Re-emit memoized errors at different behaviors (#66)

* Re-emit memoized errors at different behaviors

* Fix client/server vs server/client memoization
This commit is contained in:
mniip 2021-05-28 14:45:59 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent b5ed0cb04a
commit 1e7e283b2c
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 54 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Kind
import Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
-- | Kind
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ class
data Behave a b
class (Ord (Issue l), Show (Issue l)) => Issuable (l :: BehaviorLevel) where
class (Typeable l, Ord (Issue l), Show (Issue l)) => Issuable (l :: BehaviorLevel) where
data Issue l :: Type
describeIssue :: Issue l -> Text
describeIssue = T.pack . show -- TODO: remove this default

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module OpenAPI.Checker.Formula
, errors
, calculate
, maxFixpoint
, mapErrors
) where
import Data.Kind
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ data FormulaF (q :: k -> k -> Type) (f :: k -> Type) (r :: k) (a :: Type) where
-- ^ invariant: at least one of LHS and RHS is not 'Errors', and they are
-- both not 'Result'
SelectFirst :: NE.NonEmpty (SomeFormulaF b)
-> !(AnItem q f r) -> (b -> a) -> FormulaF q f r a
-> !(P.PathsPrefixTree q f r) -> (b -> a) -> FormulaF q f r a
-- ^ invariant: the list doesn't contain any 'Result's, 'Errors' or
-- 'SelectFirst'
Variable :: !VarRef -> a -> FormulaF q f r a
@ -40,11 +41,11 @@ mkApply f (Result x) h = h . ($ x) <$> f
mkApply (Errors e1) (Errors e2) _ = Errors (e1 <> e2)
mkApply f x h = Apply f x h
mkSelectFirst :: [SomeFormulaF b] -> AnItem q f r -> (b -> a) -> FormulaF q f r a
mkSelectFirst :: [SomeFormulaF b] -> P.PathsPrefixTree q f r -> (b -> a) -> FormulaF q f r a
mkSelectFirst fs allE h = case foldMap check fs of
(First (Just x), _) -> Result (h x)
(First Nothing, x:xs) -> SelectFirst (x NE.:| xs) allE h
(First Nothing, []) -> Errors $ P.singleton allE
(First Nothing, []) -> Errors allE
check (SomeFormulaF (Result x)) = (First (Just x), mempty)
check (SomeFormulaF (Errors _)) = (mempty, mempty)
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ instance Applicative (FormulaF q f r) where
f <*> x = mkApply f x id
eitherOf :: [FormulaF q' f' r' a] -> AnItem q f r -> FormulaF q f r a
eitherOf fs allE = mkSelectFirst (map SomeFormulaF fs) allE id
eitherOf fs allE = mkSelectFirst (map SomeFormulaF fs) (P.singleton allE) id
calculate :: FormulaF q f r a -> Either (P.PathsPrefixTree q f r) a
calculate (Result x) = Right x
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ calculate (SelectFirst xs e h) = go (NE.toList xs)
go (SomeFormulaF r:rs) = case calculate r of
Left _ -> go rs
Right x -> Right (h x)
go [] = Left $ P.singleton e
go [] = Left e
calculate (Variable i _) = error $ "Unknown variable " <> show i
-- Approximate for now. Answers yes/no correctly, but the error lists aren't
@ -115,3 +116,10 @@ maxFixpoint i = go
go v@(Variable _ _) = v
goSF :: SomeFormulaF a -> SomeFormulaF a
goSF (SomeFormulaF x) = SomeFormulaF (go x)
mapErrors :: (P.PathsPrefixTree q f r -> P.PathsPrefixTree q' f' r') -> FormulaF q f r a -> FormulaF q' f' r' a
mapErrors _ (Result x) = Result x
mapErrors m (Errors e) = Errors $ m e
mapErrors m (Apply f x h) = mkApply (mapErrors m f) (mapErrors m x) h
mapErrors m (SelectFirst fs e h) = mkSelectFirst (NE.toList fs) (m e) h
mapErrors _ (Variable i x) = Variable i x

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@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ runChecker = do
fail "Exiting"
Right s -> pure s
Right s -> pure s
a <- traced Root <$> parseSchema (clientFile opts)
b <- traced Root <$> parseSchema (serverFile opts)
a <- traced (step ClientSchema) <$> parseSchema (clientFile opts)
b <- traced (step ServerSchema) <$> parseSchema (serverFile opts)
let report = runCompatFormula $ checkCompatibility HNil Root (ProdCons a b)
output = case outputMode opts of
StdoutMode -> BSC.putStrLn

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
module OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
( Steppable (..)
, Step (..)
, TraceRoot
, Trace
, Traced
, Traced'
@ -69,7 +70,15 @@ class
-- | How to get from an @a@ node to a @b@ node
data Step a b :: Type
type Trace = Paths Step OpenApi
data TraceRoot
instance Steppable TraceRoot OpenApi where
data Step TraceRoot OpenApi
= ClientSchema
| ServerSchema
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Trace = Paths Step TraceRoot
type Traced' a b = Env (Trace a) b
@ -117,16 +126,15 @@ type CompatFormula' q f r = Compose CompatM (FormulaF q f r)
type SemanticCompatFormula = CompatFormula' Behave AnIssue 'APILevel
type StructuralCompatFormula = CompatFormula' UnitQuiver Proxy ()
type StructuralCompatFormula = CompatFormula' VoidQuiver Proxy ()
data UnitQuiver a b where
UnitQuiver :: UnitQuiver () ()
data VoidQuiver a b where
deriving stock instance Eq (UnitQuiver a b)
deriving stock instance Eq (VoidQuiver a b)
deriving stock instance Ord (UnitQuiver a b)
deriving stock instance Ord (VoidQuiver a b)
deriving stock instance Show (UnitQuiver a b)
deriving stock instance Show (VoidQuiver a b)
class (Typeable t, Issuable (SubtreeLevel t)) => Subtree (t :: Type) where
type CheckEnv t :: [Type]
@ -155,7 +163,7 @@ checkCompatibility
-> Behavior (SubtreeLevel t)
-> ProdCons (Traced t)
-> SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkCompatibility e bhv = memo SemanticMemoKey $ \pc ->
checkCompatibility e bhv = memo bhv SemanticMemoKey $ \pc ->
case runCompatFormula $ checkSubstructure e pc of
Left _ -> checkSemanticCompatibility e bhv pc
Right () -> pure ()
@ -165,7 +173,7 @@ checkSubstructure
=> HList xs
-> ProdCons (Traced t)
-> StructuralCompatFormula ()
checkSubstructure e = memo StructuralMemoKey $ checkStructuralCompatibility e
checkSubstructure e = memo Root StructuralMemoKey $ checkStructuralCompatibility e
:: (Subtree a, HasAll (CheckEnv a) xs)
@ -260,7 +268,7 @@ issueAt :: Issuable l => Paths q r l -> Issue l -> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a
issueAt xs issue = Compose $ pure $ anError $ AnItem xs $ AnIssue issue
structuralIssue :: StructuralCompatFormula a
structuralIssue = Compose $ pure $ anError $ AnItem (step UnitQuiver) Proxy
structuralIssue = Compose $ pure $ anError $ AnItem Root Proxy
:: Issuable l
@ -283,11 +291,17 @@ fixpointKnot =
:: (Typeable (r :: k), Typeable q, Typeable f, Typeable k, Typeable a)
=> MemoKey
:: (Typeable (l :: k), Typeable q, Typeable f, Typeable k, Typeable a)
=> Paths q r l
-> MemoKey
-> (ProdCons (Traced a) -> CompatFormula' q f r ())
-> (ProdCons (Traced a) -> CompatFormula' q f r ())
memo k f pc = Compose $ memoWithKnot fixpointKnot (getCompose $ f pc) (k, ask <$> pc)
memo bhv k f pc = Compose $ do
formula' <- memoWithKnot fixpointKnot (do
formula <- getCompose $ f pc
pure $ mapErrors (P.filter bhv) formula
) (k, ask <$> pc)
pure $ mapErrors (P.embed bhv) formula'
data MemoKey = SemanticMemoKey | StructuralMemoKey
deriving stock (Eq, Ord)

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@ -21,4 +21,9 @@ tests =
("a.yaml", "b.yaml")
(runCompatFormula . checkCompatibility HNil Root . fmap (traced Root) . uncurry ProdCons)
(runCompatFormula . checkCompatibility HNil Root . toPC)
toPC (client, server) = ProdCons
{ producer = traced (step ClientSchema) client
, consumer = traced (step ServerSchema) server

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@ -5,3 +5,7 @@ Left:
OfType Object: UnexpectedProperty "property2"
WithStatusCode 200:
OfType Object: PropertyNowRequired "property2"