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Functions that generate widespread file
formats from nix data structures.
They all follow a similar interface:
generator { config-attrs } data
`config-attrs` are holes in the generators
with sensible default implementations that
can be overwritten. The default implementations
are mostly generators themselves, called with
their respective default values; they can be reused.
Tests can be found in ./tests/misc.nix
Further Documentation can be found [here](#sec-generators).
Convert libs to a fixed-point This does break the API of being able to import any lib file and get its libs, however I'm not sure people did this. I made this while exploring being able to swap out docFn with a stub in #2305, to avoid functor performance problems. I don't know if that is going to move forward (or if it is a problem or not,) but after doing all this work figured I'd put it up anyway :) Two notable advantages to this approach: 1. when a lib inherits another lib's functions, it doesn't automatically get put in to the scope of lib 2. when a lib implements a new obscure functions, it doesn't automatically get put in to the scope of lib Using the test script (later in this commit) I got the following diff on the API: + diff master fixed-lib 11764a11765,11766 > .types.defaultFunctor > .types.defaultTypeMerge 11774a11777,11778 > .types.isOptionType > .types.isType 11781a11786 > .types.mkOptionType 11788a11794 > .types.setType 11795a11802 > .types.types This means that this commit _adds_ to the API, however I can't find a way to fix these last remaining discrepancies. At least none are _removed_. Test script (run with nix-repl in the PATH): #!/bin/sh set -eux repl() { suff=${1:-} echo "(import ./lib)$suff" \ | nix-repl 2>&1 } attrs_to_check() { repl "${1:-}" \ | tr ';' $'\n' \ | grep "\.\.\." \ | cut -d' ' -f2 \ | sed -e "s/^/${1:-}./" \ | sort } summ() { repl "${1:-}" \ | tr ' ' $'\n' \ | sort \ | uniq } deep_summ() { suff="${1:-}" depth="${2:-4}" depth=$((depth - 1)) summ "$suff" for attr in $(attrs_to_check "$suff" | grep -v "types.types"); do if [ $depth -eq 0 ]; then summ "$attr" | sed -e "s/^/$attr./" else deep_summ "$attr" "$depth" | sed -e "s/^/$attr./" fi done } ( cd nixpkgs #git add . #git commit -m "Auto-commit, sorry" || true git checkout fixed-lib deep_summ > ../fixed-lib git checkout master deep_summ > ../master ) if diff master fixed-lib; then echo "SHALLOW MATCH!" fi ( cd nixpkgs git checkout fixed-lib repl .types )
2017-07-29 03:05:35 +03:00
{ lib }:
inherit (lib)
functionArgs # Note: not the builtin; considers `__functor` in attrsets.
isFunction # Note: not the builtin; considers `__functor` in attrsets.
inherit (lib.strings)
in rec {
Convert a value to a sensible default string representation.
The builtin `toString` function has some strange defaults,
suitable for bash scripts but not much else.
# Inputs
: Empty set, there may be configuration options in the future
: 2\. Function argument
mkValueStringDefault = {}: v:
let err = t: v: abort
("generators.mkValueStringDefault: " +
"${t} not supported: ${toPretty {} v}");
in if isInt v then toString v
# convert derivations to store paths
else if isDerivation v then toString v
# we default to not quoting strings
else if isString v then v
# isString returns "1", which is not a good default
else if true == v then "true"
# here it returns to "", which is even less of a good default
else if false == v then "false"
else if null == v then "null"
# if you have lists you probably want to replace this
else if isList v then err "lists" v
# same as for lists, might want to replace
else if isAttrs v then err "attrsets" v
# functions cant be printed of course
else if isFunction v then err "functions" v
# Floats currently can't be converted to precise strings,
# condition warning on nix version once this isn't a problem anymore
# See
else if isFloat v then floatToString v
else err "this value is" (toString v);
Generate a line of key k and value v, separated by
character sep. If sep appears in k, it is escaped.
Helper for synaxes with different separators.
mkValueString specifies how values should be formatted.
mkKeyValueDefault {} ":" "f:oo" "bar"
> "f\:oo:bar"
# Inputs
Structured function argument
: mkValueString (optional, default: `mkValueStringDefault {}`)
: Function to convert values to strings
: 2\. Function argument
: 3\. Function argument
: 4\. Function argument
mkKeyValueDefault = {
mkValueString ? mkValueStringDefault {}
}: sep: k: v:
"${escape [sep] k}${sep}${mkValueString v}";
Generate a key-value-style config file from an attrset.
2024-05-21 23:05:18 +03:00
# Inputs
Structured function argument
: mkKeyValue (optional, default: `mkKeyValueDefault {} "="`)
: format a setting line from key and value
: listsAsDuplicateKeys (optional, default: `false`)
: allow lists as values for duplicate keys
: indent (optional, default: `""`)
: Initial indentation level
toKeyValue = {
mkKeyValue ? mkKeyValueDefault {} "=",
listsAsDuplicateKeys ? false,
indent ? ""
let mkLine = k: v: indent + mkKeyValue k v + "\n";
mkLines = if listsAsDuplicateKeys
then k: v: map (mkLine k) (if isList v then v else [v])
else k: v: [ (mkLine k v) ];
in attrs: concatStrings (concatLists (mapAttrsToList mkLines attrs));
Generate an INI-style config file from an
attrset of sections to an attrset of key-value pairs.
# Inputs
Structured function argument
: mkSectionName (optional, default: `(name: escape [ "[" "]" ] name)`)
: apply transformations (e.g. escapes) to section names
: mkKeyValue (optional, default: `{} "="`)
: format a setting line from key and value
: listsAsDuplicateKeys (optional, default: `false`)
: allow lists as values for duplicate keys
# Examples
## `lib.generators.toINI` usage example
generators.toINI {} {
foo = { hi = "${pkgs.hello}"; ciao = "bar"; };
baz = { "also, integers" = 42; };
> [baz]
> also, integers=42
> [foo]
> ciao=bar
> hi=/nix/store/y93qql1p5ggfnaqjjqhxcw0vqw95rlz0-hello-2.10
The mk* configuration attributes can generically change
the way sections and key-value strings are generated.
For more examples see the test cases in ./tests/misc.nix.
toINI = {
mkSectionName ? (name: escape [ "[" "]" ] name),
mkKeyValue ? mkKeyValueDefault {} "=",
listsAsDuplicateKeys ? false
}: attrsOfAttrs:
# map function to string for each key val
mapAttrsToStringsSep = sep: mapFn: attrs:
concatStringsSep sep
(mapAttrsToList mapFn attrs);
mkSection = sectName: sectValues: ''
[${mkSectionName sectName}]
'' + toKeyValue { inherit mkKeyValue listsAsDuplicateKeys; } sectValues;
# map input to ini sections
mapAttrsToStringsSep "\n" mkSection attrsOfAttrs;
Generate an INI-style config file from an attrset
specifying the global section (no header), and an
attrset of sections to an attrset of key-value pairs.
# Inputs
1\. Structured function argument
: mkSectionName (optional, default: `(name: escape [ "[" "]" ] name)`)
: apply transformations (e.g. escapes) to section names
: mkKeyValue (optional, default: `{} "="`)
: format a setting line from key and value
: listsAsDuplicateKeys (optional, default: `false`)
: allow lists as values for duplicate keys
2\. Structured function argument
: globalSection (required)
: global section key-value pairs
: sections (optional, default: `{}`)
: attrset of sections to key-value pairs
# Examples
## `lib.generators.toINIWithGlobalSection` usage example
generators.toINIWithGlobalSection {} {
globalSection = {
someGlobalKey = "hi";
sections = {
foo = { hi = "${pkgs.hello}"; ciao = "bar"; };
baz = { "also, integers" = 42; };
> someGlobalKey=hi
> [baz]
> also, integers=42
> [foo]
> ciao=bar
> hi=/nix/store/y93qql1p5ggfnaqjjqhxcw0vqw95rlz0-hello-2.10
The mk* configuration attributes can generically change
the way sections and key-value strings are generated.
For more examples see the test cases in ./tests/misc.nix.
If you dont need a global section, you can also use
`generators.toINI` directly, which only takes
the part in `sections`.
toINIWithGlobalSection = {
mkSectionName ? (name: escape [ "[" "]" ] name),
mkKeyValue ? mkKeyValueDefault {} "=",
listsAsDuplicateKeys ? false
}: { globalSection, sections ? {} }:
( if globalSection == {}
then ""
else (toKeyValue { inherit mkKeyValue listsAsDuplicateKeys; } globalSection)
+ "\n")
+ (toINI { inherit mkSectionName mkKeyValue listsAsDuplicateKeys; } sections);
Generate a git-config file from an attrset.
It has two major differences from the regular INI format:
1. values are indented with tabs
2. sections can have sub-sections
# Examples
## `lib.generators.toGitINI` usage example
generators.toGitINI {
url."ssh://".insteadOf = ""; = "edolstra";
> [url "ssh://"]
> insteadOf = ""
> [user]
> name = "edolstra"
# Inputs
: Key-value pairs to be converted to a git-config file.
See: for possible values.
toGitINI = attrs:
mkSectionName = name:
containsQuote = hasInfix ''"'' name;
sections = splitString "." name;
section = head sections;
subsections = tail sections;
subsection = concatStringsSep "." subsections;
in if containsQuote || subsections == [ ] then
''${section} "${subsection}"'';
mkValueString = v:
escapedV = ''
replaceStrings [ "\n" " " ''"'' "\\" ] [ "\\n" "\\t" ''\"'' "\\\\" ] v
in mkValueStringDefault { } (if isString v then escapedV else v);
# generation for multiple ini values
mkKeyValue = k: v:
let mkKeyValue = mkKeyValueDefault { inherit mkValueString; } " = " k;
in concatStringsSep "\n" (map (kv: "\t" + mkKeyValue kv) (toList v));
# converts { a.b.c = 5; } to { "a.b".c = 5; } for toINI
gitFlattenAttrs = let
recurse = path: value:
if isAttrs value && !isDerivation value then
mapAttrsToList (name: value: recurse ([ name ] ++ path) value) value
else if length path > 1 then {
${concatStringsSep "." (reverseList (tail path))}.${head path} = value;
} else {
${head path} = value;
in attrs: foldl recursiveUpdate { } (flatten (recurse [ ] attrs));
toINI_ = toINI { inherit mkKeyValue mkSectionName; };
toINI_ (gitFlattenAttrs attrs);
mkKeyValueDefault wrapper that handles dconf INI quirks.
The main differences of the format is that it requires strings to be quoted.
mkDconfKeyValue = mkKeyValueDefault { mkValueString = v: toString (gvariant.mkValue v); } "=";
2023-08-15 12:58:02 +03:00
Generates INI in dconf keyfile style. See
for details.
2023-08-15 12:58:02 +03:00
toDconfINI = toINI { mkKeyValue = mkDconfKeyValue; };
Recurses through a `Value` limited to a certain depth. (`depthLimit`)
If the depth is exceeded, an error is thrown, unless `throwOnDepthLimit` is set to `false`.
# Inputs
Structured function argument
: depthLimit (required)
: If this option is not null, the given value will stop evaluating at a certain depth
: throwOnDepthLimit (optional, default: `true`)
: If this option is true, an error will be thrown, if a certain given depth is exceeded
: The value to be evaluated recursively
withRecursion =
throwOnDepthLimit ? true
assert isInt depthLimit;
specialAttrs = [
stepIntoAttr = evalNext: name:
if elem name specialAttrs
then id
else evalNext;
transform = depth:
if depthLimit != null && depth > depthLimit then
if throwOnDepthLimit
2021-09-28 23:26:51 +03:00
then throw "Exceeded maximum eval-depth limit of ${toString depthLimit} while trying to evaluate with `generators.withRecursion'!"
else const "<unevaluated>"
else id;
mapAny = depth: v:
evalNext = x: mapAny (depth + 1) (transform (depth + 1) x);
if isAttrs v then mapAttrs (stepIntoAttr evalNext) v
else if isList v then map evalNext v
else transform (depth + 1) v;
mapAny 0;
Pretty print a value, akin to `builtins.trace`.
Should probably be a builtin as well.
The pretty-printed string should be suitable for rendering default values
in the NixOS manual. In particular, it should be as close to a valid Nix expression
as possible.
# Inputs
Structured function argument
: allowPrettyValues
: If this option is true, attrsets like { __pretty = fn; val = ; }
will use fn to convert val to a pretty printed representation.
(This means fn is type Val -> String.)
: multiline
: If this option is true, the output is indented with newlines for attribute sets and lists
: indent
: Initial indentation level
: The value to be pretty printed
toPretty = {
allowPrettyValues ? false,
multiline ? true,
indent ? ""
2021-07-23 11:43:44 +03:00
go = indent: v:
let introSpace = if multiline then "\n${indent} " else " ";
outroSpace = if multiline then "\n${indent}" else " ";
in if isInt v then toString v
# toString loses precision on floats, so we use toJSON instead. This isn't perfect
# as the resulting string may not parse back as a float (e.g. 42, 1e-06), but for
# pretty-printing purposes this is acceptable.
else if isFloat v then builtins.toJSON v
else if isString v then
lines = filter (v: ! isList v) (split "\n" v);
escapeSingleline = escape [ "\\" "\"" "\${" ];
escapeMultiline = replaceStrings [ "\${" "''" ] [ "''\${" "'''" ];
singlelineResult = "\"" + concatStringsSep "\\n" (map escapeSingleline lines) + "\"";
multilineResult = let
escapedLines = map escapeMultiline lines;
# The last line gets a special treatment: if it's empty, '' is on its own line at the "outer"
# indentation level. Otherwise, '' is appended to the last line.
lastLine = last escapedLines;
in "''" + introSpace + concatStringsSep introSpace (init escapedLines)
+ (if lastLine == "" then outroSpace else introSpace + lastLine) + "''";
if multiline && length lines > 1 then multilineResult else singlelineResult
else if true == v then "true"
else if false == v then "false"
else if null == v then "null"
else if isPath v then toString v
else if isList v then
if v == [] then "[ ]"
else "[" + introSpace
+ concatMapStringsSep introSpace (go (indent + " ")) v
+ outroSpace + "]"
else if isFunction v then
let fna = functionArgs v;
showFnas = concatStringsSep ", " (mapAttrsToList
(name: hasDefVal: if hasDefVal then name + "?" else name)
in if fna == {} then "<function>"
else "<function, args: {${showFnas}}>"
else if isAttrs v then
# apply pretty values if allowed
if allowPrettyValues && v ? __pretty && v ? val
then v.__pretty v.val
else if v == {} then "{ }"
else if v ? type && v.type == "derivation" then
"<derivation ${ or "???"}>"
else "{" + introSpace
+ concatStringsSep introSpace (mapAttrsToList
(name: value:
"${escapeNixIdentifier name} = ${
addErrorContext "while evaluating an attribute `${name}`"
(go (indent + " ") value)
};") v)
+ outroSpace + "}"
else abort "generators.toPretty: should never happen (v = ${v})";
in go indent;
Translate a simple Nix expression to [Plist notation](
# Inputs
: Empty set, there may be configuration options in the future
: The value to be converted to Plist
toPlist = {}: v: let
expr = ind: x:
if x == null then "" else
if isBool x then bool ind x else
if isInt x then int ind x else
if isString x then str ind x else
if isList x then list ind x else
if isAttrs x then attrs ind x else
2023-03-27 16:46:32 +03:00
if isPath x then str ind (toString x) else
if isFloat x then float ind x else
abort "generators.toPlist: should never happen (v = ${v})";
2018-06-28 18:11:19 +03:00
literal = ind: x: ind + x;
2018-06-28 18:11:19 +03:00
bool = ind: x: literal ind (if x then "<true/>" else "<false/>");
int = ind: x: literal ind "<integer>${toString x}</integer>";
str = ind: x: literal ind "<string>${x}</string>";
key = ind: x: literal ind "<key>${x}</key>";
float = ind: x: literal ind "<real>${toString x}</real>";
2018-06-28 18:11:19 +03:00
indent = ind: expr "\t${ind}";
2018-06-28 18:11:19 +03:00
item = ind: concatMapStringsSep "\n" (indent ind);
2018-06-28 18:11:19 +03:00
list = ind: x: concatStringsSep "\n" [
(literal ind "<array>")
(item ind x)
(literal ind "</array>")
2018-06-28 18:11:19 +03:00
attrs = ind: x: concatStringsSep "\n" [
(literal ind "<dict>")
(attr ind x)
(literal ind "</dict>")
2018-06-28 18:11:19 +03:00
attr = let attrFilter = name: value: name != "_module" && value != null;
in ind: x: concatStringsSep "\n" (flatten (mapAttrsToList
(name: value: optionals (attrFilter name value) [
(key "\t${ind}" name)
(expr "\t${ind}" value)
2018-06-28 18:11:19 +03:00
]) x));
in ''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
${expr "" v}
Translate a simple Nix expression to Dhall notation.
Note that integers are translated to Integer and never
the Natural type.
# Inputs
: Empty set, there may be configuration options in the future
: The value to be converted to Dhall
2021-03-24 13:20:36 +03:00
toDhall = { }@args: v:
let concatItems = concatStringsSep ", ";
2021-03-24 13:20:36 +03:00
in if isAttrs v then
"{ ${
concatItems (mapAttrsToList
2021-03-24 13:20:36 +03:00
(key: value: "${key} = ${toDhall args value}") v)
} }"
else if isList v then
"[ ${concatItems (map (toDhall args) v)} ]"
else if isInt v then
"${if v < 0 then "" else "+"}${toString v}"
else if isBool v then
(if v then "True" else "False")
else if isFunction v then
abort "generators.toDhall: cannot convert a function to Dhall"
else if v == null then
2021-03-24 13:20:36 +03:00
abort "generators.toDhall: cannot convert a null to Dhall"
toJSON v;
Translate a simple Nix expression to Lua representation with occasional
Lua-inlines that can be constructed by mkLuaInline function.
* multiline - by default is true which results in indented block-like view.
* indent - initial indent.
* asBindings - by default generate single value, but with this use attrset to set global vars.
Regardless of multiline parameter there is no trailing newline.
# Inputs
Structured function argument
: multiline (optional, default: `true`)
: If this option is true, the output is indented with newlines for attribute sets and lists
: indent (optional, default: `""`)
: Initial indentation level
: asBindings (optional, default: `false`)
: Interpret as variable bindings
: The value to be converted to Lua
# Type
toLua :: AttrSet -> Any -> String
# Examples
## `lib.generators.toLua` usage example
generators.toLua {}
cmd = [ "typescript-language-server" "--stdio" ];
settings.workspace.library = mkLuaInline ''vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true)'';
["cmd"] = {
["settings"] = {
["workspace"] = {
["library"] = (vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true))
toLua = {
multiline ? true,
indent ? "",
asBindings ? false,
}@args: v:
innerIndent = "${indent} ";
introSpace = if multiline then "\n${innerIndent}" else " ";
outroSpace = if multiline then "\n${indent}" else " ";
innerArgs = args // {
indent = if asBindings then indent else innerIndent;
asBindings = false;
concatItems = concatStringsSep ",${introSpace}";
isLuaInline = { _type ? null, ... }: _type == "lua-inline";
generatedBindings =
assert assertMsg (badVarNames == []) "Bad Lua var names: ${toPretty {} badVarNames}";
concatStrings (
mapAttrsToList (key: value: "${indent}${key} = ${toLua innerArgs value}\n") v
matchVarName = match "[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*(\\.[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*)*";
badVarNames = filter (name: matchVarName name == null) (attrNames v);
if asBindings then
else if v == null then
else if isInt v || isFloat v || isString v || isBool v then
toJSON v
else if isList v then
(if v == [ ] then "{}" else
"{${introSpace}${concatItems (map (value: "${toLua innerArgs value}") v)}${outroSpace}}")
else if isAttrs v then
if isLuaInline v then
else if v == { } then
else if isDerivation v then
''"${toString v}"''
"{${introSpace}${concatItems (
mapAttrsToList (key: value: "[${toJSON key}] = ${toLua innerArgs value}") v
abort "generators.toLua: type ${typeOf v} is unsupported";
Mark string as Lua expression to be inlined when processed by toLua.
# Inputs
: 1\. Function argument
# Type
mkLuaInline :: String -> AttrSet
mkLuaInline = expr: { _type = "lua-inline"; inherit expr; };
} // {
Generates JSON from an arbitrary (non-function) value.
For more information see the documentation of the builtin.
# Inputs
: Empty set, there may be configuration options in the future
: The value to be converted to JSON
toJSON = {}: lib.strings.toJSON;
YAML has been a strict superset of JSON since 1.2, so we
use toJSON. Before it only had a few differences referring
to implicit typing rules, so it should work with older
parsers as well.
# Inputs
: Empty set, there may be configuration options in the future
: The value to be converted to YAML
toYAML = {}: lib.strings.toJSON;