Deni Bertovic 2f949cd868 Makes licence year the year of release
According to this it makes sense to just put in the year the software
was initially released. And not have to update the year in the licence
every time.
2017-10-10 16:37:23 +02:00

120 lines
3.5 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
Module : Docker.Client
Copyright : (c) Deni Bertovic, 2014
License : BSD3
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
= Getting started
Creating a container:
We're going to create a nginx container and we're going to map port @80@ from within the container to port @8000@ on
the host.
import Docker.Client
runNginxContainer :: IO ContainerID
runNginxContainer = do
h <- defaultHttpHandler
runDockerT (defaultClientOpts, h) $ do
let pb = PortBinding 80 TCP [HostPort "" 8000]
let myCreateOpts = addPortBinding pb $ defaultCreateOpts "nginx:latest"
cid <- createContainer myCreateOpts
case cid of
Left err -> error $ show err
Right i -> do
_ <- startContainer defaultStartOpts i
return i
Let's start out nginx container:
>>> cid <- runNginxContainer
Visit http://localhost:8000 and verify that nginx is running.
Let's stop the container now:
stopNginxContainer :: ContainerID -> IO ()
stopNginxContainer cid = do
h <- defaultHttpHandler
runDockerT (defaultClientOpts, h) $ do
r <- stopContainer DefaultTimeout cid
case r of
Left err -> error "I failed to stop the container"
Right _ -> return ()
>>> stopNginxContainer cid
Let's start a Postgres container by mapping the \/tmp directory from within the container to the
\/tmp directory on the host. That way we make sure that the data we write to \/tmp in the container will
persist on the host file system.
runPostgresContainer :: IO ContainerID
runPostgresContainer = do
h <- defaultHttpHandler
runDockerT (defaultClientOpts, h) $ do
let pb = PortBinding 5432 TCP [HostPort "" 5432]
let myCreateOpts = addBinds [Bind "\/tmp" "\/tmp" Nothing] $ addPortBinding pb $ defaultCreateOpts "postgres:9.5"
cid <- createContainer myCreateOpts
case cid of
Left err -> error $ show err
Right i -> do
_ <- startContainer defaultStartOpts i
return i
= Get Docker API Version
>>> h <- defaultHttpHandler
>>> runDockerT (defaultClientOpts, h) $ getDockerVersion
Right (DockerVersion {version = "1.12.0", apiVersion = "1.24", gitCommit = "8eab29e", goVersion = "go1.6.3", os = "linux", arch = "amd64", kernelVersion = "4.6.0-1-amd64", buildTime = "2016-07-28T21:46:40.664812891+00:00"})
= Setup SSL Authentication
Let's create a custom 'HttpHandler' that uses a client's certificate and private key for SSL authentication.
It also accepts a self-signed CA certificate which is specified via 'clientParamsSetCA'.
This handler can replace 'defaultHttpHandler' in the arguments to 'runDockerT'.
let host = ""
let port = fromInteger 4000
let privKey = "path\/to\/private\/key"
let cert = "path\/to\/certificate"
let ca = "path\/to\/CA"
paramsE <- clientParamsWithClientAuthentication host port privKey cert
case paramsE of
Left err ->
error err
Right params' -> do
params <- clientParamsSetCA params' ca
settings <- HTTP.mkManagerSettings (TLSSettings params) Nothing
manager <- newManager settings
return $ httpHandler manager
module Docker.Client (
-- * Client functions
module Docker.Client.Api
-- * Types
, module Docker.Client.Types
-- * Http
, module Docker.Client.Http
) where
import Docker.Client.Api
import Docker.Client.Http
import Docker.Client.Types