Hamish Mackenzie 9c6eb16428
Fix propagation of pkgconfig and frameworks (#715)
pkgconfig-depends that make use of propagatedBuildInputs and frameworks
are not propagated to the exe component that links them. This seems
to be because our libraries do not not include their dependencies
as `buildInputs`.  To make this work it also seems to be necessary
for pkgconfig depends themselves to be `propagaedBuildInputs`.
2020-06-21 16:40:52 +12:00

107 lines
4.2 KiB

let f = { hackage, pkgs, pkg-def, pkg-def-extras ? [], modules ? [] }: let
buildModules = f { inherit hackage pkg-def pkg-def-extras modules; pkgs = pkgs.buildPackages; };
in pkgs.lib.evalModules {
modules = modules ++ [
({ config, lib, ... }: {
# Provide all modules with haskellLib, pkgs, and pkgconfPkgs arguments
_module.args = {
# this is *not* the hasekllLib from nixpkgs; it is rather our own
# library from haskell.nix
haskellLib = let hl = import ./lib { inherit pkgs lib; inherit (pkgs) stdenv recurseIntoAttrs srcOnly; haskellLib = hl; }; in hl;
# The package descriptions depend on pkgs, which are used to resolve system package dependencies
# as well as pkgconfPkgs, which are used to resolve pkgconfig name to nixpkgs names. We simply
# augment the existing pkgs set with the specific mappings:
pkgs = pkgs // (import ./lib/system-nixpkgs-map.nix pkgs);
pkgconfPkgs = import ./lib/pkgconf-nixpkgs-map.nix pkgs;
inherit buildModules;
# Set the hackage DB for modules/hackage.nix
hackage.db = hackage;
# Set the plan for modules/plan.nix
plan.pkg-def = hackage: with builtins;
# pkg-def's may reference boot packages, but those
# are not guaranteed to be available on hackage, as
# it is a manual process. They might eventually show
# up much later on hackage; but are not installable
# anyway. Therefore we just strip them out of the
# pkg-def's packages.
# Note: these will need to be provided by alternative
# means outside of hackage.
let strip-pkg-def = pkg-def: hackage:
lib.mapAttrs (k: v: if k == "packages"
then lib.filterAttrs (k: _: !(builtins.elem k config.bootPkgs)) v
else v)
(pkg-def hackage);
in let pkg-def' = strip-pkg-def pkg-def;
# The desugar reason.
# it is quite combersome to write
# (hackage: { packages.x.revision = hackage...;
# packages.y.revision = import ./foo.nix; })
# where we'd rather write:
# (hackage: { x = hackage...; })
# or
# { y = ./foo.nix; }
# As such the desugarer desugars this short hand syntax.
in let desugar = extras:
isPath = x: builtins.typeOf x == "path";
# rewrite
# { ... }
# into
# { package = { ... }; }
inject-packages = o: if o ? "packages" then o else { packages = o; };
# rewrite
# x = pkg;
# into
# x.revision = pkg;
inject-revision = pkg: if pkg ? "revision" then pkg else { revision = pkg; };
# rewrite
# x.revision = ./some/path;
# into
# x.revision = import ./some/path;
expand-paths = pkg: if !(isPath pkg.revision) then pkg else { revision = import pkg.revision; };
# apply injection and expansion to the "packages" in extras.
in lib.mapAttrs (k: v: if k != "packages"
then v
else lib.mapAttrs (_: pkg: (expand-paths (inject-revision pkg))) v)
(inject-packages extras);
# fold any potential `pkg-def-extras`
# onto the `pkg-def`.
# This means you can have a base definition (e.g. stackage)
# and augment it with custom packages to your liking.
in foldl' lib.recursiveUpdate
(pkg-def' hackage)
(map (p: desugar (if builtins.isFunction p then p hackage else p)) pkg-def-extras)
# Error handlers
# Supplies metadata
# Converts config.packages into config.hsPkgs
# Replace this with compat-driver.nix to use nixpkgs haskell build infra
# Converts config.hackage.db to config.hackage.configs
# Converts config.hackage.configs and pkg-def to config.packages
# Configuration that applies to all plans
in f