nixos/tests/boot: inline + fix UEFI start command generation

This commit is contained in:
K900 2024-02-26 11:32:32 +03:00
parent a15aa7a3f3
commit 61cb46e6bf

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@ -4,10 +4,41 @@
with import ../lib/testing-python.nix { inherit system pkgs; };
with pkgs.lib;
qemu-common = import ../lib/qemu-common.nix { inherit (pkgs) lib pkgs; };
lib = pkgs.lib;
qemu-common = import ../lib/qemu-common.nix { inherit lib pkgs; };
mkStartCommand = {
memory ? 2048,
cdrom ? null,
usb ? null,
pxe ? null,
uboot ? false,
uefi ? false,
extraFlags ? [],
}: let
qemu = qemu-common.qemuBinary pkgs.qemu_test;
flags = [
"-m" (toString memory)
"-netdev" ("user,id=net0" + (lib.optionalString (pxe != null) ",tftp=${pxe},bootfile=netboot.ipxe"))
"-device" ("virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0" + (lib.optionalString (pxe != null && uefi) ",romfile=${pkgs.ipxe}/ipxe.efirom"))
] ++ lib.optionals (cdrom != null) [
"-cdrom" cdrom
] ++ lib.optionals (usb != null) [
"-device" "usb-ehci"
"-drive" "id=usbdisk,file=${usb},if=none,readonly"
"-device" "usb-storage,drive=usbdisk"
] ++ lib.optionals (pxe != null) [
"-boot" "order=n"
] ++ lib.optionals uefi [
"-drive" "if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,readonly=on,file=${pkgs.OVMF.firmware}"
"-drive" "if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,readonly=on,file=${pkgs.OVMF.variables}"
] ++ extraFlags;
flagsStr = lib.concatStringsSep " " flags;
in "${qemu} ${flagsStr}";
iso =
(import ../lib/eval-config.nix {
@ -28,21 +59,16 @@ let
pythonDict = params: "\n {\n ${concatStringsSep ",\n " (mapAttrsToList (name: param: "\"${name}\": \"${param}\"") params)},\n }\n";
makeBootTest = name: extraConfig:
makeBootTest = name: config:
machineConfig = pythonDict ({
qemuBinary = qemu-common.qemuBinary pkgs.qemu_test;
qemuFlags = "-m 768";
} // extraConfig);
startCommand = mkStartCommand config;
makeTest {
name = "boot-" + name;
nodes = { };
testScript =
machine = create_machine(${machineConfig})
machine = create_machine({"startCommand": "${startCommand}"})
machine.succeed("nix store verify --no-trust -r --option experimental-features nix-command /run/current-system")
@ -73,43 +99,35 @@ let
machineConfig = pythonDict ({
qemuBinary = qemu-common.qemuBinary pkgs.qemu_test;
qemuFlags = "-boot order=n -m 2000";
netBackendArgs = "tftp=${ipxeBootDir},bootfile=netboot.ipxe";
startCommand = mkStartCommand ({
pxe = ipxeBootDir;
} // extraConfig);
makeTest {
name = "boot-netboot-" + name;
nodes = { };
testScript = ''
machine = create_machine(${machineConfig})
machine = create_machine({"startCommand": "${startCommand}"})
uefiBinary = {
x86_64-linux = "${pkgs.OVMF.fd}/FV/OVMF.fd";
aarch64-linux = "${pkgs.OVMF.fd}/FV/QEMU_EFI.fd";
in {
uefiCdrom = makeBootTest "uefi-cdrom" {
uefi = true;
cdrom = "${iso}/iso/${iso.isoName}";
bios = uefiBinary;
uefiUsb = makeBootTest "uefi-usb" {
uefi = true;
usb = "${iso}/iso/${iso.isoName}";
bios = uefiBinary;
uefiNetboot = makeNetbootTest "uefi" {
bios = uefiBinary;
# Custom ROM is needed for EFI PXE boot. I failed to understand exactly why, because QEMU should still use iPXE for EFI.
netFrontendArgs = "romfile=${pkgs.ipxe}/ipxe.efirom";
uefi = true;
} // optionalAttrs (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "x86_64-linux") {
} // lib.optionalAttrs (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "x86_64-linux") {
biosCdrom = makeBootTest "bios-cdrom" {
cdrom = "${iso}/iso/${iso.isoName}";
@ -124,9 +142,12 @@ in {
sdImage = "${sd}/sd-image/${sd.imageName}";
mutableImage = "/tmp/linked-image.qcow2";
machineConfig = pythonDict {
bios = "${pkgs.ubootQemuX86}/u-boot.rom";
qemuFlags = "-m 768 -machine type=pc,accel=tcg -drive file=${mutableImage},if=ide,format=qcow2";
startCommand = mkStartCommand {
extraFlags = [
"-bios" "${pkgs.ubootQemuX86}/u-boot.rom"
"-machine" "type=pc,accel=tcg"
"-drive" "file=${mutableImage},if=virtio"
in makeTest {
name = "boot-uboot-extlinux";
@ -138,7 +159,7 @@ in {
if os.system("qemu-img create -f qcow2 -F raw -b ${sdImage} ${mutableImage}") != 0:
raise RuntimeError("Could not create mutable linked image")
machine = create_machine(${machineConfig})
machine = create_machine({"startCommand": "${startCommand}"})
machine.succeed("nix store verify -r --no-trust --option experimental-features nix-command /run/current-system")