
32 lines
767 B
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2013-12-22 16:34:03 +04:00
" Add the following to your .vimrc to automatically load this on startup
" if filereadable(".vim.custom")
" so .vim.custom
" endif
function StripTrailingWhitespace()
let myline=line(".")
let mycolumn = col(".")
silent %s/ *$//
call cursor(myline, mycolumn)
" enable syntax highlighting
syntax on
" search for the tags file anywhere between here and /
set tags=TAGS;/
" highlight tabs and trailing spaces
set listchars=tab:‗‗,trail:‗
set list
" f2 runs hasktags
map <F2> :exec ":!hasktags -x -c --ignore src"<CR><CR>
" strip trailing whitespace before saving
" au BufWritePre *.hs,*.markdown silent! cal StripTrailingWhitespace()
" rebuild hasktags after saving
au BufWritePost *.hs silent! :exec ":!hasktags -x -c --ignore src"