2020-02-08 16:09:23 +13:00

155 lines
5.5 KiB

# From https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2944
{ lib, runCommand, git, cleanSourceWith }:
{ name ? null, src, subDir ? "" }:
# The function call
# gitSource ./toplevel subpath
# creates a Nix store path of ./toplevel/subpath that includes only those files
# tracked by git. More precisely: mentioned in the git index (i.e. git add is enough
# to get them to be included, you do not have to commit).
# This is a whitelist-based alternative to manually listing files or using
# nix-gitignore.
# Internally, it works by calling git ls-files at evaluation time. To
# avoid copying all of `.git` to the git store, it only copies the least amount
# of files necessary for `git ls-files` to work; this is a bit fragile, but
# very fast.
with builtins;
# We read the git index once, before getting the subdir parameter, so that it
# is shared among multiple invocations of gitSource:
filter_from_list = root: files:
all_paren_dirs = p:
if p == "." || p == "/"
then []
else [ p ] ++ all_paren_dirs (dirOf p);
whitelist_set = listToAttrs (
concatMap (p:
let full_path = toString (root + "/${p}"); in
map (p': { name = p'; value = true; }) (all_paren_dirs full_path)
) files
p: t: hasAttr (toString p) whitelist_set;
has_prefix = prefix: s:
prefix == builtins.substring 0 (builtins.stringLength prefix) s;
remove_prefix = prefix: s:
(builtins.stringLength prefix)
(builtins.stringLength s - builtins.stringLength prefix)
lines = s: filter (x : x != [] && x != "") (split "\n" s);
if builtins.pathExists (toString src + "/.git")
hasIndex = builtins.pathExists (toString src + "/.git/index");
isWorktree = (builtins.readDir (toString src)).".git" == "regular";
# Identify the .git directory and filter just the files that we need.
gitDir = cleanSourceWith ({
filter = path: type:
type == "directory" ||
lib.any (i: (lib.hasSuffix i path)) [
"/config" "/index" "/HEAD" ] ||
(lib.strings.hasInfix "modules/" path &&
lib.any (i: (lib.hasSuffix i path)) [
"/config" "/index" "/HEAD" "/objects" "/refs" ]);
} // (
if hasIndex
then { inherit src; subDir = ".git"; }
else if !isWorktree
then abort "cleanGit: ${toString src + "/.git"} has no index file"
else {
# likely a git worktree, so follow the indirection
src =
git_content = lines (readFile (toString src + "/.git"));
first_line = head git_content;
prefix = "gitdir: ";
ok = length git_content == 1 && has_prefix prefix first_line;
if ok
then /. + remove_prefix prefix first_line
else abort "gitSource.nix: Cannot parse ${toString src + "/.git"}";
# Worktrees have a commondir pointing to the common `.git` dir. We need the
# config file from there to get the list of active submodules right.
commonConfig = if builtins.pathExists (toString gitDir.origSrc + "/commondir")
# The commondir file contains just the relative path of the
# common `.git` dir.
git_content = lines (readFile (toString gitDir.origSrc + "/commondir"));
first_line = head git_content;
in gitDir.origSrc + ("/" + first_line + "/config")
else gitDir + "/config";
# We need the .gitmodules file for submoules to work.
gitModulesStr = toString src + "/.gitmodules";
gitModules = builtins.path { name = "gitmodules"; path = gitModulesStr; };
gitSubmoduleFiles = cleanSourceWith {
inherit src;
filter = path: type:
type == "directory" # TODO get sudmodule directories from `.gitmodules`
# and use that to filter directory tree here
lib.any (i: (lib.hasSuffix i path)) [
"/.git" ".gitmodules" ".git/config" ".git/index" ".git/HEAD" ".git/objects" ".git/refs" ] ||
(lib.strings.hasInfix ".git/modules/" path &&
lib.any (i: (lib.hasSuffix i path)) [
"config" "index" "HEAD" "objects" "refs" ]);
# Make a temporary dir that looks enough like the real thing for
# `git ls-files --recurse-submodules` to give us an accurate list
# of all the files in the index.
whitelist_file =
runCommand "git-ls-files" {envVariable = true;} ''
tmp=$(mktemp -d)
cd $tmp
${ lib.optionalString (!isWorktree && builtins.pathExists gitModulesStr) ''
cp -ra ${gitSubmoduleFiles}/. $tmp
chmod +w -R $tmp
rm -rf .git
cp -r ${gitDir} .git
chmod +w -R .git
mkdir -p .git/objects .git/refs
mkdir -p .git-common/objects .git-common/refs
cp ${commonConfig} .git-common/config
echo ../.git-common > .git/commondir
${ lib.optionalString (isWorktree && builtins.pathExists gitModulesStr) ''
cp ${gitModules} ./.gitmodules
${git}/bin/git ls-files --recurse-submodules > $out
whitelist = lines (readFile (whitelist_file.out));
filter = filter_from_list src whitelist;
cleanSourceWith {
inherit name src subDir filter;
trace "gitSource.nix: ${toString src} does not seem to be a git repository,\nassuming it is a clean checkout." (
cleanSourceWith {
inherit name src subDir;