nixos/atop: Fix regression in enabling atop units

Fix regression where the systemd units for atop are no longer
automatically started at boot when programs.atop.enable = true.

Regression was introduced in commit: 09350ff7d4
  nixos/atop: Convert log format to fix service start

This commit restructures the atop systemd service config so that the
code to convert the log format gets configured as a preStart script
along with the addition of the wantedBy rule.
This commit is contained in:
Bruce Toll 2023-06-30 10:11:23 -04:00
parent 4bc72cae10
commit 8f4f1ce005

View File

@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ in
boot.extraModulePackages = [ (lib.mkIf cfg.netatop.enable cfg.netatop.package) ];
systemd =
mkSystemd = type: cond: name: restartTriggers: {
${name} = lib.mkIf cond {
mkSystemd = type: name: restartTriggers: {
${name} = {
inherit restartTriggers;
wantedBy = [ (if type == "services" then "" else if type == "timers" then "" else null) ];
@ -134,42 +134,44 @@ in
packages = [ atop (lib.mkIf cfg.netatop.enable cfg.netatop.package) ];
services =
mkService cfg.atopService.enable "atop" [ atop ]
// lib.mkIf cfg.atopService.enable {
# always convert logs to newer version first
# XXX might trigger TimeoutStart but restarting atop.service will
# convert remainings logs and start eventually
atop.serviceConfig.ExecStartPre = pkgs.writeShellScript "atop-update-log-format" ''
set -e -u
shopt -s nullglob
for logfile in "$LOGPATH"/atop_*
${atop}/bin/atopconvert "$logfile" "$logfile".new
# only replace old file if version was upgraded to avoid
# false positives for atop-rotate.service
if ! ${pkgs.diffutils}/bin/cmp -s "$logfile" "$logfile".new
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mv -v -f "$logfile".new "$logfile"
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/rm -f "$logfile".new
// mkService cfg.atopacctService.enable "atopacct" [ atop ]
// mkService cfg.netatop.enable "netatop" [ cfg.netatop.package ]
// mkService cfg.atopgpu.enable "atopgpu" [ atop ];
timers = mkTimer cfg.atopRotateTimer.enable "atop-rotate" [ atop ];
services = lib.mkMerge [
(lib.mkIf cfg.atopService.enable (lib.recursiveUpdate
(mkService "atop" [ atop ])
# always convert logs to newer version first
# XXX might trigger TimeoutStart but restarting atop.service will
# convert remainings logs and start eventually
atop.preStart = ''
set -e -u
shopt -s nullglob
for logfile in "$LOGPATH"/atop_*
${atop}/bin/atopconvert "$logfile" "$logfile".new
# only replace old file if version was upgraded to avoid
# false positives for atop-rotate.service
if ! ${pkgs.diffutils}/bin/cmp -s "$logfile" "$logfile".new
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mv -v -f "$logfile".new "$logfile"
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/rm -f "$logfile".new
(lib.mkIf cfg.atopacctService.enable (mkService "atopacct" [ atop ]))
(lib.mkIf cfg.netatop.enable (mkService "netatop" [ cfg.netatop.package ]))
(lib.mkIf cfg.atopgpu.enable (mkService "atopgpu" [ atop ]))
timers = lib.mkIf cfg.atopRotateTimer.enable (mkTimer "atop-rotate" [ atop ]);
security.wrappers = lib.mkIf cfg.setuidWrapper.enable {
atop =
{ setuid = true;
owner = "root";
group = "root";
source = "${atop}/bin/atop";
atop = {
setuid = true;
owner = "root";
group = "root";
source = "${atop}/bin/atop";