
QuickCheck>=2, random
build-depends: binary-bits, binary,
base==4.*, haskell98, bytestring,
QuickCheck>=2, random,