
224 lines
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{ pkgs, nodejs, stdenv }:
since = (version: pkgs.lib.versionAtLeast nodejs.version version);
before = (version: pkgs.lib.versionOlder nodejs.version version);
2020-05-30 14:30:38 +03:00
super = import ./composition.nix {
inherit pkgs nodejs;
inherit (stdenv.hostPlatform) system;
2020-05-30 14:30:38 +03:00
self = super // {
"@angular/cli" = super."@angular/cli".override {
prePatch = ''
export NG_CLI_ANALYTICS=false
bower2nix = super.bower2nix.override {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
postInstall = ''
for prog in bower2nix fetch-bower; do
wrapProgram "$out/bin/$prog" --prefix PATH : ${stdenv.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.git pkgs.nix ]}
coc-imselect = super.coc-imselect.override {
meta.broken = since "10";
"fast-cli-1.x" = super."fast-cli-1.x".override {
meta.broken = since "10";
jshint = super.jshint.override {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.phantomjs2 ];
dat = super.dat.override {
buildInputs = [ self.node-gyp-build pkgs.libtool pkgs.autoconf pkgs.automake ];
meta.broken = since "12";
2018-10-20 21:14:34 +03:00
# NOTE: this is a stub package to fetch npm dependencies for
# ../../applications/video/epgstation
epgstation = super."epgstation-../../applications/video/epgstation".override (drv: {
meta = drv.meta // {
broken = true; # not really broken, see the comment above
2020-05-30 14:30:38 +03:00
bitwarden-cli = pkgs.lib.overrideDerivation super."@bitwarden/cli" (drv: {
name = "bitwarden-cli-${drv.version}";
fast-cli = super."fast-cli-1.x".override {
preRebuild = ''
# Simply ignore the phantomjs --version check. It seems to need a display but it is safe to ignore
sed -i -e "s|console.error('Error verifying phantomjs, continuing', err)|console.error('Error verifying phantomjs, continuing', err); return true;|" node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt/lib/util.js
buildInputs = [ pkgs.phantomjs2 ];
git-ssb = super.git-ssb.override {
buildInputs = [ self.node-gyp-build ];
meta.broken = since "10";
insect = super.insect.override (drv: {
2020-05-30 21:53:09 +03:00
nativeBuildInputs = drv.nativeBuildInputs or [] ++ [ pkgs.psc-package self.pulp ];
2020-05-30 14:30:38 +03:00
2018-09-08 18:34:46 +03:00
mirakurun = super.mirakurun.override rec {
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ makeWrapper ];
postInstall = let
runtimeDeps = [ nodejs ] ++ (with pkgs; [ bash which v4l_utils ]);
substituteInPlace $out/lib/node_modules/mirakurun/processes.json \
--replace "/usr/local" ""
# XXX: Files copied from the Nix store are non-writable, so they need
# to be given explicit write permissions
substituteInPlace $out/lib/node_modules/mirakurun/lib/Mirakurun/config.js \
--replace 'fs.copyFileSync("config/server.yml", path);' \
'fs.copyFileSync("config/server.yml", path); fs.chmodSync(path, 0o644);' \
--replace 'fs.copyFileSync("config/tuners.yml", path);' \
'fs.copyFileSync("config/tuners.yml", path); fs.chmodSync(path, 0o644);' \
--replace 'fs.copyFileSync("config/channels.yml", path);' \
'fs.copyFileSync("config/channels.yml", path); fs.chmodSync(path, 0o644);'
# XXX: The original mirakurun command uses PM2 to manage the Mirakurun
# server. However, we invoke the server directly and let systemd
# manage it to avoid complication. This is okay since no features
# unique to PM2 is currently being used.
makeWrapper ${nodejs}/bin/npm $out/bin/mirakurun \
--add-flags "start" \
--run "cd $out/lib/node_modules/mirakurun" \
--prefix PATH : ${pkgs.lib.makeBinPath runtimeDeps}
2020-05-30 14:30:38 +03:00
node-inspector = super.node-inspector.override {
buildInputs = [ self.node-pre-gyp ];
meta.broken = since "10";
node2nix = super.node2nix.override {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
postInstall = ''
wrapProgram "$out/bin/node2nix" --prefix PATH : ${stdenv.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.nix ]}
node-red = super.node-red.override {
buildInputs = [ self.node-pre-gyp ];
2020-05-30 14:30:38 +03:00
pnpm = super.pnpm.override {
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
preRebuild = ''
sed 's/"link:/"file:/g' --in-place package.json
postInstall = let
pnpmLibPath = stdenv.lib.makeBinPath [
in ''
for prog in $out/bin/*; do
wrapProgram "$prog" --prefix PATH : ${pnpmLibPath}
pulp = super.pulp.override {
# tries to install purescript
npmFlags = "--ignore-scripts";
2020-05-30 21:53:09 +03:00
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
postInstall = ''
wrapProgram "$out/bin/pulp" --suffix PATH : ${stdenv.lib.makeBinPath [
2020-05-30 14:30:38 +03:00
ssb-server = super.ssb-server.override {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.automake pkgs.autoconf self.node-gyp-build ];
meta.broken = since "10";
tedicross = super."tedicross-git+".override {
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
postInstall = ''
makeWrapper '${nodejs}/bin/node' "$out/bin/tedicross" \
--add-flags "$out/lib/node_modules/tedicross/main.js"
tsun = super.tsun.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
buildInputs = oldAttrs.buildInputs ++ [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
postInstall = ''
wrapProgram "$out/bin/tsun" \
--prefix NODE_PATH : ${self.typescript}/lib/node_modules
2020-05-30 14:30:38 +03:00
stf = super.stf.override {
meta.broken = since "10";
vega-cli = super.vega-cli.override {
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.pkgconfig ];
buildInputs = with pkgs; [
vega-lite = super.vega-lite.override {
# npx tries to install vega from scratch at vegalite runtime if it
# can't find it. We thus replace it with a direct call to the nix
# derivation. This might not be necessary anymore in future vl
# versions:
postInstall = ''
substituteInPlace $out/lib/node_modules/vega-lite/bin/vl2pdf \
--replace "npx -p vega vg2pdf" "${self.vega-cli}/bin/vg2pdf"
substituteInPlace $out/lib/node_modules/vega-lite/bin/vl2svg \
--replace "npx -p vega vg2svg" "${self.vega-cli}/bin/vg2svg"
substituteInPlace $out/lib/node_modules/vega-lite/bin/vl2png \
--replace "npx -p vega vg2png" "${self.vega-cli}/bin/vg2png"
2020-05-30 14:30:38 +03:00
webtorrent-cli = super.webtorrent-cli.override {
buildInputs = [ self.node-gyp-build ];
joplin = super.joplin.override {
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.pkg-config ];
buildInputs = with pkgs; [
# required by sharp
2020-05-30 14:30:38 +03:00
2020-05-30 14:30:38 +03:00
2020-05-30 14:30:38 +03:00
thelounge = super.thelounge.override {
buildInputs = [ self.node-pre-gyp ];
postInstall = ''
echo /var/lib/thelounge > $out/lib/node_modules/thelounge/.thelounge_home
2020-05-30 14:30:38 +03:00
2020-05-30 14:30:38 +03:00
in self