2020-05-11 23:58:42 +12:00

416 lines
23 KiB

final: prev:
installDeps = targetPrefix: ''
for P in $($out/bin/${targetPrefix}ghc-pkg list --simple-output | sed 's/-[0-9][0-9.]*//g'); do
mkdir -p $out/exactDeps/$P
touch $out/exactDeps/$P/configure-flags
touch $out/exactDeps/$P/cabal.config
if id=$($out/bin/${targetPrefix}ghc-pkg field $P id --simple-output); then
echo "--dependency=$P=$id" >> $out/exactDeps/$P/configure-flags
elif id=$($out/bin/${targetPrefix}ghc-pkg field "z-$P-z-*" id --simple-output); then
name=$($out/bin/${targetPrefix}ghc-pkg field "z-$P-z-*" name --simple-output)
# so we are dealing with a sublib. As we build sublibs separately, the above
# query should be safe.
echo "--dependency=''${name#z-$P-z-}=$id" >> $out/exactDeps/$P/configure-flags
if ver=$($out/bin/${targetPrefix}ghc-pkg field $P version --simple-output); then
echo "constraint: $P == $ver" >> $out/exactDeps/$P/cabal.config
echo "constraint: $P installed" >> $out/exactDeps/$P/cabal.config
mkdir -p $out/evalDeps
for P in $($out/bin/${targetPrefix}ghc-pkg list --simple-output | sed 's/-[0-9][0-9.]*//g'); do
touch $out/evalDeps/$P
if id=$($out/bin/${targetPrefix}ghc-pkg field $P id --simple-output); then
echo "package-id $id" >> $out/evalDeps/$P
in {
haskell-nix = prev.haskell-nix // {
# Use this to disable the existing haskell infra structure for testing purposes
compiler =
let bootPkgs = with final.buildPackages; {
ghc = buildPackages.haskell-nix.bootstrap.compiler.ghc844;
inherit (final.haskell-nix.bootstrap.packages) alex happy hscolour;
sphinx = with final.buildPackages; (python3Packages.sphinx_1_7_9 or python3Packages.sphinx);
hsc2hs-align-conditionals-patch = final.fetchpatch {
url = "https://git.haskell.org/hsc2hs.git/patch/738f3666c878ee9e79c3d5e819ef8b3460288edf";
sha256 = "0plzsbfaq6vb1023lsarrjglwgr9chld4q3m99rcfzx0yx5mibp3";
extraPrefix = "utils/hsc2hs/";
stripLen = 1;
D5123-patch = final.fetchpatch rec { # https://phabricator.haskell.org/D5123
url = "http://tarballs.nixos.org/sha256/${sha256}";
name = "D5123.diff";
sha256 = "0nhqwdamf2y4gbwqxcgjxs0kqx23w9gv5kj0zv6450dq19rji82n";
haddock-900-patch = final.fetchpatch rec { # https://github.com/haskell/haddock/issues/900
url = "https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/haskell/haddock/pull/983.diff";
name = "loadpluginsinmodules.diff";
sha256 = "0bvvv0zsfq2581zsir97zfkggc1kkircbbajc2fz3b169ycpbha1";
extraPrefix = "utils/haddock/";
stripLen = 1;
ghc-patches = version: let
# Returns true iff this derivation's version is strictly older than ver.
versionLessThan = ver: builtins.compareVersions ver version == 1;
# Returns true iff this derivation's verion is greater than or equal to ver.
versionAtLeast = ver: !versionLessThan ver;
from = start: final.lib.optional (versionAtLeast start);
fromUntil = start: end: final.lib.optional (versionAtLeast start && versionLessThan end);
until = end: final.lib.optional (versionLessThan end);
always = final.lib.optional true;
# Try to avoid reordering the patches unless a patch is added or changed that
# will be applied to most versions of the GHC anyway (reordering the patches
# results in rebuilds of GHC and reduces sharing in /nix/store).
in fromUntil "8.4.4" "8.6" ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.4.4-reinstallable-lib-ghc.patch
++ until "8.6" ./patches/ghc/iserv-move-8.4.1.patch # 6fbe5f274ba84181f5db50901639ae382ef68c4b -- merged; ghc-8.6.1
++ until "8.6" ./patches/ghc/hsc2hs-8.4.2.patch
++ until "8.6" ./patches/ghc/various-8.4.2.patch
++ until "8.6" ./patches/ghc/lowercase-8.4.2.patch
++ until "8.6" ./patches/ghc/cabal-exe-ext-8.4.2.patch
++ until "8.6" ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.4.3-Cabal2201-SMP-test-fix.patch
++ until "8.6" ./patches/ghc/outputtable-assert-8.4.patch
++ fromUntil "8.6" "8.6.4" ./patches/ghc/MR148--T16104-GhcPlugins.patch
++ until "8.6.4" ./patches/ghc/MR95--ghc-pkg-deadlock-fix.patch
++ fromUntil "8.4" "8.6" ./patches/ghc/iserv-autoconf-8.4.1.patch # (same as below, but based on 8.4)
++ fromUntil "8.6" "8.8" ./patches/ghc/iserv-autoconf-8.6.1.patch # 8f9f52d8e421ce544d5437a93117545d52d0eabd -- merged; ghc-8.8.1
++ fromUntil "8.4" "8.6" ./patches/ghc/iserv-cleanup-8.8.1-prepare-8.4.1.patch # (prepare for below; see patch for details)
++ until "8.10" ./patches/ghc/iserv-cleanup-8.8.1.patch # https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/merge_requests/250 -- merged; ghc-8.10.1
++ fromUntil "8.4" "8.6" ./patches/ghc/iserv-cleanup-8.8.1-revert-8.4.1.patch # (revert prepare)
++ fromUntil "8.2" "8.8" ./patches/ghc/MR545--ghc-pkg-databases.patch # https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/merge_requests/545 -- merged; ghc-8.8.1
++ fromUntil "8.6" "8.8" ./patches/ghc/outputtable-assert-8.6.patch
++ fromUntil "8.6.4" "8.8" ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.6.4-reenable-th-qq-in-stage1.patch
++ until "8.8" ./patches/ghc/0001-Stop-the-linker-panic.patch # https://phabricator.haskell.org/D5012 -- merged; ghc-8.8.1
++ until "8.8" ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.4.3-Cabal2201-allow-test-wrapper.patch # https://github.com/haskell/cabal/pulls/5995 -- merged; cabal-3.0.0 (ghc-8.8.1)
++ until "8.8" ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.4.3-Cabal2201-response-file-support.patch # https://github.com/haskell/cabal/pulls/5996 -- merged; cabal-3.0.0 (ghc-8.8.1)
++ until "8.8" ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.6-Cabal-fix-datadir.patch # https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/5862
++ until "8.8" ./patches/ghc/MR196--ghc-pkg-shut-up.patch # https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/merge_requests/196 -- merged; ghc-8.8.1
++ from "8.6" ./patches/ghc/mistuke-ghc-err_clean_up_error_handler-8ab1a89af89848f1713e6849f189de66c0ed7898.diff # this is part of Phyx- revamped io-manager.
++ always ./patches/ghc/ghc-add-keepCAFs-to-rts.patch # https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/merge_requests/950 -- open
++ always ./patches/ghc/lowercase-8.6.patch # https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/merge_requests/949 -- merged; ghc-8.8.1
++ always ./patches/ghc/dll-loader-8.4.2.patch # https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/merge_requests/949 -- open
++ always ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.4.3-Cabal2201-no-hackage-tests.patch # ?
++ always ./patches/ghc/MR948--32bit-cross-th.patch # https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/merge_requests/948 -- open
++ from "8.8" ./patches/ghc/cabal-host.patch # https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/5887
++ fromUntil "8.6.4" "8.8" ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.6.4-prim-no-arm-atomics.patch
++ fromUntil "8.6.4" "8.8" ./patches/ghc/global-offset-table.patch
++ fromUntil "8.6.4" "8.8" ./patches/ghc/global-offset-table-2.patch
++ always ./patches/ghc/respect-ar-path.patch
++ final.lib.optional (version == "8.6.3") ./patches/ghc/T16057--ghci-doa-on-windows.patch
++ final.lib.optional (version == "8.6.3") ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.6.3-reinstallable-lib-ghc.patch
++ final.lib.optional (version == "8.6.4") ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.6.4-reinstallable-lib-ghc.patch
++ final.lib.optional (version == "8.6.5") ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.6.5-reinstallable-lib-ghc.patch
++ final.lib.optional (version == "8.6.5") ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.6.5-atomic-arm-arch.patch
++ final.lib.optional (version == "8.6.5") ./patches/ghc/MR3214-writable-rel-ro-data.patch
++ final.lib.optional (version == "8.8.1") ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.8.1-reinstallable-lib-ghc.patch
++ fromUntil "8.8.2" "8.9" ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.8.2-reinstallable-lib-ghc.patch
++ final.lib.optional (version == "8.6.4") ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.6.4-better-plusSimplCountErrors.patch
++ final.lib.optional (versionAtLeast "8.6.4" && final.stdenv.isDarwin) ./patches/ghc/ghc-macOS-loadArchive-fix.patch
++ final.lib.optional (versionAtLeast "8.4.4" && final.stdenv.isDarwin) ./patches/ghc/ghc-darwin-gcc-version-fix.patch
in ({
ghc844 = final.callPackage ../compiler/ghc {
extra-passthru = { buildGHC = final.buildPackages.haskell-nix.compiler.ghc844; };
inherit bootPkgs sphinx installDeps;
buildLlvmPackages = final.buildPackages.llvmPackages_5;
llvmPackages = final.llvmPackages_5;
src-spec = rec {
version = "8.4.4";
url = "https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/${version}/ghc-${version}-src.tar.xz";
sha256 = "1ch4j2asg7pr52ai1hwzykxyj553wndg7wq93i47ql4fllspf48i";
ghc-patches = ghc-patches "8.4.4"
++ [ hsc2hs-align-conditionals-patch D5123-patch ]
++ final.lib.optional final.stdenv.isDarwin ./patches/ghc/ghc-8.4.4-backport-dylib-command-size-limit.patch;
ghc861 = final.callPackage ../compiler/ghc {
extra-passthru = { buildGHC = final.buildPackages.haskell-nix.compiler.ghc861; };
inherit bootPkgs sphinx installDeps;
buildLlvmPackages = final.buildPackages.llvmPackages_6;
llvmPackages = final.llvmPackages_6;
src-spec = rec {
version = "8.6.1";
url = "https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/${version}/ghc-${version}-src.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0dkh7idgrqr567fq94a0f5x3w0r4cm2ydn51nb5wfisw3rnw499c";
ghc-patches = [ D5123-patch ];
ghc862 = final.callPackage ../compiler/ghc {
extra-passthru = { buildGHC = final.buildPackages.haskell-nix.compiler.ghc862; };
inherit bootPkgs sphinx installDeps;
buildLlvmPackages = final.buildPackages.llvmPackages_6;
llvmPackages = final.llvmPackages_6;
src-spec = rec {
version = "8.6.2";
url = "https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/${version}/ghc-${version}-src.tar.xz";
sha256 = "1mbn3n2ynmpfpb7jfnhpzzli31qqxqyi8ws71blws3i846fq3ana";
ghc-patches = ghc-patches "8.6.2"
++ [ D5123-patch ];
ghc863 = final.callPackage ../compiler/ghc {
extra-passthru = { buildGHC = final.buildPackages.haskell-nix.compiler.ghc863; };
inherit bootPkgs sphinx installDeps;
buildLlvmPackages = final.buildPackages.llvmPackages_6;
llvmPackages = final.llvmPackages_6;
src-spec = rec {
version = "8.6.3";
url = "https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/${version}/ghc-${version}-src.tar.xz";
sha256 = "08vzq0dpg4a39bs61j6rq4z0n7jby5mc69h4m25xhd8rjyvkg7lz";
ghc-patches = ghc-patches "8.6.3"
++ [ D5123-patch ];
ghc864 = final.callPackage ../compiler/ghc {
extra-passthru = { buildGHC = final.buildPackages.haskell-nix.compiler.ghc864; };
inherit bootPkgs sphinx installDeps;
buildLlvmPackages = final.buildPackages.llvmPackages_6;
llvmPackages = final.llvmPackages_6;
src-spec = rec {
version = "8.6.4";
url = "https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/${version}/ghc-${version}-src.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0fihs1sr0hpk67dn9cmrsav13kkcp9hz8ggdqcrs80rj8vj0fpav";
ghc-patches = ghc-patches "8.6.4"
++ [ D5123-patch ];
ghc865 = final.callPackage ../compiler/ghc {
extra-passthru = { buildGHC = final.buildPackages.haskell-nix.compiler.ghc865; };
inherit bootPkgs sphinx installDeps;
buildLlvmPackages = final.buildPackages.llvmPackages_6;
llvmPackages = final.llvmPackages_6;
src-spec = rec {
version = "8.6.5";
url = "https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/${version}/ghc-${version}-src.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0qg3zsmbk4rkwkc3jpas3zs74qaxmw4sp4v1mhsbj0a0dzls2jjd";
ghc-patches = ghc-patches "8.6.5"
++ [ D5123-patch haddock-900-patch ];
ghc881 = final.callPackage ../compiler/ghc {
extra-passthru = { buildGHC = final.buildPackages.haskell-nix.compiler.ghc881; };
inherit bootPkgs sphinx installDeps;
buildLlvmPackages = final.buildPackages.llvmPackages_7;
llvmPackages = final.llvmPackages_7;
src-spec = rec {
version = "8.8.1";
url = "https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/${version}/ghc-${version}-src.tar.xz";
sha256 = "06kj4fhvijinjafiy4s873n60qly323rdlz9bmc79nhlp3cq72lh";
ghc-patches = ghc-patches "8.8.1";
ghc882 = final.callPackage ../compiler/ghc {
extra-passthru = { buildGHC = final.buildPackages.haskell-nix.compiler.ghc882; };
inherit bootPkgs sphinx installDeps;
buildLlvmPackages = final.buildPackages.llvmPackages_7;
llvmPackages = final.llvmPackages_7;
src-spec = rec {
version = "8.8.2";
url = "https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/${version}/ghc-${version}-src.tar.xz";
sha256 = "02qa6wgjpxgakg7hv4zfdlrx9k7zxa5i02wnr6y9fsv8j16sbkh1";
ghc-patches = ghc-patches "8.8.2";
ghc883 = final.callPackage ../compiler/ghc {
extra-passthru = { buildGHC = final.buildPackages.haskell-nix.compiler.ghc883; };
inherit bootPkgs sphinx installDeps;
buildLlvmPackages = final.buildPackages.llvmPackages_7;
llvmPackages = final.llvmPackages_7;
src-spec = rec {
version = "8.8.3";
url = "https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/${version}/ghc-${version}-src.tar.xz";
sha256 = "128g932i3wix6ic03v04nh5755vyjiidzri9iybwad72yfmc1p70";
ghc-patches = ghc-patches "8.8.3";
} // final.lib.optionalAttrs (final.targetPlatform.isGhcjs or false)
# This will inject `exactDeps` and `envDeps` into the ghcjs
# compiler defined below. This is crucial to build packages
# with the current use of env and exact Deps.
(_: v: v // {
isHaskellNixBootCompiler = true;
ghc865 = let buildGHC = final.buildPackages.haskell-nix.compiler.ghc865;
in let ghcjs865 = final.callPackage ../compiler/ghcjs/ghcjs.nix {
ghcjsSrcJson = ../compiler/ghcjs/ghcjs-src.json;
ghcjsVersion = "";
ghc = buildGHC;
cabal-install = final.buildPackages.haskell-nix.cabal-install;
# The alex from the bootstrap packages is apparently broken, and will fail with something like:
# > alex: /nix/store/f7b78rg9pmqgvxvsqfzh1przp7pxii5a-alex-3.2.4-exe-alex/share/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.4.4/alex-3.2.4-1pf5faR9dBuJ8mryql0DoA-alex/AlexTemplate-ghc-nopred: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
# inherit (final.buildPackages.haskell-nix.bootstrap.packages) alex happy;
}; in let targetPrefix = "js-unknown-ghcjs-"; in final.runCommand "${targetPrefix}ghc-8.6.5" {
passthru = {
inherit targetPrefix;
version = "8.6.5";
isHaskellNixCompiler = true;
inherit (ghcjs865) configured-src;
inherit buildGHC;
extraConfigureFlags = [
"--with-ghcjs=${targetPrefix}ghc" "--with-ghcjs-pkg=${targetPrefix}ghc-pkg"
# setting gcc is stupid. non-emscripten ghcjs has no cc.
# however cabal insists on compiling the c sources. m(
# note: we'll use the buildGHCs `hsc2hs`, ghcjss wrapper just horribly breaks in this nix setup.
} (''
mkdir -p $out/bin
cd $out/bin
ln -s ${ghcjs865}/bin/ghcjs ${targetPrefix}ghc
ln -s ${ghcjs865}/bin/ghcjs-pkg ${targetPrefix}ghc-pkg
ln -s ${buildGHC}/bin/hsc2hs ${targetPrefix}hsc2hs
cd ..
mkdir lib
cd lib
cp -R ${ghcjs865}/lib/ghcjs-8.6.5 ${targetPrefix}ghc-8.6.5
'' + installDeps targetPrefix);
ghc = final.haskell-nix.compiler.ghc865;
inherit (final.buildPackages.haskell-nix.bootstrap.packages) cabal-install alex happy;
# WARN: The `import ../. {}` will prevent
# any cross to work, as we will loose
# the `config` value.
# As such the folloing sadly won't work :(
# haskellPackages = with import ../. {}; {
# hpack = null;
# hello = (hackage-package {
# inherit (final) cabal-install;
# name = "hello"; version = "";
# }).components.exes.hello;
# };
# NOTE: 8.6.5 prebuilt binaries on macOS, will yield:
# > Linking dist/build/cabal/cabal ...
# > Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
# > "_utimensat", referenced from:
# > _cazW_info in libHSdirectory-
# > ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
# > clang-5.0: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
# > `clang' failed in phase `Linker'. (Exit code: 1)
# hence we'll use 844 for bootstrapping for now.
# the bootstrap infra structure (pre-compiled ghc; bootstrapped cabal-install, ...)
bootstrap = with final.haskell-nix; let ghc = final.buildPackages.haskell-nix.bootstrap.compiler.ghc844; in {
# XXX: import ../. will throw away all other overlays, config values, ...
# this is not ideal!
# get binary compilers for bootstrapping. We'll put the eventual proper
# compilers into the same place where nix expects them.
# We mark these compilers as boot compilers to make sure they are only used
# where a boot compiler is expected.
compiler = builtins.mapAttrs (_: v:
v.overrideAttrs (drv: {
postInstall = (drv.postInstall or "") + installDeps "";
}) // {
isHaskellNixBootCompiler = true;
(import ../compiler/old-ghc-nix { pkgs = final; });
packages = {
# cabal has it's own bootstrap script which we'll use.
cabal-install = import ../compiler/bootstrap/cabal-install.nix {
inherit (final) fetchurl stdenv zlib;
inherit hackage ghc;
src = final.fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/haskell/cabal/archive/Cabal-v3.0.0.0-rc3.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1zl2mgg8307ykq3v8nmafc6zdhhj1cw7w8ffpap16dsm65lbnx33";
version = "";
# disable hpack support during bootstrap
hpack = null;
nix-tools = nix-tools.override {
# Only a boot compiler is suitable here
ghc = ghc // { isHaskellNixCompiler = ghc.isHaskellNixBootCompiler; };
inherit (bootstrap.packages) hpack;
# now that we have nix-tools and hpack, we can just
# use `hackage-package` to build any package from
# hackage with haskell.nix. For alex and happy we
# need to use the boot strap compiler as we need them
# to build ghcs from source.
alex-project = hackage-project {
# Only a boot compiler is suitable here
ghc = ghc // { isHaskellNixCompiler = ghc.isHaskellNixBootCompiler; };
inherit (bootstrap.packages) cabal-install nix-tools hpack;
name = "alex"; version = "3.2.4";
index-state = final.haskell-nix.internalHackageIndexState;
materialized = ../materialized/alex;
alex = bootstrap.packages.alex-project.hsPkgs.alex.components.exes.alex;
happy-project = hackage-project {
# Only a boot compiler is suitable here
ghc = ghc // { isHaskellNixCompiler = ghc.isHaskellNixBootCompiler; };
inherit (bootstrap.packages) cabal-install nix-tools hpack;
name = "happy"; version = "1.19.11";
index-state = final.haskell-nix.internalHackageIndexState;
materialized = ../materialized/happy;
happy = bootstrap.packages.happy-project.hsPkgs.happy.components.exes.happy;
hscolour-project = hackage-project {
# Only a boot compiler is suitable here
ghc = ghc // { isHaskellNixCompiler = ghc.isHaskellNixBootCompiler; };
inherit (bootstrap.packages) cabal-install nix-tools hpack;
name = "hscolour"; version = "1.24.4";
index-state = final.haskell-nix.internalHackageIndexState;
materialized = ../materialized/hscolour;
hscolour = bootstrap.packages.hscolour-project.hsPkgs.hscolour.components.exes.HsColour;