Moritz Angermann 8a3489e1dc
Better defaults (doExactConfig = true; non-reinstallable lib:ghc) (#206)
* Better defaults (doExactConfig = true; non-reinstallable lib:ghc)

Disabling haddocks by default has unintended consequences, as such we'll wait for the `.doc` derivation to solve this.

Fixes #201, #191
2019-07-16 15:14:57 +08:00

247 lines
9.8 KiB

{ pkgs ? import nixpkgs nixpkgsArgs
# Use a pinned nixpkgs rather than the one on NIX_PATH
, nixpkgs ? ./nixpkgs
# Provide args to the nixpkgs instantiation.
, nixpkgsArgs ? {}
# You can provide different pins for hackage.nix and stackage.nix if required.
# It's also possible to override these sources with NIX_PATH.
, hackageSourceJSON ? ./hackage-src.json
, stackageSourceJSON ? ./stackage-src.json
# pkg-def's may reference boot packages, but those
# are not guaranteed to be available on hackage, as
# it is a manual process. They might eventually show
# up much later on hackage; but are not installable
# anyway. Therefore we just strip them out of the
# pkg-def's packages.
# Note: these will need to be provided by alternative
# means outside of hackage.
boot-pkgs = [ "rts" "ghc" "ghc-boot-th" "ghc-boot" "ghci"
"ghc-heap" # since ghc 8.6.
strip-pkg-def = pkgs: pkg-def: hackage: with pkgs.lib;
mapAttrs (k: v: if k == "packages"
then filterAttrs (k: _: !(builtins.elem k boot-pkgs)) v
else v)
(pkg-def hackage);
# ghc hackage patches.
# these are patches that turn hackage packages into the same as the ones
# ghc ships with the supposedly same version. See GHC Track Issue: 16199
ghcHackagePatches = import ./patches;
compat = import ./lib/compat.nix;
# Utility function for downloading a pinned git repo, that can be
# overridden with NIX_PATH.
fetchExternal = import ./lib/fetch-external.nix;
# Function for cleaning haskell source directories pulled from iohk-nix
cleanSourceHaskell = pkgs.callPackage ./lib/clean-source-haskell.nix {};
# All packages from Hackage as Nix expressions
hackageSrc = fetchExternal {
name = "hackage-exprs-source";
specJSON = hackageSourceJSON;
override = "hackage";
hackage = import hackageSrc;
# Contains the hashes of the cabal 01-index.tar.gz for given
# index states. Starting from April 1st 2019.
indexStateHashesPath = hackageSrc + "/index-state-hashes.nix";
# The set of all Stackage snapshots
stackageSrc = fetchExternal {
name = "stackage-snapshot-source";
specJSON = stackageSourceJSON;
override = "stackage";
stackage = import stackageSrc;
packages = pkgs: self: (rec {
inherit pkgs; # Make pkgs available (it is the underlying nixpkgs)
# Packages built to run on the build platform, not the host platform
buildPackages = pkgs.buildPackages.lib.makeScope pkgs.buildPackages.newScope
(packages pkgs.buildPackages);
# Utility functions for working with the component builder.
haskellLib = let hl = import ./lib { inherit (pkgs) lib; haskellLib = hl; }; in hl;
# Create a Haskell package set based on a cabal build plan (plan-to-nix)
# and Nix expressions representing cabal packages (cabal-to-nix).
mkPkgSet =
{ pkg-def # Base package set. Either from stackage (via stack-to-nix) or from a cabal projects plan file (via plan-to-nix)
, pkg-def-extras ? [] # Additional packages to augment the Base package set `pkg-def` with.
, modules ? []
import ./package-set.nix (args // {
inherit hackage pkgs;
pkg-def = strip-pkg-def pkgs pkg-def;
# Create a Haskell package set based on a Stack configuration.
mkStackPkgSet =
{ stack-pkgs # Path to the output of stack-to-nix
, pkg-def-extras ? []
, modules ? []
# The Stackage release referenced in the stack config
pkg-def = stackage.${stack-pkgs.resolver} or (throw ''
This version of stackage.nix does not know about the Stackage resolver ${stack-pkgs.resolver}.
You may need to update haskell.nix to one that includes a newer stackage.nix.
# The compiler referenced in the stack config
compiler = (stack-pkgs.extras hackage).compiler or (pkg-def hackage).compiler;
patchesModule = ghcHackagePatches.${compiler.nix-name} or {};
in self.mkPkgSet {
inherit pkg-def;
pkg-def-extras = [ stack-pkgs.extras ] ++ pkg-def-extras;
# set doExactConfig = true. The stackage set should be consistent
# and we should trust stackage here!
modules = [ { doExactConfig = true; } patchesModule ] ++ modules;
# Create a Haskell package set based on a Cabal configuration.
mkCabalProjectPkgSet =
{ plan-pkgs # Path to the output of plan-to-nix
, pkg-def-extras ? []
, modules ? []
pkg-def = plan-pkgs.pkgs;
# The compiler referenced in the stack config
compiler = (plan-pkgs.extras hackage).compiler or (pkg-def hackage).compiler;
patchesModule = ghcHackagePatches.${compiler.nix-name} or {};
in self.mkPkgSet {
inherit pkg-def;
pkg-def-extras = [ plan-pkgs.extras ] ++ pkg-def-extras;
# set doExactConfig = true, as we trust cabals resolution for
# the plan.
modules = [ { doExactConfig = true; } patchesModule ] ++ modules;
# Package sets for all stackage snapshots.
snapshots = self.callPackage ./snapshots.nix {};
# Pick a recent LTS snapshot to be our "default" package set.
haskellPackages = self.snapshots."lts-13.26";
# Programs for generating Nix expressions from Cabal and Stack
# files. This version of nix-tools may be cross compiled.
# We probably never want to actually cross compile nix-tools on
# it's own.
nix-tools-cross-compiled = pkgs.callPackage ./nix-tools {
inherit fetchExternal cleanSourceHaskell;
hpack = pkgs.haskell.lib.justStaticExecutables
inherit (self) mkCabalProjectPkgSet;
# While `nix-tools-cross-compiled` may be cross compiled,
# getting it from `buildPackages` we should get
# nix-tools suitable for running on the build system.
nix-tools = buildPackages.nix-tools-cross-compiled;
# TODO perhaps there is a cleaner way to get a suitable nix-tools.
# Snapshots of Hackage and Stackage, converted to Nix expressions,
# regularly updated.
inherit hackageSrc stackageSrc;
inherit hackage stackage;
inherit indexStateHashesPath;
# Make this handy overridable fetch function available.
inherit fetchExternal;
# Function for cleaning haskell source diretories.
inherit cleanSourceHaskell;
# Produce a fixed output derivation from a moving target (hackage index tarball)
hackageTarball = { index-state, sha256 }:
assert sha256 != null;
pkgs.fetchurl {
name = "01-index.tar.gz-at-${builtins.replaceStrings [":"] [""] index-state}";
url = "https://hackage.haskell.org/01-index.tar.gz";
downloadToTemp = true;
postFetch = "${self.nix-tools}/bin/truncate-index -o $out -i $downloadedFile -s ${index-state}";
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
outputHash = sha256;
mkLocalHackageRepo = import ./mk-local-hackage-repo { inherit (self) hackageTarball; inherit pkgs; };
dotCabal = { index-state, sha256 }@args:
pkgs.runCommand "dot-cabal-at-${builtins.replaceStrings [":"] [""] index-state}" { nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.cabal-install ]; } ''
mkdir -p $out/.cabal
cat <<EOF > $out/.cabal/config
repository cached
url: file:${self.mkLocalHackageRepo args}
secure: True
key-threshold: 0
mkdir -p $out/.cabal/packages/cached
HOME=$out cabal new-update cached
update-index-state-hashes = self.callPackage ./scripts/update-index-state-hashes.nix {};
# Function to call stackToNix
callStackToNix = import ./lib/call-stack-to-nix.nix {
pkgs = buildPackages.pkgs;
inherit (buildPackages.pkgs) runCommand;
inherit (buildPackages) nix-tools;
# Takes a haskell src directory runs cabal new-configure and plan-to-nix.
# Resulting nix files are added to nix-plan subdirectory.
callCabalProjectToNix = import ./lib/call-cabal-project-to-nix.nix {
index-state-hashes = import indexStateHashesPath;
inherit (buildPackages) dotCabal;
pkgs = buildPackages.pkgs; # buildPackages;
inherit (buildPackages.pkgs.haskellPackages) hpack;
inherit (buildPackages.pkgs) runCommand cabal-install ghc symlinkJoin cacert;
inherit (buildPackages) nix-tools;
# References to the unpacked sources, for caching in a Hydra jobset.
source-pins = self.callPackage ./lib/make-source-pins.nix {
sources = [ hackageSrc stackageSrc pkgs.path ];
# Build a specific package (name, version) against a given index-stage
# from hackage. This is useful if you want to build an executable from
# a given package.
# NB: If no explicit index-state is provided the most recent one from
# the index-state-hashes is used. This guarantees reproducability wrt
# to the haskell.nix revision. If reproducability beyond haskell.nix
# is required, a specific index-state should be provided!
hackage-package =
{ name
, version
, index-state ? builtins.trace "Using latest index state!" pkgs.lib.last (builtins.attrNames (import indexStateHashesPath))
let tarball = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "mirror://hackage/${name}-${version}.tar.gz";
inherit (hackage.${name}.${version}) sha256; };
in let src = buildPackages.pkgs.runCommand "${name}-${version}-src" { } ''
tmp=$(mktemp -d)
cd $tmp
tar xzf ${tarball}
mv "${name}-${version}" $out
in let plan-pkgs = import (callCabalProjectToNix { inherit src; index-state = builtins.trace "Using index-state: ${index-state}" index-state; });
in let pkg-set = mkCabalProjectPkgSet { inherit plan-pkgs; };
in pkg-set.config.hsPkgs.${name};
pkgs.lib.makeScope pkgs.newScope (packages pkgs)