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mniip 2021-08-02 12:13:21 +03:00
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@ -45,28 +45,29 @@ checkFormulas env beh trs defs (ProdCons (fp, ep) (fc, ec)) =
issues@(_ : _) -> for_ issues $ embedFormula beh . anItem
[] -> do
-- We have the following isomorphisms:
-- (A ⊂ X Y) = (A ⊂ X) \/ (A ⊂ Y)
-- (A ⊂ X ∩ Y) = (A ⊂ X) /\ (A ⊂ Y)
-- (A ⊂ ) = 1
-- (X Y ⊂ B) = (X ⊂ B) /\ (Y ⊂ B)
-- (∅ ⊂ B) = 1
-- The remaining cases are, notably, not isomorphisms:
-- 1) (A ⊂ ∅) <= 0
-- 2) (X ∩ Y ⊂ B) <= (X ⊂ B) \/ (Y ⊂ B)
-- 3) ( ⊂ B) <= 0
-- Therefore we have the isomorphisms with (∃ and ∀ being the N-ary
-- 1) (A ⊂ X Y) <= (A ⊂ X) \/ (A ⊂ Y)
-- 2) (A ⊂ ∅) <= 0
-- 3) (X ∩ Y ⊂ B) <= (X ⊂ B) \/ (Y ⊂ B)
-- 4) ( ⊂ B) <= 0
-- Therefore we have the implications with (∃ and ∀ being the N-ary
-- versions of \/ and /\ respectively):
-- (_i ⋂_j A[i,j]) ⊂ (_k ⋂_l B[k,l])
-- = ∃k ∀l ∀i, (⋂_j A[i,j]) ⊂ B[k,l]
-- <= ∃k ∀l ∀i, (⋂_j A[i,j]) ⊂ B[k,l]
-- = ∀i ∃k ∀l, (⋂_j A[i,j]) ⊂ B[k,l]
-- with the caveat that the the set over which k ranges is nonempty.
-- This is because 1) is not an isomorphism.
-- (because 2) is not an isomorphism), and that this is a sufficient
-- but not necessary condition (because 1) is not an isomorphism).
-- Our disjunction loses information, so it makes sense to nest it as
-- deeply as possible, hence we choose the latter representation.
-- We delegate the verification of (⋂_j A[j]) ⊂ B to a separate heuristic
-- function, with the understanding that ∃j, A[j] ⊂ B is a sufficient,
-- but not necessary condition (because of 2) and 3)).
-- but not necessary condition (because of 3) and 4)).
-- If k ranges over an empty set, we have the isomorphism:
-- (_i ⋂_j A[i,j]) ⊂ ∅ = ∀i, (⋂_j A[i,j]) ⊂ ∅