Hamish Mackenzie e95a1f0dac
Update nixpkgs pins. Turn off CI for nixpkgs-2105 (#1308)
* Turn off haskell.nix tests for nixpkgs-2105
* nix flake lock --update-input the nixpkgs pins
* Update docs
2021-12-13 18:05:15 +13:00

115 lines
6.3 KiB

# 'supportedSystems' restricts the set of systems that we will evaluate for. Useful when you're evaluating
# on a machine with e.g. no way to build the Darwin IFDs you need!
{ supportedSystems ? [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" ]
, ifdLevel ? 3
# Whether or not we are evaluating in restricted mode. This is true in Hydra, but not in Hercules.
, restrictEval ? false
, checkMaterialization ? false
, pkgs ? (import ./. {}).pkgs }:
inherit (import ./ci-lib.nix { inherit pkgs; }) dimension platformFilterGeneric filterAttrsOnlyRecursive;
inherit (pkgs.haskell-nix) sources;
nixpkgsVersions = {
"R2105" = "nixpkgs-2105";
"R2111" = "nixpkgs-2111";
"unstable" = "nixpkgs-unstable";
compilerNixNames = nixpkgsName: nixpkgs: builtins.mapAttrs (compiler-nix-name: runTests: {
inherit (import ./default.nix { inherit checkMaterialization; }) nixpkgsArgs;
inherit runTests;
}) (
# GHC version to cache and whether to run the tests against them.
# This list of GHC versions should include everything for which we
# have a ./materialized/ghcXXX directory containing the materialized
# cabal-install and nix-tools plans. When removing a ghc version
# from here (so that is no longer cached) also remove ./materialized/ghcXXX.
# Update supported-ghc-versions.md to reflect any changes made here.
nixpkgs.lib.optionalAttrs (nixpkgsName == "R2105") {
ghc865 = false;
ghc8107 = false;
} // nixpkgs.lib.optionalAttrs (nixpkgsName == "R2111") {
ghc865 = false;
ghc8107 = true;
} // nixpkgs.lib.optionalAttrs (nixpkgsName == "unstable") {
ghc865 = false;
ghc884 = false; # Native version is used to boot 9.0.1
ghc8104 = false;
ghc8105 = false;
ghc8106 = false;
ghc8107 = true;
ghc901 = false;
ghc921 = true;
ghc810420210212 = false;
systems = nixpkgsName: nixpkgs: compiler-nix-name: nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs (
nixpkgs.lib.filter (v: v != "aarch64-darwin" || (
# aarch64-darwin requires ghc 8.10.7 and does not work on older nixpkgs
!__elem compiler-nix-name ["ghc865" "ghc884" "ghc8104" "ghc810420210212" "ghc8105" "ghc8106" "ghc901"]
&& !__elem nixpkgsName ["R2105"])) supportedSystems) (v: v);
crossSystems = nixpkgsName: nixpkgs: compiler-nix-name: system:
# We need to use the actual nixpkgs version we're working with here, since the values
# of 'lib.systems.examples' are not understood between all versions
let lib = nixpkgs.lib;
in lib.optionalAttrs (nixpkgsName == "unstable" && (__elem compiler-nix-name ["ghc8107"]) && system != "aarch64-darwin") {
inherit (lib.systems.examples) ghcjs;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (system == "x86_64-linux" &&
nixpkgsName == "unstable" && (__elem compiler-nix-name ["ghc8107"])) {
# Windows cross compilation is currently broken on macOS
inherit (lib.systems.examples) mingwW64;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (system == "x86_64-linux" && nixpkgsName == "unstable" && compiler-nix-name == "ghc8107") {
# Musl cross only works on linux
# aarch64 cross only works on linux
inherit (lib.systems.examples) musl64 aarch64-multiplatform;
isDisabled = d: d.meta.disabled or false;
dimension "Nixpkgs version" nixpkgsVersions (nixpkgsName: nixpkgs-pin:
let pinnedNixpkgsSrc = sources.${nixpkgs-pin};
# We need this for generic nixpkgs stuff at the right version
genericPkgs = import pinnedNixpkgsSrc {};
in dimension "GHC version" (compilerNixNames nixpkgsName genericPkgs) (compiler-nix-name: {nixpkgsArgs, runTests}:
dimension "System" (systems nixpkgsName genericPkgs compiler-nix-name) (systemName: system:
let pkgs = import pinnedNixpkgsSrc (nixpkgsArgs // { inherit system; });
build = import ./build.nix { inherit pkgs ifdLevel compiler-nix-name; };
platformFilter = platformFilterGeneric pkgs system;
in filterAttrsOnlyRecursive (_: v: platformFilter v && !(isDisabled v)) ({
# Native builds
# TODO: can we merge this into the general case by picking an appropriate "cross system" to mean native?
native = pkgs.recurseIntoAttrs ({
roots = pkgs.haskell-nix.roots' compiler-nix-name ifdLevel;
ghc = pkgs.buildPackages.haskell-nix.compiler."${compiler-nix-name}";
} // pkgs.lib.optionalAttrs runTests {
inherit (build) tests tools maintainer-scripts maintainer-script-cache;
} // pkgs.lib.optionalAttrs (ifdLevel >= 1) {
iserv-proxy = pkgs.ghc-extra-projects."${compiler-nix-name}".getComponent "iserv-proxy:exe:iserv-proxy";
} // pkgs.lib.optionalAttrs (ifdLevel >= 3) {
hello = (pkgs.haskell-nix.hackage-package { name = "hello"; version = ""; inherit compiler-nix-name; }).getComponent "exe:hello";
dimension "Cross system" (crossSystems nixpkgsName genericPkgs compiler-nix-name system) (crossSystemName: crossSystem:
# Cross builds
let pkgs = import pinnedNixpkgsSrc (nixpkgsArgs // { inherit system crossSystem; });
build = import ./build.nix { inherit pkgs ifdLevel compiler-nix-name; };
in pkgs.recurseIntoAttrs (pkgs.lib.optionalAttrs (ifdLevel >= 1) ({
roots = pkgs.haskell-nix.roots' compiler-nix-name ifdLevel;
ghc = pkgs.buildPackages.haskell-nix.compiler."${compiler-nix-name}";
# TODO: look into cross compiling ghc itself
# ghc = pkgs.haskell-nix.compiler."${compiler-nix-name}";
# TODO: look into making tools work when cross compiling
# inherit (build) tools;
} // pkgs.lib.optionalAttrs (runTests && crossSystemName != "aarch64-multiplatform") {
# Tests are broken on aarch64 cross https://github.com/input-output-hk/haskell.nix/issues/513
inherit (build) tests;
}) // pkgs.lib.optionalAttrs (ifdLevel >= 2 && crossSystemName != "ghcjs") {
# GHCJS builds its own template haskell runner.
remote-iserv = pkgs.ghc-extra-projects."${compiler-nix-name}".getComponent "remote-iserv:exe:remote-iserv";
iserv-proxy = pkgs.ghc-extra-projects."${compiler-nix-name}".getComponent "iserv-proxy:exe:iserv-proxy";
} // pkgs.lib.optionalAttrs (ifdLevel >= 3) {
hello = (pkgs.haskell-nix.hackage-package { name = "hello"; version = ""; inherit compiler-nix-name; }).getComponent "exe:hello";