Actually format all code

This commit is contained in:
iko 2022-01-11 17:24:00 +03:00
parent 81837842ec
commit fdcbb2a054
Signed by untrusted user: iko
GPG Key ID: 82C257048D1026F2
38 changed files with 1043 additions and 951 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Options
( Options (..)
, OutputMode (..)
, parseOptions
( Options (..),
OutputMode (..),
@ -30,86 +30,105 @@ optionsParserInfo :: ParserInfo Options
optionsParserInfo =
(helper <*> optionsParser)
<> header "CompaREST"
<> progDescDoc
(Just $
par "A tool to check compatibility between two OpenAPI specifications."
<$$> hardline <> par "Usage examples" <> hardline
<$$> indent
(par "Compare files old.yaml with new.yaml and output the resulting report to stdout:"
<$$> hardline <> indent 4 "comparest -c old.yaml -s new.yaml"
<$$> hardline <> par "Only output breaking changes and write a styled HTML report to file report.html:"
<$$> hardline <> indent 4 "comparest -c old.yaml -s new.yaml --only-breaking -o report"
<$$> hardline <> par "Don't output anything, only fail if there are breaking changes:"
<$$> hardline <> indent 4 "comparest -c old.json -s new.json --silent"
<$$> hardline <> par "Write full report suitable for embedding into a GitHub comment to report.html:"
<$$> hardline <> indent 4 "comparest -c old.json -s new.json --folding-block-quotes-style -o report.html")))
( fullDesc
<> header "CompaREST"
<> progDescDoc
( Just $
par "A tool to check compatibility between two OpenAPI specifications."
<$$> hardline <> par "Usage examples" <> hardline
<$$> indent
( par "Compare files old.yaml with new.yaml and output the resulting report to stdout:"
<$$> hardline <> indent 4 "comparest -c old.yaml -s new.yaml"
<$$> hardline <> par "Only output breaking changes and write a styled HTML report to file report.html:"
<$$> hardline <> indent 4 "comparest -c old.yaml -s new.yaml --only-breaking -o report"
<$$> hardline <> par "Don't output anything, only fail if there are breaking changes:"
<$$> hardline <> indent 4 "comparest -c old.json -s new.json --silent"
<$$> hardline <> par "Write full report suitable for embedding into a GitHub comment to report.html:"
<$$> hardline <> indent 4 "comparest -c old.json -s new.json --folding-block-quotes-style -o report.html"
optionsParser :: Parser Options
optionsParser =
<$> strOption
(short 'c'
<> long "client"
<> help
"A path to the file containing the specification that will be \
\used for the client of the API. Can be either a YAML or JSON file.")
( short 'c'
<> long "client"
<> help
"A path to the file containing the specification that will be \
\used for the client of the API. Can be either a YAML or JSON file."
<*> strOption
(short 's'
<> long "server"
<> help
"A path to the file containing the specification that will be \
\used for the server of the API. Can be either a YAML or JSON file.")
<*> (flag'
(long "silent"
<> help "Silence all output. Only makes sense in combination with --signal-exit-code.")
<|> flag'
(Just OnlyErrors)
(long "only-breaking"
<> help "Only report breaking changes in the output.")
<|> flag'
(Just All)
(long "all"
<> help
"Report both incompatible and compatible changes. \
\Compatible changes will not trigger a failure exit code.")
<|> pure (Just All))
<*> ((FileMode
<$> strOption
(short 'o' <> long "output"
<> helpDoc
(Just $
par "The file path where the output should be written. If the option is omitted the result will be written to stdout."
<$$> hardline <> par "The file extension is used to determine the type of the output file."
<$$> hardline <> par "Supports many formats such as markdown, html, rtf, doc, txt, rst, and many more."
<$$> hardline <> par "Leave out the extension to produce a self-contained HTML report with styling.")))
<|> pure StdoutMode)
<*> (flag'
(long "folding-block-quotes-style"
<> help
"The report tree is structured using \
\summary/detail HTML elements and indented using \
\block quotes. This style renders well on GitHub.\
\Intended for HTML output format. Markdown has rendering \
\bugs on GitHub.")
<|> flag'
(long "header-style"
( short 's'
<> long "server"
<> help
"A path to the file containing the specification that will be \
\used for the server of the API. Can be either a YAML or JSON file."
<*> ( flag'
( long "silent"
<> help "Silence all output. Only makes sense in combination with --signal-exit-code."
<|> flag'
(Just OnlyErrors)
( long "only-breaking"
<> help "Only report breaking changes in the output."
<|> flag'
(Just All)
( long "all"
<> help
"Report both incompatible and compatible changes. \
\Compatible changes will not trigger a failure exit code."
<|> pure (Just All)
<*> ( ( FileMode
<$> strOption
( short 'o' <> long "output"
<> helpDoc
( Just $
par "The file path where the output should be written. If the option is omitted the result will be written to stdout."
<$$> hardline <> par "The file extension is used to determine the type of the output file."
<$$> hardline <> par "Supports many formats such as markdown, html, rtf, doc, txt, rst, and many more."
<$$> hardline <> par "Leave out the extension to produce a self-contained HTML report with styling."
<|> pure StdoutMode
<*> ( flag'
( long "folding-block-quotes-style"
<> help
"The report tree is structured using \
\increasing levels of headers.")
<|> pure HeadersTreeStyle)
<*> switch
(long "signal-exit-code"
<> helpDoc (Just $
\summary/detail HTML elements and indented using \
\block quotes. This style renders well on GitHub.\
\Intended for HTML output format. Markdown has rendering \
\bugs on GitHub."
<|> flag'
( long "header-style"
<> help
"The report tree is structured using \
\increasing levels of headers."
<|> pure HeadersTreeStyle
<*> switch
( long "signal-exit-code"
<> helpDoc
( Just $
par "Signal API compatibility with the exit code."
<$$> hardline <> par "Exit with 0 if there are no breaking changes."
<$$> par "Exit with 1 if there are breaking changes."
<$$> par "Exit with 2 if could not determine compatibility."))
<$$> par "Exit with 2 if could not determine compatibility."
par :: String -> Doc
par = foldr1 (</>) . fmap string . words

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- Originally based on:
module FormatHeuristic
( formatFromFilePath
( formatFromFilePath,

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
module Data.HList
( Has
, HasAll
, getH
, HList (..)
, singletonH
, ReassembleHList
, reassemble
( Has,
HList (..),
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ instance (Has' x xs t, HeadEq x (y : xs) ~ 'False) => Has' x (y ': xs) 'False wh
{-# INLINE getH #-}
TypeError ('ShowType x ':<>: 'Text " is not a part of the list.")
=> Has' x '[] 'False
TypeError ( 'ShowType x ':<>: 'Text " is not a part of the list.") =>
Has' x '[] 'False
getH HNil = undefined
{-# INLINE getH #-}
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ instance ReassembleHList' (x ': xs) '[] 'False where
{-# INLINE reassemble #-}
(Has y xs, ReassembleHList' xs ys f, (xs == (y ': ys)) ~ 'False)
=> ReassembleHList' xs (y ': ys) 'False
(Has y xs, ReassembleHList' xs ys f, (xs == (y ': ys)) ~ 'False) =>
ReassembleHList' xs (y ': ys) 'False
reassemble xs = getH @y xs `HCons` reassemble xs
{-# INLINE reassemble #-}

View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Behavior
( BehaviorLevel (..)
, Behavable (..)
, IssueKind (..)
, Issuable (..)
, Orientation (..)
, toggleOrientation
, Behavior
, AnIssue (..)
, withClass
, anIssueKind
, relatedAnIssues
( BehaviorLevel (..),
Behavable (..),
IssueKind (..),
Issuable (..),
Orientation (..),
AnIssue (..),

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Common
( zipAll
( zipAll,

View File

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Formula
( FormulaF
, VarRef
, variable
, eitherOf
, anError
, errors
, calculate
, maxFixpoint
, mapErrors
) where
( FormulaF,
import Data.Kind
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
@ -24,15 +25,24 @@ type VarRef = Int
-- fixpoints always exist, i.e. that @x = f x@ has at least one solution.
data FormulaF (q :: k -> k -> Type) (f :: k -> Type) (r :: k) (a :: Type) where
Result :: a -> FormulaF q f r a
Errors :: !(P.PathsPrefixTree q f r) -> FormulaF q f r a
-- ^ invariant: never empty
Apply :: FormulaF q f r (b -> c) -> FormulaF q f r b -> (c -> a) -> FormulaF q f r a
-- ^ invariant: at least one of LHS and RHS is not 'Errors', and they are
Errors ::
!(P.PathsPrefixTree q f r) ->
-- | invariant: never empty
FormulaF q f r a
Apply ::
FormulaF q f r (b -> c) ->
FormulaF q f r b ->
(c -> a) ->
-- | invariant: at least one of LHS and RHS is not 'Errors', and they are
-- both not 'Result'
SelectFirst :: NE.NonEmpty (SomeFormulaF b)
-> !(P.PathsPrefixTree q f r) -> (b -> a) -> FormulaF q f r a
-- ^ invariant: the list doesn't contain any 'Result's, 'Errors' or
FormulaF q f r a
SelectFirst ::
NE.NonEmpty (SomeFormulaF b) ->
!(P.PathsPrefixTree q f r) ->
(b -> a) ->
-- | invariant: the list doesn't contain any 'Result's, 'Errors' or
-- 'SelectFirst'
FormulaF q f r a
Variable :: !VarRef -> a -> FormulaF q f r a
mkApply :: FormulaF q f r (b -> c) -> FormulaF q f r b -> (c -> a) -> FormulaF q f r a
@ -44,13 +54,13 @@ mkApply f x h = Apply f x h
mkSelectFirst :: [SomeFormulaF b] -> P.PathsPrefixTree q f r -> (b -> a) -> FormulaF q f r a
mkSelectFirst fs allE h = case foldMap check fs of
(First (Just x), _) -> Result (h x)
(First Nothing, x:xs) -> SelectFirst (x NE.:| xs) allE h
(First Nothing, x : xs) -> SelectFirst (x NE.:| xs) allE h
(First Nothing, []) -> Errors allE
check (SomeFormulaF (Result x)) = (First (Just x), mempty)
check (SomeFormulaF (Errors _)) = (mempty, mempty)
check (SomeFormulaF (SelectFirst xs _ h'))
= (mempty, NE.toList (fmap (fmap h') xs))
check (SomeFormulaF (SelectFirst xs _ h')) =
(mempty, NE.toList (fmap (fmap h') xs))
check x = (mempty, [x])
data SomeFormulaF (a :: Type) where
@ -96,7 +106,7 @@ calculate (Apply f x h) = case calculate f of
Right x' -> Right (h (f' x'))
calculate (SelectFirst xs e h) = go (NE.toList xs)
go (SomeFormulaF r:rs) = case calculate r of
go (SomeFormulaF r : rs) = case calculate r of
Left _ -> go rs
Right x -> Right (h x)
go [] = Left e

View File

@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
-- | Utilities for effectfully memoizing other, more effectful functions.
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Memo
( MonadMemo
, MemoState
, runMemo
, modifyMemoNonce
, KnotTier(..)
, unknot
, memoWithKnot
, memoTaggedWithKnot
) where
( MonadMemo,
KnotTier (..),
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Dynamic
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Void
import qualified Data.TypeRepMap as T
import Data.Void
import Type.Reflection
data Progress a = Finished a | Started | TyingKnot Dynamic
@ -29,16 +31,23 @@ data MemoState s = MemoState s (T.TypeRepMap MemoMap)
-- | An effectful memoization monad.
type MonadMemo s m = MonadState (MemoState s) m
:: forall k v s. (Typeable k, Typeable v, Ord k)
=> k -> MemoState s -> Maybe (Progress v)
memoStateLookup ::
forall k v s.
(Typeable k, Typeable v, Ord k) =>
k ->
MemoState s ->
Maybe (Progress v)
memoStateLookup k (MemoState _ t) = case T.lookup @(k, v) t of
Just (MemoMap m) -> M.lookup k m
Nothing -> Nothing
:: forall k v s. (Typeable k, Typeable v, Ord k)
=> k -> Progress v -> MemoState s -> MemoState s
memoStateInsert ::
forall k v s.
(Typeable k, Typeable v, Ord k) =>
k ->
Progress v ->
MemoState s ->
MemoState s
memoStateInsert k x (MemoState s t) = MemoState s $ T.insert (MemoMap m'') t
m'' = M.insert k x m'
@ -59,19 +68,23 @@ runMemo s = (`evalStateT` MemoState s T.empty)
-- | A description of how to effectfully tie knots in type @v@, using the @m@
-- monad, and by sharing some @d@ data among the recursive instances.
data KnotTier v d m = KnotTier
{ onKnotFound :: m d -- ^ Create some data that will be connected to this knot
, onKnotUsed :: d -> m v -- ^ This is what the knot will look like as a value
{ -- | Create some data that will be connected to this knot
onKnotFound :: m d
, -- | This is what the knot will look like as a value
-- to the inner computations
, tieKnot :: d -> v -> m v -- ^ Once we're done and we're outside, tie the
onKnotUsed :: d -> m v
, -- | Once we're done and we're outside, tie the
-- knot using the datum
tieKnot :: d -> v -> m v
unknot :: KnotTier v Void m
unknot = KnotTier
{ onKnotFound = error "Recursion detected"
, onKnotUsed = absurd
, tieKnot = absurd
unknot =
{ onKnotFound = error "Recursion detected"
, onKnotUsed = absurd
, tieKnot = absurd
-- | Run a potentially recursive computation. The provided key will be used to
-- refer to the result of this computation. If during the computation, another
@ -80,47 +93,72 @@ unknot = KnotTier
-- If another attempt to run the computation with the same key is made
-- *after we're done*, we will return the memoized value.
:: forall k v d m s.
(Typeable k, Typeable v, Typeable d, Ord k, MonadMemo s m)
=> KnotTier v d m
-> m v -- ^ the computation to memoize
-> k -- ^ key for memoization
-> m v
memoWithKnot tier f k = memoStateLookup @k @v k <$> get >>= \case
Just (Finished v) -> pure v
Just Started -> do
d <- onKnotFound tier
modify $ memoStateInsert @k @v k (TyingKnot $ toDyn d)
onKnotUsed tier d
Just (TyingKnot dyn) -> case fromDynamic dyn of
Just d -> onKnotUsed tier d
Nothing -> error $ "Type mismatch when examining the knot of "
<> show (typeRep @(k -> v)) <> ": expected " <> show (typeRep @d)
<> ", got " <> show (dynTypeRep dyn)
Nothing -> do
modify $ memoStateInsert @k @v k Started
v <- f
v' <- memoStateLookup @k @v k <$> get >>= \case
Just Started -> pure v
Just (TyingKnot dyn) -> case fromDynamic dyn of
Just d -> tieKnot tier d v
Nothing -> error $ "Type mismatch when tying the knot of "
<> show (typeRep @(k -> v)) <> ": expected " <> show (typeRep @d)
<> ", got " <> show (dynTypeRep dyn)
Just (Finished _) -> error $ "Unexpected Finished when memoizing "
<> show (typeRep @(k -> v))
Nothing -> pure v
-- Normally this would be an error, but the underlying monad can refuse
-- to remember memoization state
modify $ memoStateInsert @k @v k (Finished v')
pure v'
memoWithKnot ::
forall k v d m s.
(Typeable k, Typeable v, Typeable d, Ord k, MonadMemo s m) =>
KnotTier v d m ->
-- | the computation to memoize
m v ->
-- | key for memoization
k ->
m v
memoWithKnot tier f k =
memoStateLookup @k @v k <$> get >>= \case
Just (Finished v) -> pure v
Just Started -> do
d <- onKnotFound tier
modify $ memoStateInsert @k @v k (TyingKnot $ toDyn d)
onKnotUsed tier d
Just (TyingKnot dyn) -> case fromDynamic dyn of
Just d -> onKnotUsed tier d
Nothing ->
error $
"Type mismatch when examining the knot of "
<> show (typeRep @(k -> v))
<> ": expected "
<> show (typeRep @d)
<> ", got "
<> show (dynTypeRep dyn)
Nothing -> do
modify $ memoStateInsert @k @v k Started
v <- f
v' <-
memoStateLookup @k @v k <$> get >>= \case
Just Started -> pure v
Just (TyingKnot dyn) -> case fromDynamic dyn of
Just d -> tieKnot tier d v
Nothing ->
error $
"Type mismatch when tying the knot of "
<> show (typeRep @(k -> v))
<> ": expected "
<> show (typeRep @d)
<> ", got "
<> show (dynTypeRep dyn)
Just (Finished _) ->
error $
"Unexpected Finished when memoizing "
<> show (typeRep @(k -> v))
Nothing -> pure v
-- Normally this would be an error, but the underlying monad can refuse
-- to remember memoization state
modify $ memoStateInsert @k @v k (Finished v')
pure v'
-- | Disambiguate memoized computations with an arbitrary tag.
:: forall t k v d m s.
( Typeable t, Typeable k, Typeable v, Typeable d
, Ord k, MonadMemo s m )
=> KnotTier v d m -> m v -> k -> m v
memoTaggedWithKnot tier f k = withTypeable (typeRepKind $ typeRep @t) $
memoWithKnot tier f (Tagged @t k)
memoTaggedWithKnot ::
forall t k v d m s.
( Typeable t
, Typeable k
, Typeable v
, Typeable d
, Ord k
, MonadMemo s m
) =>
KnotTier v d m ->
m v ->
k ->
m v
memoTaggedWithKnot tier f k =
withTypeable (typeRepKind $ typeRep @t) $
memoWithKnot tier f (Tagged @t k)

View File

@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
-- collection of datatypes that "contain" eachother in some form of tree
-- structure.
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Paths
( NiceQuiver
, AdditionalQuiverConstraints
, Paths (..)
, DiffPaths (..)
, catDiffPaths
, AnItem (..)
, step
( NiceQuiver,
Paths (..),
DiffPaths (..),
AnItem (..),
-- * Reexports
, (>>>)
, (<<<)

View File

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.PathsPrefixTree
( PathsPrefixTree (PathsPrefixNode)
, AStep (..)
, empty
, singleton
, fromList
, null
, foldWith
, toList
, filter
, filterWithKey
, takeSubtree
, lookup
, embed
, size
, partition
, map
( PathsPrefixTree (PathsPrefixNode),
AStep (..),
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import qualified Data.TypeRepMap as TRM
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified GHC.Exts as Exts
import Type.Reflection
import Prelude hiding (filter, map, null, lookup)
import Prelude hiding (filter, lookup, map, null)
-- | A list of @AnItem r f@, but optimized into a prefix tree.
data PathsPrefixTree (q :: k -> k -> Type) (f :: k -> Type) (r :: k) = PathsPrefixTree
@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ deriving stock instance Eq (PathsPrefixTree q f a)
-- Kind of orphan. Treat the map as an infinite tuple of @Maybe (f a)@'s, where
-- the components are ordered by the @SomeTypeRep@ of the @a@.
:: (forall a. Typeable a => Ord (f a))
=> TRM.TypeRepMap f
-> TRM.TypeRepMap f
-> Ordering
compareTRM ::
(forall a. Typeable a => Ord (f a)) =>
TRM.TypeRepMap f ->
TRM.TypeRepMap f ->
compareTRM s1 s2 =
foldMap (\k -> compareMaybe compareW (M.lookup k m1) (M.lookup k m2)) mKeys
@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ compareTRM s1 s2 =
compareMaybe _ Nothing (Just _) = LT
compareMaybe _ (Just _) Nothing = GT
compareMaybe cmp (Just x) (Just y) = cmp x y
:: (forall a. Typeable a => Ord (f a))
=> TRM.WrapTypeable f
-> TRM.WrapTypeable f
-> Ordering
compareW ::
(forall a. Typeable a => Ord (f a)) =>
TRM.WrapTypeable f ->
TRM.WrapTypeable f ->
compareW (TRM.WrapTypeable (x :: f a)) (TRM.WrapTypeable (y :: f b))
| Just Refl <- testEquality (typeRep @a) (typeRep @b) = compare x y
| otherwise = EQ -- unreachable
@ -172,10 +172,10 @@ instance Monoid (ASet a) where
mempty = AnEmptySet
data AStep (q :: k -> k -> Type) (f :: k -> Type) (r :: k) (a :: k) where
:: NiceQuiver q r a =>
!(M.Map (q r a) (PathsPrefixTree q f a))
-> AStep q f r a
AStep ::
NiceQuiver q r a =>
!(M.Map (q r a) (PathsPrefixTree q f a)) ->
AStep q f r a
mapAStep :: (forall x. f x -> f x) -> AStep q f r a -> AStep q f r a
mapAStep f (AStep m) = AStep $ (map f) m
@ -215,12 +215,12 @@ null :: PathsPrefixTree q f r -> Bool
null (PathsPrefixTree AnEmptySet s) = all (\(TRM.WrapTypeable (AStep x)) -> all null x) (Exts.toList s)
null _ = False
:: forall q f m r.
Monoid m
=> (forall a. Ord (f a) => Paths q r a -> f a -> m)
-> PathsPrefixTree q f r
-> m
foldWith ::
forall q f m r.
Monoid m =>
(forall a. Ord (f a) => Paths q r a -> f a -> m) ->
PathsPrefixTree q f r ->
foldWith k = goTPT Root
goTPT :: forall a. Paths q r a -> PathsPrefixTree q f a -> m

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.References
( Step (..)
, dereference
, Typeable
( Step (..),
@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ instance Typeable a => Steppable (Referenced a) a where
data Step (Referenced a) a = InlineStep
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
:: Typeable a
=> Traced (Definitions a)
-> Traced (Referenced a)
-> Traced a
dereference ::
Typeable a =>
Traced (Definitions a) ->
Traced (Referenced a) ->
Traced a
dereference defs x = case extract x of
Inline a ->
traced (ask x >>> step InlineStep) a

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Report
( generateReport
, CheckerOutput(..)
, ReportInput (..)
, segregateIssues
, ReportStatus (..)
, Pandoc
, ReportConfig (..)
, ReportTreeStyle (..)
, ReportMode (..)
( generateReport,
CheckerOutput (..),
ReportInput (..),
ReportStatus (..),
ReportConfig (..),
ReportTreeStyle (..),
ReportMode (..),
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ import qualified Data.OpenApi.Compare.PathsPrefixTree as P hiding (empty)
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Report.Jet
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Subtree (invertIssueOrientationP)
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.OpenApi
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.TypedJson
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.Issues
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.TypedJson
import Data.OpenUnion
import Data.OpenUnion.Extra
import Data.Set
@ -54,22 +54,27 @@ data CheckerOutput = CheckerOutput
deriving anyclass (ToJSON)
data ReportInput = ReportInput
{ breakingChanges :: Changes -- ^ forward 'CertainIssue', 'ProbablyIssue' and 'Comment'
, nonBreakingChanges :: Changes -- ^ backward 'CertainIssue', 'ProbablyIssue' and 'Comment', except those shadowed by 'relatedIssues'
, unsupportedChanges :: Changes -- ^ forward and backward 'Unsupported' (assumed to be the same anyway)
, schemaIssues :: Changes -- ^ forward and backward 'SchemaInvalid' (assumed to be the same anyway)
{ -- | forward 'CertainIssue', 'ProbablyIssue' and 'Comment'
breakingChanges :: Changes
, -- | backward 'CertainIssue', 'ProbablyIssue' and 'Comment', except those shadowed by 'relatedIssues'
nonBreakingChanges :: Changes
, -- | forward and backward 'Unsupported' (assumed to be the same anyway)
unsupportedChanges :: Changes
, -- | forward and backward 'SchemaInvalid' (assumed to be the same anyway)
schemaIssues :: Changes
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via (Generically ReportInput)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON)
segregateIssues :: CheckerOutput -> ReportInput
segregateIssues CheckerOutput {forwardChanges = fwd, backwardChanges = bck} = ReportInput
{ breakingChanges = P.filter isBreaking fwd
, nonBreakingChanges = invertIssueOrientationP $ P.filterWithKey isNonBreaking bck
, unsupportedChanges = P.filter isUnsupported fwd <> P.filter isUnsupported bck
, schemaIssues = P.filter isSchemaIssue fwd <> P.filter isSchemaIssue bck
segregateIssues CheckerOutput {forwardChanges = fwd, backwardChanges = bck} =
{ breakingChanges = P.filter isBreaking fwd
, nonBreakingChanges = invertIssueOrientationP $ P.filterWithKey isNonBreaking bck
, unsupportedChanges = P.filter isUnsupported fwd <> P.filter isUnsupported bck
, schemaIssues = P.filter isSchemaIssue fwd <> P.filter isSchemaIssue bck
isBreaking i = anIssueKind i `elem` [CertainIssue, ProbablyIssue, Comment]
isNonBreaking :: Paths Behave 'APILevel a -> AnIssue a -> Bool
@ -106,8 +111,7 @@ twoRowTable x = simpleTable (para . fst <$> x) [para . snd <$> x]
generateReport :: ReportConfig -> ReportInput -> (Blocks, ReportStatus)
generateReport cfg inp =
schemaIssuesPresent = not $ P.null $ schemaIssues inp
let schemaIssuesPresent = not $ P.null $ schemaIssues inp
breakingChangesPresent = not $ P.null $ breakingChanges inp
nonBreakingChangesPresent = not $ P.null $ nonBreakingChanges inp
unsupportedChangesPresent = not $ P.null $ unsupportedChanges inp
@ -116,47 +120,55 @@ generateReport cfg inp =
OnlyErrors -> False
builder = buildReport cfg
report =
header 1 "Summary"
<> twoRowTable
[ ( refOpt schemaIssuesPresent schemaIssuesId "‼️ Schema issues"
, show' $ P.size $ schemaIssues inp
[ ( refOpt breakingChangesPresent breakingChangesId "❌ Breaking changes"
header 1 "Summary"
<> twoRowTable
( when'
( refOpt schemaIssuesPresent schemaIssuesId "‼️ Schema issues"
, show' $ P.size $ schemaIssues inp
++ [
( refOpt breakingChangesPresent breakingChangesId "❌ Breaking changes"
, show' $ P.size $ breakingChanges inp
++ when'
[ ( refOpt nonBreakingChangesPresent nonBreakingChangesId "⚠️ Non-breaking changes"
, show' $ P.size $ nonBreakingChanges inp
++ when'
[ ( refOpt unsupportedChangesPresent unsupportedChangesId "❓ Unsupported feature changes"
, show' $ P.size $ unsupportedChanges inp
<> when'
(header 1 (anchor schemaIssuesId <> "‼️ Schema issues")
<> builder (showErrs $ schemaIssues inp))
<> when'
(header 1 (anchor breakingChangesId <> "❌ Breaking changes")
<> builder (showErrs $ breakingChanges inp))
<> when'
(nonBreakingChangesPresent && nonBreakingChangesShown)
(header 1 (anchor nonBreakingChangesId <> "⚠️ Non-breaking changes")
<> builder (showErrs $ nonBreakingChanges inp))
<> when'
(header 1 (anchor unsupportedChangesId <> "❓ Unsupported feature changes")
<> builder (showErrs $ unsupportedChanges inp))
++ when'
( refOpt nonBreakingChangesPresent nonBreakingChangesId "⚠️ Non-breaking changes"
, show' $ P.size $ nonBreakingChanges inp
++ when'
( refOpt unsupportedChangesPresent unsupportedChangesId "❓ Unsupported feature changes"
, show' $ P.size $ unsupportedChanges inp
<> when'
( header 1 (anchor schemaIssuesId <> "‼️ Schema issues")
<> builder (showErrs $ schemaIssues inp)
<> when'
( header 1 (anchor breakingChangesId <> "❌ Breaking changes")
<> builder (showErrs $ breakingChanges inp)
<> when'
(nonBreakingChangesPresent && nonBreakingChangesShown)
( header 1 (anchor nonBreakingChangesId <> "⚠️ Non-breaking changes")
<> builder (showErrs $ nonBreakingChanges inp)
<> when'
( header 1 (anchor unsupportedChangesId <> "❓ Unsupported feature changes")
<> builder (showErrs $ unsupportedChanges inp)
status =
| breakingChangesPresent -> BreakingChanges
@ -186,13 +198,14 @@ showErrs x@(P.PathsPrefixNode currentIssues _) =
let -- Extract this pattern if more cases like this arise
( removedPaths :: Maybe (Orientation, [Issue 'APILevel])
, otherIssues :: Set (AnIssue a)
) = case eqT @a @'APILevel of
) = case eqT @a @ 'APILevel of
Just Refl
| (S.toList -> p@((AnIssue ori _) : _), o) <-
(\((AnIssue _ u)) -> case u of
NoPathsMatched {} -> True
AllPathsFailed {} -> True)
( \((AnIssue _ u)) -> case u of
NoPathsMatched {} -> True
AllPathsFailed {} -> True
currentIssues ->
let p' = p <&> (\(AnIssue _ i) -> i)
in (Just (ori, p'), o)
@ -203,9 +216,10 @@ showErrs x@(P.PathsPrefixNode currentIssues _) =
paths = case removedPaths of
Just (ori, ps) -> do
(case ori of
Forward -> "Removed paths"
Backward -> "Added paths")
( case ori of
Forward -> "Removed paths"
Backward -> "Added paths"
$ singletonBody $
bulletList $
ps <&> \case
@ -249,52 +263,54 @@ jets =
unwrapReportJetResult (Pure _) = error "There really shouldn't be any results here."
unwrapReportJetResult (Free f) = f
:: NonEmpty
( Union
'[ Behave 'SchemaLevel 'TypedSchemaLevel
, Behave 'TypedSchemaLevel 'SchemaLevel
-> Inlines
jsonPathJet ::
( Union
'[ Behave 'SchemaLevel 'TypedSchemaLevel
, Behave 'TypedSchemaLevel 'SchemaLevel
) ->
jsonPathJet x = code $ "$" <> showParts (NE.toList x)
:: [ Union
'[ Behave 'SchemaLevel 'TypedSchemaLevel
, Behave 'TypedSchemaLevel 'SchemaLevel
-> Text
showParts ::
[ Union
'[ Behave 'SchemaLevel 'TypedSchemaLevel
, Behave 'TypedSchemaLevel 'SchemaLevel
] ->
showParts [] = mempty
showParts (SingletonUnion (OfType Object) : xs@((SingletonUnion (InProperty _)) : _)) = showParts xs
showParts (SingletonUnion (OfType Object) : xs@((SingletonUnion InAdditionalProperty) : _)) = showParts xs
showParts (SingletonUnion (OfType Array) : xs@(SingletonUnion InItems : _)) = showParts xs
showParts (SingletonUnion (OfType Array) : xs@(SingletonUnion (InItem _) : _)) = showParts xs
showParts (y : ys) =
((\(OfType t) -> "(" <> describeJSONType t <> ")")
@@> (\case
InItems -> "[*]"
InItem i -> "[" <> T.pack (show i) <> "]"
InProperty p -> "." <> p
InAdditionalProperty -> ".*")
@@> typesExhausted)
( (\(OfType t) -> "(" <> describeJSONType t <> ")")
@@> ( \case
InItems -> "[*]"
InItem i -> "[" <> T.pack (show i) <> "]"
InProperty p -> "." <> p
InAdditionalProperty -> ".*"
@@> typesExhausted
<> showParts ys
:: ReportJet' Behave (Maybe Inlines)
-> P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue a
-> (Report, P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue a)
observeJetShowErrs ::
ReportJet' Behave (Maybe Inlines) ->
P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue a ->
(Report, P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue a)
observeJetShowErrs jet p = case observeJetShowErrs' jet p of
Just m -> m
Nothing -> (mempty, p)
:: forall a.
ReportJet' Behave (Maybe Inlines)
-> P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue a
-> Maybe (Report, P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue a)
observeJetShowErrs' ::
forall a.
ReportJet' Behave (Maybe Inlines) ->
P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue a ->
Maybe (Report, P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue a)
observeJetShowErrs' (ReportJet jet) (P.PathsPrefixNode currentIssues subIssues) =
let results =
subIssues >>= \(WrapTypeable (AStep m)) ->
@ -302,21 +318,23 @@ observeJetShowErrs' (ReportJet jet) (P.PathsPrefixNode currentIssues subIssues)
maybe (Left $ embed (step bhv) subErrs) Right . listToMaybe $
jet @_ @_ @[] bhv
& mapMaybe
Free jet' -> fmap (embed $ step bhv) <$> observeJetShowErrs' jet' subErrs
Pure (Just h) ->
if P.null subErrs
then Just mempty
else Just (singletonHeader h (showErrs subErrs), mempty)
Pure Nothing -> Nothing)
( \case
Free jet' -> fmap (embed $ step bhv) <$> observeJetShowErrs' jet' subErrs
Pure (Just h) ->
if P.null subErrs
then Just mempty
else Just (singletonHeader h (showErrs subErrs), mempty)
Pure Nothing -> Nothing
in (fmap . fmap) (PathsPrefixNode currentIssues mempty <>) $
if any isRight results
Just $
Left e -> (mempty, e)
Right m -> m)
( \case
Left e -> (mempty, e)
Right m -> m
else Nothing
@ -339,8 +357,9 @@ buildReport cfg = case treeStyle cfg of
body rprt
<> foldOMapWithKey
(headers rprt)
(\k v ->
header level k <> subBuilder v)
( \k v ->
header level k <> subBuilder v
subBuilder = headerStyleBuilder (level + 1)
@ -349,16 +368,17 @@ buildReport cfg = case treeStyle cfg of
body rprt
<> foldOMapWithKey
(headers rprt)
(\k v ->
if (OM.size . headers $ rprt) < 2
then para k <> blockQuote (subBuilder v)
rawHtml "<details>"
<> rawHtml "<summary>"
<> plain k
<> rawHtml "</summary>"
<> blockQuote (subBuilder v)
<> rawHtml "</details>")
( \k v ->
if (OM.size . headers $ rprt) < 2
then para k <> blockQuote (subBuilder v)
rawHtml "<details>"
<> rawHtml "<summary>"
<> plain k
<> rawHtml "</summary>"
<> blockQuote (subBuilder v)
<> rawHtml "</details>"
subBuilder = foldingStyleBuilder

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Report.Html.Template
( template
( template,

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Report.Jet
( ReportJet (..)
, ReportJet'
, ConstructReportJet (..)
, ReportJetResult
( ReportJet (..),
ConstructReportJet (..),

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Run
( runChecker
, runReport
, module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Report
( runChecker,
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Report,
import Data.HList
import Data.OpenApi (OpenApi)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Paths
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Report
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Subtree
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.OpenApi ()
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
runChecker :: (OpenApi, OpenApi) -> CheckerOutput
runChecker (client, server) =

View File

@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Subtree
( Steppable (..)
, Step (..)
, TraceRoot
, Trace
, Traced
, Traced'
, pattern Traced
, traced
, retraced
, stepTraced
, Subtree (..)
, checkCompatibility
, checkSubstructure
, CompatM (..)
, CompatFormula'
, SemanticCompatFormula
, ProdCons (..)
, orientProdCons
, swapProdCons
, runCompatFormula
, issueAt
, anItem
, anIssue
, invertIssueOrientation
, invertIssueOrientationP
, embedFormula
, anyOfAt
, clarifyIssue
, structuralIssue
( Steppable (..),
Step (..),
pattern Traced,
Subtree (..),
CompatM (..),
ProdCons (..),
-- * Structural helpers
, structuralMaybe
, structuralMaybeWith
, structuralEq
, iohmStructural
, iohmStructuralWith
, structuralList
-- * Reexports
, (>>>)
, (<<<)
, extract
, ask
, local
, step
, Typeable
@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ orientProdCons :: Orientation -> ProdCons x -> ProdCons x
orientProdCons Forward x = x
orientProdCons Backward (ProdCons p c) = ProdCons c p
:: SwapEnvRoles xs
=> (HList xs -> ProdCons x -> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a)
-> (HList xs -> ProdCons x -> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a)
swapProdCons ::
SwapEnvRoles xs =>
(HList xs -> ProdCons x -> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a) ->
(HList xs -> ProdCons x -> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a)
swapProdCons f e (ProdCons p c) =
invertIssueOrientation $
f (swapEnvRoles e) (ProdCons c p)
@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ instance Applicative ProdCons where
ProdCons fp fc <*> ProdCons xp xc = ProdCons (fp xp) (fc xc)
newtype CompatM a = CompatM
{ unCompatM
:: StateT (MemoState VarRef) Identity a
{ unCompatM ::
StateT (MemoState VarRef) Identity a
deriving newtype
( Functor
@ -183,64 +183,64 @@ class (Typeable t, Issuable (SubtreeLevel t)) => Subtree (t :: Type) where
type CheckEnv t :: [Type]
type SubtreeLevel t :: BehaviorLevel
:: HList (CheckEnv t)
-> ProdCons (Traced t)
-> StructuralCompatFormula ()
checkStructuralCompatibility ::
HList (CheckEnv t) ->
ProdCons (Traced t) ->
StructuralCompatFormula ()
:: HList (CheckEnv t)
-> Behavior (SubtreeLevel t)
-> ProdCons (Traced t)
-> SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkSemanticCompatibility ::
HList (CheckEnv t) ->
Behavior (SubtreeLevel t) ->
ProdCons (Traced t) ->
SemanticCompatFormula ()
{-# WARNING checkStructuralCompatibility "You should not be calling this directly. Use 'checkSubstructure'" #-}
{-# WARNING checkSemanticCompatibility "You should not be calling this directly. Use 'checkCompatibility'" #-}
:: forall t xs.
(ReassembleHList xs (CheckEnv t), Subtree t)
=> Behavior (SubtreeLevel t)
-> HList xs
-> ProdCons (Traced t)
-> SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkCompatibility ::
forall t xs.
(ReassembleHList xs (CheckEnv t), Subtree t) =>
Behavior (SubtreeLevel t) ->
HList xs ->
ProdCons (Traced t) ->
SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkCompatibility bhv e = memo bhv SemanticMemoKey $ \pc ->
case runCompatFormula $ checkSubstructure e pc of
Left _ -> checkSemanticCompatibility (reassemble e) bhv pc
Right () -> pure ()
{-# INLINE checkCompatibility #-}
:: (ReassembleHList xs (CheckEnv t), Subtree t)
=> HList xs
-> ProdCons (Traced t)
-> StructuralCompatFormula ()
checkSubstructure ::
(ReassembleHList xs (CheckEnv t), Subtree t) =>
HList xs ->
ProdCons (Traced t) ->
StructuralCompatFormula ()
checkSubstructure e = memo Root StructuralMemoKey $ checkStructuralCompatibility (reassemble e)
{-# INLINE checkSubstructure #-}
:: (Subtree a, ReassembleHList xs (CheckEnv a))
=> HList xs
-> ProdCons (Maybe (Traced a))
-> StructuralCompatFormula ()
structuralMaybe ::
(Subtree a, ReassembleHList xs (CheckEnv a)) =>
HList xs ->
ProdCons (Maybe (Traced a)) ->
StructuralCompatFormula ()
structuralMaybe e = structuralMaybeWith (checkSubstructure e)
{-# INLINE structuralMaybe #-}
:: (ProdCons a -> StructuralCompatFormula ())
-> ProdCons (Maybe a)
-> StructuralCompatFormula ()
structuralMaybeWith ::
(ProdCons a -> StructuralCompatFormula ()) ->
ProdCons (Maybe a) ->
StructuralCompatFormula ()
structuralMaybeWith f (ProdCons (Just a) (Just b)) = f $ ProdCons a b
structuralMaybeWith _ (ProdCons Nothing Nothing) = pure ()
structuralMaybeWith _ _ = structuralIssue
{-# INLINE structuralMaybeWith #-}
:: (Subtree a, ReassembleHList xs (CheckEnv a))
=> HList xs
-> ProdCons [Traced a]
-> StructuralCompatFormula ()
structuralList ::
(Subtree a, ReassembleHList xs (CheckEnv a)) =>
HList xs ->
ProdCons [Traced a] ->
StructuralCompatFormula ()
structuralList _ (ProdCons [] []) = pure ()
structuralList e (ProdCons (a : aa) (b : bb)) = do
checkSubstructure e $ ProdCons a b
@ -253,11 +253,11 @@ structuralEq :: (Eq a, Comonad w) => ProdCons (w a) -> StructuralCompatFormula (
structuralEq (ProdCons a b) = if extract a == extract b then pure () else structuralIssue
{-# INLINE structuralEq #-}
:: (ReassembleHList (k ': xs) (CheckEnv v), Ord k, Subtree v, Hashable k, Typeable k, Show k)
=> HList xs
-> ProdCons (Traced (IOHM.InsOrdHashMap k v))
-> StructuralCompatFormula ()
iohmStructural ::
(ReassembleHList (k ': xs) (CheckEnv v), Ord k, Subtree v, Hashable k, Typeable k, Show k) =>
HList xs ->
ProdCons (Traced (IOHM.InsOrdHashMap k v)) ->
StructuralCompatFormula ()
iohmStructural e =
iohmStructuralWith (\k -> checkSubstructure (k `HCons` e))
{-# INLINE iohmStructural #-}
@ -266,25 +266,26 @@ instance (Typeable k, Typeable v, Ord k, Show k) => Steppable (IOHM.InsOrdHashMa
data Step (IOHM.InsOrdHashMap k v) v = InsOrdHashMapKeyStep k
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
:: (Ord k, Hashable k, Typeable k, Typeable v, Show k)
=> (k -> ProdCons (Traced v) -> StructuralCompatFormula ())
-> ProdCons (Traced (IOHM.InsOrdHashMap k v))
-> StructuralCompatFormula ()
iohmStructuralWith ::
(Ord k, Hashable k, Typeable k, Typeable v, Show k) =>
(k -> ProdCons (Traced v) -> StructuralCompatFormula ()) ->
ProdCons (Traced (IOHM.InsOrdHashMap k v)) ->
StructuralCompatFormula ()
iohmStructuralWith f pc = do
let ProdCons pEKeys cEKeys = S.fromList . IOHM.keys . extract <$> pc
if pEKeys == cEKeys
(\eKey ->
f eKey $ stepTraced (InsOrdHashMapKeyStep eKey) . fmap (IOHM.lookupDefault (error "impossible") eKey) <$> pc)
( \eKey ->
f eKey $ stepTraced (InsOrdHashMapKeyStep eKey) . fmap (IOHM.lookupDefault (error "impossible") eKey) <$> pc
else structuralIssue
{-# INLINE iohmStructuralWith #-}
:: CompatFormula' q f r a
-> Either (P.PathsPrefixTree q f r) a
runCompatFormula ::
CompatFormula' q f r a ->
Either (P.PathsPrefixTree q f r) a
runCompatFormula (Compose f) =
calculate . runIdentity . runMemo 0 . unCompatM $ f
{-# INLINE runCompatFormula #-}
@ -314,27 +315,27 @@ invertIssueOrientationP = (\(AnIssue ori i) -> AnIssue (toggleOrientation
structuralIssue :: StructuralCompatFormula a
structuralIssue = Compose $ pure $ anError $ AnItem Root Proxy
:: Issuable l
=> Paths q r l
-> Issue l
-> [CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a]
-> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a
anyOfAt ::
Issuable l =>
Paths q r l ->
Issue l ->
[CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a] ->
CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a
anyOfAt _ _ [x] = x
anyOfAt xs issue fs =
Compose $ (`eitherOf` AnItem xs (anIssue issue)) <$> traverse getCompose fs
-- | If the given formula contains any issues, add another issue on top. Otherwise succeed.
:: AnItem q AnIssue r
-> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a
-> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a
clarifyIssue ::
AnItem q AnIssue r ->
CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a ->
CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a
clarifyIssue item f =
Compose ((`eitherOf` item) <$> pure <$> getCompose f) *> f
:: MonadState (MemoState VarRef) m
=> KnotTier (FormulaF q f r ()) VarRef m
fixpointKnot ::
MonadState (MemoState VarRef) m =>
KnotTier (FormulaF q f r ()) VarRef m
fixpointKnot =
{ onKnotFound = modifyMemoNonce succ
@ -342,19 +343,20 @@ fixpointKnot =
, tieKnot = \i x -> pure $ maxFixpoint i x
:: (Typeable (l :: k), Typeable q, Typeable f, Typeable k, Typeable a)
=> Paths q r l
-> MemoKey
-> (ProdCons (Traced a) -> CompatFormula' q f r ())
-> (ProdCons (Traced a) -> CompatFormula' q f r ())
memo ::
(Typeable (l :: k), Typeable q, Typeable f, Typeable k, Typeable a) =>
Paths q r l ->
MemoKey ->
(ProdCons (Traced a) -> CompatFormula' q f r ()) ->
(ProdCons (Traced a) -> CompatFormula' q f r ())
memo bhv k f pc = Compose $ do
formula' <-
formula <- getCompose $ f pc
pure $ mapErrors (P.takeSubtree bhv) formula)
( do
formula <- getCompose $ f pc
pure $ mapErrors (P.takeSubtree bhv) formula
(k, ask <$> pc)
pure $ mapErrors (P.embed bhv) formula'

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.MediaTypeObject
( Issue (..)
, Behave (..)
( Issue (..),
Behave (..),

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.OAuth2Flows
( Step (..)
, Issue (..)
, Behave (..)
( Step (..),
Issue (..),
Behave (..),
@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ instance Subtree OAuth2Flows where
type SubtreeLevel OAuth2Flows = 'SecuritySchemeLevel
checkStructuralCompatibility _ = structuralEq
checkSemanticCompatibility env bhv pc = do
let supportFlow
:: (Subtree t, SubtreeLevel t ~ SubtreeLevel OAuth2Flows, CheckEnv OAuth2Flows ~ CheckEnv t)
=> Issue 'SecuritySchemeLevel
-> ProdCons (Maybe (Traced t))
-> SemanticCompatFormula ()
let supportFlow ::
(Subtree t, SubtreeLevel t ~ SubtreeLevel OAuth2Flows, CheckEnv OAuth2Flows ~ CheckEnv t) =>
Issue 'SecuritySchemeLevel ->
ProdCons (Maybe (Traced t)) ->
SemanticCompatFormula ()
supportFlow i x = case x of
-- producer will not attempt this flow
(ProdCons Nothing _) -> pure ()
@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ instance Subtree OAuth2Flows where
(ProdCons (Just _) Nothing) -> issueAt bhv i
(ProdCons (Just p) (Just c)) ->
checkCompatibility bhv env $ ProdCons p c
:: Typeable x
=> (OAuth2Flows -> Maybe (OAuth2Flow x))
-> Traced OAuth2Flows
-> Maybe (Traced (OAuth2Flow x))
getFlow ::
Typeable x =>
(OAuth2Flows -> Maybe (OAuth2Flow x)) ->
Traced OAuth2Flows ->
Maybe (Traced (OAuth2Flow x))
getFlow f (Traced t a) = Traced (t >>> step (OAuth2FlowsFlow Proxy)) <$> f a
supportFlow ConsumerDoesNotSupportImplicitFlow $ getFlow _oAuth2FlowsImplicit <$> pc
supportFlow ConsumerDoesNotSupportPasswordFlow $ getFlow _oAuth2FlowsPassword <$> pc

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@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fconstraint-solver-iterations=0 #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.OpenApi
( Behave (..)
, Issue (..)
( Behave (..),
Issue (..),
@ -79,16 +79,17 @@ instance Subtree OpenApi where
checkSemanticCompatibility _ beh prodCons = do
checkCompatibility @ProcessedPathItems
((tracedRequestBodies <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedParameters <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedSecuritySchemes <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedResponses <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedHeaders <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedSchemas <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (_openApiServers . extract <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedLinks <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedCallbacks <$> prodCons)
`HCons` HNil)
( (tracedRequestBodies <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedParameters <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedSecuritySchemes <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedResponses <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedHeaders <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedSchemas <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (_openApiServers . extract <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedLinks <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedCallbacks <$> prodCons)
`HCons` HNil
(tracedPaths <$> prodCons)
instance Steppable OpenApi ProcessedPathItems where

View File

@ -4,17 +4,17 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Operation
( -- * Operation
MatchedOperation (..)
, OperationMethod (..)
, pathItemMethod
MatchedOperation (..),
OperationMethod (..),
-- * ProcessedPathItem
, ProcessedPathItem (..)
, ProcessedPathItems (..)
, processPathItems
, Step (..)
, Behave (..)
, Issue (..)
ProcessedPathItem (..),
ProcessedPathItems (..),
Step (..),
Behave (..),
Issue (..),
@ -87,10 +87,11 @@ tracedCallbacks (Traced t oper) =
-- FIXME: #28
:: [Server] -- ^ Servers from env
-> MatchedOperation
-> [Server]
getServers ::
-- | Servers from env
[Server] ->
MatchedOperation ->
getServers env oper =
case _operationServers . operation $ oper of
[] -> env
@ -337,9 +338,10 @@ instance Issuable 'APILevel where
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
issueKind = \case
_ -> CertainIssue
relatedIssues = (==) `withClass` \case
NoPathsMatched fp -> Just fp
AllPathsFailed fp -> Just fp
relatedIssues =
(==) `withClass` \case
NoPathsMatched fp -> Just fp
AllPathsFailed fp -> Just fp
describeIssue Forward (NoPathsMatched p) = para $ "The path " <> (code . T.pack) p <> " has been removed."
describeIssue Backward (NoPathsMatched p) = para $ "The path " <> (code . T.pack) p <> " has been added."
describeIssue Forward (AllPathsFailed p) = para $ "The path " <> (code . T.pack) p <> " has been removed."
@ -434,10 +436,10 @@ tracedFragments mpi =
| (i, x) <- [0 ..] $ pathFragments $ extract mpi
:: OperationMethod
-> Traced MatchedPathItem
-> Maybe (Traced' MatchedOperation Operation)
tracedMethod ::
OperationMethod ->
Traced MatchedPathItem ->
Maybe (Traced' MatchedOperation Operation)
tracedMethod s mpi = env (ask mpi >>> step (OperationMethodStep s)) <$> (pathItemMethod s . pathItem . extract $ mpi)
instance Issuable 'PathLevel where
@ -485,10 +487,10 @@ instance Subtree MatchedPathItem where
checkSemanticCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
let paramDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Param))) env
pathTracedParams = getPathParams <$> paramDefs <*> prodCons
:: Traced (Definitions Param)
-> Traced MatchedPathItem
-> [Traced Param]
getPathParams ::
Traced (Definitions Param) ->
Traced MatchedPathItem ->
[Traced Param]
getPathParams defs mpi = do
paramRef <- tracedMatchedPathItemParameters mpi
pure $ dereference defs paramRef

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Param
( Behave (..)
, Issue (..)
( Behave (..),
Issue (..),
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ instance Issuable 'PathFragmentLevel where
describeIssue _ ParamPlaceIncompatible = para "Parameters in incompatible locations."
describeIssue _ ParamStyleMismatch = para "Different parameter styles (encodings)."
describeIssue _ ParamSchemaMismatch = para "Expected a schema, but didn't find one."
describeIssue ori (PathFragmentsDontMatch (orientProdCons ori -> ProdCons e a)) =
describeIssue ori (PathFragmentsDontMatch (orientProdCons ori -> ProdCons e a)) =
para $ "Parameter changed from " <> code e <> " to " <> code a <> "."
instance Behavable 'PathFragmentLevel 'SchemaLevel where
@ -106,15 +106,17 @@ instance Subtree Param where
when (_paramName (extract p) /= _paramName (extract c)) $
issueAt beh ParamNameMismatch
((fromMaybe False . _paramRequired . extract $ c)
&& not (fromMaybe False . _paramRequired . extract $ p))
( (fromMaybe False . _paramRequired . extract $ c)
&& not (fromMaybe False . _paramRequired . extract $ p)
$ issueAt beh ParamRequired
case (_paramIn . extract $ p, _paramIn . extract $ c) of
(ParamQuery, ParamQuery) -> do
-- Emptiness is only for query params
((fromMaybe False . _paramAllowEmptyValue . extract $ p)
&& not (fromMaybe False . _paramAllowEmptyValue . extract $ c))
( (fromMaybe False . _paramAllowEmptyValue . extract $ p)
&& not (fromMaybe False . _paramAllowEmptyValue . extract $ c)
$ issueAt beh ParamEmptinessIncompatible
(a, b) | a == b -> pure ()
_ -> issueAt beh ParamPlaceIncompatible

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.PathFragment
( parsePath
, PathFragment (..)
, PathFragmentParam
( parsePath,
PathFragment (..),

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
{- | Checks product-like entities. The key is some identificator for the product
element. Each element may be required or optional.
One example of product is request parameters. There are optional and required
parameters. The client and server have possibly different set of
parameters. What we must check is if server requires some request parameter,
then this parameter must be presented by client and their schemas must match.
So when we checking products we are checking from the server's (consumer)
perspective, ensuring that all parameters are provided by the client (producer)
and their schemas match.
This module abstracts this logic for arbitrary elements -}
-- | Checks product-like entities. The key is some identificator for the product
--element. Each element may be required or optional.
--One example of product is request parameters. There are optional and required
--parameters. The client and server have possibly different set of
--parameters. What we must check is if server requires some request parameter,
--then this parameter must be presented by client and their schemas must match.
--So when we checking products we are checking from the server's (consumer)
--perspective, ensuring that all parameters are provided by the client (producer)
--and their schemas match.
--This module abstracts this logic for arbitrary elements
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Products
( checkProducts
, ProductLike(..)
) where
( checkProducts,
ProductLike (..),
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
@ -30,20 +30,19 @@ data ProductLike a = ProductLike
, required :: Bool
:: (Ord k, Issuable l)
=> Paths q r l
-> (k -> Issue l)
-- ^ No required element found
-> (k -> ProdCons t -> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r ())
-> ProdCons (Map k (ProductLike t))
-> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r ()
checkProducts ::
(Ord k, Issuable l) =>
Paths q r l ->
-- | No required element found
(k -> Issue l) ->
(k -> ProdCons t -> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r ()) ->
ProdCons (Map k (ProductLike t)) ->
CompatFormula' q AnIssue r ()
checkProducts xs noElt check (ProdCons p c) = for_ (M.toList c) $ \(key, consElt) ->
case M.lookup key p of
Nothing -> case required consElt of
True -> issueAt xs $ noElt key
True -> issueAt xs $ noElt key
False -> pure ()
Just prodElt -> do
elts = ProdCons prodElt consElt
let elts = ProdCons prodElt consElt
check key (productValue <$> elts)

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.RequestBody
( Issue (..)
, Behave (..)
( Issue (..),
Behave (..),

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Responses
( Behave (..)
( Behave (..),

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema
@ -10,9 +11,9 @@ import Data.Coerce
import Data.Foldable (for_, toList)
import Data.Functor
import Data.HList
import Data.List (genericIndex, genericLength, group)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (group, genericLength, genericIndex)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.OpenApi
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Behavior
@ -22,24 +23,24 @@ import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Subtree
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.DNF
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.Issues
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.JsonFormula
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.Traced
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.TypedJson
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.Partition
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.Process
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.Traced
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.TypedJson
import Data.Ord
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
:: (ReassembleHList xs (CheckEnv (Referenced Schema)))
=> HList xs
-> Behavior 'SchemaLevel
-> ProdCons (Trace Schema)
-> ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
-> ProdCons (ForeachType JsonFormula, P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue 'SchemaLevel)
-> SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkFormulas ::
(ReassembleHList xs (CheckEnv (Referenced Schema))) =>
HList xs ->
Behavior 'SchemaLevel ->
ProdCons (Trace Schema) ->
ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema)) ->
ProdCons (ForeachType JsonFormula, P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue 'SchemaLevel) ->
SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkFormulas env beh trs defs (ProdCons (fp, ep) (fc, ec)) =
case P.toList ep ++ P.toList ec of
issues@(_ : _) -> for_ issues $ embedFormula beh . anItem
@ -144,21 +145,21 @@ checkFormulas env beh trs defs (ProdCons (fp, ep) (fc, ec)) =
EnumDoesntSatisfy $ untypeValue e -- what does this look like when partitioned?
issueFromDisjunct mPart ps = NoMatchingCondition mPart $ SomeCondition <$> S.toList ps
:: Behavior 'TypedSchemaLevel
-> Maybe Partition
-> S.Set (Condition t)
-> SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkContradiction ::
Behavior 'TypedSchemaLevel ->
Maybe Partition ->
S.Set (Condition t) ->
SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkContradiction beh mPart _ = issueAt beh $ maybe TypeBecomesEmpty PartitionBecomesEmpty mPart -- TODO #70
:: (ReassembleHList xs (CheckEnv (Referenced Schema)))
=> HList xs
-> Behavior 'TypedSchemaLevel
-> ProdCons (Trace Schema) -- the traces of the root schemas used in this comparison
-> S.Set (Condition t)
-> Condition t
-> SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkImplication ::
(ReassembleHList xs (CheckEnv (Referenced Schema))) =>
HList xs ->
Behavior 'TypedSchemaLevel ->
ProdCons (Trace Schema) -> -- the traces of the root schemas used in this comparison
S.Set (Condition t) ->
Condition t ->
SemanticCompatFormula ()
checkImplication env beh trs prods cons = case findExactly prods of
Just e
| all (satisfiesTyped e) prods ->
@ -166,124 +167,104 @@ checkImplication env beh trs prods cons = case findExactly prods of
then pure ()
else issueAt beh (EnumDoesntSatisfy $ untypeValue e)
| otherwise -> pure () -- vacuously true
Nothing -> case cons of
-- the above code didn't catch it, so there's no Exactly condition on the lhs
Exactly e -> issueAt beh (NoMatchingEnum $ untypeValue e)
Maximum m -> foldCheck min m NoMatchingMaximum MatchingMaximumWeak $ \case
Maximum m' -> Just m'
_ -> Nothing
Minimum m -> foldCheck max m (NoMatchingMinimum . coerce) (MatchingMinimumWeak . coerce) $ \case
Minimum m' -> Just m'
_ -> Nothing
MultipleOf m -> foldCheck lcmScientific m NoMatchingMultipleOf MatchingMultipleOfWeak $ \case
MultipleOf m' -> Just m'
_ -> Nothing
NumberFormat f -> case flip any prods $ \case
NumberFormat f' -> f == f'
_ -> False
NumberFormat f' -> f == f'
_ -> False of
True -> pure ()
False -> issueAt beh (NoMatchingFormat f)
MaxLength m -> foldCheck min m NoMatchingMaxLength MatchingMaxLengthWeak $ \case
MaxLength m' -> Just m'
_ -> Nothing
MinLength m -> foldCheck max m NoMatchingMinLength MatchingMinLengthWeak $ \case
MinLength m' -> Just m'
_ -> Nothing
Pattern p -> case flip any prods $ \case
Pattern p' -> p == p'
_ -> False
Pattern p' -> p == p'
_ -> False of
True -> pure ()
False -> issueAt beh (NoMatchingPattern p) -- TODO: regex comparison #32
StringFormat f -> case flip any prods $ \case
StringFormat f' -> f == f'
_ -> False
StringFormat f' -> f == f'
_ -> False of
True -> pure ()
False -> issueAt beh (NoMatchingFormat f)
Items _ cons' -> case foldSome (<>) prods $ \case
Items _ rs -> Just (Just (rs NE.:| []), mempty)
TupleItems (map snd -> fs) -> Just (mempty, Just (fs NE.:| []))
_ -> Nothing
Items _ rs -> Just (Just (rs NE.:| []), mempty)
TupleItems (map snd -> fs) -> Just (mempty, Just (fs NE.:| []))
_ -> Nothing of
Just (mItems, Just pfs)
| not $ allSame (length <$> pfs) -> pure () -- vacuously
| let plen = genericLength (NE.head pfs)
-> clarifyIssue (AnItem beh (anIssue TupleToArray)) $ for_ [0 .. plen - 1] $ \i -> do
let prod' = tracedConjunct $ case mItems of
Just prods' -> ((`genericIndex` i) <$> pfs) <> prods'
Nothing -> (`genericIndex` i) <$> pfs
checkCompatibility (beh >>> step (InItem i)) env $ ProdCons prod' cons'
| let plen = genericLength (NE.head pfs) ->
clarifyIssue (AnItem beh (anIssue TupleToArray)) $
for_ [0 .. plen - 1] $ \i -> do
let prod' = tracedConjunct $ case mItems of
Just prods' -> ((`genericIndex` i) <$> pfs) <> prods'
Nothing -> (`genericIndex` i) <$> pfs
checkCompatibility (beh >>> step (InItem i)) env $ ProdCons prod' cons'
Just (Just prods', Nothing) -> do
let prod' = tracedConjunct prods'
checkCompatibility (beh >>> step InItems) env $ ProdCons prod' cons'
_ -> clarifyIssue (AnItem beh (anIssue NoMatchingItems)) $ do
checkCompatibility (beh >>> step InItems) env $ ProdCons prodTopSchema cons'
TupleItems (map snd -> fs) -> case foldSome (<>) prods $ \case
TupleItems (map snd -> fs') -> Just (Just $ fs' NE.:| [], Just . Max $ genericLength fs', Just . Min $ genericLength fs', mempty)
MinItems m' -> Just (mempty, Just . Max $ m', mempty, mempty)
MaxItems m' -> Just (mempty, mempty, Just . Min $ m', mempty)
Items _ rs -> Just (mempty, mempty, mempty, Just (rs NE.:| []))
_ -> Nothing
-- if the length constraints in the producer are contradictory:
Just (_, Just (Max lowest), Just (Min highest), _) | lowest > highest -> pure ()
-- We have an explicit tuple items clause...
Just (Just pfs, Just (Max plen), _, _)
| plen /= genericLength fs -- ...of wrong length
-> issueAt beh (TupleItemsLengthChanged ProdCons {producer = plen, consumer = genericLength fs})
| otherwise
-> for_ [0 .. plen - 1] $ \i -> do
TupleItems (map snd -> fs') -> Just (Just $ fs' NE.:| [], Just . Max $ genericLength fs', Just . Min $ genericLength fs', mempty)
MinItems m' -> Just (mempty, Just . Max $ m', mempty, mempty)
MaxItems m' -> Just (mempty, mempty, Just . Min $ m', mempty)
Items _ rs -> Just (mempty, mempty, mempty, Just (rs NE.:| []))
_ -> Nothing of
-- if the length constraints in the producer are contradictory:
Just (_, Just (Max lowest), Just (Min highest), _) | lowest > highest -> pure ()
-- We have an explicit tuple items clause...
Just (Just pfs, Just (Max plen), _, _)
| plen /= genericLength fs -> -- ...of wrong length
issueAt beh (TupleItemsLengthChanged ProdCons {producer = plen, consumer = genericLength fs})
| otherwise ->
for_ [0 .. plen - 1] $ \i -> do
checkCompatibility (beh >>> step (InItem i)) env $ ProdCons (tracedConjunct $ (`genericIndex` i) <$> pfs) (fs `genericIndex` i)
-- We have a fixed length array in the producer...
Just (Nothing, Just (Max plen), Just (Min plen'), mProd)
| plen == plen'
-> clarifyIssue (AnItem beh (anIssue ArrayToTuple)) $ case mProd of
_ | plen /= genericLength fs -> -- ...of wrong length
issueAt beh (TupleItemsLengthChanged ProdCons {producer = plen, consumer = genericLength fs})
-- We have a fixed length array in the producer...
Just (Nothing, Just (Max plen), Just (Min plen'), mProd)
| plen == plen' ->
clarifyIssue (AnItem beh (anIssue ArrayToTuple)) $ case mProd of
| plen /= genericLength fs -> -- ...of wrong length
issueAt beh (TupleItemsLengthChanged ProdCons {producer = plen, consumer = genericLength fs})
Just rs -> for_ [0 .. plen - 1] $ \i -> do
checkCompatibility (beh >>> step (InItem i)) env $ ProdCons (tracedConjunct rs) (fs `genericIndex` i)
-- ...and no "items" schema
Nothing -> clarifyIssue (AnItem beh (anIssue NoMatchingTupleItems)) $ do
for_ [0 .. plen - 1] $ \i -> do
checkCompatibility (beh >>> step (InItem i)) env $ ProdCons prodTopSchema (fs `genericIndex` i)
_ -> issueAt beh NoMatchingTupleItems
_ -> issueAt beh NoMatchingTupleItems
MaxItems m -> foldCheck min m NoMatchingMaxItems MatchingMaxItemsWeak $ \case
MaxItems m' -> Just m'
TupleItems fs -> Just $ toInteger $ length fs
_ -> Nothing
MinItems m -> foldCheck max m NoMatchingMinItems MatchingMinItemsWeak $ \case
MinItems m' -> Just m'
TupleItems fs -> Just $ toInteger $ length fs
_ -> Nothing
UniqueItems -> case flip any prods $ \case
UniqueItems -> True
MaxItems 1 -> True
TupleItems fs | length fs == 1 -> True
_ -> False
UniqueItems -> True
MaxItems 1 -> True
TupleItems fs | length fs == 1 -> True
_ -> False of
True -> pure ()
False -> issueAt beh NoMatchingUniqueItems
Properties props _ madd -> case foldSome (<>) prods $ \case
Properties props' _ madd' -> Just $ (props', madd') NE.:| []
_ -> Nothing
Properties props' _ madd' -> Just $ (props', madd') NE.:| []
_ -> Nothing of
Just pm ->
anyOfAt beh NoMatchingProperties $ -- TODO: could first "concat" the lists
NE.toList pm <&> \(props', madd') -> do
@ -314,11 +295,9 @@ checkImplication env beh trs prods cons = case findExactly prods of
(Just add', Just add) -> checkCompatibility (beh >>> step InAdditionalProperty) env (ProdCons add' add)
pure ()
Nothing -> issueAt beh NoMatchingProperties
MaxProperties m -> foldCheck min m NoMatchingMaxProperties MatchingMaxPropertiesWeak $ \case
MaxProperties m' -> Just m'
_ -> Nothing
MinProperties m -> foldCheck max m NoMatchingMinProperties MatchingMinPropertiesWeak $ \case
MinProperties m' -> Just m'
_ -> Nothing
@ -326,14 +305,14 @@ checkImplication env beh trs prods cons = case findExactly prods of
lcmScientific (toRational -> a) (toRational -> b) =
fromRational $ lcm (numerator a) (numerator b) % gcd (denominator a) (denominator b)
:: Eq a
=> (a -> a -> a)
-> a
-> (a -> Issue 'TypedSchemaLevel)
-> (ProdCons a -> Issue 'TypedSchemaLevel)
-> (forall t. Condition t -> Maybe a)
-> SemanticCompatFormula ()
foldCheck ::
Eq a =>
(a -> a -> a) ->
a ->
(a -> Issue 'TypedSchemaLevel) ->
(ProdCons a -> Issue 'TypedSchemaLevel) ->
(forall t. Condition t -> Maybe a) ->
SemanticCompatFormula ()
foldCheck f m missing weak extr = case foldSome f prods extr of
Just m'
| f m' m == m' -> pure ()

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.DNF
( DNF (..)
, Disjunct (..)
, pattern SingleDisjunct
, pattern TopDNF
, pattern BottomDNF
, pattern LiteralDNF
, foldDNF
, forDNF
( DNF (..),
Disjunct (..),
pattern SingleDisjunct,
pattern TopDNF,
pattern BottomDNF,
pattern LiteralDNF,

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.Issues
( Issue (..)
, Behave (..)
( Issue (..),
Behave (..),
@ -100,53 +100,54 @@ instance Issuable 'TypedSchemaLevel where
TypeBecomesEmpty -> ProbablyIssue -- TODO: #70
PartitionBecomesEmpty _ -> ProbablyIssue -- ditto
_ -> CertainIssue
relatedIssues = (==) `withClass` \case
relatedIssues =
(==) `withClass` \case
EnumDoesntSatisfy v -> Just v
NoMatchingEnum v -> Just v
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMaximum _ -> Just ()
MatchingMaximumWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMinimum _ -> Just ()
MatchingMinimumWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMultipleOf _ -> Just ()
MatchingMultipleOfWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMaxLength _ -> Just ()
MatchingMaxLengthWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMinLength _ -> Just ()
MatchingMinLengthWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingItems -> Just ()
ArrayToTuple -> Just ()
TupleToArray -> Just ()
NoMatchingTupleItems -> Just ()
TupleItemsLengthChanged _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMaxItems _ -> Just ()
MatchingMaxItemsWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMinItems _ -> Just ()
MatchingMinItemsWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMaxProperties _ -> Just ()
MatchingMaxPropertiesWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMinProperties _ -> Just ()
MatchingMinPropertiesWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMaximum _ -> Just ()
MatchingMaximumWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMinimum _ -> Just ()
MatchingMinimumWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMultipleOf _ -> Just ()
MatchingMultipleOfWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMaxLength _ -> Just ()
MatchingMaxLengthWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMinLength _ -> Just ()
MatchingMinLengthWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingItems -> Just ()
ArrayToTuple -> Just ()
TupleToArray -> Just ()
NoMatchingTupleItems -> Just ()
TupleItemsLengthChanged _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMaxItems _ -> Just ()
MatchingMaxItemsWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMinItems _ -> Just ()
MatchingMinItemsWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMaxProperties _ -> Just ()
MatchingMaxPropertiesWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
NoMatchingMinProperties _ -> Just ()
MatchingMinPropertiesWeak _ -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
describeIssue Forward (EnumDoesntSatisfy v) = para "The following enum value was removed:" <> showJSONValue v
describeIssue Backward (EnumDoesntSatisfy v) = para "The following enum value was added:" <> showJSONValue v
describeIssue Forward (NoMatchingEnum v) = para "The following enum value has been added:" <> showJSONValue v
@ -254,14 +255,15 @@ instance Issuable 'SchemaLevel where
PropertyToAdditional -> Comment
TypesRestricted _ -> ProbablyIssue -- TODO: #70
_ -> CertainIssue
relatedIssues = (==) `withClass` \case
relatedIssues =
(==) `withClass` \case
AdditionalToProperty -> Just ()
PropertyToAdditional -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
PropertyNowRequired -> Just ()
UnexpectedProperty -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
`withClass` \case
PropertyNowRequired -> Just ()
UnexpectedProperty -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
describeIssue _ (NotSupported i) =
para (emph "Encountered a feature that CompaREST does not support: " <> text i <> ".")
describeIssue _ OneOfNotDisjoint =

View File

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.JsonFormula
( Bound (..)
, showBound
, Property (..)
, Condition (..)
, showCondition
, satisfiesTyped
, checkStringFormat
, checkNumberFormat
, SomeCondition (..)
, JsonFormula (..)
, satisfiesFormula
, satisfies
, showJSONValue
, showJSONValueInline
( Bound (..),
Property (..),
Condition (..),
SomeCondition (..),
JsonFormula (..),
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ import Algebra.Lattice
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Functor
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Int
import Data.Kind
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -67,30 +67,33 @@ data Property = Property
data Condition :: JsonType -> Type where
Exactly :: TypedValue t -> Condition t
Maximum :: !(Bound Scientific) -> Condition 'Number
:: !(Down (Bound (Down Scientific)))
-> Condition 'Number -- ^ this has the right Ord
Minimum ::
!(Down (Bound (Down Scientific))) ->
-- | this has the right Ord
Condition 'Number
MultipleOf :: !Scientific -> Condition 'Number
NumberFormat :: !Format -> Condition 'Number
MaxLength :: !Integer -> Condition 'String
MinLength :: !Integer -> Condition 'String
Pattern :: !Pattern -> Condition 'String
StringFormat :: !Format -> Condition 'String
:: !(ForeachType JsonFormula)
-> !(Traced (Referenced Schema))
-> Condition 'Array
:: ![(ForeachType JsonFormula, Traced (Referenced Schema))]
-> Condition 'Array
Items ::
!(ForeachType JsonFormula) ->
!(Traced (Referenced Schema)) ->
Condition 'Array
TupleItems ::
![(ForeachType JsonFormula, Traced (Referenced Schema))] ->
Condition 'Array
MaxItems :: !Integer -> Condition 'Array
MinItems :: !Integer -> Condition 'Array
UniqueItems :: Condition 'Array
:: !(M.Map Text Property)
-> !(ForeachType JsonFormula) -- ^ formula for additional properties
-> !(Maybe (Traced (Referenced Schema))) -- ^ schema for additional properties, Nothing means bottom
-> Condition 'Object
Properties ::
!(M.Map Text Property) ->
-- | formula for additional properties
!(ForeachType JsonFormula) ->
-- | schema for additional properties, Nothing means bottom
!(Maybe (Traced (Referenced Schema))) ->
Condition 'Object
MaxProperties :: !Integer -> Condition 'Object
MinProperties :: !Integer -> Condition 'Object
@ -118,13 +121,15 @@ showCondition = \case
UniqueItems -> para "The elements in the array should be unique."
(Properties props additional _) ->
bulletList $
(M.toList props
<&> (\(k, p) ->
para (code k)
<> para (strong $ if propRequired p then "Required" else "Optional")
<> showForEachJsonFormula (propFormula p)))
( M.toList props
<&> ( \(k, p) ->
para (code k)
<> para (strong $ if propRequired p then "Required" else "Optional")
<> showForEachJsonFormula (propFormula p)
<> [ para (emph "Additional properties")
<> showForEachJsonFormula additional
<> showForEachJsonFormula additional
(MaxProperties n) -> para $ "The maximum number of fields should be " <> show' n <> "."
(MinProperties n) -> para $ "The minimum number of fields should be " <> show' n <> "."
@ -133,15 +138,17 @@ showCondition = \case
showForEachJsonFormula i =
bulletList $
(\t f -> case getJsonFormula $ f i of
BottomDNF -> mempty
(DNF conds) ->
( \t f -> case getJsonFormula $ f i of
BottomDNF -> mempty
(DNF conds) ->
[ para (describeJSONType t)
<> bulletList
(S.toList conds <&> \case
Disjunct (S.toList -> []) -> para "Empty"
Disjunct (S.toList -> cond) -> bulletList (showCondition <$> cond))
( S.toList conds <&> \case
Disjunct (S.toList -> []) -> para "Empty"
Disjunct (S.toList -> cond) -> bulletList (showCondition <$> cond)
showJSONValue :: A.Value -> Blocks
showJSONValue v = codeBlockWith ("", ["json"], mempty) (T.decodeUtf8 . BSL.toStrict . A.encode $ v)

View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.Partition
( partitionSchema
, partitionRefSchema
, selectPartition
, runPartitionM
, tryPartition
, showPartition
, intersectSchema
, intersectRefSchema
, IntersectionResult (..)
, runIntersectionM
, Partition
( partitionSchema,
IntersectionResult (..),
@ -143,10 +143,11 @@ partitionCondition = \case
Just _ -> top
Nothing ->
singletonPart $
DByProperties $ LiteralDNF
( M.keysSet $ M.filter (not . propRequired) props
, M.keysSet $ M.filter propRequired props
DByProperties $
( M.keysSet $ M.filter (not . propRequired) props
, M.keysSet $ M.filter propRequired props
inProps <- forM (M.toList $ M.filter propRequired props) $ \(k, prop) -> do
f <- partitionRefSchema $ propRefSchema prop
pure $ fmap (\(Partitions m) -> Partitions $ M.mapKeysMonotonic (PInProperty k) m) f
@ -156,10 +157,10 @@ partitionCondition = \case
runPartitionM :: Traced (Definitions Schema) -> PartitionM a -> a
runPartitionM defs = runIdentity . runMemo () . (`runReaderT` defs)
:: ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
-> ProdCons (JsonFormula t)
-> Lifted Partitions
partitionJsonFormulas ::
ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema)) ->
ProdCons (JsonFormula t) ->
Lifted Partitions
partitionJsonFormulas defs pc = producer pcPart \/ consumer pcPart
pcPart = partitionFormula <$> defs <*> pc
@ -211,11 +212,11 @@ runIntersectionM defs act = case runWriterT $ runReaderT act defs of
Just (x, Any False) -> Same x
Just (x, Any True) -> New x
:: PartitionLocation
-> PartitionChoice
-> Traced Schema
-> IntersectionM Schema
intersectSchema ::
PartitionLocation ->
PartitionChoice ->
Traced Schema ->
IntersectionM Schema
intersectSchema loc part sch = do
allOf' <- forM (tracedAllOf sch) $ \rss ->
-- Assuming i ranges over a nonempty set (checked in processSchema)
@ -258,11 +259,11 @@ intersectSchema loc part sch = do
pure $ sch' {_schemaEnum = Just enum'}
CByProperties {} -> error "CByProperties not implemented"
:: PartitionLocation
-> PartitionChoice
-> Traced (Referenced Schema)
-> IntersectionM (Referenced Schema)
intersectRefSchema ::
PartitionLocation ->
PartitionChoice ->
Traced (Referenced Schema) ->
IntersectionM (Referenced Schema)
intersectRefSchema loc part rs = do
defs <- R.ask
Inline <$> intersectSchema loc part (dereference defs rs)

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.Process
( schemaToFormula
( schemaToFormula,
import Algebra.Lattice
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as R
import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (ask)
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as R
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ warnKnot =
, tieKnot = \_ -> pure
:: MonadProcess m
=> Traced (Referenced Schema)
-> m (ForeachType JsonFormula)
processRefSchema ::
MonadProcess m =>
Traced (Referenced Schema) ->
m (ForeachType JsonFormula)
processRefSchema x = do
defs <- R.ask
memoWithKnot warnKnot (processSchema $ dereference defs x) (ask x)
@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ processRefSchema x = do
-- | Turn a schema into a tuple of 'JsonFormula's that describes the condition
-- for every possible type of a JSON value. The conditions are independent, and
-- are thus checked independently.
:: MonadProcess m
=> Traced Schema
-> m (ForeachType JsonFormula)
processSchema ::
MonadProcess m =>
Traced Schema ->
m (ForeachType JsonFormula)
processSchema sch@(extract -> Schema {..}) = do
let singletonFormula :: Condition t -> JsonFormula t
singletonFormula = JsonFormula . LiteralDNF
@ -331,26 +331,27 @@ processSchema sch@(extract -> Schema {..}) = do
pure $
\/ meets
<> [ anyClause
, oneClause
, typeClause
, enumClause
, maximumClause
, minimumClause
, multipleOfClause
, formatClause
, maxLengthClause
, minLengthClause
, patternClause
, itemsClause
, maxItemsClause
, minItemsClause
, uniqueItemsClause
, propertiesClause
, maxPropertiesClause
, minPropertiesClause
( allClauses
<> [ anyClause
, oneClause
, typeClause
, enumClause
, maximumClause
, minimumClause
, multipleOfClause
, formatClause
, maxLengthClause
, minLengthClause
, patternClause
, itemsClause
, maxItemsClause
, minItemsClause
, uniqueItemsClause
, propertiesClause
, maxPropertiesClause
, minPropertiesClause
{- TODO: ReadOnly/WriteOnly #68 -}
@ -369,8 +370,8 @@ checkOneOfDisjoint schs = do
runProcessM :: Traced (Definitions Schema) -> ProcessM a -> (a, P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue 'SchemaLevel)
runProcessM defs = runWriter . (`runReaderT` defs) . runMemo ()
:: Traced (Definitions Schema)
-> Traced Schema
-> (ForeachType JsonFormula, P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue 'SchemaLevel)
schemaToFormula ::
Traced (Definitions Schema) ->
Traced Schema ->
(ForeachType JsonFormula, P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue 'SchemaLevel)
schemaToFormula defs rs = runProcessM defs $ processSchema rs

View File

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.Traced
( Step (..)
, tracedAllOf
, tracedAnyOf
, tracedOneOf
, tracedItems
, tracedAdditionalProperties
, tracedDiscriminator
, tracedProperties
, tracedConjunct
, PartitionLocation (..)
, PartitionChoice (..)
, Partition
( Step (..),
PartitionLocation (..),
PartitionChoice (..),

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Schema.TypedJson
( JsonType (..)
, describeJSONType
, TypedValue (..)
, untypeValue
, ForeachType (..)
, foldType
, forType_
( JsonType (..),
TypedValue (..),
ForeachType (..),
@ -88,24 +88,26 @@ forType_ :: Applicative m => (forall x. Typeable x => JsonType -> (ForeachType f
forType_ k = getAp $ foldType (\ty proj -> Ap $ k ty proj)
broadcastType :: (forall x. Typeable x => f x) -> ForeachType f
broadcastType k = ForeachType
{ forNull = k
, forBoolean = k
, forNumber = k
, forString = k
, forArray = k
, forObject = k
broadcastType k =
{ forNull = k
, forBoolean = k
, forNumber = k
, forString = k
, forArray = k
, forObject = k
zipType :: (forall x. Typeable x => f x -> g x -> h x) -> ForeachType f -> ForeachType g -> ForeachType h
zipType k f1 f2 = ForeachType
{ forNull = k (forNull f1) (forNull f2)
, forBoolean = k (forBoolean f1) (forBoolean f2)
, forNumber = k (forNumber f1) (forNumber f2)
, forString = k (forString f1) (forString f2)
, forArray = k (forArray f1) (forArray f2)
, forObject = k (forObject f1) (forObject f2)
zipType k f1 f2 =
{ forNull = k (forNull f1) (forNull f2)
, forBoolean = k (forBoolean f1) (forBoolean f2)
, forNumber = k (forNumber f1) (forNumber f2)
, forString = k (forString f1) (forString f2)
, forArray = k (forArray f1) (forArray f2)
, forObject = k (forObject f1) (forObject f2)
instance (forall x. Lattice (f x)) => Lattice (ForeachType f) where
(\/) = zipType (\/)

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.SecurityRequirement
( Issue (..)
( Issue (..),
@ -41,18 +41,19 @@ instance Subtree SecurityRequirement where
for (IOHM.toList $ getSecurityRequirement sec) $ \(key, scopes) ->
(,scopes) <$> lookupScheme key defs
(\pc' -> do
let ProdCons pScopes cScopes = fmap snd <$> pc'
unless (pScopes == cScopes) structuralIssue
structuralList env $ fmap fst <$> pc'
pure ())
( \pc' -> do
let ProdCons pScopes cScopes = fmap snd <$> pc'
unless (pScopes == cScopes) structuralIssue
structuralList env $ fmap fst <$> pc'
pure ()
pure ()
checkSemanticCompatibility env bhv' pc = do
let schemes = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions SecurityScheme))) env
( ProdCons pErrs cErrs
, (ProdCons pSchemes cSchemes)
:: ProdCons [(Behavior 'SecuritySchemeLevel, Traced SecurityScheme, [Text])]
, (ProdCons pSchemes cSchemes) ::
ProdCons [(Behavior 'SecuritySchemeLevel, Traced SecurityScheme, [Text])]
) =
NE.unzip $
partitionEithers <$> do

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Server
( Issue (..)
( Issue (..),
@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ import Data.Traversable
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Prelude as P
:: Server
-> Either (Issue 'ServerLevel) ProcessedServer
tracedParsedServerUrlParts ::
Server ->
Either (Issue 'ServerLevel) ProcessedServer
tracedParsedServerUrlParts s =
let parsedUrl = parseServerUrl $ _serverUrl s
lookupVar var = case IOHM.lookup var (_serverVariables s) of
@ -63,11 +63,12 @@ instance Subtree [Server] where
<&> partitionEithers
. fmap
(\(Traced t s) ->
let bhv = beh >>> step (InServer $ _serverUrl s)
in case tracedParsedServerUrlParts s of
Left e -> Left $ issueAt bhv e
Right u -> Right (bhv, Traced (t >>> step (ServerStep $ _serverUrl s)) u))
( \(Traced t s) ->
let bhv = beh >>> step (InServer $ _serverUrl s)
in case tracedParsedServerUrlParts s of
Left e -> Left $ issueAt bhv e
Right u -> Right (bhv, Traced (t >>> step (ServerStep $ _serverUrl s)) u)
. sequence
sequenceA_ pErrs
sequenceA_ cErrs

View File

@ -1,24 +1,25 @@
module Data.OpenApi.Compare.Validate.Sums
( checkSums
) where
( checkSums,
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Behavior
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Subtree
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Paths
import Data.OpenApi.Compare.Subtree
:: (Ord k, Issuable l)
=> Paths q r l
-> (k -> Issue l)
-> (k -> ProdCons t -> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r ())
-> ProdCons (Map k t)
-> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r ()
checkSums ::
(Ord k, Issuable l) =>
Paths q r l ->
(k -> Issue l) ->
(k -> ProdCons t -> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r ()) ->
ProdCons (Map k t) ->
CompatFormula' q AnIssue r ()
checkSums xs noElt check (ProdCons p c) = for_ (M.toList p) $ \(key, prodElt) ->
case M.lookup key c of
Nothing -> issueAt xs $ noElt key
Just consElt ->
let sumElts = ProdCons prodElt consElt
in check key sumElts
in check key sumElts

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Data.OpenUnion.Extra
( (@@>)
, TryLiftUnion (..)
, pattern SingletonUnion
( (@@>),
TryLiftUnion (..),
pattern SingletonUnion,
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ instance TryLiftUnion '[] where
tryLiftUnion _ = empty
(Typeable y, SubList ys (y : ys), TryLiftUnion ys)
=> TryLiftUnion (y ': ys)
(Typeable y, SubList ys (y : ys), TryLiftUnion ys) =>
TryLiftUnion (y ': ys)
tryLiftUnion (x :: x) = case eqT @x @y of
Nothing -> reUnion <$> tryLiftUnion @ys x

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Spec.Golden.Extra
( getGoldenInputs
, getGoldenInputsUniform
, goldenInputsTree
, goldenInputsTreeUniform
( getGoldenInputs,
@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ data TestInput t
| TestInputLeaf TestName t FilePath
deriving stock (Functor)
:: (Each s t (FilePath, FilePath -> IO a) a)
=> TestName
-> FilePath
-> s
-> IO (TestInput t)
getGoldenInputs ::
(Each s t (FilePath, FilePath -> IO a) a) =>
TestName ->
FilePath ->
s ->
IO (TestInput t)
getGoldenInputs name filepath inp = do
dirs' <- listDirectory filepath >>= filterM (doesDirectoryExist . (filepath </>))
case dirs' of
@ -39,32 +39,34 @@ getGoldenInputs name filepath inp = do
TestInputNode name
<$> forM dirs (\dir -> getGoldenInputs dir (filepath </> dir) inp)
:: (Each t h (FilePath, FilePath -> IO a) a)
=> (Each s t FilePath (FilePath, FilePath -> IO a))
=> TestName
-> (FilePath -> IO a)
-> FilePath
-> s
-> IO (TestInput h)
getGoldenInputsUniform ::
(Each t h (FilePath, FilePath -> IO a) a) =>
(Each s t FilePath (FilePath, FilePath -> IO a)) =>
TestName ->
(FilePath -> IO a) ->
FilePath ->
s ->
IO (TestInput h)
getGoldenInputsUniform name f filepath inp = getGoldenInputs name filepath $ inp & each %~ (,f)
:: (Each s t (FilePath, FilePath -> IO a) a)
=> TestName
-> FilePath -- ^ Root path
-> FilePath -- ^ Name of golden file
-> s
-> (t -> IO BSL.ByteString)
-> IO TestTree
goldenInputsTree ::
(Each s t (FilePath, FilePath -> IO a) a) =>
TestName ->
-- | Root path
FilePath ->
-- | Name of golden file
FilePath ->
s ->
(t -> IO BSL.ByteString) ->
IO TestTree
goldenInputsTree name filepath golden inp f = do
runTestInputTree golden f <$> getGoldenInputs name filepath inp
:: FilePath
-> (t -> IO BSL.ByteString)
-> TestInput t
-> TestTree
runTestInputTree ::
FilePath ->
(t -> IO BSL.ByteString) ->
TestInput t ->
runTestInputTree golden f (TestInputNode name rest) =
testGroup name (runTestInputTree golden f <$> rest)
runTestInputTree golden f (TestInputLeaf name t path) =
@ -74,16 +76,18 @@ runTestInputTree golden f (TestInputLeaf name t path) =
(path </> golden)
(f t)
:: ( Each t h (FilePath, FilePath -> IO a) a
, Each s t FilePath (FilePath, FilePath -> IO a)
=> String
-> FilePath -- ^ Root path
-> FilePath -- ^ Name of golden file
-> s
-> (FilePath -> IO a)
-> (h -> IO BSL.ByteString)
-> IO TestTree
goldenInputsTreeUniform ::
( Each t h (FilePath, FilePath -> IO a) a
, Each s t FilePath (FilePath, FilePath -> IO a)
) =>
String ->
-- | Root path
FilePath ->
-- | Name of golden file
FilePath ->
s ->
(FilePath -> IO a) ->
(h -> IO BSL.ByteString) ->
IO TestTree
goldenInputsTreeUniform name filepath golden inp h =
goldenInputsTree name filepath golden (inp & each %~ (,h))

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module Spec.Golden.TraceTree
( tests
( tests,