mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 04:43:09 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' into staging
* master: (48 commits) Mathematica: 11.0.1 -> 11.2.0 kbfs: 20170922.f76290 -> 20171004.40555d packer: 1.0.3 -> 1.1.0 libxdg-basedir: 1.0.2 -> 1.2.0 fscrypt: 0.2.1 -> 0.2.2 devtodo: init at 0.1.20 keybase: 1.0.30 -> 1.0.33 elixir: Fix locale problem on NixOS keybase-gui: 1.0.25 -> 1.0.33 terraform: 0.10.2 -> 0.10.7 (#30055) emby: -> sbcl: 1.3.21 -> 1.4.0 ardour: 5.11 -> 5.12 axoloti: fix evaluation axoloti: init at 1.0.12-1 melpa-packages: Add new lean packages fastlane: init at 2.60.1 nixos/traefik: guard example path go-ethereum: 1.7.0 -> 1.7.1 xzgv: 0.9.1 -> 0.9.2 ...
This commit is contained in:
@ -136,6 +136,7 @@
dancek = "Hannu Hartikainen <hannu.hartikainen@gmail.com>";
danielfullmer = "Daniel Fullmer <danielrf12@gmail.com>";
dasuxullebt = "Christoph-Simon Senjak <christoph.senjak@googlemail.com>";
david50407 = "David Kuo <me@davy.tw>";
davidak = "David Kleuker <post@davidak.de>";
davidrusu = "David Rusu <davidrusu.me@gmail.com>";
davorb = "Davor Babic <davor@davor.se>";
@ -457,6 +458,7 @@
periklis = "theopompos@gmail.com";
pesterhazy = "Paulus Esterhazy <pesterhazy@gmail.com>";
peterhoeg = "Peter Hoeg <peter@hoeg.com>";
peterromfeldhk = "Peter Romfeld <peter.romfeld.hk@gmail.com>";
peti = "Peter Simons <simons@cryp.to>";
philandstuff = "Philip Potter <philip.g.potter@gmail.com>";
phile314 = "Philipp Hausmann <nix@314.ch>";
@ -589,6 +591,7 @@
taku0 = "Takuo Yonezawa <mxxouy6x3m_github@tatapa.org>";
tari = "Peter Marheine <peter@taricorp.net>";
tavyc = "Octavian Cerna <octavian.cerna@gmail.com>";
TealG = "Teal Gaure <~@Teal.Gr>";
teh = "Tom Hunger <tehunger@gmail.com>";
telotortium = "Robert Irelan <rirelan@gmail.com>";
teto = "Matthieu Coudron <mcoudron@hotmail.com>";
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ with lib;
networkmanager_pptp = pkgs.networkmanager_pptp.override { withGnome = false; };
networkmanager_vpnc = pkgs.networkmanager_vpnc.override { withGnome = false; };
networkmanager_iodine = pkgs.networkmanager_iodine.override { withGnome = false; };
pinentry = pkgs.pinentry.override { gcr = null; gtk2 = null; qt4 = null; };
pinentry = pkgs.pinentry.override { gtk2 = null; qt4 = null; };
@ -622,6 +622,7 @@
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ in {
Make sure the secret is an RSA private key in PEM format. You can
generate one with
openssl genrsa 2048openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out - -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
openssl genrsa 2048
@ -567,6 +567,7 @@ in {
mkdir -p ${cfg.statePath}/log
mkdir -p ${cfg.statePath}/tmp/pids
mkdir -p ${cfg.statePath}/tmp/sockets
mkdir -p ${cfg.statePath}/shell
rm -rf ${cfg.statePath}/config ${cfg.statePath}/shell/hooks
mkdir -p ${cfg.statePath}/config
@ -66,6 +66,35 @@ services.gitlab = {
db = "uPgq1gtwwHiatiuE0YHqbGa5lEIXH7fMsvuTNgdzJi8P0Dg12gibTzBQbq5LT7PNzcc3BP9P1snHVnduqtGF43PgrQtU7XL93ts6gqe9CBNhjtaqUwutQUDkygP5NrV6";
secret = "devzJ0Tz0POiDBlrpWmcsjjrLaltyiAdS8TtgT9YNBOoUcDsfppiY3IXZjMVtKgXrFImIennFGOpPN8IkP8ATXpRgDD5rxVnKuTTwYQaci2NtaV1XxOQGjdIE50VGsR3";
otp = "e1GATJVuS2sUh7jxiPzZPre4qtzGGaS22FR50Xs1TerRVdgI3CBVUi5XYtQ38W4xFeS4mDqi5cQjExE838iViSzCdcG19XSL6qNsfokQP9JugwiftmhmCadtsnHErBMI";
jws = ''
extraConfig = {
gitlab = {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ let
ipfsFlags = toString ([
(optionalString cfg.autoMount "--mount")
(optionalString cfg.autoMigrate "--migrate")
#(optionalString cfg.autoMigrate "--migrate")
(optionalString cfg.enableGC "--enable-gc")
(optionalString (cfg.serviceFdlimit != null) "--manage-fdlimit=false")
(optionalString (cfg.defaultMode == "offline") "--offline")
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ let
baseService = recursiveUpdate commonEnv {
wants = [ "ipfs-init.service" ];
# NB: migration must be performed prior to pre-start, else we get the failure message!
preStart = ''
ipfs repo fsck # workaround for BUG #4212 (https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/issues/4214)
ipfs --local config Addresses.API ${cfg.apiAddress}
@ -97,11 +98,17 @@ in {
description = "systemd service that is enabled by default";
autoMigrate = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = "Whether IPFS should try to migrate the file system automatically";
description = ''
Whether IPFS should try to migrate the file system automatically.
The daemon will need to be able to download a binary from https://ipfs.io to perform the migration.
autoMount = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.services.traefik;
configFile =
if cfg.configFile == null then
pkgs.runCommand "config.toml" {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.remarshal ];
} ''
remarshal -if json -of toml \
< ${pkgs.writeText "config.json" (builtins.toJSON cfg.configOptions)} \
> $out
else cfg.configFile;
in {
options.services.traefik = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Traefik web server";
configFile = mkOption {
default = null;
example = literalExample "/path/to/config.toml";
type = types.nullOr types.path;
description = ''
Path to verbatim traefik.toml to use.
(Using that option has precedence over <literal>configOptions</literal>)
configOptions = mkOption {
description = ''
Config for Traefik.
type = types.attrs;
default = {
defaultEntryPoints = ["http"];
entryPoints.http.address = ":80";
example = {
defaultEntrypoints = [ "http" ];
web.address = ":8080";
entryPoints.http.address = ":80";
file = {};
frontends = {
frontend1 = {
backend = "backend1";
routes.test_1.rule = "Host:localhost";
backends.backend1 = {
servers.server1.url = "http://localhost:8000";
dataDir = mkOption {
default = "/var/lib/traefik";
type = types.path;
description = ''
Location for any persistent data traefik creates, ie. acme
package = mkOption {
default = pkgs.traefik;
defaultText = "pkgs.traefik";
type = types.package;
description = "Traefik package to use.";
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
systemd.services.traefik = {
description = "Traefik web server";
after = [ "network-online.target" ];
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
serviceConfig = {
PermissionsStartOnly = true;
ExecStart = ''${cfg.package.bin}/bin/traefik --configfile=${configFile}'';
ExecStartPre = [
''${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p "${cfg.dataDir}"''
''${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chmod 700 "${cfg.dataDir}"''
''${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chown -R traefik:traefik "${cfg.dataDir}"''
Type = "simple";
User = "traefik";
Group = "traefik";
Restart = "on-failure";
StartLimitInterval = 86400;
StartLimitBurst = 5;
AmbientCapabilities = "cap_net_bind_service";
CapabilityBoundingSet = "cap_net_bind_service";
NoNewPrivileges = true;
LimitNPROC = 64;
LimitNOFILE = 1048576;
PrivateTmp = true;
PrivateDevices = true;
ProtectHome = true;
ProtectSystem = "full";
ReadWriteDirectories = cfg.dataDir;
users.extraUsers.traefik = {
group = "traefik";
home = cfg.dataDir;
createHome = true;
users.extraGroups.traefik = {};
@ -1,42 +1,37 @@
import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, ...} :
import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ...}:
test = pkgs.writeText "test.sql" ''
select sign('{"sub":"1234567890","name":"John Doe","admin":true}', 'secret');
select * from verify('eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiYWRtaW4iOnRydWV9.TJVA95OrM7E2cBab30RMHrHDcEfxjoYZgeFONFh7HgQ', 'secret');
test = with pkgs; runCommand "patch-test" {
nativeBuildInputs = [ pgjwt ];
sed -e '12 i CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;\nCREATE EXTENSION pgtap;\nSET search_path TO tap,public;' ${pgjwt.src}/test.sql > $out;
with pkgs; {
name = "pgjwt";
meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ spinus ];
meta = with lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ spinus willibutz ];
nodes = {
master =
{ pkgs, config, ... }:
services.postgresql = let mypg = pkgs.postgresql95; in {
enable = true;
package = mypg;
extraPlugins =[pkgs.pgjwt];
initialScript = pkgs.writeText "postgresql-init.sql"
CREATE ROLE postgres WITH superuser login createdb;
master = { pkgs, config, ... }:
services.postgresql = {
enable = true;
extraPlugins = [ pgjwt pgtap ];
testScript = ''
testScript = { nodes, ... }:
sqlSU = "${nodes.master.config.services.postgresql.superUser}";
pgProve = "${pkgs.perlPackages.TAPParserSourceHandlerpgTAP}";
$master->succeed("timeout 10 bash -c 'while ! psql postgres -c \"SELECT 1;\";do sleep 1;done;'");
$master->succeed("cat ${test} | psql postgres");
# I can't make original test working :[
# $master->succeed("${pkgs.perlPackages.TAPParserSourceHandlerpgTAP}/bin/pg_prove -d postgres ${pkgs.pgjwt.src}/test.sql");
$master->succeed("${pkgs.sudo}/bin/sudo -u ${sqlSU} PGOPTIONS=--search_path=tap,public ${pgProve}/bin/pg_prove -d postgres -v -f /tmp/test.sql");
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
buildGoPackage rec {
name = "go-ethereum-${version}";
version = "1.7.0";
version = "1.7.1";
goPackagePath = "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum";
# Fix for usb-related segmentation faults on darwin
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ buildGoPackage rec {
owner = "ethereum";
repo = "go-ethereum";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "0ybjaiyrfb320rab6a5r9iiqvkrcd8b2qvixzx0kjmc4a7l1q5zh";
sha256 = "1rhqnqp2d951d4084z7dc07q0my4wd5401968a0nqj030a9vgng2";
# Fix cyclic referencing on Darwin
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let
# "git describe" when _not_ on an annotated tag(!): MAJOR.MINOR-REV-HASH.
# Version to build.
tag = "5.11";
tag = "5.12";
@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchgit {
url = "git://git.ardour.org/ardour/ardour.git";
rev = "bd40b9132cbac2d2b79ba0ef480bd41d837f8f71";
sha256 = "0xxxjg90jzj5cj364mlhk8srkgaghxif2jj1015bra25pffk41ay";
rev = "ae0dcdc0c5d13483271065c360e378202d20170a";
sha256 = "0mla5lm51ryikc2rrk53max2m7a5ds6i1ai921l2h95wrha45nkr";
buildInputs =
[ alsaLib aubio boost cairomm curl doxygen dbus fftw fftwSinglePrec flac
[ alsaLib aubio boost cairomm curl doxygen dbus fftw fftwSinglePrec flac
glibmm graphviz gtkmm2 libjack2 libgnomecanvas libgnomecanvasmm liblo
libmad libogg librdf librdf_raptor librdf_rasqal libsamplerate
libsigcxx libsndfile libusb libuuid libxml2 libxslt lilv lv2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, makeWrapper, unzip
, gnumake, gcc-arm-embedded, dfu-util-axoloti, jdk, ant, libfaketime }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "1.0.12-1";
name = "axoloti-${version}";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "axoloti";
repo = "axoloti";
rev = "${version}";
sha256 = "13njmv8zac0kaaxgkv4y4zfjcclafn9cw0m8lj2k4926wnwjmf50";
chibi_version = "2.6.9";
chibi_name = "ChibiOS_${chibi_version}";
chibios = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://sourceforge/project/chibios/ChibiOS_RT%20stable/Version%20${chibi_version}/${chibi_name}.zip";
sha256 = "0lb5s8pkj80mqhsy47mmq0lqk34s2a2m3xagzihalvabwd0frhlj";
buildInputs = [ makeWrapper unzip gcc-arm-embedded dfu-util-axoloti jdk ant libfaketime ];
patchPhase = ''
unzip ${chibios}
mv ${chibi_name} chibios
(cd chibios/ext; unzip -q -o fatfs-0.9-patched.zip)
# Remove source of non-determinism in ChibiOS
substituteInPlace "chibios/os/various/shell.c" \
--replace "#ifdef __DATE__" "#if 0"
# Hardcode full path to compiler tools
for f in "firmware/Makefile.patch" \
"firmware/Makefile" \
"firmware/flasher/Makefile" \
"firmware/mounter/Makefile"; do
substituteInPlace "$f" \
--replace "arm-none-eabi-" "${gcc-arm-embedded}/bin/arm-none-eabi-"
# Hardcode path to "make"
for f in "firmware/compile_firmware_linux.sh" \
"firmware/compile_patch_linux.sh"; do
substituteInPlace "$f" \
--replace "make" "${gnumake}/bin/make"
# Hardcode dfu-util path
substituteInPlace "platform_linux/upload_fw_dfu.sh" \
--replace "/bin/dfu-util" ""
substituteInPlace "platform_linux/upload_fw_dfu.sh" \
--replace "./dfu-util" "${dfu-util-axoloti}/bin/dfu-util"
# Fix build version
substituteInPlace "build.xml" \
--replace "(git missing)" "${version}"
# Remove build time
substituteInPlace "build.xml" \
--replace "<tstamp>" ""
substituteInPlace "build.xml" \
--replace \
'<format property="build.time" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss z"/>' \
'<property name="build.time" value=""/>'
substituteInPlace "build.xml" \
--replace "</tstamp>" ""
substituteInPlace "build.xml" \
--replace \
'{line.separator}</echo>' \
'{line.separator}</echo> <touch file="src/main/java/axoloti/Version.java" millis="0" />'
buildPhase = ''
find . -exec touch -d '1970-01-01 00:00' {} \;
(cd platform_linux; sh compile_firmware.sh)
faketime "1970-01-01 00:00:00" ant -Dbuild.runtime=true
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin $out/share/axoloti
cp -r doc firmware chibios platform_linux CMSIS *.txt $out/share/axoloti/
install -vD dist/Axoloti.jar $out/share/axoloti/
makeWrapper ${jdk}/bin/java $out/bin/axoloti --add-flags "-Daxoloti_release=$out/share/axoloti -Daxoloti_runtime=$out/share/axoloti -jar $out/share/axoloti/Axoloti.jar"
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage = http://www.axoloti.com;
description = ''
Sketching embedded digital audio algorithms.
To fix permissions of the Axoloti USB device node, add a similar udev rule to <literal>services.udev.extraRules</literal>:
<literal>SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTR{idProduct}=="0442", OWNER="someuser", GROUP="somegroup"</literal>
license = licenses.gpl3;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ TealG ];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, libusb1-axoloti }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "0.8";
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ];
buildInputs = [ libusb1-axoloti ];
src = fetchurl {
url = "http://dfu-util.sourceforge.net/releases/${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0n7h08avlzin04j93m6hkq9id6hxjiiix7ff9gc2n89aw6dxxjsm";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Device firmware update (DFU) USB programmer";
longDescription = ''
dfu-util is a program that implements the host (PC) side of the USB
DFU 1.0 and 1.1 (Universal Serial Bus Device Firmware Upgrade) protocol.
DFU is intended to download and upload firmware to devices connected over
USB. It ranges from small devices like micro-controller boards up to mobile
phones. With dfu-util you are able to download firmware to your device or
upload firmware from it.
homepage = http://dfu-util.gnumonks.org/;
license = licenses.gpl2Plus;
platforms = platforms.unix;
maintainers = [ ];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, systemd ? null, libobjc, IOKit, fetchpatch }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "libusb-1.0.19";
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://sourceforge/libusb/${name}.tar.bz2";
sha256 = "0h38p9rxfpg9vkrbyb120i1diq57qcln82h5fr7hvy82c20jql3c";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ]; # get rid of propagating systemd closure
buildInputs = [ pkgconfig ];
propagatedBuildInputs =
stdenv.lib.optional stdenv.isLinux systemd ++
stdenv.lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ libobjc IOKit ];
patches = [
(fetchpatch {
name = "libusb.stdfu.patch";
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/axoloti/axoloti/1.0.12/platform_linux/src/libusb.stdfu.patch";
sha256 = "194j7j61i4q6x0ihm9ms8dxd4vliw20n2rj6cm9h17qzdl9xr33d";
NIX_LDFLAGS = stdenv.lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux "-lgcc_s";
preFixup = stdenv.lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
sed 's,-ludev,-L${systemd.lib}/lib -ludev,' -i $out/lib/libusb-1.0.la
meta = {
homepage = http://www.libusb.info;
description = "User-space USB library";
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.unix;
maintainers = [ ];
@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ in rec {
preview = mkStudio rec {
pname = "android-studio-preview";
version = ""; # "Android Studio 3.0 Beta 6"
build = "171.4333198";
sha256Hash = "071a3j0bnsspvhvhh10h9ygay3bi66glriiy8gl8vrwx1dnv55zk";
version = ""; # "Android Studio 3.0 Beta 7"
build = "171.4365657";
sha256Hash = "0am3rq0ag982ik95mpcxvx2zlv0h4l6747b29mlsbqih66868db6";
meta = stable.meta // {
description = "The Official IDE for Android (preview version)";
@ -10171,6 +10171,27 @@
license = lib.licenses.free;
}) {};
company-lean = callPackage ({ company, dash, dash-functional, emacs, f, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, lean-mode, lib, melpaBuild, s }:
melpaBuild {
pname = "company-lean";
version = "20170920.708";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "leanprover";
repo = "lean-mode";
rev = "fa75bf97442a42e76e77fcf1b3c64e58f4f4169a";
sha256 = "1qyg0yjfmpnj8y3bbip3mvlhmh0ccm0j0p3crmb3az84fycvrsnr";
recipeFile = fetchurl {
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/milkypostman/melpa/42f4d6438c8aeb94ebc1782f2f5e2abd17f0ffde/recipes/company-lean";
sha256 = "1hqkn7w5dyznf7i3r3132q8x31r74q188jsm5kdrjqgbwak2p91a";
name = "company-lean";
packageRequires = [ company dash dash-functional emacs f lean-mode s ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://melpa.org/#/company-lean";
license = lib.licenses.free;
}) {};
company-lua = callPackage ({ company, f, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, lib, lua-mode, melpaBuild, s }:
melpaBuild {
pname = "company-lua";
@ -32722,6 +32743,27 @@
license = lib.licenses.free;
}) {};
helm-lean = callPackage ({ dash, emacs, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, helm, lean-mode, lib, melpaBuild }:
melpaBuild {
pname = "helm-lean";
version = "20170919.934";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "leanprover";
repo = "lean-mode";
rev = "fa75bf97442a42e76e77fcf1b3c64e58f4f4169a";
sha256 = "1qyg0yjfmpnj8y3bbip3mvlhmh0ccm0j0p3crmb3az84fycvrsnr";
recipeFile = fetchurl {
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/milkypostman/melpa/42f4d6438c8aeb94ebc1782f2f5e2abd17f0ffde/recipes/helm-lean";
sha256 = "0j5ax14lhlyd9mpqk1jwh7nfp090kj71r045v2qjfaw2fa23b7si";
name = "helm-lean";
packageRequires = [ dash emacs helm lean-mode ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://melpa.org/#/helm-lean";
license = lib.licenses.free;
}) {};
helm-lobsters = callPackage ({ cl-lib ? null, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, helm, lib, melpaBuild }:
melpaBuild {
pname = "helm-lobsters";
@ -41631,6 +41673,27 @@
license = lib.licenses.free;
}) {};
lean-mode = callPackage ({ dash, dash-functional, emacs, f, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, flycheck, lib, melpaBuild, s }:
melpaBuild {
pname = "lean-mode";
version = "20170920.755";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "leanprover";
repo = "lean-mode";
rev = "fa75bf97442a42e76e77fcf1b3c64e58f4f4169a";
sha256 = "1qyg0yjfmpnj8y3bbip3mvlhmh0ccm0j0p3crmb3az84fycvrsnr";
recipeFile = fetchurl {
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/milkypostman/melpa/42f4d6438c8aeb94ebc1782f2f5e2abd17f0ffde/recipes/lean-mode";
sha256 = "0rdraxsirkrzbinjwg4qam15iy3qiixqgwsckngzw8d9a4s9l6sj";
name = "lean-mode";
packageRequires = [ dash dash-functional emacs f flycheck s ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://melpa.org/#/lean-mode";
license = lib.licenses.free;
}) {};
leanote = callPackage ({ async, cl-lib ? null, emacs, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, let-alist, lib, melpaBuild, pcache, request, s }:
melpaBuild {
pname = "leanote";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, gnome3, libtool, intltool, pkgconfig, gtk3, hicolor_icon_theme, wrapGAppsHook } :
version = "2.2";
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "gcolor3-${version}";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "hjdskes";
repo = "gcolor3";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "1rbahsi33pfggpj5cigy6wy5333g3rpm8v2q0b35c6m7pwhmf2gr";
nativeBuildInputs = [ gnome3.gnome_common libtool intltool pkgconfig hicolor_icon_theme wrapGAppsHook ];
buildInputs = [ gtk3 ];
configureScript = "./autogen.sh";
# clang-4.0: error: argument unused during compilation: '-pthread'
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = stdenv.lib.optional stdenv.cc.isClang "-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument";
meta = {
description = "A simple color chooser written in GTK3";
homepage = https://hjdskes.github.io/projects/gcolor3/;
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ jtojnar ];
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.unix;
@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ let
udevRules = callPackage ./udev_rules_type1.nix {};
in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "brscan4-0.4.4-2";
name = "brscan4-0.4.4-4";
src =
if stdenv.system == "i686-linux" then
fetchurl {
url = "http://download.brother.com/welcome/dlf006646/${name}.i386.deb";
sha256 = "1rd6qmg49lvack8rg9kkqs3vxfvvqf2x45h93pkrhk8a4aj5c8ll";
sha256 = "13mhjbzf9nvpdzrc2s98684r7likg76zxs1wlz2h8w59fsqgx4k2";
else if stdenv.system == "x86_64-linux" then
fetchurl {
url = "http://download.brother.com/welcome/dlf006645/${name}.amd64.deb";
sha256 = "1r3cq1k2a2bghibkckmk00x7y59ic31gv7jcsw7380szf1j3la59";
sha256 = "0xy5px96y1saq9l80vwvfn6anr2q42qlxdhm6ci2a0diwib5q9fd";
else throw "${name} is not supported on ${stdenv.system} (only i686-linux and x86_64 linux are supported)";
@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, gtk2, pkgconfig, texinfo }:
{ stdenv, fetchurl, gtk2, libexif, pkgconfig, texinfo }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "xzgv-${version}";
version = "0.9.1";
version = "0.9.2";
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://sourceforge/xzgv/xzgv-${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1rh432wnvzs434knzbda0fslhfx0gngryrrnqkfm6gwd2g5mxcph";
sha256 = "17l1xr9v07ggwga3vn0z1i4lnwjrr20rr8z1kjbw71aaijxl18i5";
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ];
buildInputs = [ gtk2 texinfo ];
patches = [ ./fix-linker-paths.patch ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig texinfo ];
buildInputs = [ gtk2 libexif ];
postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace config.mk \
--replace /usr/local $out
substituteInPlace config.mk \
--replace "CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall" "CFLAGS=-Wall"
substituteInPlace Makefile \
--replace "all: src man" "all: src man info"
preInstall = ''
mkdir -p $out/share/{app-install/desktop,applications,info,pixmaps}
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage = http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv/;
description = "Picture viewer for X with a thumbnail-based selector";
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
taken from http://sourceforge.net/p/xzgv/code/53/tree//trunk/xzgv/src/Makefile?diff=514dada434309d2ec11f5eff:52
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
# This gets definitions for CC, CFLAGS, BINDIR etc.
include ../config.mk
-CFLAGS+=`pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0` `pkg-config --cflags gdk-pixbuf-2.0`
-LDFLAGS+=`pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0` `pkg-config --libs gdk-pixbuf-2.0`
+CFLAGS+=`pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0` `pkg-config --cflags gdk-pixbuf-2.0` \
+ `pkg-config --cflags x11`
+LDFLAGS+=`pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0` `pkg-config --libs gdk-pixbuf-2.0` \
+ `pkg-config --libs x11` -lm
all: xzgv
@@ -23,7 +25,7 @@
xzgv: $(OBJS)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o xzgv $(OBJS)
+ $(CC) -o xzgv $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS)
/bin/sh ../mkinstalldirs $(BINDIR)
@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ in {
terraform_0_10 = pluggable (generic {
version = "0.10.2";
sha256 = "1q7za7jcfqv914a3ynfl7hrqbgwcahgm418kivjrac6p1q26w502";
version = "0.10.7";
sha256 = "0gjvrra255m973nzi7rpqp5dn5npnd79cnv8vjcs7wmkdj1hli0l";
patches = [ ./provider-path.patch ];
passthru = { inherit plugins; };
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-archive";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "1g7bjak1vgxpnmp4b9cb3mq8gqp1a7738fj0sxzflfk8k35p27ri";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "0z85fpd70m2w59vxp82d8ipylaazf6l890rkjca4dm14rkq352zn";
arukas =
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-aws";
version = "0.1.4";
sha256 = "0hqyvp1bgyfqq2lkjq5m5qxybagnxl9zrqiqfnlrfigdp0y31iz8";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "1x3ldlx2iryxwfaws8ng9n0k06p7n8xqc6sjyxw73jdasxbh8wgi";
azure =
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-azurerm";
version = "0.1.6";
sha256 = "01hjr42gpkpwpz0chnkw8pf0yid0hqpdnfz65q5h2p8h627hg0c6";
version = "0.2.2";
sha256 = "1jdkj1zylrlcd2qkfkl81i0ybdpmvbvvsk0f4ahafiqp550srf2d";
bitbucket =
@ -102,15 +102,15 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-consul";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "1d179m42iv2dy6wjzldllffwg6qxbg6gnvxrp6nzy75v7qp2aq94";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "1008lrvdqn3kk8gwvq094nwknh00b429jmwi0hq4brick7vyvbvz";
datadog =
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-datadog";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "1k3p0zxffhabs1xb6aw9189vbmh3ax10q4xi1qgjfjvla22byqmk";
version = "0.1.1";
sha256 = "0nyqybi3fl9qlhpx2n0vjz7kn3bqhf4wy93zhq3j3853zxpcjpzc";
digitalocean =
@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-dns";
version = "0.1.1";
sha256 = "0ccp02rbvfvrb808mg053q5y7ghvxsl7p1gzw7pkm934i6j90g9n";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "05ismwpmpkv9qxn6g5i29y18s1pw4yf2pyvv9ak8hj8idh4z6gz2";
dnsimple =
@ -151,15 +151,15 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-dyn";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "1w727r2gz5hjmbzw9zir0n5nrr818adh4qj50n3vijqwbxciyq2p";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "0ph3516syca8f1zxmz66mh6y5kd8sc74kl0n8zixcgd6rvq0dysr";
external =
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-external";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "160f0avv6wbh11z54wy0qcq0zrcj4s31kn7a9x6zikv7v4hfnbza";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "1sh0m8d6wp76h1b89j820yl3caji0f0wlgq3pwa5nk99h73rlndn";
fastly =
@ -186,8 +186,8 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-google";
version = "0.1.3";
sha256 = "1aa1hz0yc4g746m6dl04hc70rcrzx0py8kpdch3kim475bspclnf";
version = "1.0.1";
sha256 = "0l0bpcfjnzlgf3g60iyfr3axw0244w99cf04z7y3bcszk5njipri";
grafana =
@ -207,8 +207,8 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-http";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "1iy5fsl1j4wswbajnw0k6lagc2sz52idnswj1vmfc66x87ls0mah";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "1lks997sxfydm6a9s6vfyljs3j1r7qpg1k1s5ilpg5ckv77nad6g";
icinga2 =
@ -221,8 +221,8 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-ignition";
version = "0.2.0";
sha256 = "07qsyjzbz34nh7qrmw97sg0zrqbchky9r3ywrdz96pmpr1yjmwr7";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "0hr2zshrx4qfb7xdknsxsa4522kkf84rsqqbliz7ac9nsqpaarf4";
influxdb =
@ -249,8 +249,8 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-local";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "02m0wg0jasnzrayamjsc2hzi0ibj83v4d0hmw2xbrxk7vmk71lgq";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "1dxdpmai8f0g1gj6khgv769lhg6ssfmgqskg4c5qf1jnv8yn8mkd";
logentries =
@ -284,8 +284,8 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-nomad";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "03sb31l59hxpp6zmnizxdm21jipz4mrzz9czk6ahhx7c8q0n0na8";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "01fvw7yw8dhjclipnn9h1blagbp2849ahmnqj3ysh13i0x1qbq4r";
ns1 =
@ -298,8 +298,8 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-null";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "069yhsqi4jc14cay1gk7mwwmrg8xv90kj1k5qy3a2ypfbss4fcjp";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "12vpa09xrq8z1pjq0bwzq3889c4fl6c5kvynwqy0z1pdx21m60ha";
oneandone =
@ -312,15 +312,15 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-opc";
version = "0.1.2";
sha256 = "0c4ywav89lln9417zwflrp3qhcs7qf96rgcvm1msmpgglrhzwp2i";
version = "0.1.3";
sha256 = "00h531pikjrmra2sr24lnx2z0dvycshd0qpz3wa733mkvvm47p07";
openstack =
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-openstack";
version = "0.2.1";
sha256 = "1zsswsgv7lzhfd0v8llbm18gsfg6xji0r3f9rnvpjqkffj4088ca";
version = "0.2.2";
sha256 = "1027pqv1cvyvakn4kgivd720g9na38nam5bb5fjyd4d04xpq9v90";
opsgenie =
@ -340,8 +340,8 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-packet";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "0dk10d4b10pdlhqgm6fqg0cn0ff78ss1x76inj6gfwrnbn2amhp0";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "0ibz9k1yfqkfsmqmv1pl2jwzbld0l6f7zd8y80iw0v5wswclswya";
pagerduty =
@ -375,22 +375,22 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-rabbitmq";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "0vn8456f2al1f6rs1gn157c86qz1fxz8sqphbr9lvdhy1jw1q2vp";
version = "0.2.0";
sha256 = "1pbib43d1iqy8xl03zqwnz77362cb9cq8awcpid714n1sz7nd4im";
rancher =
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-rancher";
version = "0.2.0";
sha256 = "05aci6cjrs7rv6hqhvcqy1i0nr8azds8flnrc7vba0nyy6v192qg";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "1fs8p0l8f79b1s2g0p5zlq1has9i7w3bmv76vrm79076v7w2v0d6";
random =
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-random";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "1lbv5yiw4qfsqm3gxf37gwadgp7g6ki0n70mj00d8l6v6jd0mdl5";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "0im4dsnbpbc9qln92lxcrygm9d705bvlhigpx492172cq1fqnw61";
rundeck =
@ -431,29 +431,29 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-template";
version = "0.1.1";
sha256 = "1qrslnkvcj18jzxmsbf72gm54s8dnw5k5z15nffwgy09vv7mzpcn";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "0jl6bp6gwg96sdk5j6s13vv1j9gxjpy2yva3barmzv9138i665mz";
terraform =
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-terraform";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "1w465853gwffpydb7idvg7bk8ygadgy08s04fxsqc8i2683jbpiz";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "0icyyi4h48yh5235p5svm4p0jzbqqm1f3846dqy37czhjfcrn3gh";
tls =
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-tls";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "1n1k4dcqm8lp7mgj88xj8xc09mn769np4wg3cggnpcs6igbgdgg7";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "063ai5zipmkwq0nr5c25gqsr970r8aba12ynxg9x8cnay0zn9s95";
triton =
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-triton";
version = "0.1.2";
sha256 = "1jyrmc7932w7d8q96lmd0axf32psfic5d7hmwm1a25vzjzfn9nlw";
version = "0.2.1";
sha256 = "0ds2anr65xx9kdjv6x68lcxgl3js6l0m2cbx3kwx5465m01m3gxz";
ultradns =
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@
owner = "terraform-providers";
repo = "terraform-provider-vsphere";
version = "0.2.2";
sha256 = "0d5d4wip57zmv9kqh4zr9mz8ylffa2qcf1vmx827rwyqdr25xvaz";
version = "0.4.1";
sha256 = "0afxvjx9zb9ym0cs8j15s6nfp20rmmifjdc098wcfjmgnw6p7f01";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
stableVersion = "2.0.3";
previewVersion = "2.1.0rc1";
previewVersion = "2.1.0rc2";
addVersion = args:
let version = if args.stable then stableVersion else previewVersion;
branch = if args.stable then "stable" else "preview";
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ in {
guiPreview = mkGui {
stable = false;
sha256Hash = "0rmvanzc0fjw9giqwnf98yc49cxaz637w8b865dv08lcf1fg9j8l";
sha256Hash = "1frfhys5s5lnqzk216y3wj2pli5g3b5imfzcmddxdcibksx13i17";
serverStable = mkServer {
@ -25,6 +25,6 @@ in {
serverPreview = mkServer {
stable = false;
sha256Hash = "181689fpjxq4hy2lyxk4zciqhgnhj5srvb4xsxdlbf68n89fj2zf";
sha256Hash = "0vm4hir8yqj7xhykgg3x5rv1nj1qq6sg19sjj7r5w60brrlsw7v9";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
{ stdenv, buildGoPackage, fetchFromGitHub }:
buildGoPackage rec {
name = "ipfs-migrator-${version}";
version = "6";
goPackagePath = "github.com/ipfs/fs-repo-migrations";
goDeps = ./deps.nix;
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "ipfs";
repo = "fs-repo-migrations";
rev = "a89e9769b9cac25ad9ca31c7e9a4445c7966d35b";
sha256 = "0x4mbkx7wlqjmkg6852hljq947v9y9k3hjd5yfj7kka1hpvxd7bn";
patches = [ ./lru-repo-path-fix.patch ];
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Migration tool for ipfs repositories";
homepage = https://ipfs.io/;
license = licenses.mit;
platforms = platforms.unix;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ elitak ];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
goPackagePath = "github.com/dustin/go-humanize";
fetch = {
type = "git";
url = https://github.com/dustin/go-humanize;
rev = "79e699ccd02f240a1f1fbbdcee7e64c1c12e41aa";
sha256 = "0awfqszgjw8qrdw31v74jnvj1jbp7czhd8aq59j57yyj4hy50fzj";
goPackagePath = "github.com/jbenet/goprocess";
fetch = {
type = "git";
url = https://github.com/jbenet/goprocess;
rev = "b497e2f366b8624394fb2e89c10ab607bebdde0b";
sha256 = "1lnvkzki7vnqn5c4m6bigk0k85haicmg27w903kwg30rdvblm82s";
goPackagePath = "github.com/jbenet/go-random";
fetch = {
type = "git";
url = https://github.com/jbenet/go-random;
rev = "384f606e91f542a98e779e652eed88051618f0f7";
sha256 = "0gcshzl9n3apzc0jaxqrjsc038yfrzfyhpdqgbpcnajin83l2msa";
goPackagePath = "github.com/jbenet/go-random-files";
fetch = {
type = "git";
url = https://github.com/jbenet/go-random-files;
rev = "737479700b40b4b50e914e963ce8d9d44603e3c8";
sha256 = "1klpdc4qkrfy31r7qh00fcz42blswzabmcnry9byd5adhszxj9bw";
goPackagePath = "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru";
fetch = {
type = "git";
url = https://github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru;
rev = "0a025b7e63adc15a622f29b0b2c4c3848243bbf6";
sha256 = "1iq7lbpsz7ks052mpznmkf8s4k43p51z4dik2n9ivrxk666q2wxi";
goPackagePath = "golang.org/x/net";
fetch = {
type = "git";
url = "https://go.googlesource.com/net";
rev = "71a035914f99bb58fe82eac0f1289f10963d876c";
sha256 = "06m16c9vkwc8m2mcxcxa7p8mb26ikc810lgzd5m8k1r6lp3hc8wm";
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/ipfs-1-to-2/go-datastore/lru/datastore.go b/ipfs-1-to-2/go-datastore/lru/datastore.go
index 7eb18eb..cd8dcb7 100644
--- a/ipfs-1-to-2/go-datastore/lru/datastore.go
+++ b/ipfs-1-to-2/go-datastore/lru/datastore.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package lru
import (
- lru "github.com/ipfs/fs-repo-migrations/ipfs-1-to-2/golang-lru"
+ lru "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru"
ds "github.com/ipfs/fs-repo-migrations/ipfs-1-to-2/go-datastore"
dsq "github.com/ipfs/fs-repo-migrations/ipfs-1-to-2/go-datastore/query"
@ -1,37 +1,20 @@
{stdenv, fetchgit, qt4, cmake, libxml2, libxslt}:
srcComponents = fetchgit {
url = git://caneda.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/caneda/components;
rev = "34cd36b620e0dfc57ba2d2b6168734ea9a2cfa9a";
sha256 = "840f07921eecbf10e38e44e5c61c716295a16c98fbb75016d9a44e7dfee40e59";
{stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, cmake, qtbase, qttools, qtsvg, qwt }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "caneda-git-2012-02-16";
name = "caneda-${version}";
version = "0.3.1";
src = fetchgit {
url = git://caneda.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/caneda/caneda;
rev = "fff9e2f7988fe5d062548cafeda1e5cd660769d1";
sha256 = "dfbcac97f5a1b41ad9a63392394f37fb294cbf78c576673c9bc4a5370957b2c8";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "Caneda";
repo = "Caneda";
rev = version;
sha256 = "0hx8qid50j9xvg2kpbpqmbdyakgyjn6m373m1cvhp70v2gp1v8l2";
hardeningDisable = [ "format" ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
buildInputs = [ qtbase qttools qtsvg qwt ];
buildInputs = [ cmake qt4 libxml2 libxslt ];
patches = [
postInstall = ''
mkdir $out/share/caneda/components
cp -R ${srcComponents}/* $out/share/caneda/components
chmod u+w -R $out/share/caneda/components
enableParallelBuilding = true;
meta = {
description = "Open source EDA software focused on easy of use and portability";
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
, patchelf
, requireFile
, alsaLib
, dbus
, fontconfig
, freetype
, gcc
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
, opencv
, openssl
, unixODBC
, xkeyboard_config
, xorg
, zlib
, libxml2
@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ let
throw "Mathematica requires i686-linux or x86_64 linux";
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "11.0.1";
version = "11.2.0";
name = "mathematica-${version}";
@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
already part of the store. Find the file on your Mathematica CD
and add it to the nix store with nix-store --add-fixed sha256 <FILE>.
sha256 = "1qqwz8gbw74rnnyirpbdanwx3d25s4x0i4zc7bs6kp959x66cdkw";
sha256 = "4a1293cc1c404303aa1cab1bd273c7be151d37ac5ed928fbbb18e9c5ab2d8df9";
buildInputs = [
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
@ -100,6 +104,12 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
for path in mathematica MathKernel Mathematica WolframKernel wolfram math; do
sed -i -e 's#export LD_LIBRARY_PATH$#export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${zlib}/lib:\''${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}#' $path
# Fix xkeyboard config path for Qt
for path in mathematica Mathematica; do
line=$(grep -n QT_PLUGIN_PATH $path | sed 's/:.*//')
sed -i -e "$line iexport QT_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT=\"${xkeyboard_config}/share/X11/xkb\"" $path
preFixup = ''
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, rustPlatform, cargo, libXinerama, libX11, xlibs, pkgconfig }:
rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
name = "wtftw-0.0pre20161001";
name = "wtftw-0.0pre20170921";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "kintaro";
repo = "wtftw";
rev = "b72a1bd24430a614d953d6ecf61732805277cc0c";
sha256 = "1ajxkncqh4azyhmsdyk07r1kbhwv81vl1ix3w4iaz8cyln4gs0kp";
rev = "13712d4c051938520b90b6639d4ff813f6fe5f48";
sha256 = "1r74nhcwiy2rmifzjhdal3jcqz4jz48nfvhdyw4gasa6nxp3msdl";
depsSha256 = "0z7h8ybh2db3xl8qxbzby5lncdaijixzmbn1j8a45lbky1xiix71";
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
cp -p target/release/wtftw $out/bin/
echo "[Desktop Entry]
DesktopName=wtftw" > $out/share/xsessions/wtftw.desktop
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ fetchurl ({
"$tmpfile" > "$out"
${args.postFetch or ""}
} // builtins.removeAttrs args ["stripLen" "addPrefixes" "excludes"])
} // builtins.removeAttrs args ["stripLen" "addPrefixes" "excludes" "postFetch"])
@ -1,81 +1,71 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, boehmgc, libatomic_ops, pcre, libevent, libiconv, llvm_4, makeWrapper }:
{ stdenv, fetchurl, boehmgc, libatomic_ops, pcre, libevent, libiconv, llvm, makeWrapper }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "0.23.0";
name = "crystal-${version}-1";
arch =
"x86_64-linux" = "linux-x86_64";
"i686-linux" = "linux-i686";
"x86_64-darwin" = "darwin-x86_64";
}."${stdenv.system}" or (throw "system ${stdenv.system} not supported");
prebuiltBinary = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/releases/download/${version}/crystal-${version}-1-${arch}.tar.gz";
sha256 =
"x86_64-linux" = "0nhs7swbll8hrk15kmmywngkhij80x62axiskb1gjmiwvzhlh0qx";
"i686-linux" = "03xp8d3lqflzzm26lpdn4yavj87qzgd6xyrqxp2pn9ybwrq8fx8a";
"x86_64-darwin" = "1prz6c1gs8z7dgpdy2id2mjn1c8f5p2bf9b39985bav448njbyjz";
}."${stdenv.system}" or (throw "system ${stdenv.system} not supported");
name = "crystal-${version}";
version = "0.23.1";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/archive/${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "05ymwmjkl1b4m888p725kybpiap5ag2vj8l07d59j02inm5r0rcv";
sha256 = "8cf1b9a4eab29fca2f779ea186ae18f7ce444ce189c621925fa1a0c61dd5ff55";
prebuiltName = "crystal-0.23.0-1";
prebuiltSrc = let arch = {
"x86_64-linux" = "linux-x86_64";
"i686-linux" = "linux-i686";
"x86_64-darwin" = "darwin-x86_64";
}."${stdenv.system}" or (throw "system ${stdenv.system} not supported");
in fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/releases/download/0.23.0/${prebuiltName}-${arch}.tar.gz";
sha256 = {
"x86_64-linux" = "0nhs7swbll8hrk15kmmywngkhij80x62axiskb1gjmiwvzhlh0qx";
"i686-linux" = "03xp8d3lqflzzm26lpdn4yavj87qzgd6xyrqxp2pn9ybwrq8fx8a";
"x86_64-darwin" = "1prz6c1gs8z7dgpdy2id2mjn1c8f5p2bf9b39985bav448njbyjz";
srcs = [ src prebuiltSrc ];
# crystal on Darwin needs libiconv to build
buildInputs = [
boehmgc libatomic_ops pcre libevent llvm_4 makeWrapper
libs = [
boehmgc libatomic_ops pcre libevent
] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
libPath = stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath ([
boehmgc libatomic_ops pcre libevent
] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
unpackPhase = ''
tar zxf ${src}
tar zxf ${prebuiltBinary}
buildInputs = libs ++ [ llvm ];
sourceRoot = ".";
libPath = stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath libs;
sourceRoot = "${name}";
fixPrebuiltBinary = if stdenv.isDarwin then ''
wrapProgram $(pwd)/crystal-${version}-1/embedded/bin/crystal \
wrapProgram ../${prebuiltName}/embedded/bin/crystal \
--suffix DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH : $libPath
else ''
patchelf --set-interpreter $(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker) \
patchelf --set-rpath ${ stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath [ stdenv.cc.cc ] } \
buildPhase = ''
# patch the script which launches the prebuilt compiler
substituteInPlace $(pwd)/crystal-${version}-1/bin/crystal --replace \
"/usr/bin/env bash" "${stdenv.shell}"
substituteInPlace $(pwd)/crystal-${version}/bin/crystal --replace \
"/usr/bin/env bash" "${stdenv.shell}"
preBuild = ''
patchShebangs bin/crystal
patchShebangs ../${prebuiltName}/bin/crystal
cd crystal-${version}
make release=1 PATH="../crystal-${version}-1/bin:$PATH"
make doc
export PATH="$(pwd)/../${prebuiltName}/bin:$PATH"
makeFlags = [ "CRYSTAL_CONFIG_VERSION=${version}" "release=1" "all" "doc" ];
installPhase = ''
install -Dm755 .build/crystal $out/bin/crystal
wrapProgram $out/bin/crystal \
--suffix CRYSTAL_PATH : $out/lib/crystal \
--suffix LIBRARY_PATH : $libPath
install -dm755 $out/lib/crystal
cp -r src/* $out/lib/crystal/
@ -93,12 +83,13 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
dontStrip = true;
enableParallelBuilding = true;
meta = {
description = "A compiled language with Ruby like syntax and type inference";
homepage = https://crystal-lang.org/;
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ sifmelcara ];
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ sifmelcara david50407 ];
platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux" "x86_64-darwin" ];
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "sbcl-${version}";
version = "1.3.21";
version = "1.4.0";
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://sourceforge/project/sbcl/sbcl/${version}/${name}-source.tar.bz2";
sha256 = "13hmavfmxsqp2s89aa6kljpgjm6c2063bgrz0maq1ms1y3052k38";
sha256 = "0s87ax5hg9hz6b8kc9yrjckgz56s9iv96l2dcq216cbqkykrrm88";
patchPhase = ''
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ in
buildInputs = [ erlang rebar makeWrapper ];
LOCALE_ARCHIVE = stdenv.lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux
LANG = "en_US.UTF-8";
LC_TYPE = "en_US.UTF-8";
@ -30,8 +32,8 @@ in
inherit debugInfo;
buildFlags = if debugInfo
then "ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS=debug_info"
else "";
then "ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS=debug_info"
else "";
preBuild = ''
# The build process uses ./rebar. Link it to the nixpkgs rebar
@ -1,33 +1,25 @@
{stdenv, fetchurl, unzip}:
{ stdenv, fetchurl, unzip }:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
# The 'src' expects amrwb 700, but there is only 710 available now,
# so I guess in 3gpp they updated to 7.1.0, but amrwb did not update the libraries.
# I guess amrwb uses the first version numbers to match those of 3gpp,
# so I set the name to in this case
name = "amrwb-";
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "amrwb-${version}";
version = "";
srcAmr = fetchurl {
url = http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/latest/Rel-7/26_series/26204-710.zip;
sha256 = "1wnx72m20y8bdlyndyy8rskr0hi4llk1h1hcr34awxfmi9l4922i";
url = http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/archive/26_series/26.204/26204-b00.zip;
sha256 = "1v4zhs6f1mf1xkrzhljh05890in0rpr5d5pcak9h4igxhd2c91f8";
src = fetchurl {
url = http://www.penguin.cz/~utx/ftp/amr/amrwb-;
sha256 = "0nn94i3gw3d5fgks43wdhshdlhpd4rcrzj46f2vsby0viwkxxp8z";
url = "http://www.penguin.cz/~utx/ftp/amr/amrwb-${version}.tar.bz2";
sha256 = "1p6m9nd08mv525w14py9qzs9zwsa5i3vxf5bgcmcvc408jqmkbsw";
buildInputs = [ unzip ];
patchPhase = ''
sed -i s/26204-700/26204-710/g Makefile.am Makefile.in configure configure.ac \
configureFlags = [ "--cache-file=config.cache" "--with-downloader=true" ];
postConfigure = ''
cp $srcAmr 26204-710.zip
cp $srcAmr 26204-b00.zip
meta = {
@ -1,16 +1,24 @@
{stdenv, fetchurl}:
{stdenv, fetchurl, fetchpatch}:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "libxdg-basedir-1.0.2";
name = "libxdg-basedir-1.2.0";
src = fetchurl {
url = "http://n.ethz.ch/student/nevillm/download/libxdg-basedir/${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0fibbzba228gdk05lfi8cgfrsp80a2gnjbwka0pzpkig0fz8pp9i";
url = "https://nevill.ch/libxdg-basedir/downloads/${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "2757a949618742d80ac59ee2f0d946adc6e71576406cdf798e6ced507708cdf4";
meta = {
homepage = http://n.ethz.ch/student/nevillm/download/libxdg-basedir/;
patches = [
# Overflow bug
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://github.com/devnev/libxdg-basedir/commit/14e000f696ef8b83264b0ca4407669bdb365fb23.patch";
sha256 = "0lpy1ijir0x0hhb0fz0w5vxy1wl1cw9kkd6gva0rkp41i6vrp2wq";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage = https://github.com/devnev/libxdg-basedir;
description = "Implementation of the XDG Base Directory specification";
license = "BSD";
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.unix;
license = licenses.mit;
platforms = platforms.unix;
@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ else
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "ocaml${ocaml.version}-ocaml-migrate-parsetree-${version}";
version = "1.0.4";
version = "1.0.5";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "let-def";
repo = "ocaml-migrate-parsetree";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "0xwjll827anqngnqy746m2pd44mkhsaaqaqbir6z91xcqix2isvy";
sha256 = "1wj66nb16zijacpfrcm7yi0hlg315v71nxri3ia7r0sa3mlzxl34";
buildInputs = [ ocaml findlib ocamlbuild jbuilder ];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, readline, ncurses }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "devtodo-${version}";
version = "0.1.20";
src = fetchurl {
url = "http://swapoff.org/files/devtodo/${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "029y173njydzlznxmdizrrz4wcky47vqhl87fsb7xjcz9726m71p";
buildInputs = [ readline ncurses ];
enableParallelBuilding = true;
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage = http://swapoff.org/devtodo1.html;
description = "A hierarchical command-line task manager";
license = licenses.gpl2;
maintainers = [ maintainers.woffs ];
platforms = platforms.all;
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
# jq is linked to libjq:
configureFlags = stdenv.lib.optional (!stdenv.isDarwin) "LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,\\\${libdir}";
installCheckPhase = "$out/bin/jq --help";
doInstallCheck = true;
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = ''A lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor'';
license = licenses.mit;
@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
{ stdenv, buildGoPackage, fetchFromGitHub }:
buildGoPackage rec {
name = "packer-${version}";
version = "1.0.3";
version = "1.1.0";
goPackagePath = "github.com/mitchellh/packer";
goPackagePath = "github.com/hashicorp/packer";
subPackages = [ "." ];
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "mitchellh";
owner = "hashicorp";
repo = "packer";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "1bd0rv93pxlv58c0x1d4dsjq4pg5qwrm2p7qw83pca7izlncgvfr";
sha256 = "09hwq6dxyzhpl97akwbb02bjrisz9rf296avg5zj2p5qdsf4y777";
goDeps = ./deps.nix;
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "A tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration";
homepage = https://www.packer.io;
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
goPackagePath = "github.com/hashicorp/packer";
fetch = {
type = "git";
url = "https://github.com/hashicorp/packer";
rev = "07decf99adc272a386e3a013846248810d9aa690";
sha256 = "17rrzrlr48spadb9fymn1a0blqggs2mfmqbwfxs0pnw66mhd0fzz";
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
buildGoPackage rec {
name = "fscrypt-${version}";
version = "0.2.1";
version = "0.2.2";
goPackagePath = "github.com/google/fscrypt";
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ buildGoPackage rec {
owner = "google";
repo = "fscrypt";
rev = version;
sha256 = "0ais6l0dxinnspi6cjnzyk55cdkfsz2bzbaybg6cb4q8a5kzaccq";
sha256 = "0a85vj1zsybhzvvgdvlw6ywh2a6inmrmc95pfa1js4vkx0ixf1kh";
buildInputs = [ libargon2 pam ];
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "emby-${version}";
version = "";
version = "";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby/releases/download/${version}/Emby.Mono.zip";
sha256 = "0bwcqwh9g8yrkh1schfr30jf5m2w3r2raczq5x94vjfs8i6dmqh0";
sha256 = "1f8rcpbj6j46d46r6pmxvwz0mzxcjra47zx4ffvk8vi78m8kr56g";
buildInputs = with pkgs; [
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "pgjwt-${version}";
version = "0.0.1";
version = "unstable-2017-04-24";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "michelp";
repo = "pgjwt";
rev = "12a41eef15e6d3a22399e03178560d5174d496a3";
sha256 = "1dgx7kqkf9d7j5qj3xykx238xm8jg0s6c8h7zyl4lx8dmbz9sgsv";
rev = "546a2911027b716586e241be7fd4c6f1785237cd";
sha256 = "1riz0xvwb6y02j0fljbr9hcbqb2jqs4njlivmavy9ysbcrrv1vrf";
dontBuild = true;
installPhase = ''
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, postgresql, perl, perlPackages, which }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "pgtap-${version}";
version = "0.97.0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "theory";
repo = "pgtap";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "1vzc8pxzi0rbywmrvx7i5awngsvzcz75i4jl9bk2vqr223chax6f";
nativeBuildInputs = [ postgresql perl perlPackages.TAPParserSourceHandlerpgTAP which ];
installPhase = ''
install -D {sql/pgtap--${version}.sql,pgtap.control} -t $out/share/extension
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "pgTAP is a unit testing framework for PostgreSQL";
longDescription = ''
pgTAP is a unit testing framework for PostgreSQL written in PL/pgSQL and PL/SQL.
It includes a comprehensive collection of TAP-emitting assertion functions,
as well as the ability to integrate with other TAP-emitting test frameworks.
It can also be used in the xUnit testing style.
maintainers = with maintainers; [ willibutz ];
homepage = http://pgtap.org;
inherit (postgresql.meta) platforms;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'fastlane'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
remote: https://rubygems.org/
CFPropertyList (2.3.5)
addressable (2.5.2)
public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 4.0)
babosa (1.0.2)
claide (1.0.2)
colored (1.2)
colored2 (3.1.2)
commander-fastlane (4.4.5)
highline (~> 1.7.2)
declarative (0.0.10)
declarative-option (0.1.0)
domain_name (0.5.20170404)
unf (>= 0.0.5, < 1.0.0)
dotenv (2.2.1)
excon (0.59.0)
faraday (0.13.1)
multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
faraday-cookie_jar (0.0.6)
faraday (>= 0.7.4)
http-cookie (~> 1.0.0)
faraday_middleware (0.12.2)
faraday (>= 0.7.4, < 1.0)
fastimage (2.1.0)
fastlane (2.60.1)
CFPropertyList (>= 2.3, < 3.0.0)
addressable (>= 2.3, < 3.0.0)
babosa (>= 1.0.2, < 2.0.0)
bundler (>= 1.12.0, < 2.0.0)
commander-fastlane (>= 4.4.5, < 5.0.0)
dotenv (>= 2.1.1, < 3.0.0)
excon (>= 0.45.0, < 1.0.0)
faraday (~> 0.9)
faraday-cookie_jar (~> 0.0.6)
faraday_middleware (~> 0.9)
fastimage (>= 2.1.0, < 3.0.0)
gh_inspector (>= 1.0.1, < 2.0.0)
google-api-client (>= 0.13.1, < 0.14.0)
highline (>= 1.7.2, < 2.0.0)
json (< 3.0.0)
mini_magick (~> 4.5.1)
multi_xml (~> 0.5)
multipart-post (~> 2.0.0)
plist (>= 3.1.0, < 4.0.0)
public_suffix (~> 2.0.0)
rubyzip (>= 1.1.0, < 2.0.0)
security (= 0.1.3)
slack-notifier (>= 1.3, < 2.0.0)
terminal-notifier (>= 1.6.2, < 2.0.0)
terminal-table (>= 1.4.5, < 2.0.0)
tty-screen (~> 0.5.0)
word_wrap (~> 1.0.0)
xcodeproj (>= 1.5.0, < 2.0.0)
xcpretty (>= 0.2.4, < 1.0.0)
xcpretty-travis-formatter (>= 0.0.3)
gh_inspector (1.0.3)
google-api-client (0.13.6)
addressable (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.1)
googleauth (~> 0.5)
httpclient (>= 2.8.1, < 3.0)
mime-types (~> 3.0)
representable (~> 3.0)
retriable (>= 2.0, < 4.0)
googleauth (0.5.3)
faraday (~> 0.12)
jwt (~> 1.4)
logging (~> 2.0)
memoist (~> 0.12)
multi_json (~> 1.11)
os (~> 0.9)
signet (~> 0.7)
highline (1.7.8)
http-cookie (1.0.3)
domain_name (~> 0.5)
httpclient (2.8.3)
json (2.1.0)
jwt (1.5.6)
little-plugger (1.1.4)
logging (2.2.2)
little-plugger (~> 1.1)
multi_json (~> 1.10)
memoist (0.16.0)
mime-types (3.1)
mime-types-data (~> 3.2015)
mime-types-data (3.2016.0521)
mini_magick (4.5.1)
multi_json (1.12.2)
multi_xml (0.6.0)
multipart-post (2.0.0)
nanaimo (0.2.3)
os (0.9.6)
plist (3.3.0)
public_suffix (2.0.5)
representable (3.0.4)
declarative (< 0.1.0)
declarative-option (< 0.2.0)
uber (< 0.2.0)
retriable (3.1.1)
rouge (2.0.7)
rubyzip (1.2.1)
security (0.1.3)
signet (0.7.3)
addressable (~> 2.3)
faraday (~> 0.9)
jwt (~> 1.5)
multi_json (~> 1.10)
slack-notifier (1.5.1)
terminal-notifier (1.8.0)
terminal-table (1.8.0)
unicode-display_width (~> 1.1, >= 1.1.1)
tty-screen (0.5.0)
uber (0.1.0)
unf (0.1.4)
unf_ext (
unicode-display_width (1.3.0)
word_wrap (1.0.0)
xcodeproj (1.5.2)
CFPropertyList (~> 2.3.3)
claide (>= 1.0.2, < 2.0)
colored2 (~> 3.1)
nanaimo (~> 0.2.3)
xcpretty (0.2.8)
rouge (~> 2.0.7)
xcpretty-travis-formatter (0.0.4)
xcpretty (~> 0.2, >= 0.0.7)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
{ lib, bundlerEnv, ruby }:
bundlerEnv rec {
inherit ruby;
pname = "fastlane";
gemdir = ./.;
meta = with lib; {
description = "A tool to automate building and releasing iOS and Android apps";
longDescription = "fastlane is a tool for iOS and Android developers to automate tedious tasks like generating screenshots, dealing with provisioning profiles, and releasing your application.";
homepage = https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane;
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
addressable = {
dependencies = ["public_suffix"];
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0viqszpkggqi8hq87pqp0xykhvz60g99nwmkwsb0v45kc2liwxvk";
type = "gem";
version = "2.5.2";
babosa = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "05rgxg4pz4bc4xk34w5grv0yp1j94wf571w84lf3xgqcbs42ip2f";
type = "gem";
version = "1.0.2";
CFPropertyList = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "06dddgcai6nay552h8wmnb2m93xx5hni48s16vkbf9vbym4nfw5x";
type = "gem";
version = "2.3.5";
claide = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0az54rp691hc42yl1xyix2cxv58byhaaf4gxbpghvvq29l476rzc";
type = "gem";
version = "1.0.2";
colored = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0b0x5jmsyi0z69bm6sij1k89z7h0laag3cb4mdn7zkl9qmxb90lx";
type = "gem";
version = "1.2";
colored2 = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0jlbqa9q4mvrm73aw9mxh23ygzbjiqwisl32d8szfb5fxvbjng5i";
type = "gem";
version = "3.1.2";
commander-fastlane = {
dependencies = ["highline"];
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "04gpg733wv878acvrzp4kc3k934v10l3v8bcz3fjq5imjsrjdnbp";
type = "gem";
version = "4.4.5";
declarative = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0642xvwzzbgi3kp1bg467wma4g3xqrrn0sk369hjam7w579gnv5j";
type = "gem";
version = "0.0.10";
declarative-option = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "1g4ibxq566f1frnhdymzi9hxxcm4g2gw4n21mpjk2mhwym4q6l0p";
type = "gem";
version = "0.1.0";
domain_name = {
dependencies = ["unf"];
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "12hs8yijhak7p2hf1xkh98g0mnp5phq3mrrhywzaxpwz1gw5r3kf";
type = "gem";
version = "0.5.20170404";
dotenv = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
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excon = {
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sha256 = "0mnc9lqlzwqj5ayp0lh7impisqm55mdg3mw5q4gi9yjic5sidc40";
type = "gem";
version = "0.59.0";
faraday = {
dependencies = ["multipart-post"];
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remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
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remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "1sg8xh1rjigiq438knkpdq685kyw34ki3h7baj65qh9mkkc8drxy";
type = "gem";
version = "2.60.1";
gh_inspector = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "1lxvp8xpjd2cazzcp90phy567spp4v41bnk9awgx8absndv70k1x";
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version = "0.13.6";
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remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "004cgs4xg5n6byjs7qld0xhsjq3n6ydfh897myr2mibvh6fjc49g";
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version = "1.0.3";
httpclient = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "19mxmvghp7ki3klsxwrlwr431li7hm1lczhhj8z4qihl2acy8l99";
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version = "2.8.3";
json = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "01v6jjpvh3gnq6sgllpfqahlgxzj50ailwhj9b3cd20hi2dx0vxp";
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version = "2.1.0";
jwt = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "124zz1142bi2if7hl5pcrcamwchv4icyr5kaal9m2q6wqbdl6aw4";
type = "gem";
version = "1.5.6";
little-plugger = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "1frilv82dyxnlg8k1jhrvyd73l6k17mxc5vwxx080r4x1p04gwym";
type = "gem";
version = "1.1.4";
logging = {
dependencies = ["little-plugger" "multi_json"];
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "06j6iaj89h9jhkx1x3hlswqrfnqds8br05xb1qra69dpvbdmjcwn";
type = "gem";
version = "2.2.2";
memoist = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0pq8fhqh8w25qcw9v3vzfb0i6jp0k3949ahxc3wrwz2791dpbgbh";
type = "gem";
version = "0.16.0";
mime-types = {
dependencies = ["mime-types-data"];
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0087z9kbnlqhci7fxh9f6il63hj1k02icq2rs0c6cppmqchr753m";
type = "gem";
version = "3.1";
mime-types-data = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "04my3746hwa4yvbx1ranhfaqkgf6vavi1kyijjnw8w3dy37vqhkm";
type = "gem";
version = "3.2016.0521";
mini_magick = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "1a59k5l29vj060yscaqk370rg5vyr132kbw6x3zar7khzjqjqd8p";
type = "gem";
version = "4.5.1";
multi_json = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "1raim9ddjh672m32psaa9niw67ywzjbxbdb8iijx3wv9k5b0pk2x";
type = "gem";
version = "1.12.2";
multi_xml = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0lmd4f401mvravi1i1yq7b2qjjli0yq7dfc4p1nj5nwajp7r6hyj";
type = "gem";
version = "0.6.0";
multipart-post = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "09k0b3cybqilk1gwrwwain95rdypixb2q9w65gd44gfzsd84xi1x";
type = "gem";
version = "2.0.0";
nanaimo = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0z6rbji02x75vm5jw4hbpp75khp4z5yfgbaz1h9l8aa00hqf0fxd";
type = "gem";
version = "0.2.3";
os = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "1llv8w3g2jwggdxr5a5cjkrnbbfnvai3vxacxxc0fy84xmz3hymz";
type = "gem";
version = "0.9.6";
plist = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0k0pyqrjcz9kn1b3ahsfs9aqym7s7yzz0vavya0zn0mca3jw2zqc";
type = "gem";
version = "3.3.0";
public_suffix = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "040jf98jpp6w140ghkhw2hvc1qx41zvywx5gj7r2ylr1148qnj7q";
type = "gem";
version = "2.0.5";
representable = {
dependencies = ["declarative" "declarative-option" "uber"];
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0qm9rgi1j5a6nv726ka4mmixivlxfsg91h8rpp72wwd4vqbkkm07";
type = "gem";
version = "3.0.4";
retriable = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0pnriyn9zh120hxm92vb12hfsf7c98nawyims1shxj3ldpl0l3ar";
type = "gem";
version = "3.1.1";
rouge = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0sfikq1q8xyqqx690iiz7ybhzx87am4w50w8f2nq36l3asw4x89d";
type = "gem";
version = "2.0.7";
rubyzip = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "06js4gznzgh8ac2ldvmjcmg9v1vg9llm357yckkpylaj6z456zqz";
type = "gem";
version = "1.2.1";
security = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "1ryjxs0j66wrbky2c08yf0mllwalvpg12rpxzbdx2rdhj3cbrlxa";
type = "gem";
version = "0.1.3";
signet = {
dependencies = ["addressable" "faraday" "jwt" "multi_json"];
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "149668991xqibvm8kvl10kzy891yd6f994b4gwlx6c3vl24v5jq6";
type = "gem";
version = "0.7.3";
slack-notifier = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0xavibxh00gy62mm79l6id9l2fldjmdqifk8alqfqy5z38ffwah6";
type = "gem";
version = "1.5.1";
terminal-notifier = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0vy75sbq236v1p83jj6r3a9d52za5lqj2vj24np9lrszdczm9zcb";
type = "gem";
version = "1.8.0";
terminal-table = {
dependencies = ["unicode-display_width"];
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "1512cngw35hsmhvw4c05rscihc59mnj09m249sm9p3pik831ydqk";
type = "gem";
version = "1.8.0";
tty-screen = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "005rpl9l1r9i7wypb4kv057y01fxqvanznx62msx6z451cfjsfn3";
type = "gem";
version = "0.5.0";
uber = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "1p1mm7mngg40x05z52md3mbamkng0zpajbzqjjwmsyw0zw3v9vjv";
type = "gem";
version = "0.1.0";
unf = {
dependencies = ["unf_ext"];
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0bh2cf73i2ffh4fcpdn9ir4mhq8zi50ik0zqa1braahzadx536a9";
type = "gem";
version = "0.1.4";
unf_ext = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "14hr2dzqh33kqc0xchs8l05pf3kjcayvad4z1ip5rdjxrkfk8glb";
type = "gem";
version = "";
unicode-display_width = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "12pi0gwqdnbx1lv5136v3vyr0img9wr0kxcn4wn54ipq4y41zxq8";
type = "gem";
version = "1.3.0";
word_wrap = {
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "1iyc5bc7dbgsd8j3yk1i99ral39f23l6wapi0083fbl19hid8mpm";
type = "gem";
version = "1.0.0";
xcodeproj = {
dependencies = ["CFPropertyList" "claide" "colored2" "nanaimo"];
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "0v40167wxhjfczjqp7axvblivrzgbmqldaj9vb15pw45qh6xly51";
type = "gem";
version = "1.5.2";
xcpretty = {
dependencies = ["rouge"];
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "1b8x9m53a1hbw0lamffjm4m1ydigj3azl97jc5w7prv1bm27s2y3";
type = "gem";
version = "0.2.8";
xcpretty-travis-formatter = {
dependencies = ["xcpretty"];
source = {
remotes = ["https://rubygems.org"];
sha256 = "1wn5pcxja1jkc8y5b6s3pks5inc1vmjkq7fqmlbkl39z8l1vdis2";
type = "gem";
version = "0.0.4";
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ fetchurl, stdenv, libcdio, zlib, bzip2, readline, acl, attr }:
{ fetchurl, stdenv, libcdio, zlib, bzip2, readline, acl, attr, libiconv }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "xorriso-1.4.8";
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
doCheck = true;
buildInputs = [ libcdio zlib bzip2 readline attr ]
++ stdenv.lib.optional stdenv.isLinux acl;
buildInputs = [ libcdio zlib bzip2 readline libiconv ]
++ stdenv.lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [ acl attr ];
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "ISO 9660 Rock Ridge file system manipulator";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
{ stdenv, python3Packages, fetchFromGitHub }:
with python3Packages;
buildPythonApplication rec {
version = "2017-01-19";
pname = "bonfire";
name = "${pname}-unstable-${version}";
# use latest git version with --endpoint flag
# https://github.com/blue-yonder/bonfire/pull/18
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "blue-yonder";
repo = "${pname}";
rev = "d0af9ca10394f366cfa3c60f0741f1f0918011c2";
sha256 = "193zcvzbhxwwkwbgmnlihhhazwkajycxf4r71jz1m12w301sjhq5";
postPatch = ''
# https://github.com/blue-yonder/bonfire/pull/24
substituteInPlace requirements.txt \
--replace "arrow>=0.5.4,<0.8" "arrow>=0.5.4,<0.11" \
--replace "keyring>=9,<10" "keyring>=9,<11"
# pip fails when encountering the git hash for the package version
substituteInPlace setup.py \
--replace "version=version," "version='${version}',"
# remove extraneous files
substituteInPlace setup.cfg \
--replace "data_files = *.rst, *.txt" ""
buildInputs = [ httpretty pytest pytestcov ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ arrow click keyring parsedatetime requests six termcolor ];
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage = https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bonfire;
description = "CLI Graylog Client with Follow Mode";
license = licenses.bsd3;
maintainers = [ maintainers.womfoo ];
platforms = platforms.linux;
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ python3Packages.buildPythonApplication rec {
ucdtxt = fetchurl {
url = http://www.unicode.org/Public/11.0.0/ucd/UnicodeData-11.0.0d1.txt;
sha256 = "0y9l0sap7yq7c7c8d0fivzycqaw0zncbxzh1inggg42308z974rn";
url = http://www.unicode.org/Public/10.0.0/ucd/UnicodeData.txt;
sha256 = "1cfak1j753zcrbgixwgppyxhm4w8vda8vxhqymi7n5ljfi6kwhjj";
postFixup = ''
@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
buildGoPackage rec {
name = "kbfs-${version}";
version = "20170922.f76290";
version = "20171004.40555d";
goPackagePath = "github.com/keybase/kbfs";
subPackages = [ "kbfsfuse" ];
subPackages = [ "kbfsfuse" "kbfsgit/git-remote-keybase" ];
dontRenameImports = true;
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "keybase";
repo = "kbfs";
rev = "f76290f6e1a8cbaa6046980c67c548fbff9e123a";
sha256 = "1v086wmc0hly4b91y6xndfdhj981n2yr6nnb3rl6f4kwx291ih54";
rev = "40555dbc9c93a05f3a82053860df30e45c7bd779";
sha256 = "08wj8fh1ja8kfzvbza5csy9mpfy39lifnzvfrnbj7vyyv88qc3h0";
buildFlags = [ "-tags production" ];
@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ let
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "keybase-gui-${version}";
version = "1.0.25-20170714172717.73f9070";
version = "1.0.33-20171003193427.d9ceb86ac";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/prerelease.keybase.io/linux_binaries/deb/keybase_${version}_amd64.deb";
sha256 = "0yrq18rrc30f7ymajvd71r29z1by7h6abyaxx2gmrg648qgc6zv4";
sha256 = "0sqani2fy5jzqmz35md1bdw2vwpx91l87b6s3x9z53halzq7vfy6";
phases = ["unpackPhase" "installPhase" "fixupPhase"];
unpackPhase = ''
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
buildGoPackage rec {
name = "keybase-${version}";
version = "1.0.30";
version = "1.0.33";
goPackagePath = "github.com/keybase/client";
subPackages = [ "go/keybase" ];
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ buildGoPackage rec {
owner = "keybase";
repo = "client";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "0vivc71xfi4y3ydd29b17qxzi10r3a1ppmjjws6vrs0gz58bz1j8";
sha256 = "1zgvriyir2ga0p4ah9ia1sbl9ydnrnw5ggq4c1ya8gcfgn8vzdsf";
postInstall = stdenv.lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
@ -560,6 +560,8 @@ with pkgs;
bonnie = callPackage ../tools/filesystems/bonnie { };
bonfire = callPackage ../tools/misc/bonfire { };
container-linux-config-transpiler = callPackage ../development/tools/container-linux-config-transpiler { };
djmount = callPackage ../tools/filesystems/djmount { };
@ -675,6 +677,13 @@ with pkgs;
libssl = openssl;
axoloti = callPackage ../applications/audio/axoloti { };
dfu-util-axoloti = callPackage ../applications/audio/axoloti/dfu-util.nix { };
libusb1-axoloti = callPackage ../applications/audio/axoloti/libusb1.nix {
inherit (darwin) libobjc;
inherit (darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) IOKit;
azureus = callPackage ../tools/networking/p2p/azureus { };
backblaze-b2 = callPackage ../development/tools/backblaze-b2 { };
@ -2031,6 +2040,8 @@ with pkgs;
lprof = callPackage ../tools/graphics/lprof { };
fastlane = callPackage ../tools/admin/fastlane { };
fatresize = callPackage ../tools/filesystems/fatresize {};
fdk_aac = callPackage ../development/libraries/fdk-aac { };
@ -2477,6 +2488,8 @@ with pkgs;
pgjwt = callPackage ../servers/sql/postgresql/pgjwt {};
pgtap = callPackage ../servers/sql/postgresql/pgtap {};
pigz = callPackage ../tools/compression/pigz { };
pixz = callPackage ../tools/compression/pixz { };
@ -2699,6 +2712,7 @@ with pkgs;
iperf = iperf3;
ipfs = callPackage ../applications/networking/ipfs { };
ipfs-migrator = callPackage ../applications/networking/ipfs-migrator { };
ipmitool = callPackage ../tools/system/ipmitool {
static = false;
@ -3871,16 +3885,14 @@ with pkgs;
pinentry = callPackage ../tools/security/pinentry {
libcap = if stdenv.isDarwin then null else libcap;
qt4 = null;
gtk2 = null;
gcr = gnome3.gcr;
pinentry_ncurses = pinentry.override {
gcr = null;
gtk2 = null;
pinentry_gtk2 = pinentry_ncurses.override {
inherit gtk2;
pinentry_gnome = pinentry_ncurses.override {
gcr = gnome3.gcr;
pinentry_qt4 = pinentry_ncurses.override {
@ -5411,7 +5423,9 @@ with pkgs;
crystal = callPackage ../development/compilers/crystal { };
crystal = callPackage ../development/compilers/crystal {
llvm = llvm_4;
devpi-client = callPackage ../development/tools/devpi-client {};
@ -7081,6 +7095,8 @@ with pkgs;
dejagnu = callPackage ../development/tools/misc/dejagnu { };
devtodo = callPackage ../development/tools/devtodo { };
dfeet = callPackage ../development/tools/misc/d-feet { };
dfu-programmer = callPackage ../development/tools/misc/dfu-programmer { };
@ -14651,6 +14667,8 @@ with pkgs;
gcolor2 = callPackage ../applications/graphics/gcolor2 { };
gcolor3 = callPackage ../applications/graphics/gcolor3 { };
get_iplayer = callPackage ../applications/misc/get_iplayer {};
getxbook = callPackage ../applications/misc/getxbook {};
@ -18612,7 +18630,7 @@ with pkgs;
eagle = callPackage ../applications/science/electronics/eagle { };
caneda = callPackage ../applications/science/electronics/caneda { };
caneda = libsForQt5.callPackage ../applications/science/electronics/caneda { };
geda = callPackage ../applications/science/electronics/geda {
guile = guile_2_0;
@ -12858,11 +12858,11 @@ let self = _self // overrides; _self = with self; {
TAPParserSourceHandlerpgTAP = buildPerlModule {
name = "TAP-Parser-SourceHandler-pgTAP-3.30";
TAPParserSourceHandlerpgTAP = buildPerlModule rec {
name = "TAP-Parser-SourceHandler-pgTAP-3.33";
src = fetchurl {
url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DW/DWHEELER/TAP-Parser-SourceHandler-pgTAP-3.30.tar.gz;
sha256 = "08gadqf898r23sx07sn13555cp9zkwp8igjlh1fza2ycfivpfl9f";
url = "mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DW/DWHEELER/${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "35q46y2hbp2ij5n9ir76lmspqj3n8gb0z9l5ipb5g7q90l160m4k";
meta = {
homepage = http://search.cpan.org/dist/Tap-Parser-Sourcehandler-pgTAP/;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user