Michael Peyton Jones dbff20d0c8
Make haskell.nix quieter (#944)
* Remove unconditional trace for index-state

We already have messages for unusual cases (like using the latest
index-state). This message is unconditional, so quite noisy.
We include the actual index-state in the builer log so it's available if you
want to check it.

* Move source-cleaning warning to builder log

It's not *that* interesting, and someone who cares will likely check the

* Move shellFor trace message to builder log

Not that interesting, really.

Co-authored-by: Hamish Mackenzie <Hamish.Mackenzie@iohk.io>
2020-11-27 14:18:15 +13:00

501 lines
22 KiB

{ dotCabal, pkgs, runCommand, evalPackages, symlinkJoin, cacert, index-state-hashes, haskellLib, materialize }@defaults:
let readIfExists = src: fileName:
let origSrcDir = src.origSrcSubDir or src;
if builtins.elem ((__readDir origSrcDir)."${fileName}" or "") ["regular" "symlink"]
then __readFile (origSrcDir + "/${fileName}")
else null;
{ name ? src.name or null # optional name for better error messages
, src
, compiler-nix-name # The name of the ghc compiler to use eg. "ghc884"
, index-state ? null # Hackage index-state, eg. "2019-10-10T00:00:00Z"
, index-sha256 ? null # The hash of the truncated hackage index-state
, plan-sha256 ? null # The hash of the plan-to-nix output (makes the plan-to-nix step a fixed output derivation)
, materialized ? null # Location of a materialized copy of the nix files
, checkMaterialization ? null # If true the nix files will be generated used to check plan-sha256 and material
, cabalProjectFileName ? "cabal.project"
, cabalProject ? readIfExists src cabalProjectFileName
, cabalProjectLocal ? readIfExists src "${cabalProjectFileName}.local"
, cabalProjectFreeze ? readIfExists src "${cabalProjectFileName}.freeze"
, caller ? "callCabalProjectToNix" # Name of the calling function for better warning messages
, ghc ? null # Deprecated in favour of `compiler-nix-name`
, ghcOverride ? null # Used when we need to set ghc explicitly during bootstrapping
, nix-tools ? evalPackages.haskell-nix.nix-tools-unchecked.${compiler-nix-name} # When building cabal projects we use the nix-tools
, cabal-install ? evalPackages.haskell-nix.cabal-install-unchecked.${compiler-nix-name} # and cabal-install compiled with matching ghc version
, configureArgs ? "" # Extra arguments to pass to `cabal v2-configure`.
# `--enable-tests --enable-benchmarks` are included by default.
# If the tests and benchmarks are not needed and they
# cause the wrong plan to be chosen, then we can use
# `configureArgs = "--disable-tests --disable-benchmarks";`
, sha256map ? null
# An alternative to adding `--sha256` comments into the
# cabal.project file:
# sha256map =
# { "https://github.com/jgm/pandoc-citeproc"."0.17"
# = "0dxx8cp2xndpw3jwiawch2dkrkp15mil7pyx7dvd810pwc22pm2q"; };
, lookupSha256 ?
if sha256map != null
then { location, tag, ...}: sha256map."${location}"."${tag}"
else _: null
, extra-hackage-tarballs ? []
, ...
forName = pkgs.lib.optionalString (name != null) (" for " + name);
ghc' =
if ghcOverride != null
then ghcOverride
if ghc != null
then __trace ("WARNING: A `ghc` argument was passed" + forName
+ " this has been deprecated in favour of `compiler-nix-name`. "
+ "Using `ghc` will break cross compilation setups, as haskell.nix cannot "
+ "pick the correct `ghc` package from the respective buildPackages. "
+ "For example, use `compiler-nix-name = \"ghc865\";` for GHC 8.6.5.") ghc
# Do note that `pkgs = final.buildPackages` in the `overlays/haskell.nix`
# call to this file. And thus `pkgs` here is the proper `buildPackages`
# set and we do not need, nor should pick the compiler from another level
# of `buildPackages`, lest we want to get confusing errors about the Win32
# package.
# > The option `packages.Win32.package.identifier.name' is used but not defined.
assert (if ghc'.isHaskellNixCompiler or false then true
else throw ("It is likely you used `haskell.compiler.X` instead of `haskell-nix.compiler.X`"
+ forName));
ghc = ghc';
subDir' = src.origSubDir or "";
subDir = pkgs.lib.strings.removePrefix "/" subDir';
maybeCleanedSource =
if haskellLib.canCleanSource src
then (haskellLib.cleanSourceWith {
name = if name != null then "${name}-root-cabal-files" else "source-root-cabal-files";
src = src.origSrc or src;
filter = path: type: (!(src ? filter) || src.filter path type) && (
type == "directory" ||
pkgs.lib.any (i: (pkgs.lib.hasSuffix i path)) [ ".cabal" "package.yaml" ]); })
else src.origSrc or src;
# Using origSrcSubDir bypasses any cleanSourceWith so that it will work when
# access to the store is restricted. If origSrc was already in the store
# you can pass the project in as a string.
rawCabalProject =
if cabalProject != null
then cabalProject + (
if cabalProjectLocal != null
then ''
-- Added from cabalProjectLocal argument to cabalProject
else ""
else null;
cabalProjectIndexState =
if rawCabalProject != null
then pkgs.haskell-nix.haskellLib.parseIndexState rawCabalProject
else null;
index-state-found =
if index-state != null
then index-state
else if cabalProjectIndexState != null
then cabalProjectIndexState
let latest-index-state = pkgs.lib.last (builtins.attrNames index-state-hashes);
in builtins.trace ("No index state specified" + (if name == null then "" else " for " + name) + ", using the latest index state that we know about (${latest-index-state})!") latest-index-state;
index-state-pinned = index-state != null || cabalProjectIndexState != null;
assert (if index-state-found == null
then throw "No index state passed and none found in ${cabalProjectFileName}" else true);
assert (if index-sha256 == null && !(pkgs.lib.hasSuffix "Z" index-state-found)
then throw "Index state found was ${index-state-found} and no `index-sha256` was provided. "
"The index hash lookup code requires zulu time zone (ends in a Z)" else true);
# If a hash was not specified find a suitable cached index state to
# use that will contain all the packages we need. By using the
# first one after the desired index-state we can avoid recalculating
# when new index-state-hashes are added.
# See https://github.com/input-output-hk/haskell.nix/issues/672
cached-index-state = if index-sha256 != null
then index-state-found
suitable-index-states =
(s: s >= index-state-found) # This compare is why we need zulu time
(builtins.attrNames index-state-hashes);
if builtins.length suitable-index-states == 0
then index-state-found
else pkgs.lib.head suitable-index-states;
# Lookup hash for the index state we found
index-sha256-found = if index-sha256 != null
then index-sha256
else index-state-hashes.${cached-index-state} or null;
assert (if index-sha256-found == null
then throw "Unknown index-state ${index-state-found}, the latest index-state I know about is ${pkgs.lib.last (builtins.attrNames index-state-hashes)}. You may need to update to a newer hackage.nix." else true);
# Deal with source-repository-packages in a way that will work in
# restricted-eval mode (as long as a sha256 is included).
# Replace source-repository-package blocks that have a sha256 with
# packages: block containing nix store paths of the fetched repos.
hashPath = path:
builtins.readFile (pkgs.runCommand "hash-path" { preferLocalBuild = true; }
"echo -n $(${pkgs.nix}/bin/nix-hash --type sha256 --base32 ${path}) > $out");
replaceSoureRepos = projectFile:
fetchRepo = fetchgit: repoData:
fetched =
if repoData.sha256 != null
then fetchgit { inherit (repoData) url sha256; rev = repoData.ref; }
let drv = builtins.fetchGit { inherit (repoData) url ref; };
in __trace "WARNING: No sha256 found for source-repository-package ${repoData.url} ${repoData.ref} download may fail in restricted mode (hydra)"
(__trace "Consider adding `--sha256: ${hashPath drv}` to the ${cabalProjectFileName} file or passing in a lookupSha256 argument"
in fetched + (if repoData.subdir == "." then "" else "/" + repoData.subdir);
blocks = pkgs.lib.splitString "\nsource-repository-package\n" ("\n" + projectFile);
initialText = pkgs.lib.lists.take 1 blocks;
repoBlocks = builtins.map (pkgs.haskell-nix.haskellLib.parseBlock cabalProjectFileName lookupSha256) (pkgs.lib.lists.drop 1 blocks);
sourceRepoData = pkgs.lib.lists.concatMap (x: x.sourceRepo) repoBlocks;
otherText = pkgs.evalPackages.writeText "cabal.project" (pkgs.lib.strings.concatStringsSep "\n" (
++ (builtins.map (x: x.otherText) repoBlocks)));
# we need the repository content twice:
# * at eval time (below to build the fixed project file)
# Here we want to use pkgs.evalPackages.fetchgit, so one can calculate
# the build plan for any target without a remote builder
# * at built time (passed out)
# Here we want to use plain pkgs.fetchgit, which is what a builder
# on the target system would use, so that the derivation is unaffected
# and, say, a linux release build job can identify the derivation
# as built by a darwin builder, and fetch it from a cache
sourceReposBuild = builtins.map (fetchRepo pkgs.evalPackages.fetchgit) sourceRepoData ;
sourceReposEval = builtins.map (fetchRepo pkgs.fetchgit) sourceRepoData;
in {
sourceRepos = sourceReposBuild;
makeFixedProjectFile = ''
cp -f ${otherText} ./cabal.project
chmod +w -R ./cabal.project
# The newline here is important in case cabal.project does not have one at the end
printf "\npackages:" >> ./cabal.project
mkdir -p ./.source-repository-packages
'' +
( pkgs.lib.strings.concatStrings (
pkgs.lib.lists.zipListsWith (n: f: ''
mkdir -p ./.source-repository-packages/${builtins.toString n}
rsync -a --prune-empty-dirs \
--include '*/' --include '*.cabal' --include 'package.yaml' \
--exclude '*' \
"${f}/" "./.source-repository-packages/${builtins.toString n}/"
echo " ./.source-repository-packages/${builtins.toString n}" >> ./cabal.project
(pkgs.lib.lists.range 0 ((builtins.length sourceReposEval) - 1))
fixedProject =
if rawCabalProject == null
then { sourceRepos = []; makeFixedProjectFile = ""; }
else replaceSoureRepos rawCabalProject;
# The use of the actual GHC can cause significant problems:
# * For hydra to assemble a list of jobs from `components.tests` it must
# first have GHC that will be used. If a patch has been applied to the
# GHC to be used it must be rebuilt before the list of jobs can be assembled.
# If a lot of different GHCs are being tests that can be a lot of work all
# happening in the eval stage where little feedback is available.
# * Once the jobs are running the compilation of the GHC needed (the eval
# stage already must have done it, but the outputs there are apparently
# not added to the cache) happens inside the IFD part of cabalProject.
# This causes a very large amount of work to be done in the IFD and our
# understanding is that this can cause problems on nix and/or hydra.
# * When using cabalProject we cannot examine the properties of the project without
# building or downloading the GHC (less of an issue as we would normally need
# it soon anyway).
# The solution here is to capture the GHC outputs that `cabal v2-configure`
# requests and materialize it so that the real GHC is only needed
# when `checkMaterialization` is set.
dummy-ghc-data =
materialized = ../materialized/dummy-ghc + "/${ghc.targetPrefix}${ghc.name}-${pkgs.stdenv.buildPlatform.system}";
in pkgs.haskell-nix.materialize ({
sha256 = null;
sha256Arg = "sha256";
materialized = if __pathExists materialized
then materialized
else __trace ("WARNING: No materialized dummy-ghc-data for "
+ "${ghc.targetPrefix}${ghc.name}-${pkgs.stdenv.buildPlatform.system}.")
reasonNotSafe = null;
} // pkgs.lib.optionalAttrs (checkMaterialization != null) {
inherit checkMaterialization;
}) (
runCommand ("dummy-data-" + ghc.name) {
nativeBuildInputs = [ ghc ];
} ''
mkdir -p $out/ghc
mkdir -p $out/ghc-pkg
${ghc.targetPrefix}ghc --version > $out/ghc/version
${ghc.targetPrefix}ghc --numeric-version > $out/ghc/numeric-version
${ghc.targetPrefix}ghc --info | grep -v /nix/store > $out/ghc/info
${ghc.targetPrefix}ghc --supported-languages > $out/ghc/supported-languages
${ghc.targetPrefix}ghc-pkg --version > $out/ghc-pkg/version
${pkgs.lib.optionalString (ghc.targetPrefix == "js-unknown-ghcjs-") ''
${ghc.targetPrefix}ghc --numeric-ghc-version > $out/ghc/numeric-ghc-version
${ghc.targetPrefix}ghc --numeric-ghcjs-version > $out/ghc/numeric-ghcjs-version
${ghc.targetPrefix}ghc-pkg --numeric-ghcjs-version > $out/ghc-pkg/numeric-ghcjs-version
# The order of the `ghc-pkg dump` output seems to be non
# deterministic so we need to sort it so that it is always
# the same.
# Sort the output by spliting it on the --- separator line,
# sorting it, adding the --- separators back and removing the
# last line (the trailing ---)
${ghc.targetPrefix}ghc-pkg dump --global -v0 \
| grep -v /nix/store \
| grep -v '^abi:' \
| tr '\n' '\r' \
| sed -e 's/\r\r*/\r/g' \
| sed -e 's/\r$//g' \
| sed -e 's/\r---\r/\n/g' \
| sort \
| sed -e 's/$/\r---/g' \
| tr '\r' '\n' \
| sed -e '$ d' \
> $out/ghc-pkg/dump-global
# Dummy `ghc` that uses the captured output
dummy-ghc = pkgs.evalPackages.writeTextFile {
name = "dummy-" + ghc.name;
executable = true;
destination = "/bin/${ghc.targetPrefix}ghc";
text = ''
case "$*" in
cat ${dummy-ghc-data}/ghc/version
cat ${dummy-ghc-data}/ghc/numeric-version
${pkgs.lib.optionalString (ghc.targetPrefix == "js-unknown-ghcjs-") ''
cat ${dummy-ghc-data}/ghc/numeric-ghc-version
cat ${dummy-ghc-data}/ghc/numeric-ghcjs-version
cat ${dummy-ghc-data}/ghc/supported-languages
echo "$out/dumby-db"
cat ${dummy-ghc-data}/ghc/info
echo ${dummy-ghc-data}/ghc/libdir
echo "Unknown argument '$*'" >&2
exit 1
exit 0
# Dummy `ghc-pkg` that uses the captured output
dummy-ghc-pkg = pkgs.evalPackages.writeTextFile {
name = "dummy-pkg-" + ghc.name;
executable = true;
destination = "/bin/${ghc.targetPrefix}ghc-pkg";
text = ''
case "$*" in
cat ${dummy-ghc-data}/ghc-pkg/version
${pkgs.lib.optionalString (ghc.targetPrefix == "js-unknown-ghcjs-") ''
cat ${dummy-ghc-data}/ghc-pkg/numeric-ghcjs-version
'dump --global -v0')
cat ${dummy-ghc-data}/ghc-pkg/dump-global
echo "Unknown argument '$*'. " >&2
echo "Additional ghc-pkg-options are not currently supported." >&2
echo "See https://github.com/input-output-hk/haskell.nix/pull/658" >&2
exit 1
exit 0
plan-nix = materialize ({
inherit materialized;
sha256 = plan-sha256;
sha256Arg = "plan-sha256";
this = "project.plan-nix" + (if name != null then " for ${name}" else "");
# Before pinning stuff down we need an index state to use
reasonNotSafe =
if !index-state-pinned
then "index-state is not pinned by an argument or the cabal project file"
else null;
} // pkgs.lib.optionalAttrs (checkMaterialization != null) {
inherit checkMaterialization;
}) (pkgs.evalPackages.runCommand (if name == null then "plan-to-nix-pkgs" else name + "-plan-to-nix-pkgs") {
nativeBuildInputs = [ nix-tools dummy-ghc dummy-ghc-pkg cabal-install pkgs.evalPackages.rsync ];
# Needed or stack-to-nix will die on unicode inputs
LOCALE_ARCHIVE = pkgs.lib.optionalString (pkgs.evalPackages.stdenv.buildPlatform.libc == "glibc") "${pkgs.evalPackages.glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive";
LANG = "en_US.UTF-8";
meta.platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.all;
preferLocalBuild = false;
outputs = ["out" "json"];
} ''
tmp=$(mktemp -d)
cd $tmp
# if maybeCleanedSource is empty, this means it's a new
# project where the files haven't been added to the git
# repo yet. We fail early and provide a useful error
# message to prevent headaches (#290).
if [ -z "$(ls -A ${maybeCleanedSource})" ]; then
echo "cleaned source is empty. Did you forget to 'git add -A'?"; exit 1;
cp -r ${maybeCleanedSource}/* .
chmod +w -R .
# Decide what to do for each `package.yaml` file.
for hpackFile in $(find . -name package.yaml); do (
# Look to see if a `.cabal` file exists
shopt -u nullglob
for cabalFile in $(dirname $hpackFile)/*.cabal; do
if [ -e "$cabalFile" ]; then
echo Ignoring $hpackFile as $cabalFile exists
# warning: this may not generate the proper cabal file.
# hpack allows globbing, and turns that into module lists
# without the source available (we cleaneSourceWith'd it),
# this may not produce the right result.
echo No .cabal file found, running hpack on $hpackFile
hpack $hpackFile
${pkgs.lib.optionalString (subDir != "") "cd ${subDir}"}
${pkgs.lib.optionalString (cabalProjectFreeze != null) ''
cp ${pkgs.evalPackages.writeText "cabal.project.freeze" cabalProjectFreeze} \
export SSL_CERT_FILE=${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
export GIT_SSL_CAINFO=${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
echo "Using index-state ${index-state-found}"
# This creates `.cabal` directory that is as it would have
# been at the time `cached-index-state`. We may include
# some packages that will be excluded by `index-state-found`
# which is used by cabal (cached-index-state >= index-state-found).
dotCabal {
inherit cabal-install nix-tools extra-hackage-tarballs;
index-state = cached-index-state;
sha256 = index-sha256-found;
} cabal v2-configure \
# Setting the desired `index-state` here in case it was not
# from the cabal.project file. This will further restrict the
# packages used by the solver (cached-index-state >= index-state-found).
index-state-found} \
-w ${
# We are using `-w` rather than `--with-ghc` here to override
# the `with-compiler:` in the `cabal.project` file.
ghc.targetPrefix}ghc \
--with-ghc-pkg=${ghc.targetPrefix}ghc-pkg \
--enable-tests \
--enable-benchmarks \
${pkgs.lib.optionalString (ghc.targetPrefix == "js-unknown-ghcjs-")
"--ghcjs --with-ghcjs=js-unknown-ghcjs-ghc --with-ghcjs-pkg=js-unknown-ghcjs-ghc-pkg"} \
mkdir -p $out
# ensure we have all our .cabal files (also those generated from package.yaml) files.
# otherwise we'd need to be careful about putting the `cabal-generator = hpack` into
# the nix expression. As we already called `hpack` on all `package.yaml` files we can
# skip that step and just package the .cabal files up as well.
# This is also important as `plan-to-nix` will look for the .cabal files when generating
# the relevant `pkgs.nix` file with the local .cabal expressions.
rsync -a --prune-empty-dirs \
--include '*/' --include '*.cabal' --include 'package.yaml' \
--exclude '*' \
$tmp/ $out/
# make sure the path's in the plan.json are relative to $out instead of $tmp
# this is necessary so that plan-to-nix relative path logic can work.
substituteInPlace $tmp${subDir'}/dist-newstyle/cache/plan.json --replace "$tmp" "$out"
# run `plan-to-nix` in $out. This should produce files right there with the
# proper relative paths.
(cd $out${subDir'} && plan-to-nix --full --plan-json $tmp${subDir'}/dist-newstyle/cache/plan.json -o .)
# Make the plan.json file available in case we need to debug plan-to-nix
cp $tmp${subDir'}/dist-newstyle/cache/plan.json $json
# Remove the non nix files ".project" ".cabal" "package.yaml" files
# as they should not be in the output hash (they may change slightly
# without affecting the nix).
if [ -d $out${subDir'}/.source-repository-packages ]; then
chmod +w -R $out${subDir'}/.source-repository-packages
rm -rf $out${subDir'}/.source-repository-packages
find $out \( -type f -or -type l \) ! -name '*.nix' -delete
# Remove empty dirs
find $out -type d -empty -delete
# move pkgs.nix to default.nix ensure we can just nix `import` the result.
mv $out${subDir'}/pkgs.nix $out${subDir'}/default.nix
in {
projectNix = plan-nix;
index-state = index-state-found;
inherit src;
inherit (fixedProject) sourceRepos;