Add support for byte alignment and bit skip

This commit is contained in:
Sylvain HENRY 2015-03-06 20:40:36 +01:00
parent 4c202bbffb
commit 858e615896
5 changed files with 76 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Storable
import System.Random
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
@ -262,8 +261,8 @@ prop_fail lbs errMsg0 = forAll (choose (0, 8 * L.length lbs)) $ \len ->
| bits == 0 = bytes
| otherwise = bytes + 1
p = do getByteString (fromIntegral bytes)
getBits (fromIntegral bits) :: BitGet Word8
p = do _ <- getByteString (fromIntegral bytes)
_ <- getBits (fromIntegral bits) :: BitGet Word8
fail errMsg0
r = runGetIncremental (runBitGet p) `pushChunks` lbs
in case r of
@ -395,11 +394,6 @@ instance (Arbitrary (W a), Arbitrary (W b), Arbitrary (W c)) => Arbitrary (W (a,
arbitrary = ((W .) .) . (,,) <$> arbitraryW <*> arbitraryW <*> arbitraryW
shrink (W (a,b,c)) = ((W .) .) . (,,) <$> shrinkW a <*> shrinkW b <*> shrinkW c
integralRandomR :: (Integral a, RandomGen g) => (a,a) -> g -> (a,g)
integralRandomR (a,b) g = case randomR (fromIntegral a :: Integer,
fromIntegral b :: Integer) g of
(x,g) -> (fromIntegral x, g)
data Primitive
= Bool Bool
| W8 Int Word8
@ -408,6 +402,7 @@ data Primitive
| W64 Int Word64
| BS Int B.ByteString
| LBS Int L.ByteString
| Skip Int
| IsEmpty
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -426,6 +421,7 @@ instance Arbitrary Primitive where
, gen W16
, gen W32
, gen W64
, Skip <$> choose (0, 3000)
, do n <- choose (0,10)
cs <- vector n
return (BS n (B.pack cs))
@ -442,6 +438,7 @@ instance Arbitrary Primitive where
W16 _ x -> snk W16 x
W32 _ x -> snk W32 x
W64 _ x -> snk W64 x
Skip x -> Skip <$> shrink x
BS _ bs -> let ws = B.unpack bs in map (\ws' -> BS (length ws') (B.pack ws')) (shrink ws)
LBS _ lbs -> let ws = L.unpack lbs in map (\ws' -> LBS (length ws') (L.pack ws')) (shrink ws)
IsEmpty -> []
@ -478,6 +475,7 @@ putPrimitive p =
W16 n x -> putWord16 n x
W32 n x -> putWord32 n x
W64 n x -> putWord64 n x
Skip n -> skipBits n
BS _ bs -> putByteString bs
LBS _ lbs -> mapM_ putByteString (L.toChunks lbs)
IsEmpty -> return ()
@ -490,10 +488,22 @@ getPrimitive p =
W16 n _ -> W16 n <$> getWord16 n
W32 n _ -> W32 n <$> getWord32 n
W64 n _ -> W64 n <$> getWord64 n
Skip n -> skipBits n >> return (Skip n)
BS n _ -> BS n <$> getByteString n
LBS n _ -> LBS n <$> getLazyByteString n
IsEmpty -> isEmpty >> return IsEmpty
getPrimitiveSize :: Primitive -> Int
getPrimitiveSize p = case p of
Bool _ -> 1
W8 n _ -> n
W16 n _ -> n
W32 n _ -> n
W64 n _ -> n
Skip n -> n
BS n _ -> n*8
LBS n _ -> n*8
IsEmpty -> 0
verifyProgram :: Int -> Program -> BitGet Bool
verifyProgram totalLength ps0 = go 0 ps0
@ -501,13 +511,6 @@ verifyProgram totalLength ps0 = go 0 ps0
go _ [] = return True
go pos (p:ps) =
case p of
Bool x -> check x getBool >> go (pos+1) ps
W8 n x -> check x (getWord8 n) >> go (pos+n) ps
W16 n x -> check x (getWord16 n) >> go (pos+n) ps
W32 n x -> check x (getWord32 n) >> go (pos+n) ps
W64 n x -> check x (getWord64 n) >> go (pos+n) ps
BS n x -> check x (getByteString n) >> go (pos+(8*n)) ps
LBS n x -> check x (getLazyByteString n) >> go (pos+(8*n)) ps
IsEmpty -> do
let expected = pos == totalLength
actual <- isEmpty
@ -515,6 +518,7 @@ verifyProgram totalLength ps0 = go 0 ps0
then go pos ps
else error $ "isEmpty returned wrong value, expected "
++ show expected ++ " but got " ++ show actual
_ -> check p (getPrimitive p) >> go (pos + getPrimitiveSize p) ps
check x g = do
y <- g
if x == y

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-- |
-- Module : Data.Binary.Bits.Get
-- Copyright : (c) Lennart Kolmodin 2010-2011
-- (c) Sylvain Henry 2015
-- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable (should run where the package binary runs)
module Data.Binary.Bits.Alignment
( Alignable(..)
class Monad m => Alignable m where
-- | Skip the given number of bits
skipBits :: Int -> m ()
-- | Skip bits if necessary to align to the next byte
alignByte :: m ()

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@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ import Data.Binary.Get as B ( Get, getLazyByteString, isEmpty )
import Data.Binary.Get.Internal as B ( get, put, ensureN )
import Data.Binary.Bits.BitOrder
import Data.Binary.Bits.Internal
import Data.Binary.Bits.Alignment
import Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
@ -291,6 +292,20 @@ instance BitOrderable BitGet where
(S _ _ bo) <- getState
return bo
instance Alignable BitGet where
-- | Skip the given number of bits
skipBits n = do
ensureBits n
withState (incS n)
-- | Skip bits if necessary to align to the next byte
alignByte = do
(S _ o _) <- getState
when (o /= 0) $
skipBits (8-o)
-- | Run a 'BitGet' within the Binary packages 'Get' monad. If a byte has
-- been partially consumed it will be discarded once 'runBitGet' is finished.
runBitGet :: BitGet a -> Get a
@ -338,20 +353,6 @@ ensureBits n = do
put B.empty
return (S (bs`append`bs') o bo, ())
-- | Skip the given number of bits
skipBits :: Int -> BitGet ()
skipBits n = do
ensureBits n
withState (incS n)
-- | Skip bits if necessary to align to the next byte
alignByte :: BitGet ()
alignByte = do
(S _ o _) <- getState
when (o /= 0) $
skipBits (8-o)
-- | Test whether all input has been consumed, i.e. there are no remaining
-- undecoded bytes.
isEmpty :: BitGet Bool

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@ -41,11 +41,13 @@ import qualified Data.Binary.Put as Put
import Data.Binary.Put ( Put )
import Data.Binary.Bits.Internal
import Data.Binary.Bits.BitOrder
import Data.Binary.Bits.Alignment
import Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
@ -178,6 +180,9 @@ flushIncomplete s@(S b w o bo)
| o == 0 = s
| otherwise = (S (b `mappend` B.singleton w) 0 0 bo)
getOffset :: BitPut Int
getOffset = BitPut $ \s@(S _ _ o _) -> PairS o s
-- | Run the 'BitPut' monad inside 'Put'.
runBitPut :: BitPut () -> Put.Put
runBitPut m = Put.putBuilder b
@ -208,3 +213,15 @@ instance BitOrderable BitPut where
setBitOrder bo = BitPut $ \(S bu b o _) -> PairS () (S bu b o bo)
getBitOrder = BitPut $ \s@(S _ _ _ bo) -> PairS bo s
instance Alignable BitPut where
-- | Skip the given number of bits
skipBits n
| n <= 64 = putWord64 n 0
| otherwise = putWord64 64 0 >> skipBits (n-64)
-- | Skip bits if necessary to align to the next byte
alignByte = do
o <- getOffset
when (o /= 0) $
skipBits (8-o)

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@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ library
exposed-modules: Data.Binary.Bits ,
Data.Binary.Bits.Put ,
Data.Binary.Bits.Get ,
Data.Binary.Bits.BitOrder ,
other-modules: Data.Binary.Bits.Internal
default-language: Haskell98
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ test-suite qc
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: BitsQC.hs
default-language: Haskell98
--ghc-options: -O2 -Wall
build-depends: base==4.*, binary >=, bytestring,
QuickCheck>=2, random,