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{ pkgs, lib, gawk, gnused, gixy }:
with lib;
rec {
# Base implementation for non-compiled executables.
# Takes an interpreter, for example `${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash`
# Examples:
# writeBash = makeScriptWriter { interpreter = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash"; }
# makeScriptWriter { interpreter = "${pkgs.dash}/bin/dash"; } "hello" "echo hello world"
makeScriptWriter = { interpreter, check ? "" }: nameOrPath: content:
assert lib.or (types.path.check nameOrPath) (builtins.match "([0-9A-Za-z._])[0-9A-Za-z._-]*" nameOrPath != null);
assert lib.or (types.path.check content) (types.str.check content);
name = last (builtins.split "/" nameOrPath);
pkgs.runCommandLocal name (if (types.str.check content) then {
inherit content interpreter;
passAsFile = [ "content" ];
} else {
inherit interpreter;
contentPath = content;
}) ''
writers.makeScriptWriter: fix on Darwin\MacOS (#93757) * writers.makeScriptWriter: fix on Darwin\MacOS On Darwin a script cannot be used as an interpreter in a shebang line, which causes scripts produced with makeScriptWriter (and its derivatives) to fail at run time if the used interpreter was wrapped with makeWrapper (as in the case of python3.withPackages). This commit fixes the problem by detecting if the interpreter is a script and prepending its shebang to the final interpreter line. For example if used interpreter is; ``` /nix/store/ynwv137n2650qy39swcflxbcygk5jwv1-python3-3.8.3-env/bin/python ``` which is a script with following shebang: ``` #! /nix/store/knd85yc7iwli8344ghav3zli8d9gril0-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash -e ``` then the shebang line in the produced script will be ``` #! /nix/store/knd85yc7iwli8344ghav3zli8d9gril0-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash -e /nix/store/ynwv137n2650qy39swcflxbcygk5jwv1-python3-3.8.3-env/bin/python ``` This works on Darwin since there does not seem to be a limit to the length of the shabang line and the shebang lines support multiple arguments to the interpreters (as opposed to linux where the kernel imposes a strict limit on shebang lengh and everything following the interpreter is passed to it as a single string). fixes; #93609 related to: #65351 #11133 (and probably a bunch of others) NOTE: scripts produced on platforms other than Darwin will remain unmodified by this PR. However it might worth considering extending this fix to BSD systems in general. I didn't do it since I have no way of testing it on systems other than MacOS and linux. * writers.makeScriptWriter: fix typo in comment * writers.makeScriptWriter: fail build if interpreter of interpreter is a script
2020-07-25 12:47:20 +03:00
# On darwin a script cannot be used as an interpreter in a shebang but
# there doesn't seem to be a limit to the size of shebang and multiple
# arguments to the interpreter are allowed.
if [[ -n "${toString pkgs.stdenvNoCC.isDarwin}" ]] && isScript $interpreter
wrapperInterpreterLine=$(head -1 "$interpreter" | tail -c+3)
# Get first word from the line (note: xargs echo remove leading spaces)
wrapperInterpreter=$(echo "$wrapperInterpreterLine" | xargs echo | cut -d " " -f1)
if isScript $wrapperInterpreter
echo "error: passed interpreter ($interpreter) is a script which has another script ($wrapperInterpreter) as an interpreter, which is not supported."
exit 1
# This should work as long as wrapperInterpreter is a shell, which is
# the case for programs wrapped with makeWrapper, like
# python3.withPackages etc.
interpreterLine="$wrapperInterpreterLine $interpreter"
echo "#! $interpreterLine" > $out
cat "$contentPath" >> $out
${optionalString (check != "") ''
${check} $out
chmod +x $out
${optionalString (types.path.check nameOrPath) ''
mv $out tmp
mkdir -p $out/$(dirname "${nameOrPath}")
mv tmp $out/${nameOrPath}
# Base implementation for compiled executables.
# Takes a compile script, which in turn takes the name as an argument.
# Examples:
# writeSimpleC = makeBinWriter { compileScript = name: "gcc -o $out $contentPath"; }
makeBinWriter = { compileScript, strip ? true }: nameOrPath: content:
assert lib.or (types.path.check nameOrPath) (builtins.match "([0-9A-Za-z._])[0-9A-Za-z._-]*" nameOrPath != null);
assert lib.or (types.path.check content) (types.str.check content);
name = last (builtins.split "/" nameOrPath);
pkgs.runCommand name (if (types.str.check content) then {
inherit content;
passAsFile = [ "content" ];
} else {
contentPath = content;
}) ''
2021-01-12 00:14:33 +03:00
${lib.optionalString strip
"${pkgs.binutils-unwrapped}/bin/strip --strip-unneeded $out"}
${optionalString (types.path.check nameOrPath) ''
mv $out tmp
mkdir -p $out/$(dirname "${nameOrPath}")
mv tmp $out/${nameOrPath}
# Like writeScript but the first line is a shebang to bash
# Example:
# writeBash "example" ''
# echo hello world
# ''
writeBash = makeScriptWriter {
interpreter = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash";
# Like writeScriptBIn but the first line is a shebang to bash
writeBashBin = name:
writeBash "/bin/${name}";
# writeC writes an executable c package called `name` to `destination` using `libraries`.
# Examples:
# writeC "hello-world-ncurses" { libraries = [ pkgs.ncurses ]; } ''
# #include <ncurses.h>
# int main() {
# initscr();
# printw("Hello World !!!");
# refresh(); endwin();
# return 0;
# }
# ''
2021-01-12 00:14:33 +03:00
writeC = name: {
libraries ? [],
strip ? true
makeBinWriter {
compileScript = ''
PATH=${makeBinPath [
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${concatMapStringsSep ":" (pkg: "${pkg}/lib/pkgconfig") libraries}
gcc \
${optionalString (libraries != [])
2019-02-22 19:53:44 +03:00
"$(pkg-config --cflags --libs ${
concatMapStringsSep " " (pkg: "$(find ${escapeShellArg pkg}/lib/pkgconfig -name \\*.pc)") libraries
} \
-O \
-o "$out" \
-Wall \
-x c \
2021-01-12 00:14:33 +03:00
inherit strip;
} name;
# writeCBin takes the same arguments as writeC but outputs a directory (like writeScriptBin)
writeCBin = name:
writeC "/bin/${name}";
# Like writeScript but the first line is a shebang to dash
# Example:
# writeDash "example" ''
# echo hello world
# ''
writeDash = makeScriptWriter {
interpreter = "${pkgs.dash}/bin/dash";
# Like writeScriptBin but the first line is a shebang to dash
writeDashBin = name:
writeDash "/bin/${name}";
# writeHaskell takes a name, an attrset with libraries and haskell version (both optional)
# and some haskell source code and returns an executable.
# Example:
# writeHaskell "missiles" { libraries = [ pkgs.haskellPackages.acme-missiles ]; } ''
# import Acme.Missiles
# main = launchMissiles
# '';
writeHaskell = name: {
libraries ? [],
ghc ? pkgs.ghc,
2021-01-12 00:14:33 +03:00
ghcArgs ? [],
strip ? true
makeBinWriter {
compileScript = ''
cp $contentPath tmp.hs
${ghc.withPackages (_: libraries )}/bin/ghc ${lib.escapeShellArgs ghcArgs} tmp.hs
mv tmp $out
2021-01-12 00:14:33 +03:00
inherit strip;
} name;
# writeHaskellBin takes the same arguments as writeHaskell but outputs a directory (like writeScriptBin)
writeHaskellBin = name:
writeHaskell "/bin/${name}";
2021-01-12 00:14:33 +03:00
writeRust = name: {
rustc ? pkgs.rustc,
rustcArgs ? [],
strip ? true
makeBinWriter {
compileScript = ''
cp "$contentPath"
PATH=${makeBinPath [pkgs.gcc]} ${lib.getBin rustc}/bin/rustc ${lib.escapeShellArgs rustcArgs} -o "$out"
inherit strip;
} name;
writeRustBin = name:
writeRust "/bin/${name}";
# writeJS takes a name an attributeset with libraries and some JavaScript sourcecode and
# returns an executable
# Example:
# writeJS "example" { libraries = [ pkgs.nodePackages.uglify-js ]; } ''
# var UglifyJS = require("uglify-js");
# var code = "function add(first, second) { return first + second; }";
# var result = UglifyJS.minify(code);
# console.log(result.code);
# ''
writeJS = name: { libraries ? [] }: content:
node-env = pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "node";
paths = libraries;
pathsToLink = [
in writeDash name ''
export NODE_PATH=${node-env}/lib/node_modules
exec ${pkgs.nodejs}/bin/node ${pkgs.writeText "js" content}
# writeJSBin takes the same arguments as writeJS but outputs a directory (like writeScriptBin)
writeJSBin = name:
writeJS "/bin/${name}";
awkFormatNginx = builtins.toFile "awkFormat-nginx.awk" ''
awk -f
{sub(/^[ \t]+/,"");idx=0}
{id="";for(i=idx;i<ctx;i++)id=sprintf("%s%s", id, "\t");printf "%s%s\n", id, $0}
writeNginxConfig = name: text: pkgs.runCommandLocal name {
inherit text;
passAsFile = [ "text" ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ gawk gnused gixy ];
} /* sh */ ''
# nginx-config-formatter has an error -
awk -f ${awkFormatNginx} "$textPath" | sed '/^\s*$/d' > $out
gixy $out
# writePerl takes a name an attributeset with libraries and some perl sourcecode and
# returns an executable
# Example:
# writePerl "example" { libraries = [ pkgs.perlPackages.boolean ]; } ''
# use boolean;
# print "Howdy!\n" if true;
# ''
writePerl = name: { libraries ? [] }:
perl-env = pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "perl-environment";
paths = libraries;
pathsToLink = [
makeScriptWriter {
interpreter = "${pkgs.perl}/bin/perl -I ${perl-env}/${pkgs.perl.libPrefix}";
} name;
# writePerlBin takes the same arguments as writePerl but outputs a directory (like writeScriptBin)
writePerlBin = name:
writePerl "/bin/${name}";
# makePythonWriter takes python and compatible pythonPackages and produces python script writer,
# which validates the script with flake8 at build time. If any libraries are specified,
# python.withPackages is used as interpreter, otherwise the "bare" python is used.
makePythonWriter = python: pythonPackages: name: { libraries ? [], flakeIgnore ? [] }:
ignoreAttribute = optionalString (flakeIgnore != []) "--ignore ${concatMapStringsSep "," escapeShellArg flakeIgnore}";
makeScriptWriter {
interpreter =
if libraries == []
then "${python}/bin/python"
else "${python.withPackages (ps: libraries)}/bin/python"
check = writeDash "" ''
exec ${pythonPackages.flake8}/bin/flake8 --show-source ${ignoreAttribute} "$1"
} name;
# writePython2 takes a name an attributeset with libraries and some python2 sourcecode and
# returns an executable
# Example:
# writePython2 "test_python2" { libraries = [ pkgs.python2Packages.enum ]; } ''
# from enum import Enum
# class Test(Enum):
# a = "success"
# print Test.a
# ''
writePython2 = makePythonWriter pkgs.python2 pkgs.python2Packages;
# writePython2Bin takes the same arguments as writePython2 but outputs a directory (like writeScriptBin)
writePython2Bin = name:
writePython2 "/bin/${name}";
# writePython3 takes a name an attributeset with libraries and some python3 sourcecode and
# returns an executable
# Example:
# writePython3 "test_python3" { libraries = [ pkgs.python3Packages.pyyaml ]; } ''
# import yaml
# y = yaml.load("""
# - test: success
# """)
# print(y[0]['test'])
# ''
writePython3 = makePythonWriter pkgs.python3 pkgs.python3Packages;
# writePython3Bin takes the same arguments as writePython3 but outputs a directory (like writeScriptBin)
writePython3Bin = name:
writePython3 "/bin/${name}";