added json ser/parser and module gen

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Thiemann 2015-08-09 22:29:07 +02:00
parent 498e7e3dd1
commit a70750de09
7 changed files with 269 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -18,7 +18,12 @@ extra-source-files:
hs-source-dirs: src
exposed-modules: Elm.Derive, Elm.TyRep, Elm.TyRender
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5,
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -30,7 +35,9 @@ test-suite derive-elm-tests
hspec >= 2.0,

View File

@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ conCompiler :: String -> String
conCompiler s =
case s of
"Double" -> "Float"
"Text" -> "String"
"Vector" -> "List"
_ -> s
compileType :: Type -> Q Exp

src/Elm/Json.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
module Elm.Json
( jsonParserForDef
, jsonSerForDef
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Elm.TyRep
jsonParserForType :: EType -> String
jsonParserForType ty =
case ty of
ETyVar (ETVar v) -> "localDecoder_" ++ v
ETyCon (ETCon "Int") -> ""
ETyCon (ETCon "Float") -> "Json.Decode.float"
ETyCon (ETCon "String") -> "Json.Decode.string"
ETyCon (ETCon "Bool") -> "Json.Decode.bool"
ETyCon (ETCon c) -> "jsonDec" ++ c
ETyApp (ETyCon (ETCon "List")) t' -> "Json.Decode.list (" ++ jsonParserForType t' ++ ")"
ETyApp (ETyCon (ETCon "Maybe")) t' -> "Json.Decode.maybe (" ++ jsonParserForType t' ++ ")"
_ ->
case unpackTupleType ty of
[] -> error $ "This should never happen. Failed to unpackTupleType: " ++ show ty
[x] ->
case unpackToplevelConstr x of
(y : ys) ->
jsonParserForType y ++ " "
++ unwords (catMaybes $ map (\t' ->
case t' of
ETyVar _ -> Just $ "(" ++ jsonParserForType t' ++ ")"
_ -> Nothing
) ys)
_ -> error $ "Do suitable json parser found for " ++ show ty
xs ->
let tupleLen = length xs
commas = replicate (tupleLen - 1) ','
in "Json.Decode.tuple" ++ show tupleLen ++ " (" ++ commas ++ ") "
++ unwords (map (\t' -> "(" ++ jsonParserForType t' ++ ")") xs)
jsonParserForDef :: ETypeDef -> String
jsonParserForDef etd =
case etd of
ETypePrimAlias (EPrimAlias name ty) ->
makeName name ++ " = " ++ jsonParserForType ty ++ "\n"
ETypeAlias (EAlias name fields) ->
makeName name ++ " = \n"
++ intercalate "\n" (map (\(fldName, fldType) -> " (\"" ++ fldName ++ "\" := "
++ jsonParserForType fldType
++ ") `Json.Decode.andThen` \\p" ++ fldName ++ " -> ") fields)
++ "\n Json.Decode.succeed {" ++ intercalate ", " (map (\(fldName, _) -> fldName ++ " = p" ++ fldName) fields) ++ "}\n"
ETypeSum (ESum name opts) ->
makeName name ++ " = \n"
++ " Json.Decode.oneOf \n [ "
++ intercalate "\n , " (map mkOpt opts) ++ "\n"
++ " ]\n"
mkOpt (name, args) =
let argLen = length args
in "(\"" ++ name ++ "\" := Json.tuple" ++ show argLen ++ " " ++ name ++ " "
++ unwords (map (\t' -> "(" ++ jsonParserForType t' ++ ")") args)
++ ")"
makeName name =
"jsonDec" ++ et_name name ++ " "
++ unwords (map (\tv -> "localDecoder_" ++ tv_name tv) $ et_args name)
jsonSerForType :: EType -> String
jsonSerForType ty =
case ty of
ETyVar (ETVar v) -> "localEncoder_" ++ v
ETyCon (ETCon "Int") -> ""
ETyCon (ETCon "Float") -> "Json.Encode.float"
ETyCon (ETCon "String") -> "Json.Encode.string"
ETyCon (ETCon "Bool") -> "Json.Encode.bool"
ETyCon (ETCon c) -> "jsonEnc" ++ c
ETyApp (ETyCon (ETCon "List")) t' -> "(Json.Encode.list << map " ++ jsonSerForType t' ++ ")"
ETyApp (ETyCon (ETCon "Maybe")) t' -> "(\v -> case v of Just val -> " ++ jsonSerForType t' ++ " val Nothing -> Json.Encode.null)"
_ ->
case unpackTupleType ty of
[] -> error $ "This should never happen. Failed to unpackTupleType: " ++ show ty
[x] ->
case unpackToplevelConstr x of
(y : ys) ->
"(" ++ jsonSerForType y ++ " "
++ unwords (catMaybes $ map (\t' ->
case t' of
ETyVar _ -> Just $ "(" ++ jsonSerForType t' ++ ")"
_ -> Nothing
) ys) ++ ")"
_ -> error $ "Do suitable json serialiser found for " ++ show ty
xs ->
let tupleLen = length xs
tupleArgsV = zip xs [1..]
tupleArgs =
unwords $ map (\(_, v) -> "v" ++ show v) tupleArgsV
in "(\\" ++ tupleArgs ++ " -> [" ++ intercalate "," (map (\(t', idx) -> "(" ++ jsonSerForType t' ++ ") v" ++ show idx) tupleArgsV) ++ "]"
jsonSerForDef :: ETypeDef -> String
jsonSerForDef etd =
case etd of
ETypePrimAlias (EPrimAlias name ty) ->
makeName name ++ " = " ++ jsonSerForType ty ++ " val\n"
ETypeAlias (EAlias name fields) ->
makeName name ++ " = \n Json.Encode.object\n ["
++ intercalate "\n ," (map (\(fldName, fldType) -> " (\"" ++ fldName ++ "\", " ++ jsonSerForType fldType ++ " val." ++ fldName ++ ")") fields)
++ "\n ]\n"
ETypeSum (ESum name opts) ->
makeName name ++ " = \n"
++ " case val of\n "
++ intercalate "\n " (map mkOpt opts) ++ "\n"
mkOpt (name, args) =
let namedArgs = zip args [1..]
argList = unwords $ map (\(_, i) -> "v" ++ show i ) namedArgs
mkArg :: (EType, Int) -> String
mkArg (arg, idx) =
jsonSerForType arg ++ " v" ++ show idx
in " " ++ name ++ " " ++ argList ++ " -> [" ++ intercalate ", " (map mkArg namedArgs) ++ "]"
makeName name =
"jsonEnc" ++ et_name name ++ " "
++ unwords (map (\tv -> "localEncoder_" ++ tv_name tv) $ et_args name)
++ " val"

src/Elm/Module.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Elm.Module where
import Data.Proxy
import Data.List
import Elm.TyRep
import Elm.TyRender
import Elm.Json
data DefineElm
= forall a. IsElmDefinition a => DefineElm (Proxy a)
makeElmModule :: String -> [DefineElm] -> String
makeElmModule moduleName defs =
"module " ++ moduleName ++ " where \n"
++ intercalate "\n\n" (map mkDef defs)
mkDef (DefineElm proxy) =
let def = compileElmDef proxy
in renderElm def ++ "\n" ++ jsonParserForDef def ++ "\n" ++ jsonSerForDef def ++ "\n"

View File

@ -64,3 +64,16 @@ unpackTupleType t =
Nothing ->
) (Just t)
unpackToplevelConstr :: EType -> [EType]
unpackToplevelConstr t =
reverse $
flip unfoldr (Just t) $ \mT ->
case mT of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just t' ->
case t' of
ETyApp l r ->
Just (r, Just l)
_ ->
Just (t', Nothing)

test/Elm/JsonSpec.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Elm.JsonSpec (spec) where
import Elm.Derive
import Elm.TyRep
import Elm.Json
import Elm.TestHelpers
import Data.Proxy
import Test.Hspec
data Foo
= Foo
{ f_name :: String
, f_blablub :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Bar a
= Bar
{ b_name :: a
, b_blablub :: Int
, b_tuple :: (Int, String)
, b_list :: [Bool]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data SomeOpts a
= Okay Int
| NotOkay a
$(deriveElmDef (fieldDropOpts 2) ''Foo)
$(deriveElmDef (fieldDropOpts 2) ''Bar)
$(deriveElmDef defaultOpts ''SomeOpts)
fooSer :: String
fooSer = "jsonEncFoo val = \n Json.Encode.object\n [ (\"name\", Json.Encode.string\n , (\"blablub\", val.blablub)\n ]\n"
fooParse :: String
fooParse = "jsonDecFoo = \n (\"name\" := Json.Decode.string) `Json.Decode.andThen` \\pname -> \n (\"blablub\" := `Json.Decode.andThen` \\pblablub -> \n Json.Decode.succeed {name = pname, blablub = pblablub}\n"
barSer :: String
barSer = "jsonEncBar localEncoder_a val = \n Json.Encode.object\n [ (\"name\", localEncoder_a\n , (\"blablub\", val.blablub)\n , (\"tuple\", (\\v1 v2 -> [( v1,(Json.Encode.string) v2] val.tuple)\n , (\"list\", (Json.Encode.list << map Json.Encode.bool) val.list)\n ]\n"
barParse :: String
barParse = "jsonDecBar localDecoder_a = \n (\"name\" := localDecoder_a) `Json.Decode.andThen` \\pname -> \n (\"blablub\" := `Json.Decode.andThen` \\pblablub -> \n (\"tuple\" := Json.Decode.tuple2 (,) ( (Json.Decode.string)) `Json.Decode.andThen` \\ptuple -> \n (\"list\" := Json.Decode.list (Json.Decode.bool)) `Json.Decode.andThen` \\plist -> \n Json.Decode.succeed {name = pname, blablub = pblablub, tuple = ptuple, list = plist}\n"
someOptsParse :: String
someOptsParse = "jsonDecSomeOpts localDecoder_a = \n Json.Decode.oneOf \n [ (\"Okay\" := Json.tuple1 Okay (\n , (\"NotOkay\" := Json.tuple1 NotOkay (localDecoder_a))\n ]\n"
someOptsSer :: String
someOptsSer = "jsonEncSomeOpts localEncoder_a val = \n case val of\n Okay v1 -> [ v1]\n NotOkay v1 -> [localEncoder_a v1]\n"
spec :: Spec
spec =
describe "json serialisation" $
do let rFoo = compileElmDef (Proxy :: Proxy Foo)
rBar = compileElmDef (Proxy :: Proxy (Bar a))
rSomeOpts = compileElmDef (Proxy :: Proxy (SomeOpts a))
it "should produce the correct ser code" $
do jsonSerForDef rFoo `shouldBe` fooSer
jsonSerForDef rBar `shouldBe` barSer
jsonSerForDef rSomeOpts `shouldBe` someOptsSer
it "should produce the correct parse code" $
do jsonParserForDef rFoo `shouldBe` fooParse
jsonParserForDef rBar `shouldBe` barParse
jsonParserForDef rSomeOpts `shouldBe` someOptsParse

test/Elm/ModuleSpec.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Elm.ModuleSpec (spec) where
import Elm.Derive
import Elm.Module
import Elm.TestHelpers
import Data.Proxy
import Test.Hspec
data Bar a
= Bar
{ b_name :: a
, b_blablub :: Int
, b_tuple :: (Int, String)
, b_list :: [Bool]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveElmDef (fieldDropOpts 2) ''Bar)
moduleCode :: String
moduleCode = "module Foo where \ntype alias Bar a = \n { name: a\n, blablub: Int\n, tuple: (Int, String)\n, list: (List Bool)\n }\n\njsonDecBar localDecoder_a = \n (\"name\" := localDecoder_a) `Json.Decode.andThen` \\pname -> \n (\"blablub\" := `Json.Decode.andThen` \\pblablub -> \n (\"tuple\" := Json.Decode.tuple2 (,) ( (Json.Decode.string)) `Json.Decode.andThen` \\ptuple -> \n (\"list\" := Json.Decode.list (Json.Decode.bool)) `Json.Decode.andThen` \\plist -> \n Json.Decode.succeed {name = pname, blablub = pblablub, tuple = ptuple, list = plist}\n\njsonEncBar localEncoder_a val = \n Json.Encode.object\n [ (\"name\", localEncoder_a\n , (\"blablub\", val.blablub)\n , (\"tuple\", (\\v1 v2 -> [( v1,(Json.Encode.string) v2] val.tuple)\n , (\"list\", (Json.Encode.list << map Json.Encode.bool) val.list)\n ]\n\n"
spec :: Spec
spec =
describe "makeElmModule" $
it "should produce the correct code" $
do let modu =
makeElmModule "Foo" [DefineElm (Proxy :: Proxy (Bar a))]
modu `shouldBe` moduleCode