Hamish Mackenzie cda15dc5b7
Add ghc8102-plutus as a compiler-nix-name (#848)
This change introduces a `ghc8102-experimental` compiler-nix-name that behaves much like the `ghc8102` version but includes @JoshMeredith's patch `./patches/ghc/ghc-8.10-ubxt.patch` that writes the `cg_binds` field with:

  liftIO $ registerInterfaceDataWith "ghc/phase/core" hsc_env $ \bh ->
    putWithUserData (const $ return ()) bh (map toIfaceBind $ cg_binds cg_guts)

Some of the places where we used to depend on the output of `plan-to-nix` containing the correct `nix-name` for the compiler have been update to avoid using incompatible interface files from the `compiler-nix-name = "ghc8102"` version of GHC.
2020-10-21 17:04:47 +13:00

77 lines
2.7 KiB

# This provides a package set for each snapshot in Stackage.
# It allows you to use a bare snapshot without having to invoke
# mkStackPkgSet with a stack.yaml project.
# A particular package in a snapshot would be accessed with:
# snapshots."lts-13.18".conduit
{ lib, mkPkgSet, stackage, excludeBootPackages, ghc-boot-packages }:
with lib;
mkSnapshot = name: pkg-def: (let pkgSet = mkPkgSet {
pkg-def = excludeBootPackages null pkg-def;
# ghc-boot-packages are needed for the reinstallable ghc library and
# are constructed from the patched ghc source.
pkg-def-extras = (pkg-def-extras name)
++ [(hackage: ghc-boot-packages.${(pkg-def hackage).compiler.nix-name})];
modules = [
{ reinstallableLibGhc = true; } # Allow ghc library to be installed for packages that need it
{ packages.alex.package.setup-depends = [pkgSet.config.hsPkgs.Cabal]; }
{ packages.happy.package.setup-depends = [pkgSet.config.hsPkgs.Cabal]; }
] ++ optional (ltsInRange "1" "15" name) {
packages.Cabal.patches = [ ./overlays/patches/Cabal/fix-data-dir.patch ];
}; in pkgSet).config.hsPkgs;
# Tests whether snapshot name is an LTS within
# the half-open version interval [start, end).
ltsInRange = start: end: name: let
components = splitString "-" name;
version = concatStringsSep "-" (drop 1 components);
assert length components >= 2;
head components == "lts"
&& versionAtLeast version start
&& versionOlder version end;
# A function to get pkg-def-extras with build fixes for certain
# snapshots.
pkg-def-extras = let
fixes = {
# Work around a mismatch between stackage metadata and the
# libraries shipped with GHC.
# https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stackage/issues/4466
fix-ghc-transformers = {
predicate = ltsInRange "12" "14"; # [12, 14) : 14.1 has correct versions
extra = hackage: {
packages = {
"transformers" = (((hackage.transformers)."").revisions).default;
"process" = (((hackage.process)."").revisions).default;
# Add hsc2hs to the snapshot. This is a build tool for many
# packages. Stackage does not include it in the snapshots
# because it is expected that hsc2hs comes with ghc.
fix-hsc2hs = {
predicate = ltsInRange "1" "14"; # [1, 14) : 14.1 includes hsc2hs
extra = hackage: {
packages = {
"hsc2hs" = (((hackage.hsc2hs)."0.68.4").revisions).default;
applyFix = name: fix: optional ((fix.predicate or (const true)) name) fix.extra;
name: concatLists (mapAttrsToList (_: applyFix name) fixes);
mapAttrs mkSnapshot stackage