Use checks instead of posting comments (#122)

* Fixed warnings

* wip

* wip

* wip

* sha

* wip

* Added project name

* Made check not fail

* Removed Pull Request

* Removed testing things

* Updated docs
This commit is contained in:
iko 2021-09-08 18:07:07 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent a1ea91fc50
commit 6d8a67339c
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 276 additions and 80 deletions

View File

@ -10,10 +10,6 @@ inputs:
description: The owner of the repo in which to post the comment.
default: "${{ github.repository }}"
required: false
description: The pull request in which to post the comment.
default: "${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}"
required: false
description: The name of the project to which the API pertains.
required: true
@ -27,18 +23,22 @@ inputs:
description: The path to new specification of the API.
required: true
description: The sha of the commit to post the check for.
required: false
default: "${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}"
using: "docker"
image: "typeable/comparest-github-action:latest"
REPO: "${{ inputs.repo }}"
PR_NUMBER: "${{ inputs.pull_request }}"
PROJECT_NAME: "${{ inputs.project_name }}"
FOOTER: "${{ inputs.footer }}"
ROOT: "/github/workspace"
OLD: "${{ inputs.old }}"
NEW: "${{ }}"
SHA: "${{ inputs.sha }}"
pre-entrypoint: "/bin/pre"
entrypoint: "/bin/run"

View File

@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ executable comparest-github-action
, pandoc-types
, envy
, filepath
, bytestring
ghc-options: -threaded
@ -197,6 +198,8 @@ executable comparest-github-action
test-suite comparest-tests
import: common-options

View File

@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ We can now run our action:
project_name: TEST
This will create a comment on the pull request displaying the changes (if there are any) similar to this:
This will create a check on the pull request displaying the changes (if there are any) similar to this:
Consecutive runs of the action will update the comment instead of creating new ones. This will prevent the pile-up of compaREST comments and save you from distracting notifications.
The check will show success when there are no breaking changes, and be neutral otherwise.
## Integrating into something other than Github Actions

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 91 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 32 KiB

View File

@ -1,55 +1,86 @@
module CompaREST.GitHub.API
( mapComment,
( postStatus,
import CompaREST.GitHub.Action.Config
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Freer
import Control.Monad.Freer.GitHub
import Control.Monad.Freer.Reader
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSLC
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Report
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import GitHub
import qualified GitHub as GH
import GitHub.Data.Checks
import GitHub.Endpoints.Checks
findComment :: Members '[GitHub, Reader Config] effs => Eff effs (Maybe GH.IssueComment)
findComment = do
postStatusProcessing ::
(Members '[GitHub, Reader Config] effs, MonadIO (Eff effs)) =>
Eff effs ()
postStatusProcessing = do
Config {..} <- ask
comments <- sendGitHub $ GH.commentsR repoOwner repoName issue GH.FetchAll
htmlComment <- getHTMLComment
let tryStripPrefix :: GH.IssueComment -> Maybe GH.IssueComment
tryStripPrefix c@GH.IssueComment {issueCommentBody = (T.stripSuffix htmlComment -> Just b)} =
Just $ c {GH.issueCommentBody = b}
tryStripPrefix _ = Nothing
pure . (V.!? 0) $ V.mapMaybe tryStripPrefix comments
printJSON $
sendGitHub $
{ checkName = mkName Proxy $ "compaREST " <> projectName
, checkSha = sha
, checkDetailsURL = Nothing
, checkExternalId = Nothing
, checkStatus = Just CheckInProgress
, checkStartedAt = Nothing
, checkConclusion = Nothing
, checkCompletedAt = Nothing
, checkOutput = Nothing
, checkActions = Nothing
mapComment :: Members '[GitHub, Reader Config] effs => (Text -> Text) -> Eff effs ()
mapComment f = do
>>= traverse_
( \comment -> do
Config {..} <- ask
htmlComment <- getHTMLComment
sendGitHub $ editCommentR repoOwner repoName (GH.mkId Proxy $ GH.issueCommentId comment) ((<> htmlComment) . f $ GH.issueCommentBody comment)
pure ()
createOrUpdateComment :: Members '[GitHub, Reader Config] effs => Text -> Eff effs ()
createOrUpdateComment body' = do
postStatus ::
(Members '[GitHub, Reader Config] effs, MonadIO (Eff effs)) =>
-- | 'Nothing' means that there were no changes at all
Maybe (Text, ReportStatus) ->
Eff effs ()
postStatus x = do
let (body, (title, conclusion)) = case x of
Just (b, s) -> (b,) $ case s of
BreakingChanges -> ("⚠️ Breaking changes found!", CheckNeutral)
NoBreakingChanges -> ("No breaking changes found ✨", CheckSuccess)
OnlyUnsupportedChanges -> ("🤷 Couldn't determine compatibility", CheckNeutral)
Nothing -> ("", ("✅ The API did not change", CheckSuccess))
Config {..} <- ask
htmlComment <- getHTMLComment
let body = body' <> htmlComment
void $
findComment >>= \case
Just comment -> sendGitHub $ editCommentR repoOwner repoName (GH.mkId Proxy $ GH.issueCommentId comment) body
Nothing -> sendGitHub $ createCommentR repoOwner repoName issue body
printJSON $
sendGitHub $
{ checkName = mkName Proxy $ "compaREST " <> projectName
, checkSha = sha
, checkDetailsURL = Nothing
, checkExternalId = Nothing
, checkStatus = Just CheckCompleted
, checkStartedAt = Nothing
, checkConclusion = Just conclusion
, checkCompletedAt = Nothing
, checkOutput =
Just $
{ checkTitle = title
, checkSummary = body
, checkText = Nothing
, checkAnnotations = Nothing
, checkImages = Nothing
, checkActions = Nothing
getHTMLComment :: Member (Reader Config) effs => Eff effs Text
getHTMLComment = do
name <- asks projectName
pure $ "\n\n<!-- compaREST comment " <> name <> " -->"
printJSON :: MonadIO (Eff effs) => Eff effs Value -> Eff effs ()
printJSON m = do
x <- m
liftIO . BSLC.putStrLn $ encode x

View File

@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ data Config = Config
{ githubToken :: GH.Auth
, repoOwner :: GH.Name GH.Owner
, repoName :: GH.Name GH.Repo
, issue :: GH.IssueNumber
, projectName :: Text
, footerText :: Text
, root :: FilePath
, sha :: GH.Name GH.Commit
instance FromEnv Config where
@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ instance FromEnv Config where
T.split (== '/') <$> env "REPO" >>= \case
[owner, name] -> pure (owner, name)
_ -> fail "malformed repo"
issue <- GH.IssueNumber <$> env "PR_NUMBER"
projectName <- env "PROJECT_NAME"
footerText <- env "FOOTER"
root <- envMaybe "ROOT" .!= "."
sha <- env "SHA"
pure $
{ githubToken = token
, repoOwner = GH.mkName Proxy owner
, repoName = GH.mkName Proxy repo
, issue = issue
, projectName = projectName
, footerText = footerText
, root = root
, sha = GH.mkName Proxy sha

View File

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
module GitHub.Data.Checks
( Check (..),
CheckStatus (..),
CheckConclusion (..),
CheckOutput (..),
CheckAnnotation (..),
CheckAnnotationLevel (..),
CheckImage (..),
CheckAction (..),
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GitHub
import GitHub.Internal.Prelude (UTCTime)
data Check = Check
{ checkName :: !(Name Check)
, checkSha :: !(Name Commit)
, checkDetailsURL :: !(Maybe URL)
, checkExternalId :: !(Maybe (Id Check))
, checkStatus :: !(Maybe CheckStatus)
, checkStartedAt :: !(Maybe UTCTime)
, checkConclusion :: !(Maybe CheckConclusion)
, checkCompletedAt :: !(Maybe UTCTime)
, checkOutput :: !(Maybe CheckOutput)
, checkActions :: !(Maybe (Vector CheckAction))
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance ToJSON Check where
toJSON (Check n sha durl eid s sa c ca o a) =
[ "name" .= n
, "head_sha" .= sha
, "details_url" .= durl
, "external_id" .= eid
, "status" .= s
, "started_at" .= sa
, "conclusion" .= c
, "completed_at" .= ca
, "output" .= o
, "actions" .= a
data CheckStatus
= CheckQueued
| CheckInProgress
| CheckCompleted
deriving stock (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance ToJSON CheckStatus where
toJSON CheckQueued = String "queued"
toJSON CheckInProgress = String "in_progress"
toJSON CheckCompleted = String "completed"
data CheckConclusion
= CheckActionRequired
| CheckCancelled
| CheckFailure
| CheckNeutral
| CheckSuccess
| CheckSkipped
| CheckStale
| CheckTimedOut
deriving stock (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance ToJSON CheckConclusion where
toJSON CheckActionRequired = String "action_required"
toJSON CheckCancelled = String "cancelled"
toJSON CheckFailure = String "failure"
toJSON CheckNeutral = String "neutral"
toJSON CheckSuccess = String "success"
toJSON CheckSkipped = String "skipped"
toJSON CheckStale = String "stale"
toJSON CheckTimedOut = String "timed_out"
data CheckOutput = CheckOutput
{ checkTitle :: !Text
, checkSummary :: !Text
, checkText :: !(Maybe Text)
, checkAnnotations :: !(Maybe (Vector CheckAnnotation))
, checkImages :: !(Maybe (Vector CheckImage))
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance ToJSON CheckOutput where
toJSON (CheckOutput t s txt a i) =
[ "title" .= t
, "summary" .= s
, "text" .= txt
, "annotations" .= a
, "images" .= i
data CheckAnnotation = CheckAnnotation
{ checkPath :: !Text
, checkStartLine :: !Int
, checkEndLine :: !Int
, checkStartColumn :: !(Maybe Int)
, checkEndColumn :: !(Maybe Int)
, checkAnnotationLevel :: !CheckAnnotationLevel
, checkMessage :: !Text
, checkTitle :: !(Maybe Text)
, checkRawDetails :: !(Maybe Text)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance ToJSON CheckAnnotation where
toJSON (CheckAnnotation p sl el sc ec al m t rd) =
[ "path" .= p
, "start_line" .= sl
, "end_line" .= el
, "start_column" .= sc
, "end_column" .= ec
, "annotation_level" .= al
, "message" .= m
, "title" .= t
, "raw_details" .= rd
data CheckAnnotationLevel
= NoticeAnnotation
| WarningAnnotation
| FailureAnnotation
deriving stock (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance ToJSON CheckAnnotationLevel where
toJSON NoticeAnnotation = String "notice"
toJSON WarningAnnotation = String "warning"
toJSON FailureAnnotation = String "failure"
data CheckImage = CheckImage
{ checkImageAlt :: !Text
, checkImageURL :: !URL
, checkImageCaption :: !(Maybe Text)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance ToJSON CheckImage where
toJSON (CheckImage a url c) =
[ "alt" .= a
, "image_url" .= url
, "caption" .= c
data CheckAction = CheckAction
{ checkActionLabel :: !Text
, checkActionDescription :: !Text
, checkActionIdentifier :: !Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance ToJSON CheckAction where
toJSON (CheckAction l d i) =
[ "label" .= l
, "description" .= d
, "identifier" .= i
object' :: [Pair] -> Value
object' = object . filter notNull
notNull (_, Null) = False
notNull (_, _) = True

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module GitHub.Endpoints.Checks
( checkR,
import Data.Aeson
import GitHub
import GitHub.Data.Checks
checkR :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Check -> Request 'RW Value
checkR user repo =
command Post ["repos", toPathPart user, toPathPart repo, "check-runs"] . encode

View File

@ -37,10 +37,7 @@ runner cfg =
. runGitHub (githubToken cfg)
runPre :: Config -> IO ()
runPre cfg =
runner cfg $
(markdown (header 4 "⏳ Report might not be accurate. Attempting to update." <> horizontalRule) <>)
runPre cfg = runner cfg postStatusProcessing
runRun :: Config -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
runRun cfg old' new' = runner cfg $ do
@ -53,31 +50,13 @@ runRun cfg old' new' = runner cfg $ do
(report, status) = runReport reportConfig (old, new)
summaryDetail s d =
rawHtml "<details>"
<> rawHtml "<summary>"
<> s
<> rawHtml "</summary>"
<> d
<> rawHtml "</details>"
rawHtml = rawBlock "html"
body = markdown report <> "\n\n" <> footerText cfg
message =
header 3 (text $ "⛄ compaREST " <> projectName cfg)
<> if old == new
then header 1 "✅ The API did not change"
( case status of
BreakingChanges -> "⚠️ Breaking changes found!"
NoBreakingChanges -> "No breaking changes found ✨"
OnlyUnsupportedChanges -> "🤷 Couldn't determine compatibility"
<> summaryDetail (plain " Details") report
messageBody = markdown message <> "\n\n" <> footerText cfg
createOrUpdateComment messageBody
result =
if old == new
then Nothing
else Just (body, status)
postStatus result
markdown :: Blocks -> Text
markdown =

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.OpenApi
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Orphans ()
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Subtree
import Data.Typeable
instance Typeable a => Steppable (Referenced a) a where
data Step (Referenced a) a = InlineStep

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Subtree
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Param
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable
-- TODO: templates can be only part of the PathFragment. Currently only supports templates as full PathFragment.
-- #23