Add test for Applicative BitGet.

What's more interesting is Applicative Block, but we don't have a class for
Block reads yet, so we can't make the test polymorphic.
This commit is contained in:
Lennart Kolmodin 2011-10-22 15:37:18 +04:00
parent 8ce95bb417
commit df45a36c23

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@ -82,6 +82,13 @@ tests =
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_list_simple :: W [Word64] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_putget_applicative_with_bitreq"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_applicative_with_bitreq :: W [(Word8,Word8,Word8)] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_applicative_with_bitreq :: W [(Word16,Word16,Word16)] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_applicative_with_bitreq :: W [(Word32,Word32,Word32)] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_applicative_with_bitreq :: W [(Word64,Word64,Word64)] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_putget_list_with_bitreq"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: W [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: W [Word16] -> Property)
@ -129,6 +136,18 @@ prop_putget_list_with_bitreq (W ws) = property $
bitlist = map bitreq ws
prop_putget_applicative_with_bitreq :: (BinaryBit a, Num a, Bits a, Ord a) => W [(a,a,a)] -> Property
prop_putget_applicative_with_bitreq (W ts) = property $
let p = mapM_ (\(a,b,c) -> do putBits (bitreq a) a
putBits (bitreq b) b
putBits (bitreq c) c) ts
g = mapM (\(a,b,c) -> (,,) <$> getBits a <*> getBits b <*> getBits c) bitlist
lbs = runPut (runBitPut p)
ts' = runGet (runBitGet g) lbs
in ts == ts'
bitlist = map (\(a,b,c) -> (bitreq a, bitreq b, bitreq c)) ts
-- | Write bits using this library, and read them back using the binary
-- library.
prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: (BinaryBit a, Binary a, Storable a, Eq a) => W [a] -> Property
@ -235,14 +254,16 @@ shrinker w = [ w `shiftR` 1 -- try to make everything roughly half size
data W a = W { unW :: a } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
arbitraryW :: (Arbitrary (W a)) => Gen a
arbitraryW = unW <$> arbitrary
shrinkW :: (Arbitrary (W a)) => a -> [a]
shrinkW x = unW <$> shrink (W x)
instance Arbitrary (W Bool) where
arbitrary = W <$> arbitrary
shrink = map W <$> shrink . unW
instance (Arbitrary (W a)) => Arbitrary (W [a]) where
arbitrary = W . map unW <$> arbitrary
shrink = map (W . map unW) <$> mapM shrink . map W . unW
instance Arbitrary (W Word8) where
arbitrary = W <$> choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = map W . shrinker . unW
@ -263,6 +284,18 @@ instance Arbitrary B.ByteString where
arbitrary = B.pack <$> arbitrary
shrink bs = B.pack <$> shrink (B.unpack bs)
instance (Arbitrary (W a)) => Arbitrary (W [a]) where
arbitrary = W . map unW <$> arbitrary
shrink = map (W . map unW) <$> mapM shrink . map W . unW
instance (Arbitrary (W a), Arbitrary (W b)) => Arbitrary (W (a,b)) where
arbitrary = (W .) . (,) <$> arbitraryW <*> arbitraryW
shrink (W (a,b)) = (W .) . (,) <$> shrinkW a <*> shrinkW b
instance (Arbitrary (W a), Arbitrary (W b), Arbitrary (W c)) => Arbitrary (W (a,b,c)) where
arbitrary = ((W .) .) . (,,) <$> arbitraryW <*> arbitraryW <*> arbitraryW
shrink (W (a,b,c)) = ((W .) .) . (,,) <$> shrinkW a <*> shrinkW b <*> shrinkW c
integralRandomR :: (Integral a, RandomGen g) => (a,a) -> g -> (a,g)
integralRandomR (a,b) g = case randomR (fromIntegral a :: Integer,
fromIntegral b :: Integer) g of