Numerous fixes to the previous change

This commit is contained in:
bartavelle 2018-07-09 18:09:21 +02:00
parent 61ef397667
commit c8b56a7dda

View File

@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ parseRecords newtyped unwrap fields = map (mkField doUnwrap) fields ++ [" Json
++ ") >>= \\p" ++ fldName ++ " ->"
-- | Checks that all the arguments to the ESum are unary values
allUnaries :: Bool -> [SumTypeConstructor] -> Maybe [String]
allUnaries :: Bool -> [SumTypeConstructor] -> Maybe [(String, String)]
allUnaries False = const Nothing
allUnaries True = mapM isUnary
isUnary (STC _ x (Anonymous args)) = if null args then Just x else Nothing
isUnary (STC o c (Anonymous args)) = if null args then Just (o,c) else Nothing
isUnary _ = Nothing
-- | Compile a JSON parser for an Elm type definition
@ -119,24 +119,24 @@ jsonParserForDef etd =
isObjectSetName = "jsonDecObjectSet" ++ typename
deriveUnaries strs = unlines
[ ""
, " let " ++ dictName ++ " = Dict.fromList [" ++ intercalate ", " (map (\s -> "(" ++ show s ++ ", " ++ cap s ++ ")") strs ) ++ "]"
, " let " ++ dictName ++ " = Dict.fromList [" ++ intercalate ", " (map (\(o, s) -> "(" ++ show s ++ ", " ++ o ++ ")") strs ) ++ "]"
, " in decodeSumUnaries " ++ show typename ++ " " ++ dictName
encodingDictionary [STC _ oname args] = " " ++ mkDecoder oname args
encodingDictionary [STC cname _ args] = " " ++ mkDecoder cname args
encodingDictionary os = tab 4 "let " ++ dictName ++ " = Dict.fromList\n" ++ tab 12 "[ " ++ intercalate ("\n" ++ replicate 12 ' ' ++ ", ") (map dictEntry os) ++ "\n" ++ tab 12 "]"
isObjectSet = case encodingType of
TaggedObject _ _
| length opts > 1 -> "\n" ++ tab 8 (isObjectSetName ++ " = " ++ "Set.fromList [" ++ intercalate ", " (map (show . _stcName) $ filter (isNamed . _stcFields) opts) ++ "]")
_ -> ""
dictEntry (STC _ oname args) = "(" ++ show oname ++ ", " ++ mkDecoder oname args ++ ")"
mkDecoder oname (Named args) = lazy $ " "
++ cap oname
dictEntry (STC cname oname args) = "(" ++ show oname ++ ", " ++ mkDecoder cname args ++ ")"
mkDecoder cname (Named args) = lazy $ " "
++ cname
++ " ("
++ unwords (parseRecords Nothing False args)
++ ")"
mkDecoder oname (Anonymous args) = lazy $ unwords ( decodeFunction
: cap oname
mkDecoder cname (Anonymous args) = lazy $ unwords ( decodeFunction
: cname
: zipWith (\t' i -> "(" ++ jsonParserForIndexedType t' i ++ ")") args [0..]
where decodeFunction = case length args of
@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ jsonSerForType' omitnull ty =
-- | Compile a JSON serializer for an Elm type definition
-- TODO: handle the omit null case
jsonSerForDef :: ETypeDef -> String
jsonSerForDef etd =
case etd of
@ -232,11 +231,11 @@ jsonSerForDef etd =
unaryEncoding names = unlines (
[ makeName name False ++ " ="
, " case val of"
] ++ map (\n -> replicate 8 ' ' ++ cap n ++ " -> Json.Encode.string " ++ show n) names
] ++ map (\(o, n) -> replicate 8 ' ' ++ o ++ " -> Json.Encode.string " ++ show n) names
mkcase :: SumTypeConstructor -> String
mkcase (STC _ oname (Anonymous args)) = replicate 8 ' ' ++ cap oname ++ " " ++ argList args ++ " -> (" ++ show oname ++ ", encodeValue (" ++ mkEncodeList args ++ "))"
mkcase (STC _ oname (Named args)) = replicate 8 ' ' ++ cap oname ++ " vs -> (" ++ show oname ++ ", " ++ mkEncodeObject args ++ ")"
mkcase (STC cname oname (Anonymous args)) = replicate 8 ' ' ++ cap cname ++ " " ++ argList args ++ " -> (" ++ show oname ++ ", encodeValue (" ++ mkEncodeList args ++ "))"
mkcase (STC cname oname (Named args)) = replicate 8 ' ' ++ cap cname ++ " vs -> (" ++ show oname ++ ", " ++ mkEncodeObject args ++ ")"
argList a = unwords $ map (\i -> "v" ++ show i ) [1 .. length a]
numargs :: (a -> String) -> [a] -> String
numargs f = intercalate ", " . zipWith (\n a -> f a ++ " v" ++ show n) ([1..] :: [Int])