iko 218336b11e
Added report generation (#73)
* first stab

* Made things compile

* Fixed headers

* Implemented jets

* Added method-path jet

* Added yet more jets

* Rerun tests

* Updated formatting

* Added some issue descriptions

* resolved producer/consumer mixup in schema

* Added UnguardedRecursion descriptions

* Added condition formatting

* Added jet docs

* Added different format outputs
2021-06-05 19:15:04 +03:00

64 lines
2.3 KiB

module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Default
import Data.HList
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import FormatHeuristic
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Options
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
import OpenAPI.Checker.PathsPrefixTree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Report
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Text.Pandoc
main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- execParser optionsParserInfo
let parseSchema path =
eitherDecodeFileStrict path >>= \case
Left jsonErr -> do
Yaml.decodeFileEither path >>= \case
Left yamlErr -> do
putStrLn "Could not parse as json or yaml"
print jsonErr
print yamlErr
fail "Exiting"
Right s -> pure s
Right s -> pure s
a <- traced (step ClientSchema) <$> parseSchema (clientFile opts)
b <- traced (step ServerSchema) <$> parseSchema (serverFile opts)
let result = runCompatFormula $ checkCompatibility HNil Root (ProdCons a b)
runPandocIO :: PandocIO a -> ExceptT Errors IO a
runPandocIO x = lift (runIO x) >>= either (throwError . DocumentError) pure
output :: Either (PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue 'APILevel) () -> ExceptT Errors IO ()
output = case outputMode opts of
StdoutMode -> lift . T.putStrLn <=< runPandocIO . writeMarkdown def . generateReport
FileMode f -> case formatFromFilePath f of
Nothing -> \_ -> throwError UnknownOutputFormat
Just (TextWriter writer) -> lift . T.writeFile f <=< runPandocIO . writer def . generateReport
Just (ByteStringWriter writer) -> lift . BSL.writeFile f <=< runPandocIO . writer def . generateReport
either handler pure <=< runExceptT $ output result
case result of
Right () -> exitSuccess
Left _ -> exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
data Errors
= DocumentError PandocError
| UnknownOutputFormat
handler :: Errors -> IO a
handler (DocumentError err) = do
T.hPutStrLn stderr (renderError err)
exitWith $ ExitFailure 100
handler UnknownOutputFormat = do
T.hPutStrLn stderr "Could not determine output format from file extension."
exitWith $ ExitFailure 101