Add Deconvolution layer and update the GAN example to use it

This cuts the runtime by about 70% which is nice, and it's a
better algorithm for it anyway.

I've also refactored the Convolution layer such that there's
only one actual implementation instead of two, and with that
provided a few more instances for 2D and 3D shapes in and out.

Update to the README and mnist show higher levels of composition.
This commit is contained in:
Huw Campbell 2017-04-06 13:34:43 +10:00
parent e6293b8461
commit 10a6003e73
8 changed files with 439 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Five is right out.
💣 Machine learning which might blow up in your face 💣
Grenade is a dependently typed, practical, and fast recurrent neural network library
Grenade is a composable, dependently typed, practical, and fast recurrent neural network library
for concise and precise specifications of complex networks in Haskell.
As an example, a network which can achieve ~1.5% error on MNIST can be
@ -100,9 +100,48 @@ easy in downstream code. If the shapes of a network are not specified correctly
and a layer can not sensibly perform the operation between two shapes, then
it will result in a compile time error.
Networks and Layers in Grenade are easily composed at the type level. As a `Network`
is an instance of `Layer`, one can use a trained Network as a small component in a
larger network easily. Furthermore, we provide 2 layers which are designed to run
layers in parallel and merge their output (either by concatenating them across one
dimension or summing by pointwise adding their activations). This allows one to
write any Network which can be expressed as a
[series parallel graph](
A residual network layer specification for instance could be written as
type Residual net = Merge Trivial net
If the type `net` is an instance of `Layer`, then `Residual net` will be too. It will
run the network, while retaining its input by passing it through the `Trivial` layer,
and merge the original image with the output.
See the [MNIST](
example, which has been overengineered to contain both residual style learning as well
as inception style convolutions.
Generative Adversarial Networks
As Grenade is purely functional, one can compose its training functions in flexible
ways. [GAN-MNIST](
example displays an interesting, type safe way of writing a generative adversarial
training function in 10 lines of code.
Layer Zoo
Grenade layers are normal haskell data types which are an instance of `Layer`, so
it's easy to build one's own downstream code. We do however provide a decent set
of layers, including convolution, deconvolution, pooling, pad, crop, logit, relu,
elu, tanh, and fully connected.
Build Instructions
Grenade currently only builds with the [mafia](
Grenade is most easily built with the [mafia](
script that is located in the repository. You will also need the `lapack` and
`blas` libraries and development tools. Once you have all that, Grenade can be
build using:
@ -117,7 +156,7 @@ and the tests run using:
./mafia test
Grenade is currently known to build with ghc 7.10 and 8.0.
Grenade builds with ghc 7.10 and 8.0.

View File

@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
-- This is a simple generative adversarial network to make pictures
-- of numbers similar to those in MNIST.
-- It demonstrates a different usage of the library. Within about an
-- hour it was producing examples like this:
-- It demonstrates a different usage of the library. Within about 15
-- minutes hour it was producing examples like this:
-- --.
-- .=-.--..#=###
@ -57,11 +57,25 @@ import Options.Applicative
import Grenade
import Grenade.Utils.OneHot
type Discriminator = Network '[ Convolution 1 10 5 5 1 1, Pooling 2 2 2 2, Relu, Convolution 10 16 5 5 1 1, Pooling 2 2 2 2, Reshape, Relu, FullyConnected 256 80, Logit, FullyConnected 80 1, Logit]
'[ 'D2 28 28, 'D3 24 24 10, 'D3 12 12 10, 'D3 12 12 10, 'D3 8 8 16, 'D3 4 4 16, 'D1 256, 'D1 256, 'D1 80, 'D1 80, 'D1 1, 'D1 1]
type Discriminator =
'[ Convolution 1 10 5 5 1 1, Pooling 2 2 2 2, Relu
, Convolution 10 16 5 5 1 1, Pooling 2 2 2 2, Relu
, Reshape, FullyConnected 256 80, Logit, FullyConnected 80 1, Logit]
'[ 'D2 28 28
, 'D3 24 24 10, 'D3 12 12 10, 'D3 12 12 10
, 'D3 8 8 16, 'D3 4 4 16, 'D3 4 4 16
, 'D1 256, 'D1 80, 'D1 80, 'D1 1, 'D1 1]
type Generator = Network '[ FullyConnected 100 10240, Relu, Reshape, Convolution 10 10 5 5 1 1, Relu, Convolution 10 1 1 1 1 1, Logit, Reshape]
'[ 'D1 100, 'D1 10240, 'D1 10240, 'D3 32 32 10, 'D3 28 28 10, 'D3 28 28 10, 'D3 28 28 1, 'D3 28 28 1, 'D2 28 28 ]
type Generator =
'[ FullyConnected 80 256, Relu, Reshape
, Deconvolution 16 10 5 5 2 2, Relu
, Deconvolution 10 1 8 8 2 2, Logit]
'[ 'D1 80
, 'D1 256, 'D1 256, 'D3 4 4 16
, 'D3 11 11 10, 'D3 11 11 10
, 'D2 28 28, 'D2 28 28 ]
randomDiscriminator :: MonadRandom m => m Discriminator
randomDiscriminator = randomNetwork
@ -69,7 +83,7 @@ randomDiscriminator = randomNetwork
randomGenerator :: MonadRandom m => m Generator
randomGenerator = randomNetwork
trainExample :: LearningParameters -> Discriminator -> Generator -> S ('D2 28 28) -> S ('D1 100) -> ( Discriminator, Generator )
trainExample :: LearningParameters -> Discriminator -> Generator -> S ('D2 28 28) -> S ('D1 80) -> ( Discriminator, Generator )
trainExample rate discriminator generator realExample noiseSource
= let (generatorTape, fakeExample) = runNetwork generator noiseSource

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Random
@ -25,6 +26,15 @@ import Options.Applicative
import Grenade
import Grenade.Utils.OneHot
-- It's logistic regression!
-- This network is used to show how we can embed a Network as a layer in the larger MNIST
-- type.
type FL i o =
'[ FullyConnected i o, Logit ]
'[ 'D1 i, 'D1 o, 'D1 o ]
-- The definition of our convolutional neural network.
-- In the type signature, we have a type level list of shapes which are passed between the layers.
-- One can see that the images we are inputing are two dimensional with 28 * 28 pixels.
@ -40,18 +50,15 @@ import Grenade.Utils.OneHot
type MNIST =
'[ Reshape
, Inception 28 28 1 5 5 5, Pooling 2 2 2 2, Relu
, Inception 14 14 15 5 5 5, Pooling 2 2 2 2, Relu
, Reshape
, FullyConnected 735 80, Logit
, FullyConnected 80 10, Logit]
'[ 'D2 28 28, 'D3 28 28 1
, 'D3 28 28 15, 'D3 14 14 15, 'D3 14 14 15
, 'D3 14 14 15, 'D3 7 7 15, 'D3 7 7 15
, 'D1 735
, 'D1 80, 'D1 80
, 'D1 10, 'D1 10]
'[ Reshape,
Concat ('D3 28 28 1) Trivial ('D3 28 28 14) (InceptionMini 28 28 1 5 9),
Pooling 2 2 2 2, Relu,
Concat ('D3 14 14 3) (Convolution 15 3 1 1 1 1) ('D3 14 14 15) (InceptionMini 14 14 15 5 10), Crop 1 1 1 1, Pooling 3 3 3 3, Relu,
Reshape, FL 288 80, FL 80 10 ]
'[ 'D2 28 28, 'D3 28 28 1,
'D3 28 28 15, 'D3 14 14 15, 'D3 14 14 15, 'D3 14 14 18,
'D3 12 12 18, 'D3 4 4 18, 'D3 4 4 18,
'D1 288, 'D1 80, 'D1 10 ]
randomMnist :: MonadRandom m => m MNIST
randomMnist = randomNetwork

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@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ library

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Grenade.Layers (
module Grenade.Layers.Concat
, module Grenade.Layers.Convolution
, module Grenade.Layers.Crop
, module Grenade.Layers.Deconvolution
, module Grenade.Layers.Elu
, module Grenade.Layers.FullyConnected
, module Grenade.Layers.Inception
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ module Grenade.Layers (
import Grenade.Layers.Concat
import Grenade.Layers.Convolution
import Grenade.Layers.Crop
import Grenade.Layers.Deconvolution
import Grenade.Layers.Elu
import Grenade.Layers.Pad
import Grenade.Layers.FullyConnected

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@ -141,62 +141,6 @@ instance ( KnownNat channels
let mm = konst 0
return $ Convolution wN mm
-- | A two dimentional image may have a convolution filter applied to it
instance ( KnownNat kernelRows
, KnownNat kernelCols
, KnownNat filters
, KnownNat strideRows
, KnownNat strideCols
, KnownNat inputRows
, KnownNat inputCols
, KnownNat outputRows
, KnownNat outputCols
, ((outputRows - 1) * strideRows) ~ (inputRows - kernelRows)
, ((outputCols - 1) * strideCols) ~ (inputCols - kernelCols)
, KnownNat (kernelRows * kernelCols * 1)
, KnownNat (outputRows * filters)
) => Layer (Convolution 1 filters kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D2 inputRows inputCols) ('D3 outputRows outputCols filters) where
type Tape (Convolution 1 filters kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D2 inputRows inputCols) ('D3 outputRows outputCols filters) = S ('D2 inputRows inputCols)
runForwards (Convolution kernel _) (S2D input) =
let ex = extract input
ek = extract kernel
kx = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy kernelRows)
ky = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy kernelCols)
sx = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy strideRows)
sy = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy strideCols)
ox = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy outputRows)
oy = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy outputCols)
c = im2col kx ky sx sy ex
mt = c LA.<> ek
r = col2vid 1 1 1 1 ox oy mt
rs = fromJust . create $ r
in (S2D input, S3D rs)
runBackwards (Convolution kernel _) (S2D input) (S3D dEdy) =
let ex = extract input
ix = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy inputRows)
iy = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy inputCols)
kx = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy kernelRows)
ky = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy kernelCols)
sx = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy strideRows)
sy = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy strideCols)
ox = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy outputRows)
oy = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy outputCols)
c = im2col kx ky sx sy ex
eo = extract dEdy
ek = extract kernel
vs = vid2col 1 1 1 1 ox oy eo
kN = fromJust . create $ tr c LA.<> vs
dW = vs LA.<> tr ek
xW = col2im kx ky sx sy ix iy dW
in (Convolution' kN, S2D . fromJust . create $ xW)
-- | A three dimensional image (or 2d with many channels) can have
-- an appropriately sized convolution filter run across it.
instance ( KnownNat kernelRows
@ -258,3 +202,75 @@ instance ( KnownNat kernelRows
xW = col2vid kx ky sx sy ix iy dW
in (Convolution' kN, S3D . fromJust . create $ xW)
-- | A two dimentional image may have a convolution filter applied to it
instance ( KnownNat kernelRows
, KnownNat kernelCols
, KnownNat filters
, KnownNat strideRows
, KnownNat strideCols
, KnownNat inputRows
, KnownNat inputCols
, KnownNat outputRows
, KnownNat outputCols
, ((outputRows - 1) * strideRows) ~ (inputRows - kernelRows)
, ((outputCols - 1) * strideCols) ~ (inputCols - kernelCols)
, KnownNat (kernelRows * kernelCols * 1)
, KnownNat (outputRows * filters)
) => Layer (Convolution 1 filters kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D2 inputRows inputCols) ('D3 outputRows outputCols filters) where
type Tape (Convolution 1 filters kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D2 inputRows inputCols) ('D3 outputRows outputCols filters) = S ('D3 inputRows inputCols 1)
runForwards c (S2D input) =
runForwards c (S3D input :: S ('D3 inputRows inputCols 1))
runBackwards c tape grads =
case runBackwards c tape grads of
(c', S3D back :: S ('D3 inputRows inputCols 1)) -> (c', S2D back)
-- | A two dimensional image may have a convolution filter applied to it producing
-- a two dimensional image if both channels and filters is 1.
instance ( KnownNat kernelRows
, KnownNat kernelCols
, KnownNat strideRows
, KnownNat strideCols
, KnownNat inputRows
, KnownNat inputCols
, KnownNat outputRows
, KnownNat outputCols
, ((outputRows - 1) * strideRows) ~ (inputRows - kernelRows)
, ((outputCols - 1) * strideCols) ~ (inputCols - kernelCols)
, KnownNat (kernelRows * kernelCols * 1)
, KnownNat (outputRows * 1)
) => Layer (Convolution 1 1 kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D2 inputRows inputCols) ('D2 outputRows outputCols) where
type Tape (Convolution 1 1 kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D2 inputRows inputCols) ('D2 outputRows outputCols) = S ('D3 inputRows inputCols 1)
runForwards c (S2D input) =
case runForwards c (S3D input :: S ('D3 inputRows inputCols 1)) of
(tps, S3D back :: S ('D3 outputRows outputCols 1)) -> (tps, S2D back)
runBackwards c tape (S2D grads) =
case runBackwards c tape (S3D grads :: S ('D3 outputRows outputCols 1)) of
(c', S3D back :: S ('D3 inputRows inputCols 1)) -> (c', S2D back)
-- | A three dimensional image can produce a 2D image from a convolution with 1 filter
instance ( KnownNat kernelRows
, KnownNat kernelCols
, KnownNat strideRows
, KnownNat strideCols
, KnownNat inputRows
, KnownNat inputCols
, KnownNat outputRows
, KnownNat outputCols
, KnownNat channels
, ((outputRows - 1) * strideRows) ~ (inputRows - kernelRows)
, ((outputCols - 1) * strideCols) ~ (inputCols - kernelCols)
, KnownNat (kernelRows * kernelCols * channels)
, KnownNat (outputRows * 1)
) => Layer (Convolution channels 1 kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D3 inputRows inputCols channels) ('D2 outputRows outputCols) where
type Tape (Convolution channels 1 kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D3 inputRows inputCols channels) ('D2 outputRows outputCols) = S ('D3 inputRows inputCols channels)
runForwards c input =
case runForwards c input of
(tps, S3D back :: S ('D3 outputRows outputCols 1)) -> (tps, S2D back)
runBackwards c tape (S2D grads) =
runBackwards c tape (S3D grads :: S ('D3 outputRows outputCols 1))

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@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Grenade.Layers.Deconvolution (
Deconvolution (..)
, Deconvolution' (..)
, randomDeconvolution
) where
import Control.Monad.Random hiding ( fromList )
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Serialize
import Data.Singletons.TypeLits
import GHC.TypeLits
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra hiding ( uniformSample, konst )
import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra as LA
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static hiding ((|||), build, toRows)
import Grenade.Core
import Grenade.Layers.Internal.Convolution
import Grenade.Layers.Internal.Update
-- | A Deconvolution layer for a neural network.
-- This uses the im2col Deconvolution trick popularised by Caffe, which essentially turns the
-- many, many, many, many loop Deconvolution into a single matrix multiplication.
-- The Deconvolution layer takes all of the kernels for the Deconvolution, which are flattened
-- and then put into columns in the matrix.
-- The kernel size dictates which input and output sizes will "fit". Fitting the equation:
-- `out = (in - kernel) / stride + 1` for both dimensions.
-- One probably shouldn't build their own layer, but rather use the randomDeconvolution function.
data Deconvolution :: Nat -- Number of channels, for the first layer this could be RGB for instance.
-> Nat -- Number of filters, this is the number of channels output by the layer.
-> Nat -- The number of rows in the kernel filter
-> Nat -- The number of column in the kernel filter
-> Nat -- The row stride of the Deconvolution filter
-> Nat -- The columns stride of the Deconvolution filter
-> * where
Deconvolution :: ( KnownNat channels
, KnownNat filters
, KnownNat kernelRows
, KnownNat kernelColumns
, KnownNat strideRows
, KnownNat strideColumns
, KnownNat kernelFlattened
, kernelFlattened ~ (kernelRows * kernelColumns * filters))
=> !(L kernelFlattened channels) -- The kernel filter weights
-> !(L kernelFlattened channels) -- The last kernel update (or momentum)
-> Deconvolution channels filters kernelRows kernelColumns strideRows strideColumns
data Deconvolution' :: Nat -- Number of channels, for the first layer this could be RGB for instance.
-> Nat -- Number of filters, this is the number of channels output by the layer.
-> Nat -- The number of rows in the kernel filter
-> Nat -- The number of column in the kernel filter
-> Nat -- The row stride of the Deconvolution filter
-> Nat -- The columns stride of the Deconvolution filter
-> * where
Deconvolution' :: ( KnownNat channels
, KnownNat filters
, KnownNat kernelRows
, KnownNat kernelColumns
, KnownNat strideRows
, KnownNat strideColumns
, KnownNat kernelFlattened
, kernelFlattened ~ (kernelRows * kernelColumns * filters))
=> !(L kernelFlattened channels) -- The kernel filter gradient
-> Deconvolution' channels filters kernelRows kernelColumns strideRows strideColumns
instance Show (Deconvolution c f k k' s s') where
show (Deconvolution a _) = renderConv a
renderConv mm =
let m = extract mm
ky = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy k)
rs = LA.toColumns m
ms = map (take ky) $ toLists . reshape ky <$> rs
render n' | n' <= 0.2 = ' '
| n' <= 0.4 = '.'
| n' <= 0.6 = '-'
| n' <= 0.8 = '='
| otherwise = '#'
px = (fmap . fmap . fmap) render ms
in unlines $ foldl1 (zipWith (\a' b' -> a' ++ " | " ++ b')) $ px
randomDeconvolution :: ( MonadRandom m
, KnownNat channels
, KnownNat filters
, KnownNat kernelRows
, KnownNat kernelColumns
, KnownNat strideRows
, KnownNat strideColumns
, KnownNat kernelFlattened
, kernelFlattened ~ (kernelRows * kernelColumns * filters))
=> m (Deconvolution channels filters kernelRows kernelColumns strideRows strideColumns)
randomDeconvolution = do
s <- getRandom
let wN = uniformSample s (-1) 1
mm = konst 0
return $ Deconvolution wN mm
instance ( KnownNat channels
, KnownNat filters
, KnownNat kernelRows
, KnownNat kernelColumns
, KnownNat strideRows
, KnownNat strideColumns
, KnownNat (kernelRows * kernelColumns * filters)
) => UpdateLayer (Deconvolution channels filters kernelRows kernelColumns strideRows strideColumns) where
type Gradient (Deconvolution channels filters kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) = (Deconvolution' channels filters kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols)
runUpdate LearningParameters {..} (Deconvolution oldKernel oldMomentum) (Deconvolution' kernelGradient) =
let (newKernel, newMomentum) = decendMatrix learningRate learningMomentum learningRegulariser oldKernel kernelGradient oldMomentum
in Deconvolution newKernel newMomentum
createRandom = randomDeconvolution
instance ( KnownNat channels
, KnownNat filters
, KnownNat kernelRows
, KnownNat kernelColumns
, KnownNat strideRows
, KnownNat strideColumns
, KnownNat (kernelRows * kernelColumns * filters)
) => Serialize (Deconvolution channels filters kernelRows kernelColumns strideRows strideColumns) where
put (Deconvolution w _) = putListOf put . toList . flatten . extract $ w
get = do
let f = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy channels)
wN <- maybe (fail "Vector of incorrect size") return . create . reshape f . LA.fromList =<< getListOf get
let mm = konst 0
return $ Deconvolution wN mm
-- | A two dimentional image may have a Deconvolution filter applied to it
instance ( KnownNat kernelRows
, KnownNat kernelCols
, KnownNat filters
, KnownNat strideRows
, KnownNat strideCols
, KnownNat inputRows
, KnownNat inputCols
, KnownNat outputRows
, KnownNat outputCols
, ((inputRows - 1) * strideRows) ~ (outputRows - kernelRows)
, ((inputCols - 1) * strideCols) ~ (outputCols - kernelCols)
, KnownNat (kernelRows * kernelCols * filters)
, KnownNat (outputRows * filters)
) => Layer (Deconvolution 1 filters kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D2 inputRows inputCols) ('D3 outputRows outputCols filters) where
type Tape (Deconvolution 1 filters kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D2 inputRows inputCols) ('D3 outputRows outputCols filters) = S ('D3 inputRows inputCols 1)
runForwards c (S2D input) =
runForwards c (S3D input :: S ('D3 inputRows inputCols 1))
runBackwards c tape grads =
case runBackwards c tape grads of
(c', S3D back :: S ('D3 inputRows inputCols 1)) -> (c', S2D back)
-- | A two dimentional image may have a Deconvolution filter applied to it
instance ( KnownNat kernelRows
, KnownNat kernelCols
, KnownNat strideRows
, KnownNat strideCols
, KnownNat inputRows
, KnownNat inputCols
, KnownNat outputRows
, KnownNat outputCols
, ((inputRows - 1) * strideRows) ~ (outputRows - kernelRows)
, ((inputCols - 1) * strideCols) ~ (outputCols - kernelCols)
, KnownNat (kernelRows * kernelCols * 1)
, KnownNat (outputRows * 1)
) => Layer (Deconvolution 1 1 kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D2 inputRows inputCols) ('D2 outputRows outputCols) where
type Tape (Deconvolution 1 1 kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D2 inputRows inputCols) ('D2 outputRows outputCols) = S ('D3 inputRows inputCols 1)
runForwards c (S2D input) =
case runForwards c (S3D input :: S ('D3 inputRows inputCols 1)) of
(tps, S3D fore :: S ('D3 outputRows outputCols 1)) -> (tps, S2D fore)
runBackwards c tape (S2D grads) =
case runBackwards c tape (S3D grads :: S ('D3 outputRows outputCols 1)) of
(c', S3D back :: S ('D3 inputRows inputCols 1)) -> (c', S2D back)
-- | A two dimentional image may have a Deconvolution filter applied to it
instance ( KnownNat kernelRows
, KnownNat kernelCols
, KnownNat strideRows
, KnownNat strideCols
, KnownNat inputRows
, KnownNat inputCols
, KnownNat outputRows
, KnownNat outputCols
, ((inputRows - 1) * strideRows) ~ (outputRows - kernelRows)
, ((inputCols - 1) * strideCols) ~ (outputCols - kernelCols)
, KnownNat (kernelRows * kernelCols * 1)
, KnownNat (outputRows * 1)
, KnownNat channels
) => Layer (Deconvolution channels 1 kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D3 inputRows inputCols channels) ('D2 outputRows outputCols) where
type Tape (Deconvolution channels 1 kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D3 inputRows inputCols channels) ('D2 outputRows outputCols) = S ('D3 inputRows inputCols channels)
runForwards c input =
case runForwards c input of
(tps, S3D fore :: S ('D3 outputRows outputCols 1)) -> (tps, S2D fore)
runBackwards c tape (S2D grads) =
runBackwards c tape (S3D grads :: S ('D3 outputRows outputCols 1))
-- | A three dimensional image (or 2d with many channels) can have
-- an appropriately sized Deconvolution filter run across it.
instance ( KnownNat kernelRows
, KnownNat kernelCols
, KnownNat filters
, KnownNat strideRows
, KnownNat strideCols
, KnownNat inputRows
, KnownNat inputCols
, KnownNat outputRows
, KnownNat outputCols
, KnownNat channels
, ((inputRows - 1) * strideRows) ~ (outputRows - kernelRows)
, ((inputCols - 1) * strideCols) ~ (outputCols - kernelCols)
, KnownNat (kernelRows * kernelCols * filters)
, KnownNat (outputRows * filters)
) => Layer (Deconvolution channels filters kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D3 inputRows inputCols channels) ('D3 outputRows outputCols filters) where
type Tape (Deconvolution channels filters kernelRows kernelCols strideRows strideCols) ('D3 inputRows inputCols channels) ('D3 outputRows outputCols filters) = S ('D3 inputRows inputCols channels)
runForwards (Deconvolution kernel _) (S3D input) =
let ex = extract input
ek = extract kernel
ix = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy inputRows)
iy = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy inputCols)
kx = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy kernelRows)
ky = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy kernelCols)
sx = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy strideRows)
sy = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy strideCols)
ox = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy outputRows)
oy = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy outputCols)
c = vid2col 1 1 1 1 ix iy ex
mt = c LA.<> tr ek
r = col2vid kx ky sx sy ox oy mt
rs = fromJust . create $ r
in (S3D input, S3D rs)
runBackwards (Deconvolution kernel _) (S3D input) (S3D dEdy) =
let ex = extract input
ix = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy inputRows)
iy = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy inputCols)
kx = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy kernelRows)
ky = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy kernelCols)
sx = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy strideRows)
sy = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy strideCols)
ox = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy outputRows)
oy = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy outputCols)
c = vid2col 1 1 1 1 ix iy ex
eo = extract dEdy
ek = extract kernel
vs = vid2col kx ky sx sy ox oy eo
kN = fromJust . create . tr $ tr c LA.<> vs
dW = vs LA.<> ek
xW = col2vid 1 1 1 1 ix iy dW
in (Deconvolution' kN, S3D . fromJust . create $ xW)

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@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ complex multiconvolution size networks.
module Grenade.Layers.Inception (
, InceptionMini
, Resnet
) where
import GHC.TypeLits
@ -27,6 +29,8 @@ import Grenade.Core
import Grenade.Layers.Convolution
import Grenade.Layers.Pad
import Grenade.Layers.Concat
import Grenade.Layers.Merge
import Grenade.Layers.Trivial
-- | Type of an inception layer.
@ -41,10 +45,10 @@ import Grenade.Layers.Concat
-- The network get padded effectively before each convolution filters
-- such that the output dimension is the same x and y as the input.
type Inception rows cols channels chx chy chz
= Network '[ Concat ('D3 rows cols (chx + chy)) (InceptionS rows cols channels chx chy) ('D3 rows cols chz) (Inception7x7 rows cols channels chz) ]
= Network '[ Concat ('D3 rows cols (chx + chy)) (InceptionMini rows cols channels chx chy) ('D3 rows cols chz) (Inception7x7 rows cols channels chz) ]
'[ 'D3 rows cols channels, 'D3 rows cols (chx + chy + chz) ]
type InceptionS rows cols channels chx chy
type InceptionMini rows cols channels chx chy
= Network '[ Concat ('D3 rows cols chx) (Inception3x3 rows cols channels chx) ('D3 rows cols chy) (Inception5x5 rows cols channels chy) ]
'[ 'D3 rows cols channels, 'D3 rows cols (chx + chy) ]
@ -60,3 +64,4 @@ type Inception7x7 rows cols channels chx
= Network '[ Pad 3 3 3 3, Convolution channels chx 7 7 1 1 ]
'[ 'D3 rows cols channels, 'D3 (rows + 6) (cols + 6) channels, 'D3 rows cols chx ]
type Resnet branch = Merge Trivial branch