Hamish Mackenzie 674f5b0a3d
Better support for source-repository-packages, only include planned components and pick latest packages (#1166)
This change updates to the latest `nix-tools` to get the following fixes (there are 3 PRs in nix-tools, but just the one in haskell.nix to avoid having to update the materialized files multiple times):

## Better support for source repository packages

* https://github.com/input-output-hk/nix-tools/pull/107

Currently these are replaced by the `cabalProject` functions with regular `packages:` before running cabal configure.  Cabal does not treat these the same (the setting of `tests:` and `benchmarks:` in the `cabal.project` file):

* The plan found by `cabalProject` may not match the one used when running `cabal`.
* The performance of the solver may not be consistent with running `cabal`.

This change replaces `source-repository-package` with another `source-repository-package` pointing at a minimal git repo.

## Only include planned components

* https://github.com/input-output-hk/nix-tools/pull/108

Only the components in the `plan.json` are now included in the haskell.nix cabal projects.  This avoids missing dependencies attempting to build components that were not in the plan.  Should fix #993.

## Pick latest packages

* https://github.com/input-output-hk/nix-tools/pull/109

When the same package occurs more than once in a `plan.json` file (perhaps because it is needed both by the project itself and by one of the `setup` dependencies or `build-tool-dependencies` of the project) the latest version will now be the one picked by haskell.nix. This is a work around for a common issue with `cabal-doctest` when cross compiling to windows (an old version of Win32 is used even if a newer one was required by the projects `constraints`).
2021-07-23 14:27:56 +12:00

308 lines
11 KiB

# The plan (that is, a package set description like an LTS set or a
# plan.nix (derived from plan.json)) will produce a structure that
# looks like, which is stored in config.plan.pkg-def:
# { packages = { "package" = { revision = hackageConfigs.$package.$version.revisions.default;
# flags = { flag1 = true; flag2 = false; ... }; };
# ... };
# compiler = { version = "X.Y.Z"; nix-name ="ghcXYZ";
# # packages that come bundled with the compiler
# packages = { "bytestring" = "a.b.c.d"; ... }; };
# }
{ lib, config, pkgs, pkgconfPkgs, haskellLib, ... }:
with lib;
with types;
# dealing with str is a bit annoying especially with `nullOr str` as that apparently defaults to ""
# instead of null :shrug:. This then messes with our option inheritance logic.
# Hence we have a uniqueStr type that ensures multiple identically defined options are collapsed
# without raising an error. And a way to fetch default options that will retain `null` if the
# option is not defined or "".
getDefaultOrNull = def: key: if def ? ${key} && def.${key} != "" then def.${key} else null;
mergeUniqueOption = locs: defs: let
mergeOneOption = loc: defs':
# we ignore "" as optionalString, will default to "".
let defs = filter (x: x.value != "") defs'; in
if defs == [] then null
else if length defs != 1 then
throw "The unique option `${showOption loc}' is defined multiple times, in ${showFiles (getFiles defs)}; with values `${concatStringsSep "', `" (map (x: x.value) defs)}'."
else (head defs).value;
in mergeOneOption locs (lists.unique defs);
uniqueStr = str // { merge = mergeUniqueOption; };
# This is just like listOf, except that it filters out all null elements.
listOfFilteringNulls = elemType: listOf elemType // {
# Mostly copied from nixpkgs/lib/types.nix
merge = loc: defs:
map (x: x.value) (filter (x: x ? value && x.value != null) (concatLists (imap1 (n: def:
if isList def.value then
imap1 (m: def':
(loc ++ ["[definition ${toString n}-entry ${toString m}]"])
[{ inherit (def) file; value = def'; }]
) def.value
throw "The option value `${showOption loc}` in `${def.file}` is not a list.") defs)));
componentOptions = def: {
buildable = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = true;
configureFlags = mkOption {
type = listOfFilteringNulls str;
default = (def.configureFlags or []);
setupBuildFlags = mkOption {
type = listOfFilteringNulls str;
default = (def.setupBuildFlags or []);
testFlags = mkOption {
type = listOfFilteringNulls str;
default = (def.testFlags or []);
setupInstallFlags = mkOption {
type = listOfFilteringNulls str;
default = (def.setupInstallFlags or []);
setupHaddockFlags = mkOption {
type = listOfFilteringNulls str;
default = (def.setupHaddockFlags or []);
doExactConfig = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = (def.doExactConfig or false);
doCheck = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = (def.doCheck or true);
doCrossCheck = mkOption {
description = "Run doCheck also in cross compilation settings. This can be tricky as the test logic must know how to run the tests on the target.";
type = bool;
default = (def.doCrossCheck or false);
doHaddock = mkOption {
description = "Enable building of the Haddock documentation from the annotated Haskell source code.";
type = bool;
default = (def.doHaddock or true);
doHoogle = mkOption {
description = "Also build a hoogle index.";
type = bool;
default = (def.doHoogle or true);
doHyperlinkSource = mkOption {
description = "Link documentation to the source code.";
type = bool;
default = (def.doHyperlinkSource or true);
doQuickjump = mkOption {
description = "Generate an index for interactive documentation navigation.";
type = bool;
default = (def.doQuickjump or true);
doCoverage = mkOption {
description = "Enable production of test coverage reports.";
type = bool;
default = (def.doCoverage or false);
dontPatchELF = mkOption {
description = "If set, the patchelf command is not used to remove unnecessary RPATH entries. Only applies to Linux.";
type = bool;
default = (def.dontPatchELF or true);
dontStrip = mkOption {
description = "If set, libraries and executables are not stripped.";
type = bool;
default = (def.dontStrip or true);
enableDeadCodeElimination = mkOption {
description = "If set, enables split sections for link-time dead-code stripping. Only applies to Linux";
type = bool;
default = (def.enableDeadCodeElimination or true);
enableStatic = mkOption {
description = "If set, enables building static libraries and executables.";
type = bool;
default = (def.enableStatic or true);
enableShared = mkOption {
description = "If set, enables building shared libraries.";
type = bool;
default = (def.enableShared or true);
configureAllComponents = mkOption {
description = "If set all the components in the package are configured (useful for cabal-doctest).";
type = bool;
default = false;
shellHook = mkOption {
description = "Hook to run when entering a shell";
type = unspecified; # Can be either a string or a function
default = (def.shellHook or "");
enableLibraryProfiling = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = (def.enableLibraryProfiling or false);
enableSeparateDataOutput = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = (def.enableSeparateDataOutput or false);
enableExecutableProfiling = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = (def.enableExecutableProfiling or false);
profilingDetail = mkOption {
type = nullOr uniqueStr;
default = (def.profilingDetail or "default");
keepSource = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = (def.keepSource or false);
description = "Keep component source in the store in a `source` output";
writeHieFiles = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = (def.writeHieFiles or false);
description = "Write component `.hie` files in the store in a `hie` output";
packageOptions = def: componentOptions def // {
preUnpack = mkOption {
type = nullOr lines;
default = (def.preUnpack or null);
postUnpack = mkOption {
type = nullOr uniqueStr;
default = getDefaultOrNull def "postUnpack";
preConfigure = mkOption {
type = nullOr uniqueStr;
default = getDefaultOrNull def "preConfigure";
postConfigure = mkOption {
type = nullOr uniqueStr;
default = getDefaultOrNull def "postConfigure";
preBuild = mkOption {
type = nullOr uniqueStr;
default = getDefaultOrNull def "preBuild";
postBuild = mkOption {
type = nullOr uniqueStr;
default = getDefaultOrNull def "postBuild";
preCheck = mkOption {
type = nullOr uniqueStr;
default = getDefaultOrNull def "preCheck";
# Wrapper for test executable run in checkPhase
testWrapper = mkOption {
type = listOfFilteringNulls str;
default = def.testWrapper or [];
description = "A command to run for executing tests in checkPhase, which takes the original test command as its arguments.";
example = "echo";
postCheck = mkOption {
type = nullOr uniqueStr;
default = getDefaultOrNull def "postCheck";
preInstall = mkOption {
type = nullOr uniqueStr;
default = getDefaultOrNull def "preInstall";
postInstall = mkOption {
type = nullOr uniqueStr;
default = getDefaultOrNull def "postInstall";
preHaddock = mkOption {
type = nullOr uniqueStr;
default = getDefaultOrNull def "preHaddock";
postHaddock = mkOption {
type = nullOr uniqueStr;
default = getDefaultOrNull def "postHaddock";
hardeningDisable = mkOption {
type = listOfFilteringNulls str;
default = (def.hardeningDisable or []);
ghcOptions = mkOption {
type = listOfFilteringNulls str;
default = def.ghcOptions or [];
planned = mkOption {
description = "Set to true by `plan-to-nix` for any component that was included in the `plan.json` file.";
# This is here so that (rather than in componentOptions) so it can be set project wide for stack projects
type = bool;
default = def.planned or false;
in {
# Global options. These are passed down to the package level, and from there to the
# component level, unless specifically overridden. Depending on the flag flags are
# combined or replaced. We seed the package Options with an empty set forcing the
# default values.
options = (packageOptions {}) // {
packages = mkOption {
type =
let mod_args = {
inherit pkgs pkgconfPkgs haskellLib;
inherit (config) hsPkgs errorHandler;
inherit (config.cabal) system compiler;
}; in
attrsOf (submodule (import ./package.nix {
inherit mod_args listOfFilteringNulls;
inherit componentOptions packageOptions;
parentConfig = config;
compiler = {
version = mkOption {
type = str;
nix-name = mkOption {
type = str;
packages = mkOption {
type = attrsOf str;
plan.pkg-def = mkOption {
type = unspecified;
visible = false;
internal = true;
config = let module = config.plan.pkg-def config.hackage.configs; in {
inherit (module) compiler;
packages = lib.mapAttrs (name: { revision, ... }@revArgs: { system, compiler, flags, pkgs, hsPkgs, errorHandler, pkgconfPkgs, ... }@modArgs:
let m = if revision == null
then (abort "${name} has no revision!")
else revision (modArgs // { hsPkgs = hsPkgs // (mapAttrs (l: _: hsPkgs.${name}.components.sublibs.${l}) (m.components.sublibs or {})); });
m // { flags = lib.mapAttrs (_: lib.mkDefault) (m.flags // revArgs.flags or {}); }
) (lib.filterAttrs (n: v: v == null || v.revision != null ) module.packages);