Structural compatibility (#49)

* First very rough draft of structural compatibility

* Horrible schema hack

* absurdIssue -> structuralIssue

* Added some structural comparing

* Added yet more structural comparisons

* dropped ProdConsEqHList

* Bumped resolver

* Nonrecursive schema
This commit is contained in:
iko 2021-05-17 17:38:59 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8687e5fbac
commit cbfeeedc1e
No known key found for this signature in database
21 changed files with 601 additions and 248 deletions

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@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ common common-options
, unordered-containers
, vector
, yaml
, hashable
default-extensions: ApplicativeDo
, BangPatterns
@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ common common-options
, UndecidableInstances
, ViewPatterns
, QuantifiedConstraints
, DefaultSignatures
import: common-options
@ -121,6 +123,9 @@ library
, OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.SecurityRequirement
, OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Server
, OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Sums
, OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Header
, OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Link
, OpenAPI.Checker.Common
executable openapi-diff
import: common-options

View File

@ -43,3 +43,9 @@ instance
singletonH :: a -> HList '[a]
singletonH a = a `HCons` HNil
instance Eq (HList '[]) where
HNil == HNil = True
instance (Eq x, Eq (HList xs)) => Eq (HList (x ': xs)) where
(HCons x xs) == (HCons y ys) = x == y && xs == ys

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ data BehaviorLevel
| SchemaLevel
| TypedSchemaLevel
| LinkLevel
class (Ord (Behave a b), Show (Behave a b))
=> Behavable (a :: BehaviorLevel) (b :: BehaviorLevel) where

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
module OpenAPI.Checker.Common
( zipAll
zipAll :: [a] -> [b] -> Maybe [(a, b)]
zipAll [] [] = Just []
zipAll (x : xs) (y : ys) = ((x, y) :) <$> zipAll xs ys
zipAll (_ : _) [] = Nothing
zipAll [] (_ : _) = Nothing

View File

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module OpenAPI.Checker.References
( Step (..)
, dereference
import Data.HList
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as IOHM
import Data.Maybe
import Data.OpenApi
import qualified Data.OpenApi.Schema.Generator as G
import Data.Typeable
import OpenAPI.Checker.Orphans ()
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
@ -26,7 +29,25 @@ dereference
-> Traced (Referenced a)
-> Traced a
dereference defs x = case extract x of
Inline a
-> traced (ask x >>> step InlineStep) a
Ref r@(Reference ref)
-> traced (ask defs >>> step (ReferencedStep r)) (fromJust $ IOHM.lookup ref $ extract defs)
Inline a ->
traced (ask x >>> step InlineStep) a
Ref r@(Reference ref) ->
traced (ask defs >>> step (ReferencedStep r)) (fromJust $ IOHM.lookup ref $ extract defs)
instance Subtree a => Subtree (Referenced a) where
type CheckEnv (Referenced a) = ProdCons (Traced (Definitions a)) ': CheckEnv a
type SubtreeLevel (Referenced a) = SubtreeLevel a
checkStructuralCompatibility env pc' = do
let pc = do
x <- pc'
defs <- extract <$> getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions a))) env
pure (G.dereference defs x)
checkStructuralCompatibility env pc
checkSemanticCompatibility env bhv pc' = do
let pc = do
x <- pc'
defs <- getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions a))) env
pure (dereference defs x)
checkCompatibility env bhv pc

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
( Steppable (..)
, Trace
@ -6,17 +8,27 @@ module OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
, pattern Traced
, traced
, Subtree (..)
, checkCompatibility
, CompatM (..)
, CompatFormula'
, CompatFormula
, SemanticCompatFormula
, ProdCons (..)
, HasUnsupportedFeature (..)
, swapProdCons
, runCompatFormula
, issueAt
, anyOfAt
, structuralIssue
, memo
-- * Structural helpers
, structuralMaybe
, structuralMaybeWith
, structuralEq
, iohmStructural
, iohmStructuralWith
, structuralList
-- * Reexports
, (>>>)
, (<<<)
@ -30,11 +42,15 @@ where
import Control.Comonad.Env
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.HList
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as IOHM
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Kind
import Data.Monoid
import Data.OpenApi
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Typeable
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Formula
@ -89,18 +105,97 @@ newtype CompatM a = CompatM
type CompatFormula' q f r = Compose CompatM (FormulaF q f r)
type CompatFormula = CompatFormula' Behave AnIssue 'APILevel
type SemanticCompatFormula = CompatFormula' Behave AnIssue 'APILevel
type StructuralCompatFormula = CompatFormula' UnitQuiver Proxy ()
data UnitQuiver a b where
UnitQuiver :: UnitQuiver () ()
deriving stock instance Eq (UnitQuiver a b)
deriving stock instance Ord (UnitQuiver a b)
deriving stock instance Show (UnitQuiver a b)
class (Typeable t, Issuable (SubtreeLevel t)) => Subtree (t :: Type) where
type CheckEnv t :: [Type]
type SubtreeLevel t :: BehaviorLevel
:: HasAll (CheckEnv t) xs
:: (HasAll (CheckEnv t) xs)
=> HList xs
-> ProdCons t
-> StructuralCompatFormula ()
:: (HasAll (CheckEnv t) xs)
=> HList xs
-> Behavior (SubtreeLevel t)
-> ProdCons (Traced t)
-> CompatFormula ()
-> SemanticCompatFormula ()
:: (HasAll (CheckEnv t) xs, Subtree t)
=> HList xs
-> Behavior (SubtreeLevel t)
-> ProdCons (Traced t)
-> SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkCompatibility e bhv pc =
case runCompatFormula $ checkStructuralCompatibility e $ fmap extract pc of
Left _ -> checkSemanticCompatibility e bhv pc
Right () -> pure ()
:: (Subtree a, HasAll (CheckEnv a) xs)
=> HList xs
-> ProdCons (Maybe a)
-> StructuralCompatFormula ()
structuralMaybe e = structuralMaybeWith (checkStructuralCompatibility e)
:: (ProdCons a -> StructuralCompatFormula ())
-> ProdCons (Maybe a)
-> StructuralCompatFormula ()
structuralMaybeWith f (ProdCons (Just a) (Just b)) = f $ ProdCons a b
structuralMaybeWith _ (ProdCons Nothing Nothing) = pure ()
structuralMaybeWith _ _ = structuralIssue
:: (Subtree a, HasAll (CheckEnv a) xs)
=> HList xs -> ProdCons [a] -> StructuralCompatFormula ()
structuralList _ (ProdCons [] []) = pure ()
structuralList e (ProdCons (a:aa) (b:bb)) = do
checkStructuralCompatibility e $ ProdCons a b
structuralList e $ ProdCons aa bb
pure ()
structuralList _ _ = structuralIssue
structuralEq :: Eq a => ProdCons a -> StructuralCompatFormula ()
structuralEq (ProdCons a b) = if a == b then pure () else structuralIssue
:: (HasAll (CheckEnv v) (k ': xs), Ord k, Subtree v, Hashable k)
=> HList xs
-> ProdCons (IOHM.InsOrdHashMap k v)
-> StructuralCompatFormula ()
iohmStructural e =
iohmStructuralWith (\k -> checkStructuralCompatibility (k `HCons` e))
:: (Ord k, Hashable k)
=> (k -> ProdCons v -> StructuralCompatFormula ())
-> ProdCons (IOHM.InsOrdHashMap k v)
-> StructuralCompatFormula ()
iohmStructuralWith f pc = do
let ProdCons pEKeys cEKeys = S.fromList . IOHM.keys <$> pc
if pEKeys == cEKeys
(\eKey ->
f eKey $ IOHM.lookupDefault (error "impossible") eKey <$> pc)
else structuralIssue
class HasUnsupportedFeature x where
hasUnsupportedFeature :: x -> Bool
@ -137,6 +232,9 @@ runCompatFormula (Compose f) =
issueAt :: Issuable l => Paths q r l -> Issue l -> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a
issueAt xs issue = Compose $ pure $ anError $ AnItem xs $ AnIssue issue
structuralIssue :: StructuralCompatFormula a
structuralIssue = Compose $ pure $ anError $ AnItem (step UnitQuiver) Proxy
:: Issuable l
=> Paths q r l

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Header
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor
import Data.Maybe
import Data.OpenApi
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.References ()
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Schema ()
instance Subtree Header where
type SubtreeLevel Header = 'HeaderLevel
type CheckEnv Header = '[ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))]
checkStructuralCompatibility env pc = do
structuralEq $ _headerRequired <$> pc
structuralEq $ _headerAllowEmptyValue <$> pc
structuralEq $ _headerExplode <$> pc
structuralMaybe env $ _headerSchema <$> pc
pure ()
checkSemanticCompatibility env beh (ProdCons p c) = do
if (fromMaybe False $ _headerRequired $ extract c) && not (fromMaybe False $ _headerRequired $ extract p)
then issueAt beh RequiredHeaderMissing
else pure ()
if not (fromMaybe False $ _headerAllowEmptyValue $ extract c) && (fromMaybe False $ _headerAllowEmptyValue $ extract p)
then issueAt beh NonEmptyHeaderRequired
else pure ()
for_ (tracedSchema c) $ \consRef ->
case tracedSchema p of
Nothing -> issueAt beh HeaderSchemaRequired
Just prodRef -> checkCompatibility env (beh >>> step InSchema) (ProdCons prodRef consRef)
pure ()
instance Steppable Header (Referenced Schema) where
data Step Header (Referenced Schema) = HeaderSchema
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
tracedSchema :: Traced Header -> Maybe (Traced (Referenced Schema))
tracedSchema hdr = _headerSchema (extract hdr) <&> traced (ask hdr >>> step HeaderSchema)
instance Issuable 'HeaderLevel where
data Issue 'HeaderLevel
= RequiredHeaderMissing
| NonEmptyHeaderRequired
| HeaderSchemaRequired
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
issueIsUnsupported _ = False
instance Behavable 'HeaderLevel 'SchemaLevel where
data Behave 'HeaderLevel 'SchemaLevel
= InSchema
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Link () where
import Data.OpenApi
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
instance Subtree Link where
type SubtreeLevel Link = 'LinkLevel
type CheckEnv Link = '[]
checkStructuralCompatibility _ _ = structuralIssue
checkSemanticCompatibility _ bhv _ = issueAt bhv LinksUnsupported
instance Issuable 'LinkLevel where
data Issue 'LinkLevel
= LinksUnsupported
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
issueIsUnsupported = \case
LinksUnsupported -> True

View File

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Products
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Schema ()
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Header ()
tracedSchema :: Traced MediaTypeObject -> Maybe (Traced (Referenced Schema))
tracedSchema mto = _mediaTypeObjectSchema (extract mto) <&> traced (ask mto >>> step MediaTypeSchema)
@ -47,8 +49,14 @@ instance Subtree MediaTypeObject where
type CheckEnv MediaTypeObject =
'[ MediaType
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
checkCompatibility env beh prodCons@(ProdCons p c) = do
checkStructuralCompatibility env pc = do
structuralMaybe env $ _mediaTypeObjectSchema <$> pc
structuralEq $ _mediaTypeObjectExample <$> pc
iohmStructural env $ _mediaTypeObjectEncoding <$> pc
pure ()
checkSemanticCompatibility env beh prodCons@(ProdCons p c) = do
if | "multipart" == mainType mediaType -> checkEncoding
| "application" == mainType mediaType &&
"x-www-form-urlencoded" == subType mediaType -> checkEncoding
@ -74,14 +82,27 @@ instance Subtree MediaTypeObject where
, required = True } )
encProdCons = getEncoding <$> prodCons
in checkProducts beh MediaEncodingMissing
(const $ checkCompatibility HNil beh) encProdCons
(const $ checkCompatibility env beh) encProdCons
instance Subtree Encoding where
type SubtreeLevel Encoding = 'PayloadLevel
type CheckEnv Encoding = '[]
-- FIXME: Support only JSON body for now. Then Encoding is checked only for
-- multipart/form-url-encoded
checkCompatibility _env beh _pc =
CheckEnv Encoding =
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
checkStructuralCompatibility env pc = do
structuralEq $ _encodingContentType <$> pc
iohmStructural env $ _encodingHeaders <$> pc
structuralEq $ _encodingStyle <$> pc
structuralEq $ _encodingExplode <$> pc
structuralEq $ _encodingAllowReserved <$> pc
pure ()
-- FIXME: Support only JSON body for now. Then Encoding is checked only for
-- multipart/form-url-encoded
checkSemanticCompatibility _env beh _pc =
issueAt beh EncodingNotSupported
instance Steppable MediaTypeObject (Referenced Schema) where

View File

@ -43,10 +43,16 @@ tracedSchemas :: Traced OpenApi -> Traced (Definitions Schema)
tracedSchemas oa = traced (ask oa >>> step ComponentsSchema)
(_componentsSchemas . _openApiComponents . extract $ oa)
tracedLinks :: Traced OpenApi -> Traced (Definitions Link)
tracedLinks oa = traced (ask oa >>> step ComponentsLink)
(_componentsLinks . _openApiComponents . extract $ oa)
instance Subtree OpenApi where
type SubtreeLevel OpenApi = 'APILevel
type CheckEnv OpenApi = '[]
checkCompatibility _ beh prodCons = do
-- There is no real reason to do a proper implementation
checkStructuralCompatibility _ _ = structuralIssue
checkSemanticCompatibility _ beh prodCons = do
checkCompatibility @ProcessedPathItems
((tracedRequestBodies <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedParameters <$> prodCons)
@ -55,6 +61,7 @@ instance Subtree OpenApi where
`HCons` (tracedHeaders <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedSchemas <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (_openApiServers . extract <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedLinks <$> prodCons)
`HCons` HNil)
beh (tracedPaths <$> prodCons)
@ -85,3 +92,7 @@ instance Steppable OpenApi (Definitions Header) where
instance Steppable OpenApi (Definitions Schema) where
data Step OpenApi (Definitions Schema) = ComponentsSchema
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable OpenApi (Definitions Link) where
data Step OpenApi (Definitions Link) = ComponentsLink
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Operation
( MatchedOperation (..)
, OperationMethod(..)
, OperationMethod (..)
, pathItemMethod
) where
import Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Functor
@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.OpenApi
import qualified Data.OpenApi.Schema.Generator as G
import Data.Text (Text)
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Common
import OpenAPI.Checker.References
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.MediaTypeObject
@ -28,11 +30,11 @@ import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Server ()
data MatchedOperation = MatchedOperation
{ operation :: !Operation
, pathParams :: ![Traced Param]
-- ^ Params from the PathItem
, getPathFragments :: !([Traced Param] -> [Traced PathFragmentParam])
-- ^ Path fragments traced from PathItem. Takes full list of
-- operation-specific parameters
, -- | Params from the PathItem
pathParams :: ![Traced Param]
, -- | Path fragments traced from PathItem. Takes full list of
-- operation-specific parameters
getPathFragments :: !([Traced Param] -> [Traced PathFragmentParam])
type ParamKey = (ParamLocation, Text)
@ -43,32 +45,32 @@ paramKey param = (_paramIn param, _paramName param)
tracedParameters :: Traced MatchedOperation -> [Traced (Referenced Param)]
tracedParameters oper =
[ traced (ask oper >>> step (OperationParamsStep i)) x
| (i, x) <- zip [0..] $ _operationParameters . operation $ extract oper
| (i, x) <- zip [0 ..] $ _operationParameters . operation $ extract oper
tracedRequestBody :: Traced MatchedOperation -> Maybe (Traced (Referenced RequestBody))
tracedRequestBody oper = _operationRequestBody (operation $ extract oper) <&> traced (ask oper >>> step OperationRequestBodyStep)
tracedResponses :: Traced MatchedOperation -> Traced Responses
tracedResponses oper = traced (ask oper >>> step OperationResponsesStep)
$ _operationResponses . operation $ extract oper
tracedResponses oper =
traced (ask oper >>> step OperationResponsesStep) $
_operationResponses . operation $ extract oper
tracedSecurity :: Traced MatchedOperation -> [Traced SecurityRequirement]
tracedSecurity oper =
[ traced (ask oper >>> step (OperationSecurityRequirementStep i)) x
| (i, x) <- zip [0..] $ _operationSecurity . operation $ extract oper
| (i, x) <- zip [0 ..] $ _operationSecurity . operation $ extract oper
:: [Server] -- ^ Servers from env
-> Traced MatchedOperation
-> Traced [Server]
tracedServers env oper =
traced (ask oper >>> step OperationServersStep) $
case _operationServers . operation $ extract oper of
[] -> env
ss -> ss
-> MatchedOperation
-> [Server]
getServers env oper =
case _operationServers . operation $ oper of
[] -> env
ss -> ss
instance Behavable 'OperationLevel 'PathFragmentLevel where
data Behave 'OperationLevel 'PathFragmentLevel
@ -83,16 +85,42 @@ instance Behavable 'OperationLevel 'RequestLevel where
instance Subtree MatchedOperation where
type SubtreeLevel MatchedOperation = 'OperationLevel
type CheckEnv MatchedOperation =
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Param))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions RequestBody))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions SecurityScheme))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Response))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
, ProdCons [Server]
checkCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
CheckEnv MatchedOperation =
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Param))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions RequestBody))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions SecurityScheme))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Response))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
, ProdCons [Server]
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Link))
checkStructuralCompatibility env pc = do
let pParams :: ProdCons [Param]
pParams = do
defs <- extract <$> getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Param))) env
op' <- _operationParameters . operation <$> pc
pp <- fmap extract . pathParams <$> pc
pure $
let o = M.fromList $ do
param <- G.dereference defs <$> op'
let key = paramKey param
pure (key, param)
p = M.fromList $ do
param <- pp
pure (paramKey param, param)
in M.elems $ o <> p
case zipAll (producer pParams) (consumer pParams) of
Nothing -> structuralIssue
Just xs -> for_ xs $ \(p, c) -> checkStructuralCompatibility env $ ProdCons p c
structuralMaybe env $ _operationRequestBody . operation <$> pc
checkStructuralCompatibility env $ _operationResponses . operation <$> pc
checkStructuralCompatibility env $ getServers <$> getH env <*> pc
-- TODO: Callbacks
-- TODO: Security
pure ()
checkSemanticCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
@ -102,97 +130,103 @@ instance Subtree MatchedOperation where
pure ()
checkParameters = do
-- Merged parameters got from Operation and PathItem in one
-- place. First element is path params, second is non-path params
tracedParams :: ProdCons ([Traced Param], [Traced Param])
tracedParams = getParams <$> paramDefs <*> prodCons
getParams defs mp =
operationParamsMap :: Map ParamKey (Traced Param)
operationParamsMap = M.fromList $ do
paramRef <- tracedParameters mp
param = dereference defs paramRef
key = paramKey . extract $ param
pure (key, param)
pathParamsMap :: Map ParamKey (Traced Param)
pathParamsMap = M.fromList $ do
param <- pathParams . extract $ mp
pure (paramKey . extract $ param, param)
params = M.elems $ M.union operationParamsMap pathParamsMap -- We prefer params from Operation
splitted = L.partition
(\p -> (_paramIn . extract $ p) == ParamPath) params
in splitted
let -- Merged parameters got from Operation and PathItem in one
-- place. First element is path params, second is non-path params
tracedParams :: ProdCons ([Traced Param], [Traced Param])
tracedParams = getParams <$> paramDefs <*> prodCons
getParams defs mp =
let operationParamsMap :: Map ParamKey (Traced Param)
operationParamsMap = M.fromList $ do
paramRef <- tracedParameters mp
let param = dereference defs paramRef
key = paramKey . extract $ param
pure (key, param)
pathParamsMap :: Map ParamKey (Traced Param)
pathParamsMap = M.fromList $ do
param <- pathParams . extract $ mp
pure (paramKey . extract $ param, param)
params = M.elems $ M.union operationParamsMap pathParamsMap -- We prefer params from Operation
splitted =
(\p -> (_paramIn . extract $ p) == ParamPath)
in splitted
checkNonPathParams $ snd <$> tracedParams
checkPathParams $ fst <$> tracedParams
pure ()
checkNonPathParams :: ProdCons [Traced Param] -> CompatFormula ()
checkNonPathParams :: ProdCons [Traced Param] -> SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkNonPathParams params = do
elements = getEls <$> params
getEls params = M.fromList $ do
p <- params
k = (_paramIn . extract $ p, _paramName . extract $ p)
v = ProductLike
{ productValue = p
, required = fromMaybe False . _paramRequired . extract $ p
pure (k, v)
check (_, name) param = do
checkCompatibility @Param (singletonH schemaDefs) (beh >>> step (InParam name)) param
let elements = getEls <$> params
getEls params = M.fromList $ do
p <- params
let k = (_paramIn . extract $ p, _paramName . extract $ p)
v =
{ productValue = p
, required = fromMaybe False . _paramRequired . extract $ p
pure (k, v)
check (_, name) param = do
checkCompatibility @Param (singletonH schemaDefs) (beh >>> step (InParam name)) param
checkProducts beh (ParamNotMatched . snd) check elements
checkPathParams :: ProdCons [Traced Param] -> CompatFormula ()
checkPathParams :: ProdCons [Traced Param] -> SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkPathParams pathParams = do
fragments :: ProdCons [Traced PathFragmentParam]
fragments = getFragments <$> pathParams <*> prodCons
getFragments params mop = getPathFragments (extract mop) params
-- Feed path parameters to the fragments getter
check idx frags = checkCompatibility @PathFragmentParam env (beh >>> step (InFragment idx)) frags
elements = fragments <&> \frags -> M.fromList $ zip [0 :: Int ..] $ do
frag <- frags
pure $ ProductLike
{ productValue = frag
, required = True }
let fragments :: ProdCons [Traced PathFragmentParam]
fragments = getFragments <$> pathParams <*> prodCons
getFragments params mop = getPathFragments (extract mop) params
-- Feed path parameters to the fragments getter
check idx frags = checkCompatibility @PathFragmentParam env (beh >>> step (InFragment idx)) frags
elements =
fragments <&> \frags -> M.fromList $
zip [0 :: Int ..] $ do
frag <- frags
pure $
{ productValue = frag
, required = True
checkProducts beh PathFragmentNotMatched check elements
checkRequestBodies = do
check reqBody = checkCompatibility @RequestBody env (beh >>> step InRequest) reqBody
elements = getReqBody <$> bodyDefs <*> prodCons
getReqBody bodyDef mop = M.fromList $ do
bodyRef <- F.toList . tracedRequestBody $ mop
body = dereference bodyDef bodyRef
-- Single element map
pure ((), ProductLike
{ productValue = body
, required = fromMaybe False . _requestBodyRequired . extract $ body
let check reqBody = checkCompatibility @RequestBody env (beh >>> step InRequest) reqBody
elements = getReqBody <$> bodyDefs <*> prodCons
getReqBody bodyDef mop = M.fromList $ do
bodyRef <- F.toList . tracedRequestBody $ mop
let body = dereference bodyDef bodyRef
-- Single element map
( ()
, ProductLike
{ productValue = body
, required = fromMaybe False . _requestBodyRequired . extract $ body
checkProducts beh (const NoRequestBody) (const check) elements
checkResponses = do
respEnv = HCons (swapProdCons respDefs)
$ HCons (swapProdCons headerDefs)
$ HCons (swapProdCons schemaDefs) HNil
resps = tracedResponses <$> prodCons
let respEnv =
HCons (swapProdCons respDefs) $
HCons (swapProdCons headerDefs) $
HCons (swapProdCons schemaDefs) $
HCons (swapProdCons linkDefs) HNil
resps = tracedResponses <$> prodCons
checkCompatibility respEnv beh $ swapProdCons resps
checkCallbacks = pure () -- (error "FIXME: not implemented")
checkOperationSecurity = pure () -- (error "FIXME: not implemented")
checkServers =
checkCompatibility env beh $
tracedServers <$> getH @(ProdCons [Server]) env <*> prodCons
checkCompatibility env beh $ do
x <- prodCons
se <- getH @(ProdCons [Server]) env
pure $ Traced (ask x >>> step OperationServersStep) (getServers se (extract x))
bodyDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions RequestBody))) env
respDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Response))) env
headerDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))) env
headerDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))) env
schemaDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))) env
paramDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Param))) env
linkDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Link))) env
data OperationMethod =
data OperationMethod
= GetMethod
| PutMethod
| PostMethod
| DeleteMethod

View File

@ -71,7 +71,17 @@ instance Behavable 'PathFragmentLevel 'SchemaLevel where
instance Subtree Param where
type SubtreeLevel Param = 'PathFragmentLevel
type CheckEnv Param = '[ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))]
checkCompatibility env beh pc@(ProdCons p c) = do
checkStructuralCompatibility env pc = do
structuralEq $ _paramName <$> pc
structuralEq $ _paramRequired <$> pc
structuralEq $ _paramIn <$> pc
structuralEq $ _paramAllowEmptyValue <$> pc
structuralEq $ _paramAllowReserved <$> pc
structuralMaybe env $ _paramSchema <$> pc
structuralEq $ _paramStyle <$> pc
structuralEq $ _paramExplode <$> pc
pure ()
checkSemanticCompatibility env beh pc@(ProdCons p c) = do
when (_paramName (extract p) /= _paramName (extract c))
$ issueAt beh ParamNameMismatch
when ((fromMaybe False . _paramRequired . extract $ c) &&

View File

@ -63,10 +63,12 @@ instance Subtree PathFragmentParam where
type SubtreeLevel PathFragmentParam = 'PathFragmentLevel
type CheckEnv PathFragmentParam =
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema)) ]
-- Not much to compare at this level
checkStructuralCompatibility _ _ = structuralIssue
-- This case isn't strictly needed. It is here for optimization.
checkCompatibility _ beh (ProdCons (extract -> StaticPath x) (extract -> StaticPath y))
checkSemanticCompatibility _ beh (ProdCons (extract -> StaticPath x) (extract -> StaticPath y))
= if x == y
then pure ()
else issueAt beh (PathFragmentsDontMatch x y)
checkCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
checkSemanticCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
checkCompatibility env beh (tracedPathFragmentParam <$> prodCons)

View File

@ -33,13 +33,14 @@ import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Sums
data ProcessedPathItem = ProcessedPathItem
{ path :: FilePath
, item :: PathItem
} deriving stock (Eq, Show)
processPathItems :: [(FilePath, PathItem)] -> ProcessedPathItems
processPathItems = ProcessedPathItems . fmap (uncurry ProcessedPathItem)
newtype ProcessedPathItems =
ProcessedPathItems {unProcessedPathItems :: [ProcessedPathItem]}
deriving newtype (Eq, Show)
instance Issuable 'APILevel where
data Issue 'APILevel
@ -65,8 +66,11 @@ instance Subtree ProcessedPathItems where
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
, ProdCons [Server]
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Link))
checkCompatibility env beh pc@(ProdCons p c) = do
-- No real way to check it at this level
checkStructuralCompatibility _ _ = structuralIssue
checkSemanticCompatibility env beh pc@(ProdCons p c) = do
-- Each path generated by producer must be handled by consumer with exactly
-- one way
for_ (unProcessedPathItems . extract $ p) $ \ prodItem -> do
@ -74,8 +78,7 @@ instance Subtree ProcessedPathItems where
prodPath = path prodItem
matchedItems = do
consItem <- unProcessedPathItems . extract $ c
matched <- F.toList $ matchingPathItems $ ProdCons prodItem consItem
return matched
F.toList $ matchingPathItems $ ProdCons prodItem consItem
case matchedItems of
[] -> issueAt beh $ NoPathsMatched prodPath
[match] -> checkCompatibility env (beh >>> step (AtPath $ matchedPath <$> match)) (retraced <$> pc <*> match)
@ -116,7 +119,7 @@ data MatchedPathItem = MatchedPathItem
, matchedPath :: !FilePath
, pathFragments :: ![PathFragment Text]
-- ^ Pre-parsed path from PathItem
} deriving stock (Eq)
tracedParameters :: Traced MatchedPathItem -> [Traced (Referenced Param)]
tracedParameters mpi =
@ -158,8 +161,10 @@ instance Subtree MatchedPathItem where
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
, ProdCons [Server]
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Link))
checkCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
checkStructuralCompatibility _ _ = structuralIssue
checkSemanticCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
paramDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Param))) env
pathTracedParams = getPathParams <$> paramDefs <*> prodCons

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@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.MediaTypeObject
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Sums
tracedContent :: Traced RequestBody -> IOHM.InsOrdHashMap MediaType (Traced MediaTypeObject)
tracedContent resp = IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask resp >>> step (RequestMediaTypeObject k)))
$ _requestBodyContent $ extract resp
tracedContent resp =
IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask resp >>> step (RequestMediaTypeObject k))) $
_requestBodyContent $ extract resp
instance Issuable 'RequestLevel where
data Issue 'RequestLevel
@ -34,19 +35,25 @@ instance Behavable 'RequestLevel 'PayloadLevel where
instance Subtree RequestBody where
type SubtreeLevel RequestBody = 'RequestLevel
type CheckEnv RequestBody =
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema)) ]
checkCompatibility env beh prodCons@(ProdCons p c) =
CheckEnv RequestBody =
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
checkStructuralCompatibility env pc = do
structuralEq $ _requestBodyRequired <$> pc
iohmStructural env $ _requestBodyContent <$> pc
pure ()
checkSemanticCompatibility env beh prodCons@(ProdCons p c) =
if not (fromMaybe False . _requestBodyRequired . extract $ p)
&& (fromMaybe False . _requestBodyRequired . extract $ c)
then issueAt beh RequestBodyRequired
-- Media type object are sums-like entities.
check mediaType pc = checkCompatibility @MediaTypeObject (HCons mediaType env) (beh >>> step InPayload) pc
sumElts = getSum <$> prodCons
getSum rb = M.fromList . IOHM.toList $ tracedContent rb
in checkSums beh RequestMediaTypeNotFound check sumElts
&& (fromMaybe False . _requestBodyRequired . extract $ c)
then issueAt beh RequestBodyRequired
else -- Media type object are sums-like entities.
let check mediaType pc = checkCompatibility @MediaTypeObject (HCons mediaType env) (beh >>> step InPayload) pc
sumElts = getSum <$> prodCons
getSum rb = M.fromList . IOHM.toList $ tracedContent rb
in checkSums beh RequestMediaTypeNotFound check sumElts
instance Steppable RequestBody MediaTypeObject where
data Step RequestBody MediaTypeObject = RequestMediaTypeObject MediaType

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@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Responses
import Control.Lens
import Data.Foldable
import Data.HList
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as IOHM
import Data.Map.Strict as M
@ -17,42 +15,54 @@ import Network.HTTP.Media (MediaType)
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.References
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Header ()
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Link ()
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.MediaTypeObject
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Products
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Schema ()
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Sums
tracedResponses :: Traced Responses -> IOHM.InsOrdHashMap HttpStatusCode (Traced (Referenced Response))
tracedResponses resp = IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask resp >>> step (ResponseCodeStep k)))
$ _responsesResponses $ extract resp
tracedResponses resp =
IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask resp >>> step (ResponseCodeStep k))) $
_responsesResponses $ extract resp
instance Subtree Responses where
type SubtreeLevel Responses = 'OperationLevel
type CheckEnv Responses =
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Response))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
CheckEnv Responses =
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Response))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Link))
checkStructuralCompatibility env pc = do
structuralMaybe env $ _responsesDefault <$> pc
iohmStructural env $ _responsesResponses <$> pc
pure ()
-- Roles are already swapped. Producer is a server and consumer is a
-- client. Response codes are sum-like entity because we can answer with only
-- one element
checkCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
defs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Response))) env
check code resps = checkCompatibility @Response env (beh >>> step (WithStatusCode code)) resps
elements = getEls <$> defs <*> prodCons
getEls respDef resps = M.fromList $ do
(code, respRef) <- IOHM.toList $ tracedResponses resps
pure (code, dereference respDef respRef)
checkSemanticCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
let defs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Response))) env
check code resps = checkCompatibility @Response env (beh >>> step (WithStatusCode code)) resps
elements = getEls <$> defs <*> prodCons
getEls respDef resps = M.fromList $ do
(code, respRef) <- IOHM.toList $ tracedResponses resps
pure (code, dereference respDef respRef)
checkSums beh ResponseCodeNotFound check elements
tracedContent :: Traced Response -> IOHM.InsOrdHashMap MediaType (Traced MediaTypeObject)
tracedContent resp = IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask resp >>> step (ResponseMediaObject k)))
$ _responseContent $ extract resp
tracedContent resp =
IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask resp >>> step (ResponseMediaObject k))) $
_responseContent $ extract resp
tracedHeaders :: Traced Response -> IOHM.InsOrdHashMap HeaderName (Traced (Referenced Header))
tracedHeaders resp = IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask resp >>> step (ResponseHeader k)))
$ _responseHeaders $ extract resp
tracedHeaders resp =
IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask resp >>> step (ResponseHeader k))) $
_responseHeaders $ extract resp
instance Issuable 'ResponseLevel where
data Issue 'ResponseLevel
@ -73,11 +83,18 @@ instance Behavable 'ResponseLevel 'HeaderLevel where
instance Subtree Response where
type SubtreeLevel Response = 'ResponseLevel
type CheckEnv Response =
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
checkCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
CheckEnv Response =
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Link))
checkStructuralCompatibility env pc = do
iohmStructural env $ _responseContent <$> pc
iohmStructural env $ _responseHeaders <$> pc
iohmStructural env $ _responseLinks <$> pc
pure ()
checkSemanticCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
-- Roles are already swapped. Producer is a server and consumer is a client
@ -85,71 +102,38 @@ instance Subtree Response where
checkMediaTypes = do
-- Media types are sum-like entity
check mediaType mtObj =
let mtEnv = HCons mediaType $ env
in checkCompatibility @MediaTypeObject mtEnv (beh >>> step ResponsePayload) mtObj
elements = getEls <$> prodCons
getEls resp = M.fromList . IOHM.toList $ tracedContent resp
let check mediaType mtObj =
let mtEnv = HCons mediaType $ env
in checkCompatibility @MediaTypeObject mtEnv (beh >>> step ResponsePayload) mtObj
elements = getEls <$> prodCons
getEls resp = M.fromList . IOHM.toList $ tracedContent resp
checkSums beh ResponseMediaTypeMissing check elements
checkHeaders = do
-- Headers are product-like entities
check name hdrs = checkCompatibility @Header env (beh >>> step (InHeader name)) hdrs
elements = getEls <$> headerDefs <*> prodCons
getEls headerDef resp = M.fromList $ do
(hname, headerRef) <- IOHM.toList $ tracedHeaders resp
let header = dereference headerDef headerRef
pure (hname, ProductLike
{ productValue = header
, required = fromMaybe False . _headerRequired . extract $ header
let check name hdrs = checkCompatibility @Header env (beh >>> step (InHeader name)) hdrs
elements = getEls <$> headerDefs <*> prodCons
getEls headerDef resp = M.fromList $ do
(hname, headerRef) <- IOHM.toList $ tracedHeaders resp
let header = dereference headerDef headerRef
( hname
, ProductLike
{ productValue = header
, required = fromMaybe False . _headerRequired . extract $ header
checkProducts beh ResponseHeaderMissing check elements
headerDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))) env
tracedSchema :: Traced Header -> Maybe (Traced (Referenced Schema))
tracedSchema hdr = _headerSchema (extract hdr) <&> traced (ask hdr >>> step HeaderSchema)
instance Issuable 'HeaderLevel where
data Issue 'HeaderLevel
= RequiredHeaderMissing
| NonEmptyHeaderRequired
| HeaderSchemaRequired
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
issueIsUnsupported _ = False
instance Behavable 'HeaderLevel 'SchemaLevel where
data Behave 'HeaderLevel 'SchemaLevel
= InSchema
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Subtree Header where
type SubtreeLevel Header = 'HeaderLevel
type CheckEnv Header = '[ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))]
checkCompatibility env beh (ProdCons p c) = do
if (fromMaybe False $ _headerRequired $ extract c) && not (fromMaybe False $ _headerRequired $ extract p)
then issueAt beh RequiredHeaderMissing else pure ()
if not (fromMaybe False $ _headerAllowEmptyValue $ extract c) && (fromMaybe False $ _headerAllowEmptyValue $ extract p)
then issueAt beh NonEmptyHeaderRequired else pure ()
for_ (tracedSchema c) $ \consRef ->
case tracedSchema p of
Nothing -> issueAt beh HeaderSchemaRequired
Just prodRef -> checkCompatibility env (beh >>> step InSchema) (ProdCons prodRef consRef)
pure ()
instance Steppable Responses (Referenced Response) where
data Step Responses (Referenced Response) = ResponseCodeStep HttpStatusCode
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable Header (Referenced Schema) where
data Step Header (Referenced Schema) = HeaderSchema
instance Steppable Response MediaTypeObject where
data Step Response MediaTypeObject = ResponseMediaObject MediaType
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable Response (Referenced Header) where
data Step Response (Referenced Header) = ResponseHeader HeaderName
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable Response MediaTypeObject where
data Step Response MediaTypeObject = ResponseMediaObject MediaType
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)

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@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import Data.Scientific
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T hiding (singleton)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Typeable
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Orphans ()
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ import OpenAPI.Checker.References
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
import qualified OpenAPI.Checker.PathsPrefixTree as P
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import Debug.Trace
-- | Type of a JSON value
data JsonType
@ -598,11 +600,11 @@ schemaToFormula
schemaToFormula defs rs = runWriter . (`runReaderT` defs) $ processSchema rs
:: HasAll (CheckEnv Schema) xs
:: (HasAll (CheckEnv Schema) xs)
=> HList xs
-> Behavior 'SchemaLevel
-> ProdCons (ForeachType JsonFormula, P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue 'SchemaLevel)
-> CompatFormula ()
-> SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkFormulas env beh (ProdCons (fp, ep) (fc, ec)) =
case P.toList ep ++ P.toList ec of
issues@(_:_) -> F.for_ issues $ \(AnItem t (AnIssue e)) -> issueAt (beh >>> t) e
@ -647,7 +649,7 @@ checkFormulas env beh (ProdCons (fp, ep) (fc, ec)) =
:: Behavior 'TypedSchemaLevel
-> [Condition t]
-> CompatFormula ()
-> SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkContradiction beh _ = issueAt beh NoContradiction -- TODO
@ -656,7 +658,7 @@ checkImplication
-> Behavior 'TypedSchemaLevel
-> [Condition t]
-> Condition t
-> CompatFormula ()
-> SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkImplication env beh prods cons = case findExactly prods of
Just e
| all (satisfiesTyped e) prods ->
@ -803,15 +805,62 @@ instance Behavable 'TypedSchemaLevel 'SchemaLevel where
instance Subtree Schema where
type SubtreeLevel Schema = 'SchemaLevel
type CheckEnv Schema = '[ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))]
checkCompatibility env beh schs = do
checkStructuralCompatibility env pc = do
traceShowM pc
structuralEq $ _schemaRequired <$> pc
structuralMaybeWith structuralEq $ _schemaNullable <$> pc
structuralMaybeWith (structuralList env) $ _schemaAllOf <$> pc
structuralMaybeWith (structuralList env) $ _schemaOneOf <$> pc
structuralMaybe env $ _schemaNot <$> pc
structuralMaybeWith (structuralList env) $ _schemaAnyOf <$> pc
iohmStructural env $ _schemaProperties <$> pc
structuralMaybeWith structuralAdditionalProperties $ _schemaAdditionalProperties <$> pc
structuralMaybeWith structuralDiscriminator $ _schemaDiscriminator <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaReadOnly <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaWriteOnly <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaXml <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaMaxProperties <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaMinProperties <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaDefault <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaType <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaFormat <$> pc
structuralMaybeWith structuralItems $ _schemaItems <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaMaximum <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaExclusiveMaximum <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaMinimum <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaExclusiveMinimum <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaMaxLength <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaMinLength <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaPattern <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaMaxItems <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaMinItems <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaUniqueItems <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaEnum <$> pc
structuralEq $ _schemaMultipleOf <$> pc
pure ()
(ProdCons (AdditionalPropertiesAllowed x) (AdditionalPropertiesAllowed y)) =
structuralEq $ ProdCons x y
(ProdCons (AdditionalPropertiesSchema x) (AdditionalPropertiesSchema y)) =
checkStructuralCompatibility env $ ProdCons x y
structuralAdditionalProperties _ = structuralIssue
structuralDiscriminator pc' = do
structuralEq $ _discriminatorPropertyName <$> pc'
(\_ mappingPC -> case A.decodeStrict @(Referenced Schema) . T.encodeUtf8 <$> mappingPC of
ProdCons (Just a) (Just b) -> checkStructuralCompatibility env $ ProdCons a b
ProdCons Nothing Nothing -> structuralEq mappingPC
_ -> structuralIssue
(_discriminatorMapping <$> pc')
pure ()
structuralItems (ProdCons (OpenApiItemsObject a) (OpenApiItemsObject b)) =
checkStructuralCompatibility env $ ProdCons a b
structuralItems (ProdCons (OpenApiItemsArray a) (OpenApiItemsArray b)) =
structuralList env $ ProdCons a b
structuralItems _ = structuralIssue
checkSemanticCompatibility env beh schs = do
let defs = getH env
checkFormulas env beh $ schemaToFormula <$> defs <*> schs
instance Subtree (Referenced Schema) where
type SubtreeLevel (Referenced Schema) = 'SchemaLevel
type CheckEnv (Referenced Schema) = CheckEnv Schema
checkCompatibility env beh refs = do
defs = getH env
schs = dereference <$> defs <*> refs
checkFormulas env beh $ schemaToFormula <$> defs <*> schs

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@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.SecurityRequirement
( Issue (..)
) where
import Data.OpenApi
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
@ -20,4 +21,5 @@ instance Subtree SecurityRequirement where
CheckEnv SecurityRequirement =
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions SecurityScheme))
checkCompatibility = undefined
checkStructuralCompatibility = undefined
checkSemanticCompatibility = undefined

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Server
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Monad
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
@ -14,13 +15,16 @@ import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function
import Data.Functor
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as IOHM
import qualified Data.HashSet.InsOrd as IOHM
import qualified Data.HashSet.InsOrd as IOHS
import Data.Maybe
import Data.OpenApi
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Traversable
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Common
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.MediaTypeObject
@ -44,7 +48,14 @@ instance Behavable 'OperationLevel 'ServerLevel where
instance Subtree [Server] where
type SubtreeLevel [Server] = 'OperationLevel
type CheckEnv [Server] = '[]
checkCompatibility env beh pcServer = do
checkStructuralCompatibility _ pc =
structuralEq $ S.fromList . fmap reduceServer <$> pc
reducerServerVariable =
fmap IOHM.toHashSet . _serverVariableEnum &&& _serverVariableDefault
reduceServer =
_serverUrl &&& fmap reducerServerVariable . IOHM.toHashMap . _serverVariables
checkSemanticCompatibility env beh pcServer = do
let (ProdCons (pErrs, pUrls) (cErrs, cUrls)) =
<&> partitionEithers
@ -74,12 +85,6 @@ unifyPart :: ServerUrlPart ServerVariable -> Maybe (IOHS.InsOrdHashSet Text)
unifyPart (ServerUrlVariable v) = _serverVariableEnum v
unifyPart (ServerUrlConstant c) = Just $ IOHS.singleton c
zipAll :: [a] -> [b] -> Maybe [(a, b)]
zipAll [] [] = Just []
zipAll (x : xs) (y : ys) = ((x, y) :) <$> zipAll xs ys
zipAll (_ : _) [] = Nothing
zipAll [] (_ : _) = Nothing
staticCompatiblePart :: ServerUrlPart x -> ServerUrlPart x -> Bool
staticCompatiblePart (ServerUrlConstant x) (ServerUrlConstant y) = x == y
staticCompatiblePart _ _ = True
@ -90,7 +95,7 @@ staticCompatible a b = maybe False (all $ uncurry staticCompatiblePart) $ zipAll
data ServerUrlPart var
= ServerUrlVariable var
| ServerUrlConstant Text
deriving stock (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
-- | This is super rough. Things like @{a|b}c@ will not match @ac@.
@ -130,7 +135,12 @@ instance Issuable 'ServerLevel where
instance Subtree ProcessedServer where
type SubtreeLevel ProcessedServer = 'ServerLevel
type CheckEnv ProcessedServer = '[]
checkCompatibility _ beh pc =
checkStructuralCompatibility _ pc =
structuralEq $ (fmap . fmap . fmap) reducerServerVariable pc
reducerServerVariable =
fmap IOHM.toHashSet . _serverVariableEnum &&& _serverVariableDefault
checkSemanticCompatibility _ beh pc =
-- traversing here is fine because we have already filtered for length
for_ (zip [0 ..] $ zipProdCons . fmap (fmap unifyPart . extract) $ pc) $ \(i, pcPart) -> case pcPart of
(Just x, Just y) -> for_ x $ \v -> unless (v `IOHS.member` y) (issueAt beh $ EnumValueNotConsumed i v)

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@ -1 +1 @@
resolver: lts-17.4
resolver: lts-17.11

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
packages: []
- completed:
size: 563103
sha256: f11e2153044f5f71ea7b1c9398f4721f517c9bd37642ed769647b896564021f3
original: lts-17.4
size: 567672
sha256: 03181cdbeb671eb605bbcf6f285bea4d094b6ac7433a0e14a9f1dd54ad995938
original: lts-17.11