Hamish Mackenzie 64efc98852
Support githash package and cross package refs (#843)
* Adds support for cross package refs (with a project).  Relative
  directory references between packages within a project should now
* Adds `includeSiblings` to `cleanSourceWith`.  When `true` it
  prevents the `subDir` arg from causing filtering of other directories.
* Adds `keepGitDir` to `cleanGit` to allow `.git` directory to be kept
  (useful for components that use the `githash` package).
2021-01-14 12:34:06 +13:00

172 lines
5.5 KiB

{ stdenv, lib, haskellLib, pkgs }:
# Name of the coverage report, which should be unique
{ name
# Library to check coverage of
, library
# List of check derivations that generate coverage
, checks
# List of other libraries to include in the coverage report. The
# default value if just the derivation provided as the `library`
# argument. Use a larger list of libraries if you would like the tests
# of one local package to generate coverage for another.
, mixLibraries ? [library]
# hack for project-less projects
, ghc ? library.project.pkg-set.config.ghc.package
toBashArray = arr: "(" + (lib.concatStringsSep " " arr) + ")";
mixDir = l: "${l}/share/hpc/vanilla/mix/${l.identifier.name}-${l.identifier.version}";
mixDirs = map mixDir mixLibraries;
srcDirs = map (l: l.srcSubDirPath) mixLibraries;
in pkgs.runCommand (name + "-coverage-report")
({nativeBuildInputs = [ (ghc.buildGHC or ghc) pkgs.buildPackages.zip ];
passthru = {
inherit name library checks;
# HPC will fail if the Haskell file contains non-ASCII characters,
# unless our locale is set correctly. This has been fixed, but we
# don't know what version of HPC we will be using, hence we should
# always use the workaround.
# https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/17073
LANG = "en_US.UTF-8";
LC_ALL = "en_US.UTF-8";
} // lib.optionalAttrs (stdenv.buildPlatform.libc == "glibc") {
LOCALE_ARCHIVE = "${pkgs.buildPackages.glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive";
function markup() {
local -n srcDs=$1
local -n mixDs=$2
local -n includedModules=$3
local destDir=$4
local tixFile=$5
local hpcMarkupCmd=("hpc" "markup" "--destdir=$destDir")
for srcDir in "''${srcDs[@]}"; do
for mixDir in "''${mixDs[@]}"; do
for module in "''${includedModules[@]}"; do
echo "''${hpcMarkupCmd[@]}"
eval "''${hpcMarkupCmd[@]}"
function sumTix() {
local -n includedModules=$1
local -n tixFs=$2
local outFile="$3"
local hpcSumCmd=("hpc" "sum" "--union" "--output=$outFile")
for module in "''${includedModules[@]}"; do
for tixFile in "''${tixFs[@]}"; do
echo "''${hpcSumCmd[@]}"
eval "''${hpcSumCmd[@]}"
function findModules() {
local searchDir=$2
local pattern=$3
pushd $searchDir
mapfile -d $'\0' $1 < <(find ./ -type f \
-wholename "$pattern" -not -name "Paths*" \
-exec basename {} \; \
| sed "s/\.mix$//" \
| tr "\n" "\0")
local mixDirs=${toBashArray mixDirs}
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
mkdir -p $out/share/hpc/vanilla/mix/${name}
mkdir -p $out/share/hpc/vanilla/tix/${name}
mkdir -p $out/share/hpc/vanilla/html/${name}
# Copy over mix files verbatim
for dir in "''${mixDirs[@]}"; do
if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
cp -R "$dir"/* $out/share/hpc/vanilla/mix/${name}
local srcDirs=${toBashArray srcDirs}
local allMixModules=()
local pkgMixModules=()
# The behaviour of stack coverage reports is to provide tix files
# that include coverage information for every local package, but
# to provide HTML reports that only include coverage info for the
# current package. We emulate the same behaviour here. If the user
# includes all local packages in the mix libraries argument, they
# will get a coverage report very similar to stack.
# All mix modules
findModules allMixModules "$out/share/hpc/vanilla/mix/${name}" "*.mix"
# Only mix modules corresponding to this package
findModules pkgMixModules "$out/share/hpc/vanilla/mix/${name}" "*${name}*/*.mix"
# For each test
local tixFiles=()
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (builtins.map (check: ''
if [ -d "${check}/share/hpc/vanilla/tix" ]; then
pushd ${check}/share/hpc/vanilla/tix
tixFile="$(find . -iwholename "*.tix" -type f -print -quit)"
local newTixFile=$out/share/hpc/vanilla/tix/${name}/"$tixFile"
mkdir -p "$(dirname $newTixFile)"
# Copy over the tix file verbatim
cp "$tixFile" "$newTixFile"
# Add the tix file to our list
# Create a coverage report for *just that test*
markup srcDirs mixDirs pkgMixModules "$out/share/hpc/vanilla/html/${name}/${check.exeName}/" "$newTixFile"
'') checks)
# Sum tix files to create a tix file with all relevant tix
# information and markup a HTML report from this info.
if (( "''${#tixFiles[@]}" > 0 )); then
local sumTixFile="$out/share/hpc/vanilla/tix/${name}/${name}.tix"
local markupOutDir="$out/share/hpc/vanilla/html/${name}"
# Sum all of our tix file, including modules from any local package
sumTix allMixModules tixFiles "$sumTixFile"
# Markup a HTML report, included modules from only this package
markup srcDirs mixDirs pkgMixModules "$markupOutDir" "$sumTixFile"
# Provide a HTML zipfile and Hydra links
( cd "$markupOutDir" ; zip -r $out/share/hpc/vanilla/${name}-html.zip . )
echo "report coverage $markupOutDir/hpc_index.html" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
echo "file zip $out/share/hpc/vanilla/${name}-html.zip" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products