Override default QC 2.4 Arbitrary instance

In previous QC versions we had to declare our own instances of Arbitrary for
Word8/Word16/Word32/Word64. This suited us well, as we want to implement our
own shrinking method. In this patch we're working around these instances with
the W datatype, a wrapper for the datatypes we're interested in.
This commit is contained in:
Lennart Kolmodin 2011-06-01 08:28:24 +04:00
parent 5a9c73664a
commit d259c3a2db

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where
import Data.Binary ( encode, Binary(..) )
@ -9,6 +11,7 @@ import qualified Data.Binary.Put as BP ( putWord8, putWord16be, putWord32be, put
import Bits
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Bits
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
@ -37,53 +40,53 @@ tests =
[ testProperty "prop_composite_case" prop_composite_case ]
, testGroup "prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: [Word64] -> Property)
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: W [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: W [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: W [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: W [Word64] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: [Word64] -> Property)
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: W [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: W [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: W [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: W [Word64] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_compare_put_with_naive"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_compare_put_with_naive :: [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_compare_put_with_naive :: [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_compare_put_with_naive :: [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_compare_put_with_naive :: [Word64] -> Property)
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_compare_put_with_naive :: W [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_compare_put_with_naive :: W [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_compare_put_with_naive :: W [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_compare_put_with_naive :: W [Word64] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_compare_get_with_naive"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_compare_get_with_naive:: [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_compare_get_with_naive:: [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_compare_get_with_naive:: [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_compare_get_with_naive:: [Word64] -> Property)
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_compare_get_with_naive:: W [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_compare_get_with_naive:: W [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_compare_get_with_naive:: W [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_compare_get_with_naive:: W [Word64] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_put_with_bitreq"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: Word8 -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: Word16 -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: Word32 -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: Word64 -> Property)
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: W Word8 -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: W Word16 -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: W Word32 -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: W Word64 -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_putget_list_simple"
[ testProperty "Bool" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Bool] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_list_simple :: [Word64] -> Property)
[ testProperty "Bool" (prop_putget_list_simple :: W [Bool] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_list_simple :: W [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_list_simple :: W [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_list_simple :: W [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_list_simple :: W [Word64] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_putget_list_with_bitreq"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: [Word64] -> Property)
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: W [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: W [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: W [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: W [Word64] -> Property)
@ -94,8 +97,8 @@ tests =
-- quickCheck prop_Word32_from_Word8_and_Word16
prop_putget_with_bitreq :: (BinaryBit a, Num a, Bits a, Ord a) => a -> Property
prop_putget_with_bitreq w = property $
prop_putget_with_bitreq :: (BinaryBit a, Num a, Bits a, Ord a) => W a -> Property
prop_putget_with_bitreq (W w) = property $
-- write all words with as many bits as it's required
let p = putBits (bitreq w) w
g = getBits (bitreq w)
@ -105,8 +108,8 @@ prop_putget_with_bitreq w = property $
-- | Write a list of items. Each item is written with the maximum amount of
-- bits, i.e. 8 for Word8, 16 for Word16, etc.
prop_putget_list_simple :: (BinaryBit a, Eq a, Storable a) => [a] -> Property
prop_putget_list_simple ws = property $
prop_putget_list_simple :: (BinaryBit a, Eq a, Storable a) => W [a] -> Property
prop_putget_list_simple (W ws) = property $
let s = sizeOf (head ws) * 8
p = mapM_ (\v -> putBits s v) ws
g = mapM (const (getBits s)) ws
@ -116,8 +119,8 @@ prop_putget_list_simple ws = property $
-- | Write a list of items. Each item is written with exactly as many bits
-- as required. Then read it back.
prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: (BinaryBit a, Num a, Bits a, Ord a) => [a] -> Property
prop_putget_list_with_bitreq ws = property $
prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: (BinaryBit a, Num a, Bits a, Ord a) => W [a] -> Property
prop_putget_list_with_bitreq (W ws) = property $
-- write all words with as many bits as it's required
let p = mapM_ (\v -> putBits (bitreq v) v) ws
g = mapM getBits bitlist
@ -129,8 +132,8 @@ prop_putget_list_with_bitreq ws = property $
-- | Write bits using this library, and read them back using the binary
-- library.
prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: (BinaryBit a, Binary a, Storable a, Eq a) => [a] -> Property
prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary ws = property $
prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: (BinaryBit a, Binary a, Storable a, Eq a) => W [a] -> Property
prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary (W ws) = property $
let s = sizeOf (head ws) * 8
p = mapM_ (putBits s) ws
g = mapM (const get) ws
@ -140,8 +143,8 @@ prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary ws = property $
-- | Write bits using the binary library, and read them back using this
-- library.
prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: (BinaryBit a, Binary a, Storable a, Eq a) => [a] -> Property
prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary ws = property $
prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: (BinaryBit a, Binary a, Storable a, Eq a) => W [a] -> Property
prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary (W ws) = property $
let s = sizeOf (head ws) * 8
p = mapM_ put ws
g = mapM (const (getBits s)) ws
@ -156,13 +159,13 @@ bitreq v = fromIntegral . head $ [ req | (req, top) <- bittable, v <= top ]
bittable :: Bits a => [(Integer, a)]
bittable = [ (fromIntegral x, (1 `shiftL` x) - 1) | x <- [1..64] ]
prop_bitreq :: Word64 -> Property
prop_bitreq w = property $
prop_bitreq :: W Word64 -> Property
prop_bitreq (W w) = property $
( w == 0 && bitreq w == 1 )
|| bitreq w == (bitreq (w `shiftR` 1)) + 1
prop_composite_case :: Bool -> Word16 -> Property
prop_composite_case b w = w < 0x8000 ==>
prop_composite_case :: Bool -> W Word16 -> Property
prop_composite_case b (W w) = w < 0x8000 ==>
let p = do putBool b
putWord16be 15 w
g = do v <- getBool
@ -177,16 +180,16 @@ prop_composite_case b w = w < 0x8000 ==>
in w == w'
prop_compare_put_with_naive :: (Bits a, BinaryBit a, Ord a) => [a] -> Property
prop_compare_put_with_naive ws = property $
prop_compare_put_with_naive :: (Bits a, BinaryBit a, Ord a) => W [a] -> Property
prop_compare_put_with_naive (W ws) = property $
let pn = mapM_ (\v -> naive_put (bitreq v) v) ws
p = mapM_ (\v -> putBits (bitreq v) v) ws
lbs_n = runPut (runBitPut pn)
lbs = runPut (runBitPut p)
in lbs_n == lbs
prop_compare_get_with_naive :: (Bits a, BinaryBit a, Ord a, Num a) => [a] -> Property
prop_compare_get_with_naive ws = property $
prop_compare_get_with_naive :: (Bits a, BinaryBit a, Ord a, Num a) => W [a] -> Property
prop_compare_get_with_naive (W ws) = property $
let gn = mapM (\v -> naive_get (bitreq v)) ws
g = mapM (\v -> getBits (bitreq v)) ws
p = mapM_ (\v -> naive_put (bitreq v) v) ws
@ -244,21 +247,31 @@ shrinker w = [ w `shiftR` 1 -- try to make everything roughly half size
n = bitreq w
instance Arbitrary Word8 where
arbitrary = choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = shrinker
data W a = W { unW :: a } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Arbitrary Word16 where
arbitrary = choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = shrinker
instance Arbitrary (W Bool) where
arbitrary = W <$> arbitrary
shrink = map W <$> shrink . unW
instance Arbitrary Word32 where
arbitrary = choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = shrinker
instance (Arbitrary (W a)) => Arbitrary (W [a]) where
arbitrary = W . map unW <$> arbitrary
shrink = map (W . map unW) <$> mapM shrink . map W . unW
instance Arbitrary Word64 where
arbitrary = choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = shrinker
instance Arbitrary (W Word8) where
arbitrary = W <$> choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = map W . shrinker . unW
instance Arbitrary (W Word16) where
arbitrary = W <$> choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = map W . shrinker . unW
instance Arbitrary (W Word32) where
arbitrary = W <$> choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = map W . shrinker . unW
instance Arbitrary (W Word64) where
arbitrary = W <$> choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = map W . shrinker . unW
integralRandomR :: (Integral a, RandomGen g) => (a,a) -> g -> (a,g)
integralRandomR (a,b) g = case randomR (fromIntegral a :: Integer,