2021-01-11 18:47:56 +13:00

187 lines
7.7 KiB

# IMPORTANT: This is for building ghcjs, not for building with
# ghcjs. To build with ghcjs then just replace `haskell-nix`
# with `pkgsCross.ghcjs.haskell-nix`.
# For the time being we can't really treat ghcjs like a
# regular ghc (with different target). We need this as a
# stop-gap measure until ghcjs can be treated like a regular
# ghc.
# `haskell-nix.ghcjsProject` wraps `haskell-nix.cabalProject'`
# for use with the ghcjs source. It is exposed to allow GHCJS
# developers to work on the GHCJS code in a nix-shell with
# `shellFor`. It takes thes the clean src (from fetched
# source or local source that has been cleaned with cleanGit.
# It configures the source and passes it onto `cabalProject`
# along with the necessary modules.
# It also adds `configureInputs` and `bootInputs` that a
# needed for configuring the source and booting the compiler
# once it is built. These are added to the `hsPkgs.shellFor`
# of the project.
{ pkgs }:
{ src
, compiler-nix-name
, ghc ? pkgs.buildPackages.haskell-nix.compiler.${compiler-nix-name}
, ghcjsVersion
, ghcVersion ? ghc.version
, happy ? pkgs.haskell-nix.tool compiler-nix-name "happy" {
index-state = pkgs.haskell-nix.internalHackageIndexState;
version = "1.19.12";
materialized = ../materialized/ghcjs/happy + "/${compiler-nix-name}";
, alex ? pkgs.haskell-nix.tool compiler-nix-name "alex" {
index-state = pkgs.haskell-nix.internalHackageIndexState;
version = "3.2.5";
materialized = ../materialized/ghcjs/alex + "/${compiler-nix-name}";
, cabal-install ? pkgs.haskell-nix.tool compiler-nix-name "cabal" {
index-state = pkgs.haskell-nix.internalHackageIndexState;
version = "";
# Cabal no longer supports he mix of `cabal-version`,
# lack of `custom-setup` and `v1-install` used by ghcjs boot.
cabalProjectLocal = ''
constraints: Cabal <
materialized = ../materialized/ghcjs/cabal + "/${compiler-nix-name}";
, ...
isGhcjs88 = builtins.compareVersions ghcjsVersion "" > 0;
# Inputs needed to configure the GHCJS source tree
configureInputs = with pkgs; [
] ++ [
# nixpkgs does not have an emsdk, this derivation uses symlinks to make something
# that matches enought for `ghcjs-boot` to work
emscriptenupstream = pkgs.buildPackages.emscriptenupstream;
emscripten = pkgs.buildPackages.emscripten.override {
emscriptenBackend = emscriptenupstream;
emsdk = pkgs.linkFarm "emsdk" [
{ name = "upstream/bin"; path = emscriptenupstream + "/bin"; }
{ name = "upstream/emscripten"; path = emscripten + "/bin"; }
{ name = "share"; path = emscripten + "/share"; }
# Inputs needed to boot the GHCJS compiler
bootInputs = with pkgs.buildPackages; [
++ [ ghc cabal-install ]
++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
pkgs.buildPackages.gcc # https://github.com/ghcjs/ghcjs/issues/663
++ lib.optional isGhcjs88 [ emsdk ];
# Configured the GHCJS source
configured-src = pkgs.runCommand "configured-ghcjs-src" {
buildInputs = configureInputs;
inherit src;
} ''
export HOME=$(pwd)
mkdir $HOME/.cabal
touch $HOME/.cabal/config
cp -r "$src" "$out"
chmod -R +w "$out"
cd "$out"
# TODO: Find a better way to avoid impure version numbers
sed -i 's/RELEASE=NO/RELEASE=YES/' ghc/configure.ac
sed -i 's/${ghcjsVersion}/${ghcVersion}/' ghcjs.cabal
# TODO: How to actually fix this?
# Seems to work fine and produce the right files.
pkgs.lib.optionalString (!isGhcjs88) ''
touch ghc/includes/ghcautoconf.h
mkdir -p ghc/compiler/vectorise
mkdir -p ghc/utils/haddock/haddock-library/vendor
rm -rf utils/pkg-cache/ghc
cp -r ${ghc.generated} utils/pkg-cache/ghc
cp ${../overlays/patches/config.sub} ghc/libraries/integer-gmp/config.sub
cp ${../overlays/patches/config.sub} ghc/libraries/base/config.sub
cp ${../overlays/patches/config.sub} ghc/libraries/unix/config.sub
patchShebangs .
sed -i 's/gcc /cc /g' utils/makePackages.sh
./utils/makePackages.sh copy
# nuke the HsBaseConfig.h from base.buildinfo.in; this will
# prevent it from being installed and provide incorrect values.
pkgs.lib.optionalString (!isGhcjs88) ''
echo " build-tool-depends: alex:alex, happy:happy <= 1.19.9" >> lib/ghc-api-ghcjs/ghc-api-ghcjs.cabal
sed -i 's/HsBaseConfig.h//g' lib/boot/pkg/base/base.buildinfo.in
# see https://github.com/ghcjs/ghcjs/issues/751 for the happy upper bound.
ghcjsProject = pkgs.haskell-nix.cabalProject' (
(n: _: !(builtins.any (x: x == n)
["src" "ghcjsVersion" "ghcVersion" "happy" "alex" "cabal-install"])) args) // {
src = configured-src;
index-state = "2020-11-16T00:00:00Z";
compiler-nix-name = if isGhcjs88 then "ghc884" else "ghc865";
configureArgs = pkgs.lib.optionalString isGhcjs88 "--constraint='Cabal >= && <3.1'";
materialized = ../materialized + (if isGhcjs88 then "/ghcjs884" else "/ghcjs865");
modules = [
# we need ghc-boot in here for ghcjs.
nonReinstallablePkgs = [ "rts" "ghc-heap" "ghc-prim" "integer-gmp" "integer-simple" "base"
"deepseq" "array" "ghc-boot-th" "pretty" "template-haskell"
"ghc-boot" "binary" "bytestring" "filepath" "directory" "containers"
"time" "unix" "Win32" ];
(pkgs.lib.optionalAttrs (!isGhcjs88) {
packages.Cabal.patches = [ ./../overlays/patches/Cabal/fix-data-dir.patch ];
packages.ghcjs.doHaddock = false;
packages.haddock-ghcjs.doHaddock = false;
packages.haddock-api-ghcjs.doHaddock = false;
packages.ghcjs.flags.no-wrapper-install = true;
# set use-host-template-haskell. This *does*
# work as we use a patched ghc to boot anyway.
# (we apply https://github.com/ghcjs/ghc/commit/2918d88d4ef786b5f2801f6f77ac333cc56dde75 already)
packages.ghcjs.flags.use-host-template-haskell = true;
packages.ghc-api-ghcjs.flags.use-host-template-haskell = true;
packages.ghcjs-th.flags.use-host-template-haskell = true;
packages.ghc.flags.ghci = true;
packages.ghci.flags.ghci = true;
# packages.ghcjs.components.library.configureFlags = [ "-fno-wrapper-install" ];
packages.ghcjs.components.library.build-tools = [ alex ];
in ghcjsProject // {
# Add `configureInputs` and `bootInputs` to the shell
hsPkgs = ghcjsProject.hsPkgs // {
# Shell suitable for configuring and building a local copy of GHCJS
shellFor = args: (ghcjsProject.hsPkgs.shellFor args).overrideAttrs (drv: {
buildInputs = (drv.buildInputs or []) ++ configureInputs;
nativeBuildInputs = (drv.nativeBuildInputs or []) ++ bootInputs;
EMSDK = emsdk;
inherit configureInputs bootInputs configured-src emscriptenupstream emscripten emsdk;