Lennart Kolmodin b7c49b11b1 Add test to read ByteStrings that start with random offsets.
Previously reading ByteStrings would always start at the next byte, ignoring
any partial byte it might be processing. Last patch fixed this and allows
reading at any offset without discarding any bits (although very expensive in
CPU). This new test reads and writes ByteStrings interleaved with other random
bits thus verifying this new functionality.
2011-10-12 00:33:29 +04:00

319 lines
12 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, TupleSections #-}
module Main where
import Data.Binary ( encode, Binary(..) )
import Data.Binary.Get ( runGet )
import Data.Binary.Put ( runPut )
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as BG ( getWord8, getWord16be, getWord32be, getWord64be )
import qualified Data.Binary.Put as BP ( putWord8, putWord16be, putWord32be, putWord64be )
import Data.Binary.Bits
import Data.Binary.Bits.Get
import Data.Binary.Bits.Put
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Bits
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Storable
import System.Random
import Test.Framework.Options ( TestOptions'(..) )
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 ( testProperty )
import Test.Framework.Runners.Console ( defaultMain )
import Test.Framework.Runners.Options ( RunnerOptions'(..) )
import Test.Framework ( Test, testGroup )
import Test.QuickCheck
main = defaultMain tests
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ testGroup "Internal test functions"
[ testProperty "prop_bitreq" prop_bitreq ]
, testGroup "Custom test cases"
[ testProperty "prop_composite_case" prop_composite_case ]
, testGroup "prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: W [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: W [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: W [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: W [Word64] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: W [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: W [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: W [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: W [Word64] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_compare_put_with_naive"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_compare_put_with_naive :: W [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_compare_put_with_naive :: W [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_compare_put_with_naive :: W [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_compare_put_with_naive :: W [Word64] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_compare_get_with_naive"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_compare_get_with_naive:: W [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_compare_get_with_naive:: W [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_compare_get_with_naive:: W [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_compare_get_with_naive:: W [Word64] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_put_with_bitreq"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: W Word8 -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: W Word16 -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: W Word32 -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_with_bitreq :: W Word64 -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_putget_list_simple"
[ testProperty "Bool" (prop_putget_list_simple :: W [Bool] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_list_simple :: W [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_list_simple :: W [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_list_simple :: W [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_list_simple :: W [Word64] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_putget_list_with_bitreq"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: W [Word8] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: W [Word16] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: W [Word32] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: W [Word64] -> Property)
, testGroup "prop_bitget_bytestring_interspersed"
[ testProperty "Word8" (prop_bitget_bytestring_interspersed :: W Word8 -> [B.ByteString] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word16" (prop_bitget_bytestring_interspersed :: W Word16 -> [B.ByteString] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word32" (prop_bitget_bytestring_interspersed :: W Word32 -> [B.ByteString] -> Property)
, testProperty "Word64" (prop_bitget_bytestring_interspersed :: W Word64 -> [B.ByteString] -> Property)
-- these tests use the R structure
-- quickCheck prop_Word32_from_2_Word16
-- quickCheck prop_Word32_from_Word8_and_Word16
prop_putget_with_bitreq :: (BinaryBit a, Num a, Bits a, Ord a) => W a -> Property
prop_putget_with_bitreq (W w) = property $
-- write all words with as many bits as it's required
let p = putBits (bitreq w) w
g = getBits (bitreq w)
lbs = runPut (runBitPut p)
w' = runGet (runBitGet g) lbs
in w == w'
-- | Write a list of items. Each item is written with the maximum amount of
-- bits, i.e. 8 for Word8, 16 for Word16, etc.
prop_putget_list_simple :: (BinaryBit a, Eq a, Storable a) => W [a] -> Property
prop_putget_list_simple (W ws) = property $
let s = sizeOf (head ws) * 8
p = mapM_ (\v -> putBits s v) ws
g = mapM (const (getBits s)) ws
lbs = runPut (runBitPut p)
ws' = runGet (runBitGet g) lbs
in ws == ws'
-- | Write a list of items. Each item is written with exactly as many bits
-- as required. Then read it back.
prop_putget_list_with_bitreq :: (BinaryBit a, Num a, Bits a, Ord a) => W [a] -> Property
prop_putget_list_with_bitreq (W ws) = property $
-- write all words with as many bits as it's required
let p = mapM_ (\v -> putBits (bitreq v) v) ws
g = mapM getBits bitlist
lbs = runPut (runBitPut p)
ws' = runGet (runBitGet g) lbs
in ws == ws'
bitlist = map bitreq ws
-- | Write bits using this library, and read them back using the binary
-- library.
prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary :: (BinaryBit a, Binary a, Storable a, Eq a) => W [a] -> Property
prop_bitput_with_get_from_binary (W ws) = property $
let s = sizeOf (head ws) * 8
p = mapM_ (putBits s) ws
g = mapM (const get) ws
lbs = runPut (runBitPut p)
ws' = runGet g lbs
in ws == ws'
-- | Write bits using the binary library, and read them back using this
-- library.
prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary :: (BinaryBit a, Binary a, Storable a, Eq a) => W [a] -> Property
prop_bitget_with_put_from_binary (W ws) = property $
let s = sizeOf (head ws) * 8
p = mapM_ put ws
g = mapM (const (getBits s)) ws
lbs = runPut p
ws' = runGet (runBitGet g) lbs
in ws == ws'
-- | Write each 'ByteString' with a variable sized value as a separator.
prop_bitget_bytestring_interspersed :: (BinaryBit a, Binary a, Num a, Ord a, Bits a) => W a -> [B.ByteString] -> Property
prop_bitget_bytestring_interspersed (W ws) bss = property $
let p = mapM_ (\bs -> putBits (bitreq ws) ws >> putByteString bs) bss
g = mapM (\bs -> (,) <$> (getBits (bitreq ws)) <*> (getByteString (B.length bs))) bss
lbs = runPut (runBitPut p)
r = runGet (runBitGet g) lbs
in map (ws,) bss == r
-- number of bits required to write @v@
bitreq :: (Num b, Bits a, Ord a) => a -> b
bitreq v = fromIntegral . head $ [ req | (req, top) <- bittable, v <= top ]
bittable :: Bits a => [(Integer, a)]
bittable = [ (fromIntegral x, (1 `shiftL` x) - 1) | x <- [1..64] ]
prop_bitreq :: W Word64 -> Property
prop_bitreq (W w) = property $
( w == 0 && bitreq w == 1 )
|| bitreq w == (bitreq (w `shiftR` 1)) + 1
prop_composite_case :: Bool -> W Word16 -> Property
prop_composite_case b (W w) = w < 0x8000 ==>
let p = do putBool b
putWord16be 15 w
g = do v <- getBool
case v of
True -> getWord16be 15
False -> do
msb <- getWord8 7
lsb <- getWord8 8
return ((fromIntegral msb `shiftL` 8) .|. fromIntegral lsb)
lbs = runPut (runBitPut p)
w' = runGet (runBitGet g) lbs
in w == w'
prop_compare_put_with_naive :: (Bits a, BinaryBit a, Ord a) => W [a] -> Property
prop_compare_put_with_naive (W ws) = property $
let pn = mapM_ (\v -> naive_put (bitreq v) v) ws
p = mapM_ (\v -> putBits (bitreq v) v) ws
lbs_n = runPut (runBitPut pn)
lbs = runPut (runBitPut p)
in lbs_n == lbs
prop_compare_get_with_naive :: (Bits a, BinaryBit a, Ord a, Num a) => W [a] -> Property
prop_compare_get_with_naive (W ws) = property $
let gn = mapM (\v -> naive_get (bitreq v)) ws
g = mapM (\v -> getBits (bitreq v)) ws
p = mapM_ (\v -> naive_put (bitreq v) v) ws
lbs = runPut (runBitPut p)
rn = runGet (runBitGet gn) lbs
r = runGet (runBitGet g ) lbs
-- we must help our compiler to resolve the types of 'gn' and 'g'
types = rn == ws && r == ws
in rn == r
-- | Write one bit at a time until the full word has been written
naive_put :: (Bits a) => Int -> a -> BitPut ()
naive_put n w = mapM_ (\b -> putBool (testBit w b)) [n-1,n-2..0]
-- | Read one bit at a time until we've reconstructed the whole word
naive_get :: (Bits a, Num a) => Int -> BitGet a
naive_get n0 =
let loop 0 acc = return acc
loop n acc = do
b <- getBool
case b of
False -> loop (n-1) (acc `shiftL` 1)
True -> loop (n-1) ((acc `shiftL` 1) + 1)
in loop n0 0
prop_Word32_from_Word8_and_Word16 :: Word8 -> Word16 -> Property
prop_Word32_from_Word8_and_Word16 w8 w16 = property $
let p = RWord32be 24
w' = runGet (get p) lbs
in w0 == w'
lbs = runPut (putWord8 w8 >> putWord16be w16)
w0 = ((fromIntegral w8) `shiftL` 16) .|. fromIntegral w16
prop_Word32_from_2_Word16 :: Word16 -> Word16 -> Property
prop_Word32_from_2_Word16 w1 w2 = property $
let p = RWord32be 32
w' = runGet (get p) lbs
in w0 == w'
lbs = encode w0
w0 = ((fromIntegral w1) `shiftL` 16) .|. fromIntegral w2
shrinker :: (Num a, Ord a, Bits a) => a -> [a]
shrinker 0 = []
shrinker w = [ w `shiftR` 1 -- try to make everything roughly half size
] ++ [ w' -- flip bits to zero, left->right
| m <- [n, n-1..1]
, let w' = w `clearBit` m
, w /= w'
] ++ [w-1] -- just make it a little smaller
n = bitreq w
data W a = W { unW :: a } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Arbitrary (W Bool) where
arbitrary = W <$> arbitrary
shrink = map W <$> shrink . unW
instance (Arbitrary (W a)) => Arbitrary (W [a]) where
arbitrary = W . map unW <$> arbitrary
shrink = map (W . map unW) <$> mapM shrink . map W . unW
instance Arbitrary (W Word8) where
arbitrary = W <$> choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = map W . shrinker . unW
instance Arbitrary (W Word16) where
arbitrary = W <$> choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = map W . shrinker . unW
instance Arbitrary (W Word32) where
arbitrary = W <$> choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = map W . shrinker . unW
instance Arbitrary (W Word64) where
arbitrary = W <$> choose (minBound, maxBound)
shrink = map W . shrinker . unW
instance Arbitrary B.ByteString where
arbitrary = B.pack <$> arbitrary
shrink bs = B.pack <$> shrink (B.unpack bs)
integralRandomR :: (Integral a, RandomGen g) => (a,a) -> g -> (a,g)
integralRandomR (a,b) g = case randomR (fromIntegral a :: Integer,
fromIntegral b :: Integer) g of
(x,g) -> (fromIntegral x, g)
instance Random Word where
randomR = integralRandomR
random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)
instance Random Word8 where
randomR = integralRandomR
random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)
instance Random Word16 where
randomR = integralRandomR
random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)
instance Random Word32 where
randomR = integralRandomR
random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)
instance Random Word64 where
randomR = integralRandomR
random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)