Merge master into staging-next

This commit is contained in:
Frederik Rietdijk 2019-02-21 07:53:19 +01:00
commit c9d8f5235b
206 changed files with 4920 additions and 3521 deletions

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ rec {
isSparc = { cpu = { family = "sparc"; }; };
isWasm = { cpu = { family = "wasm"; }; };
isAvr = { cpu = { family = "avr"; }; };
isAlpha = { cpu = { family = "alpha"; }; };
is32bit = { cpu = { bits = 32; }; };
is64bit = { cpu = { bits = 64; }; };

View File

@ -752,6 +752,11 @@
github = "calbrecht";
name = "Christian Albrecht";
callahad = {
email = "";
github = "callahad";
name = "Dan Callahan";
calvertvl = {
email = "";
github = "calvertvl";

View File

@ -23,5 +23,6 @@
<xi:include href="linux-kernel.xml" />
<xi:include href="../generated/modules.xml" xpointer="xpointer(//section[@id='modules']/*)" />
<xi:include href="profiles.xml" />
<xi:include href="kubernetes.xml" />
<!-- Apache; libvirtd virtualisation -->

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
<chapter xmlns=""
The NixOS Kubernetes module is a collective term for a handful of
individual submodules implementing the Kubernetes cluster components.
There are generally two ways of enabling Kubernetes on NixOS.
One way is to enable and configure cluster components appropriately by hand:
services.kubernetes = {
apiserver.enable = true;
controllerManager.enable = true;
scheduler.enable = true;
addonManager.enable = true;
proxy.enable = true;
flannel.enable = true;
Another way is to assign cluster roles ("master" and/or "node") to the host.
This enables apiserver, controllerManager, scheduler, addonManager,
kube-proxy and etcd:
<xref linkend="opt-services.kubernetes.roles"/> = [ "master" ];
While this will enable the kubelet and kube-proxy only:
<xref linkend="opt-services.kubernetes.roles"/> = [ "node" ];
Assigning both the master and node roles is usable if you want a single
node Kubernetes cluster for dev or testing purposes:
<xref linkend="opt-services.kubernetes.roles"/> = [ "master" "node" ];
Note: Assigning either role will also default both
<xref linkend="opt-services.kubernetes.flannel.enable"/> and
<xref linkend="opt-services.kubernetes.easyCerts"/> to true.
This sets up flannel as CNI and activates automatic PKI bootstrapping.
As of kubernetes 1.10.X it has been deprecated to open
non-tls-enabled ports on kubernetes components. Thus, from NixOS 19.03 all
plain HTTP ports have been disabled by default.
While opening insecure ports is still possible, it is recommended not to
bind these to other interfaces than loopback.
To re-enable the insecure port on the apiserver, see options:
<xref linkend="opt-services.kubernetes.apiserver.insecurePort"/>
<xref linkend="opt-services.kubernetes.apiserver.insecureBindAddress"/>
As of NixOS 19.03, it is mandatory to configure:
<xref linkend="opt-services.kubernetes.masterAddress"/>.
The masterAddress must be resolveable and routeable by all cluster nodes.
In single node clusters, this can be set to <literal>localhost</literal>.
Role-based access control (RBAC) authorization mode is enabled by default.
This means that anonymous requests to the apiserver secure port will
expectedly cause a permission denied error. All cluster components must
therefore be configured with x509 certificates for two-way tls communication.
The x509 certificate subject section determines the roles and permissions
granted by the apiserver to perform clusterwide or namespaced operations.
See also:
Using RBAC Authorization</link>.
The NixOS kubernetes module provides an option for automatic certificate
bootstrapping and configuration,
<xref linkend="opt-services.kubernetes.easyCerts"/>.
The PKI bootstrapping process involves setting up a certificate authority
(CA) daemon (cfssl) on the kubernetes master node. cfssl generates a CA-cert
for the cluster, and uses the CA-cert for signing subordinate certs issued to
each of the cluster components. Subsequently, the certmgr daemon monitors
active certificates and renews them when needed. For single node Kubernetes
clusters, setting <xref linkend="opt-services.kubernetes.easyCerts"/> = true
is sufficient and no further action is required. For joining extra node
machines to an existing cluster on the other hand, establishing initial trust
is mandatory.
To add new nodes to the cluster:
On any (non-master) cluster node where
<xref linkend="opt-services.kubernetes.easyCerts"/> is enabled, the helper
script <literal>nixos-kubernetes-node-join</literal> is available on PATH.
Given a token on stdin, it will copy the token to the kubernetes
secrets directory and restart the certmgr service. As requested
certificates are issued, the script will restart kubernetes cluster
components as needed for them to pick up new keypairs.
Multi-master (HA) clusters are not supported by the easyCerts module.
In order to interact with an RBAC-enabled cluster as an administrator, one
needs to have cluster-admin privileges. By default, when easyCerts is
enabled, a cluster-admin kubeconfig file is generated and linked into
<literal>/etc/kubernetes/cluster-admin.kubeconfig</literal> as determined by
<xref linkend="opt-services.kubernetes.pki.etcClusterAdminKubeconfig"/>.
<literal>export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/cluster-admin.kubeconfig</literal>
will make kubectl use this kubeconfig to access and authenticate the cluster.
The cluster-admin kubeconfig references an auto-generated keypair owned by
root. Thus, only root on the kubernetes master may obtain cluster-admin
rights by means of this file.

View File

@ -54,6 +54,13 @@
<para>to <literal>false</literal> and enable your preferred display manager.</para>
A major refactoring of the Kubernetes module has been completed.
Refactorings primarily focus on decoupling components and enhancing
security. Two-way TLS and RBAC has been enabled by default for all
components, which slightly changes the way the module is configured.
See: <xref linkend="sec-kubernetes"/> for details.
@ -564,6 +571,40 @@
The use of insecure ports on kubernetes has been deprecated.
Thus options:
<varname>services.kubernetes.apiserver.port</varname> and
has been renamed to <varname>.insecurePort</varname>,
and default of both options has changed to 0 (disabled).
Note that the default value of
has changed from to, allowing the apiserver to be
accessible from outside the master node itself.
If the apiserver insecurePort is enabled,
it is strongly recommended to only bind on the loopback interface. See:
The option <varname>services.kubernetes.apiserver.allowPrivileged</varname>
and <varname>services.kubernetes.kubelet.allowPrivileged</varname> now
defaults to false. Disallowing privileged containers on the cluster.
The kubernetes module does no longer add the kubernetes package to
<varname>environment.systemPackages</varname> implicitly.

View File

@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
@ -195,9 +196,17 @@
@ -283,6 +292,7 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.programs.autojump;
prg = config.programs;
options = {
programs.autojump = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Whether to enable autojump.
###### implementation
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
environment.pathsToLink = [ "/share/autojump" ];
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.autojump ];
programs.bash.interactiveShellInit = "source ${pkgs.autojump}/share/autojump/autojump.bash";
programs.zsh.interactiveShellInit = mkIf prg.zsh.enable "source ${pkgs.autojump}/share/autojump/autojump.zsh"; = mkIf "source ${pkgs.autojump}/share/autojump/";

View File

@ -40,9 +40,19 @@ with lib;
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "kibana" "host" ] [ "services" "kibana" "listenAddress" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "apiserver" "admissionControl" ] [ "services" "kubernetes" "apiserver" "enableAdmissionPlugins" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "apiserver" "address" ] ["services" "kubernetes" "apiserver" "bindAddress"])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "apiserver" "port" ] ["services" "kubernetes" "apiserver" "insecurePort"])
(mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "apiserver" "publicAddress" ] "")
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "addons" "dashboard" "enableRBAC" ] [ "services" "kubernetes" "addons" "dashboard" "rbac" "enable" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "controllerManager" "address" ] ["services" "kubernetes" "controllerManager" "bindAddress"])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "controllerManager" "port" ] ["services" "kubernetes" "controllerManager" "insecurePort"])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "etcd" "servers" ] [ "services" "kubernetes" "apiserver" "etcd" "servers" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "etcd" "keyFile" ] [ "services" "kubernetes" "apiserver" "etcd" "keyFile" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "etcd" "certFile" ] [ "services" "kubernetes" "apiserver" "etcd" "certFile" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "etcd" "caFile" ] [ "services" "kubernetes" "apiserver" "etcd" "caFile" ])
(mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "kubelet" "applyManifests" ] "")
(mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "kubelet" "cadvisorPort" ] "")
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "proxy" "address" ] ["services" "kubernetes" "proxy" "bindAddress"])
(mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "verbose" ] "")
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "logstash" "address" ] [ "services" "logstash" "listenAddress" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "mpd" "network" "host" ] [ "services" "mpd" "network" "listenAddress" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "neo4j" "host" ] [ "services" "neo4j" "defaultListenAddress" ])
@ -59,6 +69,7 @@ with lib;
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "statsd" "host" ] [ "services" "statsd" "listenAddress" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "subsonic" "host" ] [ "services" "subsonic" "listenAddress" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "tor" "relay" "portSpec" ] [ "services" "tor" "relay" "port" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "vmwareGuest" ] [ "virtualisation" "vmware" "guest" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "jobs" ] [ "systemd" "services" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "gitlab" "stateDir" ] [ "services" "gitlab" "statePath" ])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
top =;
cfg = top.addonManager;
isRBACEnabled = elem "RBAC" top.apiserver.authorizationMode;
addons = pkgs.runCommand "kubernetes-addons" { } ''
mkdir -p $out
# since we are mounting the addons to the addon manager, they need to be copied
${concatMapStringsSep ";" (a: "cp -v ${a}/* $out/") (mapAttrsToList (name: addon:
pkgs.writeTextDir "${name}.json" (builtins.toJSON addon)
) (cfg.addons))}
###### interface = with lib.types; {
bootstrapAddons = mkOption {
description = ''
Bootstrap addons are like regular addons, but they are applied with cluster-admin rigths.
They are applied at addon-manager startup only.
default = { };
type = attrsOf attrs;
example = literalExample ''
"my-service" = {
"apiVersion" = "v1";
"kind" = "Service";
"metadata" = {
"name" = "my-service";
"namespace" = "default";
"spec" = { ... };
addons = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes addons (any kind of Kubernetes resource can be an addon).";
default = { };
type = attrsOf (either attrs (listOf attrs));
example = literalExample ''
"my-service" = {
"apiVersion" = "v1";
"kind" = "Service";
"metadata" = {
"name" = "my-service";
"namespace" = "default";
"spec" = { ... };
// import <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/cluster/kubernetes/dashboard.nix> { cfg =; };
enable = mkEnableOption "Whether to enable Kubernetes addon manager.";
###### implementation
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
environment.etc."kubernetes/addons".source = "${addons}/"; = {
description = "Kubernetes addon manager";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "kube-apiserver.service" ];
environment.ADDON_PATH = "/etc/kubernetes/addons/";
path = [ pkgs.gawk ];
serviceConfig = {
Slice = "kubernetes.slice";
ExecStart = "${top.package}/bin/kube-addons";
WorkingDirectory = top.dataDir;
User = "kubernetes";
Group = "kubernetes";
Restart = "on-failure";
RestartSec = 10;
services.kubernetes.addonManager.bootstrapAddons = mkIf isRBACEnabled
name = system:kube-addon-manager;
namespace = "kube-system";
kube-addon-manager-r = {
apiVersion = "";
kind = "Role";
metadata = {
inherit name namespace;
rules = [{
apiGroups = ["*"];
resources = ["*"];
verbs = ["*"];
kube-addon-manager-rb = {
apiVersion = "";
kind = "RoleBinding";
metadata = {
inherit name namespace;
roleRef = {
apiGroup = "";
kind = "Role";
inherit name;
subjects = [{
apiGroup = "";
kind = "User";
inherit name;
kube-addon-manager-cluster-lister-cr = {
apiVersion = "";
kind = "ClusterRole";
metadata = {
name = "${name}:cluster-lister";
rules = [{
apiGroups = ["*"];
resources = ["*"];
verbs = ["list"];
kube-addon-manager-cluster-lister-crb = {
apiVersion = "";
kind = "ClusterRoleBinding";
metadata = {
name = "${name}:cluster-lister";
roleRef = {
apiGroup = "";
kind = "ClusterRole";
name = "${name}:cluster-lister";
subjects = [{
kind = "User";
inherit name;
services.kubernetes.pki.certs = {
addonManager = top.lib.mkCert {
name = "kube-addon-manager";
CN = "system:kube-addon-manager";
action = "systemctl restart kube-addon-manager.service";

View File

@ -8,6 +8,13 @@ in { = {
enable = mkEnableOption "kubernetes dashboard addon";
extraArgs = mkOption {
description = "Extra arguments to append to the dashboard cmdline";
type = types.listOf types.str;
default = [];
example = ["--enable-skip-login"];
rbac = mkOption {
description = "Role-based access control (RBAC) options";
default = {};
@ -31,7 +38,7 @@ in {
version = mkOption {
description = "Which version of the kubernetes dashboard to deploy";
type = types.str;
default = "v1.8.3";
default = "v1.10.1";
image = mkOption {
@ -39,9 +46,9 @@ in {
type = types.attrs;
default = {
imageName = "";
imageDigest = "sha256:dc4026c1b595435ef5527ca598e1e9c4343076926d7d62b365c44831395adbd0";
imageDigest = "sha256:0ae6b69432e78069c5ce2bcde0fe409c5c4d6f0f4d9cd50a17974fea38898747";
finalImageTag = cfg.version;
sha256 = "18ajcg0q1vignfjk2sm4xj4wzphfz8wah69ps8dklqfvv0164mc8";
sha256 = "01xrr4pwgr2hcjrjsi3d14ifpzdfbxzqpzxbk2fkbjb9zkv38zxy";
@ -99,7 +106,7 @@ in {
memory = "100Mi";
args = ["--auto-generate-certificates"];
args = ["--auto-generate-certificates"] ++ cfg.extraArgs;
volumeMounts = [{
name = "tmp-volume";
mountPath = "/tmp";

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
with lib;
version = "1.2.5";
version = "1.3.1";
cfg =;
ports = {
dns = 10053;
@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ in {
type = types.attrs;
default = {
imageName = "coredns/coredns";
imageDigest = "sha256:33c8da20b887ae12433ec5c40bfddefbbfa233d5ce11fb067122e68af30291d6";
imageDigest = "sha256:02382353821b12c21b062c59184e227e001079bb13ebd01f9d3270ba0fcbf1e4";
finalImageTag = version;
sha256 = "13q19rgwapv27xcs664dw502254yw4zw63insf6g2danidv2mg6i";
sha256 = "0vbylgyxv2jm2mnzk6f28jbsj305zsxmx3jr6ngjq461czcl5fi5";
@ -54,21 +54,7 @@ in {
services.kubernetes.kubelet.seedDockerImages =
singleton (pkgs.dockerTools.pullImage cfg.coredns);
services.kubernetes.addonManager.addons = {
coredns-sa = {
apiVersion = "v1";
kind = "ServiceAccount";
metadata = {
labels = {
"" = "Reconcile";
"k8s-app" = "kube-dns";
"" = "true";
name = "coredns";
namespace = "kube-system";
services.kubernetes.addonManager.bootstrapAddons = {
coredns-cr = {
apiVersion = "";
kind = "ClusterRole";
@ -123,6 +109,22 @@ in {
services.kubernetes.addonManager.addons = {
coredns-sa = {
apiVersion = "v1";
kind = "ServiceAccount";
metadata = {
labels = {
"" = "Reconcile";
"k8s-app" = "kube-dns";
"" = "true";
name = "coredns";
namespace = "kube-system";
coredns-cm = {
apiVersion = "v1";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
top =;
cfg = top.apiserver;
isRBACEnabled = elem "RBAC" cfg.authorizationMode;
apiserverServiceIP = (concatStringsSep "." (
take 3 (splitString "." cfg.serviceClusterIpRange
)) + ".1");
###### interface = with lib.types; {
advertiseAddress = mkOption {
description = ''
Kubernetes apiserver IP address on which to advertise the apiserver
to members of the cluster. This address must be reachable by the rest
of the cluster.
default = null;
type = nullOr str;
allowPrivileged = mkOption {
description = "Whether to allow privileged containers on Kubernetes.";
default = false;
type = bool;
authorizationMode = mkOption {
description = ''
Kubernetes apiserver authorization mode (AlwaysAllow/AlwaysDeny/ABAC/Webhook/RBAC/Node). See
<link xlink:href=""/>
default = ["RBAC" "Node"]; # Enabling RBAC by default, although kubernetes default is AllowAllow
type = listOf (enum ["AlwaysAllow" "AlwaysDeny" "ABAC" "Webhook" "RBAC" "Node"]);
authorizationPolicy = mkOption {
description = ''
Kubernetes apiserver authorization policy file. See
<link xlink:href=""/>
default = [];
type = listOf attrs;
basicAuthFile = mkOption {
description = ''
Kubernetes apiserver basic authentication file. See
<link xlink:href=""/>
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
bindAddress = mkOption {
description = ''
The IP address on which to listen for the --secure-port port.
The associated interface(s) must be reachable by the rest
of the cluster, and by CLI/web clients.
default = "";
type = str;
clientCaFile = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes apiserver CA file for client auth.";
default = top.caFile;
type = nullOr path;
disableAdmissionPlugins = mkOption {
description = ''
Kubernetes admission control plugins to disable. See
<link xlink:href=""/>
default = [];
type = listOf str;
enable = mkEnableOption "Kubernetes apiserver";
enableAdmissionPlugins = mkOption {
description = ''
Kubernetes admission control plugins to enable. See
<link xlink:href=""/>
default = [
"NamespaceLifecycle" "LimitRanger" "ServiceAccount"
"ResourceQuota" "DefaultStorageClass" "DefaultTolerationSeconds"
example = [
"NamespaceLifecycle" "NamespaceExists" "LimitRanger"
"SecurityContextDeny" "ServiceAccount" "ResourceQuota"
"PodSecurityPolicy" "NodeRestriction" "DefaultStorageClass"
type = listOf str;
etcd = {
servers = mkOption {
description = "List of etcd servers.";
default = [""];
type = types.listOf types.str;
keyFile = mkOption {
description = "Etcd key file.";
default = null;
type = types.nullOr types.path;
certFile = mkOption {
description = "Etcd cert file.";
default = null;
type = types.nullOr types.path;
caFile = mkOption {
description = "Etcd ca file.";
default = top.caFile;
type = types.nullOr types.path;
extraOpts = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes apiserver extra command line options.";
default = "";
type = str;
extraSANs = mkOption {
description = "Extra x509 Subject Alternative Names to be added to the kubernetes apiserver tls cert.";
default = [];
type = listOf str;
featureGates = mkOption {
description = "List set of feature gates";
default = top.featureGates;
type = listOf str;
insecureBindAddress = mkOption {
description = "The IP address on which to serve the --insecure-port.";
default = "";
type = str;
insecurePort = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes apiserver insecure listening port. (0 = disabled)";
default = 0;
type = int;
kubeletClientCaFile = mkOption {
description = "Path to a cert file for connecting to kubelet.";
default = top.caFile;
type = nullOr path;
kubeletClientCertFile = mkOption {
description = "Client certificate to use for connections to kubelet.";
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
kubeletClientKeyFile = mkOption {
description = "Key to use for connections to kubelet.";
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
kubeletHttps = mkOption {
description = "Whether to use https for connections to kubelet.";
default = true;
type = bool;
runtimeConfig = mkOption {
description = ''
Api runtime configuration. See
<link xlink:href=""/>
default = "";
example = "api/all=false,api/v1=true";
type = str;
storageBackend = mkOption {
description = ''
Kubernetes apiserver storage backend.
default = "etcd3";
type = enum ["etcd2" "etcd3"];
securePort = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes apiserver secure port.";
default = 6443;
type = int;
serviceAccountKeyFile = mkOption {
description = ''
Kubernetes apiserver PEM-encoded x509 RSA private or public key file,
used to verify ServiceAccount tokens. By default tls private key file
is used.
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
serviceClusterIpRange = mkOption {
description = ''
A CIDR notation IP range from which to assign service cluster IPs.
This must not overlap with any IP ranges assigned to nodes for pods.
default = "";
type = str;
tlsCertFile = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes apiserver certificate file.";
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
tlsKeyFile = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes apiserver private key file.";
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
tokenAuthFile = mkOption {
description = ''
Kubernetes apiserver token authentication file. See
<link xlink:href=""/>
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
verbosity = mkOption {
description = ''
Optional glog verbosity level for logging statements. See
<link xlink:href=""/>
default = null;
type = nullOr int;
webhookConfig = mkOption {
description = ''
Kubernetes apiserver Webhook config file. It uses the kubeconfig file format.
See <link xlink:href=""/>
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
###### implementation
config = mkMerge [
(mkIf cfg.enable { = {
description = "Kubernetes APIServer Service";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "" ];
serviceConfig = {
Slice = "kubernetes.slice";
ExecStart = ''${top.package}/bin/kube-apiserver \
--allow-privileged=${boolToString cfg.allowPrivileged} \
--authorization-mode=${concatStringsSep "," cfg.authorizationMode} \
${optionalString (elem "ABAC" cfg.authorizationMode)
pkgs.writeText "kube-auth-policy.jsonl"
(concatMapStringsSep "\n" (l: builtins.toJSON l) cfg.authorizationPolicy)
} \
${optionalString (elem "Webhook" cfg.authorizationMode)
} \
--bind-address=${cfg.bindAddress} \
${optionalString (cfg.advertiseAddress != null)
"--advertise-address=${cfg.advertiseAddress}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.clientCaFile != null)
"--client-ca-file=${cfg.clientCaFile}"} \
--disable-admission-plugins=${concatStringsSep "," cfg.disableAdmissionPlugins} \
--enable-admission-plugins=${concatStringsSep "," cfg.enableAdmissionPlugins} \
--etcd-servers=${concatStringsSep "," cfg.etcd.servers} \
${optionalString (cfg.etcd.caFile != null)
"--etcd-cafile=${cfg.etcd.caFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.etcd.certFile != null)
"--etcd-certfile=${cfg.etcd.certFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.etcd.keyFile != null)
"--etcd-keyfile=${cfg.etcd.keyFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.featureGates != [])
"--feature-gates=${concatMapStringsSep "," (feature: "${feature}=true") cfg.featureGates}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.basicAuthFile != null)
"--basic-auth-file=${cfg.basicAuthFile}"} \
--kubelet-https=${boolToString cfg.kubeletHttps} \
${optionalString (cfg.kubeletClientCaFile != null)
"--kubelet-certificate-authority=${cfg.kubeletClientCaFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.kubeletClientCertFile != null)
"--kubelet-client-certificate=${cfg.kubeletClientCertFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.kubeletClientKeyFile != null)
"--kubelet-client-key=${cfg.kubeletClientKeyFile}"} \
--insecure-bind-address=${cfg.insecureBindAddress} \
--insecure-port=${toString cfg.insecurePort} \
${optionalString (cfg.runtimeConfig != "")
"--runtime-config=${cfg.runtimeConfig}"} \
--secure-port=${toString cfg.securePort} \
${optionalString (cfg.serviceAccountKeyFile!=null)
"--service-account-key-file=${cfg.serviceAccountKeyFile}"} \
--service-cluster-ip-range=${cfg.serviceClusterIpRange} \
--storage-backend=${cfg.storageBackend} \
${optionalString (cfg.tlsCertFile != null)
"--tls-cert-file=${cfg.tlsCertFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.tlsKeyFile != null)
"--tls-private-key-file=${cfg.tlsKeyFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.tokenAuthFile != null)
"--token-auth-file=${cfg.tokenAuthFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.verbosity != null) "--v=${toString cfg.verbosity}"} \
WorkingDirectory = top.dataDir;
User = "kubernetes";
Group = "kubernetes";
AmbientCapabilities = "cap_net_bind_service";
Restart = "on-failure";
RestartSec = 5;
services.etcd = {
clientCertAuth = mkDefault true;
peerClientCertAuth = mkDefault true;
listenClientUrls = mkDefault [""];
listenPeerUrls = mkDefault [""];
advertiseClientUrls = mkDefault ["https://${top.masterAddress}:2379"];
initialCluster = mkDefault ["${top.masterAddress}=https://${top.masterAddress}:2380"];
name = top.masterAddress;
initialAdvertisePeerUrls = mkDefault ["https://${top.masterAddress}:2380"];
services.kubernetes.addonManager.bootstrapAddons = mkIf isRBACEnabled {
apiserver-kubelet-api-admin-crb = {
apiVersion = "";
kind = "ClusterRoleBinding";
metadata = {
name = "system:kube-apiserver:kubelet-api-admin";
roleRef = {
apiGroup = "";
kind = "ClusterRole";
name = "system:kubelet-api-admin";
subjects = [{
kind = "User";
name = "system:kube-apiserver";
services.kubernetes.pki.certs = with top.lib; {
apiServer = mkCert {
name = "kube-apiserver";
CN = "kubernetes";
hosts = [
] ++ cfg.extraSANs;
action = "systemctl restart kube-apiserver.service";
apiserverKubeletClient = mkCert {
name = "kube-apiserver-kubelet-client";
CN = "system:kube-apiserver";
action = "systemctl restart kube-apiserver.service";
apiserverEtcdClient = mkCert {
name = "kube-apiserver-etcd-client";
CN = "etcd-client";
action = "systemctl restart kube-apiserver.service";
clusterAdmin = mkCert {
name = "cluster-admin";
CN = "cluster-admin";
fields = {
O = "system:masters";
privateKeyOwner = "root";
etcd = mkCert {
name = "etcd";
CN = top.masterAddress;
hosts = [
privateKeyOwner = "etcd";
action = "systemctl restart etcd.service";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
top =;
cfg = top.controllerManager;
###### interface = with lib.types; {
allocateNodeCIDRs = mkOption {
description = "Whether to automatically allocate CIDR ranges for cluster nodes.";
default = true;
type = bool;
bindAddress = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes controller manager listening address.";
default = "";
type = str;
clusterCidr = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes CIDR Range for Pods in cluster.";
default = top.clusterCidr;
type = str;
enable = mkEnableOption "Kubernetes controller manager.";
extraOpts = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes controller manager extra command line options.";
default = "";
type = str;
featureGates = mkOption {
description = "List set of feature gates";
default = top.featureGates;
type = listOf str;
insecurePort = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes controller manager insecure listening port.";
default = 0;
type = int;
kubeconfig = top.lib.mkKubeConfigOptions "Kubernetes controller manager";
leaderElect = mkOption {
description = "Whether to start leader election before executing main loop.";
type = bool;
default = true;
rootCaFile = mkOption {
description = ''
Kubernetes controller manager certificate authority file included in
service account's token secret.
default = top.caFile;
type = nullOr path;
securePort = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes controller manager secure listening port.";
default = 10252;
type = int;
serviceAccountKeyFile = mkOption {
description = ''
Kubernetes controller manager PEM-encoded private RSA key file used to
sign service account tokens
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
tlsCertFile = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes controller-manager certificate file.";
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
tlsKeyFile = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes controller-manager private key file.";
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
verbosity = mkOption {
description = ''
Optional glog verbosity level for logging statements. See
<link xlink:href=""/>
default = null;
type = nullOr int;
###### implementation
config = mkIf cfg.enable { = {
description = "Kubernetes Controller Manager Service";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "kube-apiserver.service" ];
serviceConfig = {
RestartSec = "30s";
Restart = "on-failure";
Slice = "kubernetes.slice";
ExecStart = ''${top.package}/bin/kube-controller-manager \
--allocate-node-cidrs=${boolToString cfg.allocateNodeCIDRs} \
--bind-address=${cfg.bindAddress} \
${optionalString (cfg.clusterCidr!=null)
"--cluster-cidr=${cfg.clusterCidr}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.featureGates != [])
"--feature-gates=${concatMapStringsSep "," (feature: "${feature}=true") cfg.featureGates}"} \
--kubeconfig=${top.lib.mkKubeConfig "kube-controller-manager" cfg.kubeconfig} \
--leader-elect=${boolToString cfg.leaderElect} \
${optionalString (cfg.rootCaFile!=null)
"--root-ca-file=${cfg.rootCaFile}"} \
--port=${toString cfg.insecurePort} \
--secure-port=${toString cfg.securePort} \
${optionalString (cfg.serviceAccountKeyFile!=null)
"--service-account-private-key-file=${cfg.serviceAccountKeyFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.tlsCertFile!=null)
"--tls-cert-file=${cfg.tlsCertFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.tlsKeyFile!=null)
"--tls-key-file=${cfg.tlsKeyFile}"} \
${optionalString (elem "RBAC" top.apiserver.authorizationMode)
"--use-service-account-credentials"} \
${optionalString (cfg.verbosity != null) "--v=${toString cfg.verbosity}"} \
WorkingDirectory = top.dataDir;
User = "kubernetes";
Group = "kubernetes";
path = top.path;
services.kubernetes.pki.certs = with top.lib; {
controllerManager = mkCert {
name = "kube-controller-manager";
CN = "kube-controller-manager";
action = "systemctl restart kube-controller-manager.service";
controllerManagerClient = mkCert {
name = "kube-controller-manager-client";
CN = "system:kube-controller-manager";
action = "systemctl restart kube-controller-manager.service";
services.kubernetes.controllerManager.kubeconfig.server = mkDefault top.apiserverAddress;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
top =;
cfg = top.flannel;
# we want flannel to use kubernetes itself as configuration backend, not direct etcd
storageBackend = "kubernetes";
# needed for flannel to pass options to docker
mkDockerOpts = pkgs.runCommand "mk-docker-opts" {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
} ''
mkdir -p $out
cp ${pkgs.kubernetes.src}/cluster/centos/node/bin/ $out/
# bashInteractive needed for `compgen`
makeWrapper ${pkgs.bashInteractive}/bin/bash $out/mk-docker-opts --add-flags "$out/"
###### interface = {
enable = mkEnableOption "enable flannel networking";
###### implementation
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
services.flannel = {
enable = mkDefault true;
network = mkDefault top.clusterCidr;
inherit storageBackend;
nodeName =;
services.kubernetes.kubelet = {
networkPlugin = mkDefault "cni";
cni.config = mkDefault [{
name = "mynet";
type = "flannel";
delegate = {
isDefaultGateway = true;
bridge = "docker0";
};"mk-docker-opts" = {
description = "Pre-Docker Actions";
path = with pkgs; [ gawk gnugrep ];
script = ''
${mkDockerOpts}/mk-docker-opts -d /run/flannel/docker
systemctl restart docker
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
systemd.paths."flannel-subnet-env" = {
wantedBy = [ "flannel.service" ];
pathConfig = {
PathModified = "/run/flannel/subnet.env";
Unit = "mk-docker-opts.service";
}; = {
environment.DOCKER_OPTS = "-b none";
serviceConfig.EnvironmentFile = "-/run/flannel/docker";
# read environment variables generated by mk-docker-opts
virtualisation.docker.extraOptions = "$DOCKER_OPTS";
networking = {
firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [
8285 # flannel udp
8472 # flannel vxlan
dhcpcd.denyInterfaces = [ "docker*" "flannel*" ];
services.kubernetes.pki.certs = {
flannelClient = top.lib.mkCert {
name = "flannel-client";
CN = "flannel-client";
action = "systemctl restart flannel.service";
# give flannel som kubernetes rbac permissions if applicable
services.kubernetes.addonManager.bootstrapAddons = mkIf ((storageBackend == "kubernetes") && (elem "RBAC" top.apiserver.authorizationMode)) {
flannel-cr = {
apiVersion = "";
kind = "ClusterRole";
metadata = { name = "flannel"; };
rules = [{
apiGroups = [ "" ];
resources = [ "pods" ];
verbs = [ "get" ];
apiGroups = [ "" ];
resources = [ "nodes" ];
verbs = [ "list" "watch" ];
apiGroups = [ "" ];
resources = [ "nodes/status" ];
verbs = [ "patch" ];
flannel-crb = {
apiVersion = "";
kind = "ClusterRoleBinding";
metadata = { name = "flannel"; };
roleRef = {
apiGroup = "";
kind = "ClusterRole";
name = "flannel";
subjects = [{
kind = "User";
name = "flannel-client";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
top =;
cfg = top.kubelet;
cniConfig =
if cfg.cni.config != [] && !(isNull cfg.cni.configDir) then
throw "Verbatim CNI-config and CNI configDir cannot both be set."
else if !(isNull cfg.cni.configDir) then
(pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "kubernetes-cni-config";
paths = imap (i: entry:
pkgs.writeTextDir "${toString (10+i)}-${entry.type}.conf" (builtins.toJSON entry)
) cfg.cni.config;
infraContainer = pkgs.dockerTools.buildImage {
name = "pause";
tag = "latest";
contents = top.package.pause;
config.Cmd = "/bin/pause";
kubeconfig = top.lib.mkKubeConfig "kubelet" cfg.kubeconfig;
manifests = pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "kubernetes-manifests";
paths = mapAttrsToList (name: manifest:
pkgs.writeTextDir "${name}.json" (builtins.toJSON manifest)
) cfg.manifests;
manifestPath = "kubernetes/manifests";
taintOptions = with lib.types; { name, ... }: {
options = {
key = mkOption {
description = "Key of taint.";
default = name;
type = str;
value = mkOption {
description = "Value of taint.";
type = str;
effect = mkOption {
description = "Effect of taint.";
example = "NoSchedule";
type = enum ["NoSchedule" "PreferNoSchedule" "NoExecute"];
taints = concatMapStringsSep "," (v: "${v.key}=${v.value}:${v.effect}") (mapAttrsToList (n: v: v) cfg.taints);
###### interface = with lib.types; {
address = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes kubelet info server listening address.";
default = "";
type = str;
allowPrivileged = mkOption {
description = "Whether to allow Kubernetes containers to request privileged mode.";
default = false;
type = bool;
clusterDns = mkOption {
description = "Use alternative DNS.";
default = "";
type = str;
clusterDomain = mkOption {
description = "Use alternative domain.";
default =;
type = str;
clientCaFile = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes apiserver CA file for client authentication.";
default = top.caFile;
type = nullOr path;
cni = {
packages = mkOption {
description = "List of network plugin packages to install.";
type = listOf package;
default = [];
config = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes CNI configuration.";
type = listOf attrs;
default = [];
example = literalExample ''
"cniVersion": "0.2.0",
"name": "mynet",
"type": "bridge",
"bridge": "cni0",
"isGateway": true,
"ipMasq": true,
"ipam": {
"type": "host-local",
"subnet": "",
"routes": [
{ "dst": "" }
} {
"cniVersion": "0.2.0",
"type": "loopback"
configDir = mkOption {
description = "Path to Kubernetes CNI configuration directory.";
type = nullOr path;
default = null;
enable = mkEnableOption "Kubernetes kubelet.";
extraOpts = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes kubelet extra command line options.";
default = "";
type = str;
featureGates = mkOption {
description = "List set of feature gates";
default = top.featureGates;
type = listOf str;
healthz = {
bind = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes kubelet healthz listening address.";
default = "";
type = str;
port = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes kubelet healthz port.";
default = 10248;
type = int;
hostname = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes kubelet hostname override.";
default = config.networking.hostName;
type = str;
kubeconfig = top.lib.mkKubeConfigOptions "Kubelet";
manifests = mkOption {
description = "List of manifests to bootstrap with kubelet (only pods can be created as manifest entry)";
type = attrsOf attrs;
default = {};
networkPlugin = mkOption {
description = "Network plugin to use by Kubernetes.";
type = nullOr (enum ["cni" "kubenet"]);
default = "kubenet";
nodeIp = mkOption {
description = "IP address of the node. If set, kubelet will use this IP address for the node.";
default = null;
type = nullOr str;
registerNode = mkOption {
description = "Whether to auto register kubelet with API server.";
default = true;
type = bool;
port = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes kubelet info server listening port.";
default = 10250;
type = int;
seedDockerImages = mkOption {
description = "List of docker images to preload on system";
default = [];
type = listOf package;
taints = mkOption {
description = "Node taints (";
default = {};
type = attrsOf (submodule [ taintOptions ]);
tlsCertFile = mkOption {
description = "File containing x509 Certificate for HTTPS.";
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
tlsKeyFile = mkOption {
description = "File containing x509 private key matching tlsCertFile.";
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
unschedulable = mkOption {
description = "Whether to set node taint to unschedulable=true as it is the case of node that has only master role.";
default = false;
type = bool;
verbosity = mkOption {
description = ''
Optional glog verbosity level for logging statements. See
<link xlink:href=""/>
default = null;
type = nullOr int;
###### implementation
config = mkMerge [
(mkIf cfg.enable {
services.kubernetes.kubelet.seedDockerImages = [infraContainer]; = {
description = "Kubernetes Kubelet Service";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "" "docker.service" "kube-apiserver.service" ];
path = with pkgs; [ gitMinimal openssh docker utillinux iproute ethtool thin-provisioning-tools iptables socat ] ++ top.path;
preStart = ''
${concatMapStrings (img: ''
echo "Seeding docker image: ${img}"
docker load <${img}
'') cfg.seedDockerImages}
rm /opt/cni/bin/* || true
${concatMapStrings (package: ''
echo "Linking cni package: ${package}"
ln -fs ${package}/bin/* /opt/cni/bin
'') cfg.cni.packages}
serviceConfig = {
Slice = "kubernetes.slice";
CPUAccounting = true;
MemoryAccounting = true;
Restart = "on-failure";
RestartSec = "1000ms";
ExecStart = ''${top.package}/bin/kubelet \
--address=${cfg.address} \
--allow-privileged=${boolToString cfg.allowPrivileged} \
--authentication-token-webhook \
--authentication-token-webhook-cache-ttl="10s" \
--authorization-mode=Webhook \
${optionalString (cfg.clientCaFile != null)
"--client-ca-file=${cfg.clientCaFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.clusterDns != "")
"--cluster-dns=${cfg.clusterDns}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.clusterDomain != "")
"--cluster-domain=${cfg.clusterDomain}"} \
--cni-conf-dir=${cniConfig} \
${optionalString (cfg.featureGates != [])
"--feature-gates=${concatMapStringsSep "," (feature: "${feature}=true") cfg.featureGates}"} \
--hairpin-mode=hairpin-veth \
--healthz-bind-address=${cfg.healthz.bind} \
--healthz-port=${toString cfg.healthz.port} \
--hostname-override=${cfg.hostname} \
--kubeconfig=${kubeconfig} \
${optionalString (cfg.networkPlugin != null)
"--network-plugin=${cfg.networkPlugin}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.nodeIp != null)
"--node-ip=${cfg.nodeIp}"} \
--pod-infra-container-image=pause \
${optionalString (cfg.manifests != {})
"--pod-manifest-path=/etc/${manifestPath}"} \
--port=${toString cfg.port} \
--register-node=${boolToString cfg.registerNode} \
${optionalString (taints != "")
"--register-with-taints=${taints}"} \
--root-dir=${top.dataDir} \
${optionalString (cfg.tlsCertFile != null)
"--tls-cert-file=${cfg.tlsCertFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.tlsKeyFile != null)
"--tls-private-key-file=${cfg.tlsKeyFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.verbosity != null) "--v=${toString cfg.verbosity}"} \
WorkingDirectory = top.dataDir;
# Allways include cni plugins
services.kubernetes.kubelet.cni.packages = [pkgs.cni-plugins];
boot.kernelModules = ["br_netfilter"];
services.kubernetes.kubelet.hostname = with config.networking;
mkDefault (hostName + optionalString (!isNull domain) ".${domain}");
services.kubernetes.pki.certs = with top.lib; {
kubelet = mkCert {
name = "kubelet";
CN = top.kubelet.hostname;
action = "systemctl restart kubelet.service";
kubeletClient = mkCert {
name = "kubelet-client";
CN = "system:node:${top.kubelet.hostname}";
fields = {
O = "system:nodes";
action = "systemctl restart kubelet.service";
services.kubernetes.kubelet.kubeconfig.server = mkDefault top.apiserverAddress;
(mkIf (cfg.enable && cfg.manifests != {}) {
environment.etc = mapAttrs' (name: manifest:
nameValuePair "${manifestPath}/${name}.json" {
text = builtins.toJSON manifest;
mode = "0755";
) cfg.manifests;
(mkIf (cfg.unschedulable && cfg.enable) {
services.kubernetes.kubelet.taints.unschedulable = {
value = "true";
effect = "NoSchedule";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
top =;
cfg = top.pki;
csrCA = pkgs.writeText "kube-pki-cacert-csr.json" (builtins.toJSON {
key = {
algo = "rsa";
size = 2048;
names = singleton cfg.caSpec;
csrCfssl = pkgs.writeText "kube-pki-cfssl-csr.json" (builtins.toJSON {
key = {
algo = "rsa";
size = 2048;
CN = top.masterAddress;
cfsslAPITokenBaseName = "apitoken.secret";
cfsslAPITokenPath = "${}/${cfsslAPITokenBaseName}";
certmgrAPITokenPath = "${top.secretsPath}/${cfsslAPITokenBaseName}";
cfsslAPITokenLength = 32;
clusterAdminKubeconfig = with cfg.certs.clusterAdmin;
top.lib.mkKubeConfig "cluster-admin" {
server = top.apiserverAddress;
certFile = cert;
keyFile = key;
remote = with; "https://${kubernetes.masterAddress}:${toString cfssl.port}";
###### interface = with lib.types; {
enable = mkEnableOption "Whether to enable easyCert issuer service.";
certs = mkOption {
description = "List of certificate specs to feed to cert generator.";
default = {};
type = attrs;
genCfsslCACert = mkOption {
description = ''
Whether to automatically generate cfssl CA certificate and key,
if they don't exist.
default = true;
type = bool;
genCfsslAPICerts = mkOption {
description = ''
Whether to automatically generate cfssl API webserver TLS cert and key,
if they don't exist.
default = true;
type = bool;
genCfsslAPIToken = mkOption {
description = ''
Whether to automatically generate cfssl API-token secret,
if they doesn't exist.
default = true;
type = bool;
pkiTrustOnBootstrap = mkOption {
description = "Whether to always trust remote cfssl server upon initial PKI bootstrap.";
default = true;
type = bool;
caCertPathPrefix = mkOption {
description = ''
Path-prefrix for the CA-certificate to be used for cfssl signing.
Suffixes ".pem" and "-key.pem" will be automatically appended for
the public and private keys respectively.
default = "${}/ca";
type = str;
caSpec = mkOption {
description = "Certificate specification for the auto-generated CAcert.";
default = {
CN = "kubernetes-cluster-ca";
O = "NixOS";
OU = "services.kubernetes.pki.caSpec";
L = "auto-generated";
type = attrs;
etcClusterAdminKubeconfig = mkOption {
description = ''
Symlink a kubeconfig with cluster-admin privileges to environment path
default = null;
type = nullOr str;
###### implementation
config = mkIf cfg.enable
cfsslCertPathPrefix = "${}/cfssl";
cfsslCert = "${cfsslCertPathPrefix}.pem";
cfsslKey = "${cfsslCertPathPrefix}-key.pem";
services.cfssl = mkIf (top.apiserver.enable) {
enable = true;
address = "";
tlsCert = cfsslCert;
tlsKey = cfsslKey;
configFile = toString (pkgs.writeText "cfssl-config.json" (builtins.toJSON {
signing = {
profiles = {
default = {
usages = ["digital signature"];
auth_key = "default";
expiry = "720h";
auth_keys = {
default = {
type = "standard";
key = "file:${cfsslAPITokenPath}";
}; = with pkgs; with; mkIf (top.apiserver.enable)
(concatStringsSep "\n" [
"set -e"
(optionalString cfg.genCfsslCACert ''
if [ ! -f "${cfg.caCertPathPrefix}.pem" ]; then
${cfssl}/bin/cfssl genkey -initca ${csrCA} | \
${cfssl}/bin/cfssljson -bare ${cfg.caCertPathPrefix}
(optionalString cfg.genCfsslAPICerts ''
if [ ! -f "${dataDir}/cfssl.pem" ]; then
${cfssl}/bin/cfssl gencert -ca "${cfg.caCertPathPrefix}.pem" -ca-key "${cfg.caCertPathPrefix}-key.pem" ${csrCfssl} | \
${cfssl}/bin/cfssljson -bare ${cfsslCertPathPrefix}
(optionalString cfg.genCfsslAPIToken ''
if [ ! -f "${cfsslAPITokenPath}" ]; then
head -c ${toString (cfsslAPITokenLength / 2)} /dev/urandom | od -An -t x | tr -d ' ' >"${cfsslAPITokenPath}"
chown cfssl "${cfsslAPITokenPath}" && chmod 400 "${cfsslAPITokenPath}"
'')]); = {
description = "Kubernetes certmgr bootstrapper";
wantedBy = [ "certmgr.service" ];
after = [ "" ];
script = concatStringsSep "\n" [''
set -e
# If there's a cfssl (cert issuer) running locally, then don't rely on user to
# manually paste it in place. Just symlink.
# otherwise, create the target file, ready for users to insert the token
if [ -f "${cfsslAPITokenPath}" ]; then
ln -fs "${cfsslAPITokenPath}" "${certmgrAPITokenPath}"
touch "${certmgrAPITokenPath}" && chmod 600 "${certmgrAPITokenPath}"
(optionalString (cfg.pkiTrustOnBootstrap) ''
if [ ! -f "${top.caFile}" ] || [ $(cat "${top.caFile}" | wc -c) -lt 1 ]; then
${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl --fail-early -f -kd '{}' ${remote}/api/v1/cfssl/info | \
${pkgs.cfssl}/bin/cfssljson -stdout >${top.caFile}
serviceConfig = {
RestartSec = "10s";
Restart = "on-failure";
services.certmgr = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.certmgr-selfsigned;
svcManager = "command";
specs =
mkSpec = _: cert: {
inherit (cert) action;
authority = {
inherit remote;
file.path = cert.caCert;
root_ca = cert.caCert;
profile = "default";
auth_key_file = certmgrAPITokenPath;
certificate = {
path = cert.cert;
private_key = cert.privateKeyOptions;
request = {
inherit (cert) CN hosts;
key = {
algo = "rsa";
size = 2048;
names = [ cert.fields ];
mapAttrs mkSpec cfg.certs;
#TODO: Get rid of kube-addon-manager in the future for the following reasons
# - it is basically just a shell script wrapped around kubectl
# - it assumes that it is clusterAdmin or can gain clusterAdmin rights through serviceAccount
# - it is designed to be used with k8s system components only
# - it would be better with a more Nix-oriented way of managing addons = mkIf top.addonManager.enable (mkMerge [{
environment.KUBECONFIG = with cfg.certs.addonManager;
top.lib.mkKubeConfig "addon-manager" {
server = top.apiserverAddress;
certFile = cert;
keyFile = key;
(optionalAttrs (top.addonManager.bootstrapAddons != {}) {
serviceConfig.PermissionsStartOnly = true;
preStart = with pkgs;
files = mapAttrsToList (n: v: writeText "${n}.json" (builtins.toJSON v))
export KUBECONFIG=${clusterAdminKubeconfig}
${kubectl}/bin/kubectl apply -f ${concatStringsSep " \\\n -f " files}
environment.etc.${cfg.etcClusterAdminKubeconfig}.source = mkIf (!isNull cfg.etcClusterAdminKubeconfig)
environment.systemPackages = mkIf (top.kubelet.enable || top.proxy.enable) [
(pkgs.writeScriptBin "nixos-kubernetes-node-join" ''
set -e
exec 1>&2
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Usage: $(basename $0)"
echo ""
echo "No args. Apitoken must be provided on stdin."
echo "To get the apitoken, execute: 'sudo cat ${certmgrAPITokenPath}' on the master node."
exit 1
if [ $(id -u) != 0 ]; then
echo "Run as root please."
exit 1
read -r token
if [ ''${#token} != ${toString cfsslAPITokenLength} ]; then
echo "Token must be of length ${toString cfsslAPITokenLength}."
exit 1
echo $token > ${certmgrAPITokenPath}
chmod 600 ${certmgrAPITokenPath}
echo "Restarting certmgr..." >&1
systemctl restart certmgr
echo "Waiting for certs to appear..." >&1
${optionalString top.kubelet.enable ''
while [ ! -f ${cfg.certs.kubelet.cert} ]; do sleep 1; done
echo "Restarting kubelet..." >&1
systemctl restart kubelet
${optionalString top.proxy.enable ''
while [ ! -f ${cfg.certs.kubeProxyClient.cert} ]; do sleep 1; done
echo "Restarting kube-proxy..." >&1
systemctl restart kube-proxy
${optionalString top.flannel.enable ''
while [ ! -f ${cfg.certs.flannelClient.cert} ]; do sleep 1; done
echo "Restarting flannel..." >&1
systemctl restart flannel
echo "Node joined succesfully"
# isolate etcd on loopback at the master node
# easyCerts doesn't support multimaster clusters anyway atm.
services.etcd = with cfg.certs.etcd; {
listenClientUrls = [""];
listenPeerUrls = [""];
advertiseClientUrls = ["https://etcd.local:2379"];
initialCluster = ["${top.masterAddress}=https://etcd.local:2380"];
initialAdvertisePeerUrls = ["https://etcd.local:2380"];
certFile = mkDefault cert;
keyFile = mkDefault key;
trustedCaFile = mkDefault caCert;
networking.extraHosts = mkIf ( '' etcd.${top.addons.dns.clusterDomain} etcd.local
services.flannel = with cfg.certs.flannelClient; {
kubeconfig = top.lib.mkKubeConfig "flannel" {
server = top.apiserverAddress;
certFile = cert;
keyFile = key;
services.kubernetes = {
apiserver = mkIf top.apiserver.enable (with cfg.certs.apiServer; {
etcd = with cfg.certs.apiserverEtcdClient; {
servers = ["https://etcd.local:2379"];
certFile = mkDefault cert;
keyFile = mkDefault key;
caFile = mkDefault caCert;
clientCaFile = mkDefault caCert;
tlsCertFile = mkDefault cert;
tlsKeyFile = mkDefault key;
serviceAccountKeyFile = mkDefault cfg.certs.serviceAccount.cert;
kubeletClientCaFile = mkDefault caCert;
kubeletClientCertFile = mkDefault cfg.certs.apiserverKubeletClient.cert;
kubeletClientKeyFile = mkDefault cfg.certs.apiserverKubeletClient.key;
controllerManager = mkIf top.controllerManager.enable {
serviceAccountKeyFile = mkDefault cfg.certs.serviceAccount.key;
rootCaFile = cfg.certs.controllerManagerClient.caCert;
kubeconfig = with cfg.certs.controllerManagerClient; {
certFile = mkDefault cert;
keyFile = mkDefault key;
scheduler = mkIf top.scheduler.enable {
kubeconfig = with cfg.certs.schedulerClient; {
certFile = mkDefault cert;
keyFile = mkDefault key;
kubelet = mkIf top.kubelet.enable {
clientCaFile = mkDefault cfg.certs.kubelet.caCert;
tlsCertFile = mkDefault cfg.certs.kubelet.cert;
tlsKeyFile = mkDefault cfg.certs.kubelet.key;
kubeconfig = with cfg.certs.kubeletClient; {
certFile = mkDefault cert;
keyFile = mkDefault key;
proxy = mkIf top.proxy.enable {
kubeconfig = with cfg.certs.kubeProxyClient; {
certFile = mkDefault cert;
keyFile = mkDefault key;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
top =;
cfg = top.proxy;
###### interface = with lib.types; {
bindAddress = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes proxy listening address.";
default = "";
type = str;
enable = mkEnableOption "Whether to enable Kubernetes proxy.";
extraOpts = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes proxy extra command line options.";
default = "";
type = str;
featureGates = mkOption {
description = "List set of feature gates";
default = top.featureGates;
type = listOf str;
kubeconfig = top.lib.mkKubeConfigOptions "Kubernetes proxy";
verbosity = mkOption {
description = ''
Optional glog verbosity level for logging statements. See
<link xlink:href=""/>
default = null;
type = nullOr int;
###### implementation
config = mkIf cfg.enable { = {
description = "Kubernetes Proxy Service";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "kube-apiserver.service" ];
path = with pkgs; [ iptables conntrack_tools ];
serviceConfig = {
Slice = "kubernetes.slice";
ExecStart = ''${top.package}/bin/kube-proxy \
--bind-address=${cfg.bindAddress} \
${optionalString (top.clusterCidr!=null)
"--cluster-cidr=${top.clusterCidr}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.featureGates != [])
"--feature-gates=${concatMapStringsSep "," (feature: "${feature}=true") cfg.featureGates}"} \
--kubeconfig=${top.lib.mkKubeConfig "kube-proxy" cfg.kubeconfig} \
${optionalString (cfg.verbosity != null) "--v=${toString cfg.verbosity}"} \
WorkingDirectory = top.dataDir;
services.kubernetes.pki.certs = {
kubeProxyClient = top.lib.mkCert {
name = "kube-proxy-client";
CN = "system:kube-proxy";
action = "systemctl restart kube-proxy.service";
services.kubernetes.proxy.kubeconfig.server = mkDefault top.apiserverAddress;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
top =;
cfg = top.scheduler;
###### interface = with lib.types; {
address = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes scheduler listening address.";
default = "";
type = str;
enable = mkEnableOption "Whether to enable Kubernetes scheduler.";
extraOpts = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes scheduler extra command line options.";
default = "";
type = str;
featureGates = mkOption {
description = "List set of feature gates";
default = top.featureGates;
type = listOf str;
kubeconfig = top.lib.mkKubeConfigOptions "Kubernetes scheduler";
leaderElect = mkOption {
description = "Whether to start leader election before executing main loop.";
type = bool;
default = true;
port = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes scheduler listening port.";
default = 10251;
type = int;
verbosity = mkOption {
description = ''
Optional glog verbosity level for logging statements. See
<link xlink:href=""/>
default = null;
type = nullOr int;
###### implementation
config = mkIf cfg.enable { = {
description = "Kubernetes Scheduler Service";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "kube-apiserver.service" ];
serviceConfig = {
Slice = "kubernetes.slice";
ExecStart = ''${top.package}/bin/kube-scheduler \
--address=${cfg.address} \
${optionalString (cfg.featureGates != [])
"--feature-gates=${concatMapStringsSep "," (feature: "${feature}=true") cfg.featureGates}"} \
--kubeconfig=${top.lib.mkKubeConfig "kube-scheduler" cfg.kubeconfig} \
--leader-elect=${boolToString cfg.leaderElect} \
--port=${toString cfg.port} \
${optionalString (cfg.verbosity != null) "--v=${toString cfg.verbosity}"} \
WorkingDirectory = top.dataDir;
User = "kubernetes";
Group = "kubernetes";
services.kubernetes.pki.certs = {
schedulerClient = top.lib.mkCert {
name = "kube-scheduler-client";
CN = "system:kube-scheduler";
action = "systemctl restart kube-scheduler.service";
services.kubernetes.scheduler.kubeconfig.server = mkDefault top.apiserverAddress;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# Thunderbolt 3 device manager
{ config, lib, pkgs, ...}:
with lib;
options = {
services.hardware.bolt = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Whether to enable Bolt, a userspace daemon to enable
security levels for Thunderbolt 3 on GNU/Linux.
Bolt is used by GNOME 3 to handle Thunderbolt settings.
config = mkIf {
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.bolt ];
services.udev.packages = [ pkgs.bolt ];
systemd.packages = [ pkgs.bolt ];

View File

@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ let
password = cfg.databasePassword;
username = cfg.databaseUsername;
encoding = "utf8";
pool = cfg.databasePool;
} // cfg.extraDatabaseConfig;
gitalyToml = pkgs.writeText "gitaly.toml" ''
@ -253,6 +254,18 @@ in {
description = "Gitlab database user.";
databasePool = mkOption {
type =;
default = 5;
description = "Database connection pool size.";
extraDatabaseConfig = mkOption {
type = types.attrs;
default = {};
description = "Extra configuration in config/database.yml.";
host = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = config.networking.hostName;

View File

@ -4,11 +4,36 @@ with lib;
cfg =;
options = {
services.jackett = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Jackett";
dataDir = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "/var/lib/jackett/.config/Jackett";
description = "The directory where Jackett stores its data files.";
openFirewall = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = "Open ports in the firewall for the Jackett web interface.";
user = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "jackett";
description = "User account under which Jackett runs.";
group = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "jackett";
description = "Group under which Jackett runs.";
@ -18,30 +43,38 @@ in
after = [ "" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
preStart = ''
test -d /var/lib/jackett/ || {
echo "Creating jackett data directory in /var/lib/jackett/"
mkdir -p /var/lib/jackett/
test -d ${cfg.dataDir} || {
echo "Creating jackett data directory in ${cfg.dataDir}"
mkdir -p ${cfg.dataDir}
chown -R jackett:jackett /var/lib/jackett/
chmod 0700 /var/lib/jackett/
chown -R ${cfg.user}:${} ${cfg.dataDir}
chmod 0700 ${cfg.dataDir}
serviceConfig = {
Type = "simple";
User = "jackett";
Group = "jackett";
User = cfg.user;
Group =;
PermissionsStartOnly = "true";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.jackett}/bin/Jackett";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.jackett}/bin/Jackett --NoUpdates --DataFolder '${cfg.dataDir}'";
Restart = "on-failure";
users.users.jackett = {
uid = config.ids.uids.jackett;
home = "/var/lib/jackett";
group = "jackett";
networking.firewall = mkIf cfg.openFirewall {
allowedTCPPorts = [ 9117 ];
users.groups.jackett.gid = config.ids.gids.jackett;
users.users = mkIf (cfg.user == "jackett") {
jackett = {
group =;
home = cfg.dataDir;
uid = config.ids.uids.jackett;
users.groups = mkIf ( == "jackett") {
jackett.gid = config.ids.gids.jackett;

View File

@ -4,11 +4,36 @@ with lib;
cfg =;
options = {
services.radarr = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Radarr";
dataDir = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "/var/lib/radarr/.config/Radarr";
description = "The directory where Radarr stores its data files.";
openFirewall = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = "Open ports in the firewall for the Radarr web interface.";
user = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "radarr";
description = "User account under which Radarr runs.";
group = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "radarr";
description = "Group under which Radarr runs.";
@ -18,30 +43,38 @@ in
after = [ "" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
preStart = ''
test -d /var/lib/radarr/ || {
echo "Creating radarr data directory in /var/lib/radarr/"
mkdir -p /var/lib/radarr/
test -d ${cfg.dataDir} || {
echo "Creating radarr data directory in ${cfg.dataDir}"
mkdir -p ${cfg.dataDir}
chown -R radarr:radarr /var/lib/radarr/
chmod 0700 /var/lib/radarr/
chown -R ${cfg.user}:${} ${cfg.dataDir}
chmod 0700 ${cfg.dataDir}
serviceConfig = {
Type = "simple";
User = "radarr";
Group = "radarr";
User = cfg.user;
Group =;
PermissionsStartOnly = "true";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.radarr}/bin/Radarr";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.radarr}/bin/Radarr -nobrowser -data='${cfg.dataDir}'";
Restart = "on-failure";
users.users.radarr = {
uid = config.ids.uids.radarr;
home = "/var/lib/radarr";
group = "radarr";
networking.firewall = mkIf cfg.openFirewall {
allowedTCPPorts = [ 7878 ];
users.groups.radarr.gid = config.ids.gids.radarr;
users.users = mkIf (cfg.user == "radarr") {
radarr = {
group =;
home = cfg.dataDir;
uid = config.ids.uids.radarr;
users.groups = mkIf ( == "radarr") {
radarr.gid = config.ids.gids.radarr;

View File

@ -161,7 +161,10 @@ in {
NODE_NAME = cfg.nodeName;
preStart = mkIf (cfg.storageBackend == "etcd") ''
preStart = ''
mkdir -p /run/flannel
touch /run/flannel/docker
'' + optionalString (cfg.storageBackend == "etcd") ''
echo "setting network configuration"
until ${pkgs.etcdctl.bin}/bin/etcdctl set / '${builtins.toJSON networkConfig}'
@ -169,13 +172,11 @@ in {
sleep 1
postStart = ''
while [ ! -f /run/flannel/subnet.env ]
sleep 1
serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/flannel";
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/flannel";
Restart = "always";
RestartSec = "10s";
services.etcd.enable = mkDefault (cfg.storageBackend == "etcd" && cfg.etcd.endpoints == [""]);

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let
else if (cfg.database.passwordFile != null) then
define('DB_PORT', '${toString dbPort}');

View File

@ -497,8 +497,8 @@ in
default = false;
description = ''
If enabled, each virtual host gets its own
<filename>access_log</filename> and
<filename>error_log</filename>, namely suffixed by the
<filename>access.log</filename> and
<filename>error.log</filename>, namely suffixed by the
<option>hostName</option> of the virtual host.

View File

@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ in {
services.colord.enable = mkDefault true;
services.packagekit.enable = mkDefault true;
hardware.bluetooth.enable = mkDefault true;
services.hardware.bolt.enable = mkDefault true;
services.xserver.libinput.enable = mkDefault true; # for controlling touchpad settings via gnome control center
services.udev.packages = [ pkgs.gnome3.gnome-settings-daemon ];
systemd.packages = [ pkgs.gnome3.vino ];

View File

@ -3,19 +3,17 @@
with lib;
cfg =;
cfg = config.virtualisation.vmware.guest;
open-vm-tools = if cfg.headless then else;
xf86inputvmmouse = pkgs.xorg.xf86inputvmmouse;
options = {
services.vmwareGuest = {
enable = mkEnableOption "VMWare Guest Support";
headless = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = "Whether to disable X11-related features.";
options.virtualisation.vmware.guest = {
enable = mkEnableOption "VMWare Guest Support";
headless = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = "Whether to disable X11-related features.";
@ -25,6 +23,8 @@ in
message = "VMWare guest is not currently supported on ${pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system}";
} ];
boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "vmw_pvscsi" ];
environment.systemPackages = [ open-vm-tools ]; =

View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ let
mkKubernetesBaseTest =
{ name, domain ? "my.zyx", test, machines
, pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { inherit system; }
, certs ? import ./certs.nix { inherit pkgs; externalDomain = domain; kubelets = attrNames machines; }
, extraConfiguration ? null }:
masterName = head (filter (machineName: any (role: role == "master") machines.${machineName}.roles) (attrNames machines));
@ -20,6 +19,10 @@ let
${master.ip} api.${domain}
${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (machineName: "${machines.${machineName}.ip} ${machineName}.${domain}") (attrNames machines)}
kubectl = with pkgs; runCommand "wrap-kubectl" { buildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]; } ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
makeWrapper ${pkgs.kubernetes}/bin/kubectl $out/bin/kubectl --set KUBECONFIG "/etc/kubernetes/cluster-admin.kubeconfig"
in makeTest {
inherit name;
@ -27,6 +30,7 @@ let
{ config, pkgs, lib, nodes, ... }:
mkMerge [
boot.postBootCommands = "rm -fr /var/lib/kubernetes/secrets /tmp/shared/*";
virtualisation.memorySize = mkDefault 1536;
virtualisation.diskSize = mkDefault 4096;
networking = {
@ -45,34 +49,25 @@ let
programs.bash.enableCompletion = true;
environment.variables = {
ETCDCTL_CERT_FILE = "${certs.worker}/etcd-client.pem";
ETCDCTL_KEY_FILE = "${certs.worker}/etcd-client-key.pem";
ETCDCTL_CA_FILE = "${certs.worker}/ca.pem";
ETCDCTL_PEERS = "https://etcd.${domain}:2379";
environment.systemPackages = [ kubectl ];
services.flannel.iface = "eth1";
services.kubernetes.apiserver.advertiseAddress = master.ip;
services.kubernetes = {
addons.dashboard.enable = true;
easyCerts = true;
inherit (machine) roles;
apiserver = {
securePort = 443;
advertiseAddress = master.ip;
masterAddress = "${masterName}.${config.networking.domain}";
(optionalAttrs (any (role: role == "master") machine.roles) {
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [
2379 2380 # etcd
443 # kubernetes apiserver
services.etcd = {
enable = true;
certFile = "${certs.master}/etcd.pem";
keyFile = "${certs.master}/etcd-key.pem";
trustedCaFile = "${certs.master}/ca.pem";
peerClientCertAuth = true;
listenClientUrls = [""];
listenPeerUrls = [""];
advertiseClientUrls = ["https://etcd.${config.networking.domain}:2379"];
initialCluster = ["${masterName}=https://etcd.${config.networking.domain}:2380"];
initialAdvertisePeerUrls = ["https://etcd.${config.networking.domain}:2380"];
(import ./kubernetes-common.nix { inherit (machine) roles; inherit pkgs config certs; })
(optionalAttrs (machine ? "extraConfiguration") (machine.extraConfiguration { inherit config pkgs lib nodes; }))
(optionalAttrs (extraConfiguration != null) (extraConfiguration { inherit config pkgs lib nodes; }))

View File

@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {},
externalDomain ? "",
serviceClusterIp ? "",
runWithCFSSL = name: cmd:
let secrets = pkgs.runCommand "${name}-cfss.json" {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.cfssl pkgs.jq ];
outputs = [ "out" "cert" "key" "csr" ];
echo "${cmd}"
cfssl ${cmd} > tmp
cat tmp | jq -r .key > $key
cat tmp | jq -r .cert > $cert
cat tmp | jq -r .csr > $csr
touch $out
) 2>&1 | fold -w 80 -s
in {
key = secrets.key;
cert = secrets.cert;
csr = secrets.csr;
writeCFSSL = content:
pkgs.runCommand {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.cfssl pkgs.jq ];
} ''
mkdir -p $out
cd $out
json=${pkgs.lib.escapeShellArg (builtins.toJSON content)}
# for a given $field in the $json, treat the associated value as a
# file path and substitute the contents thereof into the $json
# object.
expandFileField() {
local field=$1
if jq -e --arg field "$field" 'has($field)'; then
local path="$(echo "$json" | jq -r ".$field")"
json="$(echo "$json" | jq --arg val "$(cat "$path")" ".$field = \$val")"
expandFileField key
expandFileField ca
expandFileField cert
echo "$json" | cfssljson -bare ${}
noCSR = content: pkgs.lib.filterAttrs (n: v: n != "csr") content;
noKey = content: pkgs.lib.filterAttrs (n: v: n != "key") content;
writeFile = content:
if pkgs.lib.isDerivation content
then content
else pkgs.writeText "content" (builtins.toJSON content);
createServingCertKey = { ca, cn, hosts? [], size ? 2048, name ? cn }:
noCSR (
(runWithCFSSL name "gencert -ca=${writeFile ca.cert} -ca-key=${writeFile ca.key} -profile=server -config=${writeFile ca.config} ${writeFile {
CN = cn;
hosts = hosts;
key = { algo = "rsa"; inherit size; };
}}") // { inherit name; }
createClientCertKey = { ca, cn, groups ? [], size ? 2048, name ? cn }:
noCSR (
(runWithCFSSL name "gencert -ca=${writeFile ca.cert} -ca-key=${writeFile ca.key} -profile=client -config=${writeFile ca.config} ${writeFile {
CN = cn;
names = map (group: {O = group;}) groups;
hosts = [""];
key = { algo = "rsa"; inherit size; };
}}") // { inherit name; }
createSigningCertKey = { C ? "xx", ST ? "x", L ? "x", O ? "x", OU ? "x", CN ? "ca", emailAddress ? "x", expiry ? "43800h", size ? 2048, name ? CN }:
(noCSR (runWithCFSSL CN "genkey -initca ${writeFile {
key = { algo = "rsa"; inherit size; };
names = [{ inherit C ST L O OU CN emailAddress; }];
}}")) // {
inherit name;
config.signing = {
default.expiry = expiry;
profiles = {
server = {
inherit expiry;
usages = [
"key encipherment"
"server auth"
client = {
inherit expiry;
usages = [
"key encipherment"
"client auth"
peer = {
inherit expiry;
usages = [
"key encipherment"
"server auth"
"client auth"
ca = createSigningCertKey {};
kube-apiserver = createServingCertKey {
inherit ca;
cn = "kube-apiserver";
hosts = ["kubernetes.default" "kubernetes.default.svc" "localhost" "api.${externalDomain}" serviceClusterIp];
kubelet = createServingCertKey {
inherit ca;
cn = "kubelet";
hosts = ["*.${externalDomain}"];
service-accounts = createServingCertKey {
inherit ca;
cn = "kube-service-accounts";
etcd = createServingCertKey {
inherit ca;
cn = "etcd";
hosts = ["etcd.${externalDomain}"];
etcd-client = createClientCertKey {
inherit ca;
cn = "etcd-client";
kubelet-client = createClientCertKey {
inherit ca;
cn = "kubelet-client";
groups = ["system:masters"];
apiserver-client = {
kubelet = hostname: createClientCertKey {
inherit ca;
name = "apiserver-client-kubelet-${hostname}";
cn = "system:node:${hostname}.${externalDomain}";
groups = ["system:nodes"];
kube-proxy = createClientCertKey {
inherit ca;
name = "apiserver-client-kube-proxy";
cn = "system:kube-proxy";
groups = ["system:kube-proxy" "system:nodes"];
kube-controller-manager = createClientCertKey {
inherit ca;
name = "apiserver-client-kube-controller-manager";
cn = "system:kube-controller-manager";
groups = ["system:masters"];
kube-scheduler = createClientCertKey {
inherit ca;
name = "apiserver-client-kube-scheduler";
cn = "system:kube-scheduler";
groups = ["system:kube-scheduler"];
admin = createClientCertKey {
inherit ca;
cn = "admin";
groups = ["system:masters"];
in {
master = pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "master-keys";
paths = [
(writeCFSSL (noKey ca))
(writeCFSSL kube-apiserver)
(writeCFSSL kubelet-client)
(writeCFSSL apiserver-client.kube-controller-manager)
(writeCFSSL apiserver-client.kube-scheduler)
(writeCFSSL service-accounts)
(writeCFSSL etcd)
worker = pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "worker-keys";
paths = [
(writeCFSSL (noKey ca))
(writeCFSSL kubelet)
(writeCFSSL apiserver-client.kube-proxy)
(writeCFSSL etcd-client)
] ++ map (hostname: writeCFSSL (apiserver-client.kubelet hostname)) kubelets;
admin = writeCFSSL apiserver-client.admin;

View File

@ -71,17 +71,17 @@ let
base = {
name = "dns";
inherit domain certs extraConfiguration;
inherit domain extraConfiguration;
singleNodeTest = {
test = ''
# prepare machine1 for test
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl get node machine1.${domain} | grep -w Ready");
$machine1->execute("docker load < ${redisImage}");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("docker load < ${redisImage}");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl create -f ${redisPod}");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl create -f ${redisService}");
$machine1->execute("docker load < ${probeImage}");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("docker load < ${probeImage}");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl create -f ${probePod}");
# check if pods are running
@ -99,13 +99,16 @@ let
multiNodeTest = {
test = ''
# Node token exchange
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("cp -f /var/lib/cfssl/apitoken.secret /tmp/shared/apitoken.secret");
$machine2->waitUntilSucceeds("cat /tmp/shared/apitoken.secret | nixos-kubernetes-node-join");
# prepare machines for test
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl get node machine1.${domain} | grep -w Ready");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl get node machine2.${domain} | grep -w Ready");
$machine2->execute("docker load < ${redisImage}");
$machine2->waitUntilSucceeds("docker load < ${redisImage}");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl create -f ${redisPod}");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl create -f ${redisService}");
$machine2->execute("docker load < ${probeImage}");
$machine2->waitUntilSucceeds("docker load < ${probeImage}");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl create -f ${probePod}");
# check if pods are running

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
{ roles, config, pkgs, certs }:
with pkgs.lib;
base = {
inherit roles;
flannel.enable = true;
addons.dashboard.enable = true;
caFile = "${certs.master}/ca.pem";
apiserver = {
tlsCertFile = "${certs.master}/kube-apiserver.pem";
tlsKeyFile = "${certs.master}/kube-apiserver-key.pem";
kubeletClientCertFile = "${certs.master}/kubelet-client.pem";
kubeletClientKeyFile = "${certs.master}/kubelet-client-key.pem";
serviceAccountKeyFile = "${certs.master}/kube-service-accounts.pem";
etcd = {
servers = ["https://etcd.${config.networking.domain}:2379"];
certFile = "${certs.worker}/etcd-client.pem";
keyFile = "${certs.worker}/etcd-client-key.pem";
kubeconfig = {
server = "https://api.${config.networking.domain}";
kubelet = {
tlsCertFile = "${certs.worker}/kubelet.pem";
tlsKeyFile = "${certs.worker}/kubelet-key.pem";
hostname = "${config.networking.hostName}.${config.networking.domain}";
kubeconfig = {
certFile = "${certs.worker}/apiserver-client-kubelet-${config.networking.hostName}.pem";
keyFile = "${certs.worker}/apiserver-client-kubelet-${config.networking.hostName}-key.pem";
controllerManager = {
serviceAccountKeyFile = "${certs.master}/kube-service-accounts-key.pem";
kubeconfig = {
certFile = "${certs.master}/apiserver-client-kube-controller-manager.pem";
keyFile = "${certs.master}/apiserver-client-kube-controller-manager-key.pem";
scheduler = {
kubeconfig = {
certFile = "${certs.master}/apiserver-client-kube-scheduler.pem";
keyFile = "${certs.master}/apiserver-client-kube-scheduler-key.pem";
proxy = {
kubeconfig = {
certFile = "${certs.worker}/apiserver-client-kube-proxy.pem";
keyFile = "${certs.worker}//apiserver-client-kube-proxy-key.pem";
in {
services.kubernetes = base;

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ let
test = ''
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl get node | grep -w Ready");
$machine1->execute("docker load < ${kubectlImage}");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("docker load < ${kubectlImage}");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl apply -f ${roServiceAccount}");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl apply -f ${roRole}");
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ let
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl get pod kubectl | grep Running");
$machine1->succeed("kubectl exec -ti kubectl -- kubectl get pods");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl exec -ti kubectl -- kubectl get pods");
$machine1->fail("kubectl exec -ti kubectl -- kubectl create -f /kubectl-pod-2.json");
$machine1->fail("kubectl exec -ti kubectl -- kubectl delete pods -l name=kubectl");
@ -113,10 +113,13 @@ let
multinode = base // {
test = ''
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl get node | grep -w Ready");
# Node token exchange
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("cp -f /var/lib/cfssl/apitoken.secret /tmp/shared/apitoken.secret");
$machine2->waitUntilSucceeds("cat /tmp/shared/apitoken.secret | nixos-kubernetes-node-join");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl get node | grep -w Ready");
$machine2->execute("docker load < ${kubectlImage}");
$machine2->waitUntilSucceeds("docker load < ${kubectlImage}");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl apply -f ${roServiceAccount}");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl apply -f ${roRole}");
@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ let
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl get pod kubectl | grep Running");
$machine1->succeed("kubectl exec -ti kubectl -- kubectl get pods");
$machine1->waitUntilSucceeds("kubectl exec -ti kubectl -- kubectl get pods");
$machine1->fail("kubectl exec -ti kubectl -- kubectl create -f /kubectl-pod-2.json");
$machine1->fail("kubectl exec -ti kubectl -- kubectl delete pods -l name=kubectl");

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
buildGoPackage rec {
name = "go-ethereum-${version}";
version = "1.8.21";
version = "1.8.22";
goPackagePath = "";
# Fix for usb-related segmentation faults on darwin
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ buildGoPackage rec {
owner = "ethereum";
repo = "go-ethereum";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "1p4qfxa90l26s9q4hddyb93gdf7vb0sb46z9n26ijiqlxdq3z7v2";
sha256 = "0ag9qxrf7n0qkccaf6v4jaysivpxvsy5zfzar3mcm65223pqy375";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage =;
description = "Official golang implementation of the Ethereum protocol";
license = with licenses; [ lgpl3 gpl3 ];
maintainers = [ maintainers.adisbladis maintainers.lionello ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ adisbladis asymmetric lionello ];

View File

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
pythonPackages.buildPythonApplication rec {
pname = "Mopidy-Iris";
version = "3.32.4";
version = "3.32.5";
src = pythonPackages.fetchPypi {
inherit pname version;
sha256 = "16b3dkxland4mjzjs2rz5gbqjapzzmap4d1mfhbrj2ch3plmdy7g";
sha256 = "0vs8x26zcakk6c31sc774h2lcdw3syp236vyymmx1jnfsh1jaqpn";
propagatedBuildInputs = [

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, boost, mpd_clientlib, ncurses, pkgconfig, readline
, libiconv, icu, curl
, outputsSupport ? false # outputs screen
, outputsSupport ? true # outputs screen
, visualizerSupport ? false, fftw ? null # visualizer screen
, clockSupport ? false # clock screen
, clockSupport ? true # clock screen
, taglibSupport ? true, taglib ? null # tag editor

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, zlib, pkgconfig, mpg123, libogg, libvorbis, portaudio, libsndfile, flac
, usePulseAudio ? false, libpulseaudio }:
{ config, stdenv, fetchurl, zlib, pkgconfig, mpg123, libogg, libvorbis, portaudio, libsndfile, flac
, usePulseAudio ? config.pulseaudio or false, libpulseaudio }:
version = "0.4.1";

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
meta = {
homepage =;
inherit description;
platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];

View File

@ -11,7 +11,14 @@ assert stdenv ? glibc;
# is the main place to
# find the downloads needed for new versions
rec {
platform_major = "4";
platform_minor = "10";
year = "2018";
month = "12";
timestamp = "201812060815";
in rec {
buildEclipse = import ./build-eclipse.nix {
inherit stdenv makeDesktopItem freetype fontconfig libX11 libXrender zlib
@ -21,133 +28,43 @@ rec {
### Eclipse CPP
eclipse-cpp = eclipse-cpp-47; # always point to latest
eclipse-cpp-47 = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-cpp-4.7.0";
eclipse-cpp = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-cpp-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, Oxygen release";
src =
if stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "x86_64-linux" then
fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "813c791e739d7d0e2ab242a5bacadca135bbeee20ef97aa830353cd90f63fa6e9c89cfcc6aadf635c742befe035bd6e3f15103013f63c419f6144e86ebde3ed1";
else if stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "i686-linux" then
fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "2b50f4a00306a89cda1aaaa606e62285cacbf93464a9dd3f3319dca3e2c578b802e685de6f78e5e617d269e21271188effe73d41f491a6de946e28795d82db8a";
else throw "Unsupported system: ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}";
fetchurl {
url = "${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-cpp-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz";
sha512 = "1f5yr7cydz4iw8c14yn713d44f1g1wkiqiwmb4ikdfx4l70rc5xxsdxv9b4mhm89b02cqnxdh9p5hivkssmnzg0km3ab5bx9mvzgzx7";
eclipse-cpp-37 = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-cpp-3.7";
description = "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers";
src =
if stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "x86_64-linux" then
fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "14ppc9g9igzvj1pq7jl01vwhzb66nmzbl9wsdl1sf3xnwa9wnqk3";
fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "1cvg1vgyazrkinwzlvlf0dpl197p4784752srqybqylyj5psdi3b";
eclipse_cpp_37 = eclipse-cpp-37; # backward compatibility, added 2016-01-30
### Eclipse Modeling
eclipse-modeling = eclipse-modeling-47; # always point to latest
eclipse-modeling-47 = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-modeling-4.7";
eclipse-modeling = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-modeling-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse Modeling Tools";
src =
if stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "x86_64-linux" then
fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "3b9a7ad4b5d6b77fbdd64e8d323e0adb6c2904763ad042b374b4d87cef8607408cb407e395870fc755d58c0c800e20818adcf456ebe193d76cede16c5fe12271";
fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "b8597c1dec117e69c72a5e1a53e09b1f81a7c9de86ed7e71a9d007664603202df301745f186ded02b2e76410345863e80a2ba40867d6848e5375601289999206";
fetchurl {
url = "${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-modeling-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz";
sha512 = "18psh1lgqg21dmndyc0yr6rz7piqyk861j9mlhgv9xaq8nz11fb6lil594sk64yyv0qbgi98vp03f1p06zvhgs37k9rjkfjmzl7n97k";
eclipse-modeling-36 = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-modeling-3.6.2";
description = "Eclipse Modeling Tools (includes Incubating components)";
src =
if stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "x86_64-linux" then
fetchurl {
url =;
sha1 = "e96f5f006298f68476f4a15a2be8589158d5cc61";
fetchurl {
url =;
sha1 = "696377895bb26445de39d82a916b7e69edb1d939";
eclipse_modeling_36 = eclipse-modeling-36; # backward compatibility, added 2016-01-30
### Eclipse Platform
eclipse-platform = eclipse-platform-49; # always point to latest
eclipse-platform-47 = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-platform-4.7.3a";
description = "Eclipse Platform Oxygen";
sources = {
"x86_64-linux" = fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "caf86cd6efaf66258c75434f1adf552587a7395d57dba4cfd20f86196308cf942866d931f4b352f9d39a6fbf14444fcd2167e6bfd146a28c96c229bb9988156a";
"i686-linux" = fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "c633da467774e4ab40f8d51d07b8e7d8403f26f23365c3c3ceeaeec1039b8c23c7508cee1f786bf52db64c7b84e0f91cb31a2848a74ac8271f8504934407bd5c";
eclipse-platform-48 = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-platform-4.8";
description = "Eclipse Platform Photon";
sources = {
"x86_64-linux" = fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "ccce2b954938479e42ef3f9b78f74b24ae4cae7499546fa4f9a55ec1849e1acfd06315d4529b11474a8b3d1142c9409c581edfa571baaf1342ab062f02467af2";
"i686-linux" = fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "f5f407727e22b848931cf38f71b1a0c30a9778aa227c3df137dcceec2fba2ecc309cbfa8b4a660b814d2edb60f65110381497b4325781cab4d6402784139e32b";
eclipse-platform-49 = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-platform-4.9";
description = "Eclipse Platform 2018-09";
sources = {
"x86_64-linux" = fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "875714bb411145c917fccedf2f7c4fd2757640b2debf4a18f775604233abd6f0da893b350cc03da44413d7ec6fae3f773ef08634e632058e4b705e6cda2893eb";
"i686-linux" = fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "758bc0de30fa5c4b76b343ea0325611d87b6928ef5002244f2f1ba2a9fa937de89b2a94ce2c8d33d79344fd574d6e8a72c5d127fe416d785f48600e9e85fce86";
eclipse-platform = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-platform-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse Platform ${year}-${month}";
src =
fetchurl {
url = "${platform_major}/R-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}-${timestamp}/eclipse-platform-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz";
sha512 = "2zdvbjk05a00lbcad9v30rcr93j03d2pycdhpwrvrakr8z4yrxs6svamq9s294ry1w3lw04pgsnqklw6zjx6iil1kp51f374lkfpxn7";
### Eclipse Scala SDK
eclipse-scala-sdk = eclipse-scala-sdk-441; # always point to latest
eclipse-scala-sdk-441 = buildEclipse {
eclipse-scala-sdk = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-scala-sdk-4.4.1";
description = "Eclipse IDE for Scala Developers";
src =
@ -165,88 +82,26 @@ rec {
### Eclipse SDK
eclipse-sdk = eclipse-sdk-49; # always point to latest
eclipse-sdk-47 = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-sdk-4.7.3a";
description = "Eclipse Oxygen Classic";
sources = {
"x86_64-linux" = fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "d77e42aca16d26526cef32e363d038258bb8a4616d9dbe6e76dd3656dc2217369436390a82555bde4566bbbdb631813bbaca08602f7bb885cb30e8a26a14873f";
"i686-linux" = fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "b0b936fd4142ae86ec5c30535cd5e4caf6fe313d814ae5b16f300635e4163a79b748b1eee11792a135114f2265678a74821ec80c2bfd69872769b6d0ccbcde3a";
eclipse-sdk = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-sdk-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse ${year}-${month} Classic";
src =
fetchurl {
url = "${platform_major}/R-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}-${timestamp}/eclipse-SDK-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz";
sha512 = "1kq14vhzcngfhl8kjs722rshny81gxv6wcgln46x7lnpg2274sb9dprhns62fpq97l0355cmg8mnny6fsd1nqibrw09xq932v86cfm8";
eclipse-sdk-48 = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-sdk-4.8";
description = "Eclipse Photon Classic";
sources = {
"x86_64-linux" = fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "357ea9e7f426c68ced693f1c7b76eae23f9e3c7893de1f12d17994ec17b447896b5daa7292d5fbf6d9c4e5b7fd637ca5b2a6ba8ce40a2a7c2fe06f2124d31b75";
"i686-linux" = fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "c7cae7baa3978d48477090bb9941e85b4c7484021ece9c5c77a7e859e57e5c1f13556262f92b561cfb11f828b934bad7a6018be7b8fd9454e3991e8d5cae9917";
eclipse-sdk-49 = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-sdk-4.9";
description = "Eclipse 2018-09 Classic";
sources = {
"x86_64-linux" = fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "5e74a0411f56b3973b7c6d8c3727392297d55ad458a814b4cc3f2f6a57dbeebc64852d1a6a958db5c3b08c620093bfb5bcc0d2c6a400f5594b82c2ef5d5fa9fb";
"i686-linux" = fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "b1861bd99c8e43f1d04247226584246aa7844af5e2da820fe98a51018dbe8ff4c25dbb9fa655f56e103f95c0696f40a65dcce13430c63aa080f786738e70eb8b";
eclipse-sdk-37 = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-sdk-3.7";
description = "Eclipse Classic";
sources = {
"x86_64-linux" = fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "0nf4nv7awhp1k8b1hjb7chpjyjrqnyszsjbc4dlk9phpjv3j4wg5";
"i686-linux" = fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "1isn7i45l9kyn2yx6vm88jl1gnxph8ynank0aaa218cg8kdygk7j";
eclipse_sdk_37 = eclipse-sdk-37; # backward compatibility, added 2016-01-30
### Eclipse Java
eclipse-java = eclipse-java-49;
eclipse-java-49 = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-java-4.9.0";
eclipse-java = buildEclipse {
name = "eclipse-java-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}";
description = "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers";
src =
if stdenv.system == "x86_64-linux" then
fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "9dac5d040cdabf779de3996de87290e352130c7e860c1d0a98772f41da828ad45f90748b68e0a8a4f8d1ebbbbe5fdfe6401b7d871b93af34103d4a81a041c6a5";
else if stdenv.system == "i686-linux" then
fetchurl {
url =;
sha512 = "24208e95b972e848d6b65ed8108d9e81584cf051397f2f43fb6269f5a625b8d7552ad77c7980a1a5653c87f06776e2926fd85607aae44e44657b4f6cc9b3e2e3";
else throw "Unsupported system: ${stdenv.system}";
fetchurl {
url = "${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-java-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz";
sha512 = "2xd5q7kg3aly7jnz2fijn06ljmnnd7ggwwzmndfhqwfzxpyjg1lnlln76pcd6chx7gnwdrl7khg0fs566ddabfjv17c46dj5fpw9y6j";
### Environments

View File

@ -254,12 +254,12 @@ rec {
cdt = buildEclipseUpdateSite rec {
name = "cdt-${version}";
version = "9.0.1";
version = "9.6.0";
src = fetchzip {
stripRoot = false;
url = "${name}.zip";
sha256 = "0vdx0j9ci533wnk7y17qjvjyqx38hlrdw67z6pi05vfv3r6ys39x";
url = "${name}/${name}.zip";
sha256 = "08rk3b1va57jcy4s161fx0xmb8dn47akhhxd2f28hspq6i2jqicm";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
@ -497,12 +497,12 @@ rec {
jdt = buildEclipseUpdateSite rec {
name = "jdt-${version}";
version = "4.9";
version = "4.10";
src = fetchzip {
stripRoot = false;
url =;
sha256 = "144rqrw0crxd2v862dqxm2p5y60n4pbzdryv709xnhcw54rycm7n";
url =;
sha256 = "1h11w3zd6xy5w4sk6xnyb2a27wxwhp83qfx67ji7bzdrwbvljqkz";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, ncurses, xlibsWrapper, libXaw, libXpm, Xaw3d
{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, ncurses, xlibsWrapper, libXaw, libXpm, Xaw3d, libXcursor
, pkgconfig, gettext, libXft, dbus, libpng, libjpeg, libungif
, libtiff, librsvg, gconf, libxml2, imagemagick, gnutls, libselinux
, alsaLib, cairo, acl, gpm, cf-private, AppKit, GSS, ImageIO, m17n_lib, libotf
@ -118,6 +118,17 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
mv nextstep/ $out/Applications
postFixup =
let libPath = lib.makeLibraryPath [
in lib.optionalString (withX && toolkit == "lucid") ''
patchelf --set-rpath \
"$(patchelf --print-rpath "$out/bin/emacs"):${libPath}" \
patchelf --add-needed "" "$out/bin/emacs"
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "The extensible, customizable GNU text editor";
homepage =;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, cmake, extra-cmake-modules, threadweaver, ktexteditor, kdevelop-unwrapped, kdevelop-pg-qt }:
pname = "kdev-php";
version = "5.3.1";
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "${pname}-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${pname}/archive/v${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1xiz4v6w30dsa7l4nk3jw3hxpkx71b0yaaj2k8s7xzgjif824bgl";
cmakeFlags = [
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake extra-cmake-modules ];
buildInputs = [ kdevelop-pg-qt threadweaver ktexteditor kdevelop-unwrapped ];
meta = with lib; {
maintainers = [ maintainers.aanderse ];
platforms = platforms.linux;
description = "PHP support for KDevelop";
homepage =;
license = [ licenses.gpl2 ];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, cmake, extra-cmake-modules, threadweaver, ktexteditor, kdevelop-unwrapped, python }:
pname = "kdev-python";
version = "5.3.1";
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "${pname}-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${pname}/archive/v${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "11hf8n6vrlaz31c0p3xbnf0df2q5j6ykgc9ip0l5g33kadwn5b9j";
cmakeFlags = [
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake extra-cmake-modules ];
buildInputs = [ threadweaver ktexteditor kdevelop-unwrapped ];
meta = with lib; {
maintainers = [ maintainers.aanderse ];
platforms = platforms.linux;
description = "Python support for KDevelop";
homepage =;
license = [ licenses.gpl2 ];

View File

@ -43,6 +43,13 @@ mkDerivation rec {
postPatch = ''
# FIXME: temporary until is merged
substituteInPlace kdevplatform/language/backgroundparser/parsejob.cpp --replace \
'if (internalFilePath.startsWith(dataPath.canonicalPath() + QStringLiteral("/kdev"))) {' \
'if (internalFilePath.startsWith(dataPath.canonicalPath() + QStringLiteral("/kdev")) || localFile.startsWith(path + QStringLiteral("/kdev"))) {'
postInstall = ''
# The kdevelop! script (shell environment) needs qdbus and kioclient5 in PATH.
wrapProgram "$out/bin/kdevelop!" \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
{ symlinkJoin, kdevelop-unwrapped, plugins ? null }:
symlinkJoin {
name = "kdevelop-with-plugins";
paths = [ kdevelop-unwrapped ] ++ (if plugins != null then plugins else []);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, pkgconfig, libconfig,
gtkmm2, glibmm, libxml2, libsecret, curl, libzip,
librsvg, gst_all_1, autoreconfHook, makeWrapper,
useUnrar ? false, unrar
{ config, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, pkgconfig, libconfig
, gtkmm2, glibmm, libxml2, libsecret, curl, libzip
, librsvg, gst_all_1, autoreconfHook, makeWrapper
, useUnrar ? config.ahoviewer.useUnrar or false, unrar
assert useUnrar -> unrar != null;

View File

@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
qmakeFlags = [ "VERSION=${version}" ];
# src/lexer.l:36:10: fatal error: parser.hxx: No such file or directory
enableParallelBuilding = false; # true by default due to qmake
doCheck = false;
meta = {

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, cmake, makeWrapper
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "paraview-${version}";
version = "5.5.2";
version = "5.6.0";
# fetching from GitHub instead of taking an "official" source
# tarball because of missing submodules there
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
owner = "Kitware";
repo = "ParaView";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "1jivph7lppnflmjsiirhgv0mnh8mxx41i1vzkk78ynn00rzacx3j";
sha256 = "1j13yfdgcv4yzfr449i4c8r4rs1c9zr6qd3igr4vv3ani8zixkzi";
fetchSubmodules = true;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl
{ config, lib, stdenv, fetchurl
, enableAlsa ? true, alsaLib ? null
, enableLibao ? true, libao ? null
, enableLame ? false, lame ? null
, enableLame ? config.sox.enableLame or false, lame ? null
, enableLibmad ? true, libmad ? null
, enableLibogg ? true, libogg ? null, libvorbis ? null
, enableFLAC ? true, flac ? null

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, boost, cmake, ffmpeg, gettext, glew
{ config, stdenv, lib, fetchurl, boost, cmake, ffmpeg, gettext, glew
, ilmbase, libXi, libX11, libXext, libXrender
, libjpeg, libpng, libsamplerate, libsndfile
, libtiff, libGLU_combined, openal, opencolorio, openexr, openimageio, openjpeg_1, pythonPackages
, zlib, fftw, opensubdiv, freetype, jemalloc, ocl-icd
, jackaudioSupport ? false, libjack2
, cudaSupport ? false, cudatoolkit
, cudaSupport ? config.cudaSupport or false, cudatoolkit
, colladaSupport ? true, opencollada
, enableNumpy ? false, makeWrapper

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ with python3.pkgs; buildPythonApplication rec {
homepage =;
license = licenses.gpl3;
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ infinisil ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ matthiasbeyer infinisil ];

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
homepage =;
description = "a simple static web photo gallery, designed to be clean and easily usable";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ];
maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.matthiasbeyer ];
platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux ++ darwin;

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
homepage =;
description = "CLI based audio visualizer";
license =;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ];
maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.matthiasbeyer ];
platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
homepage =;
description = "A simple ncurses-based task list manager";
license =;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ];
maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.matthiasbeyer ];
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.linux;

View File

@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ in
python3Packages.buildPythonApplication rec {
pname = "electrum";
version = "3.3.2";
version = "3.3.4";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "spesmilo";
repo = "electrum";
rev = version;
sha256 = "1jsn02azdydpq4plr2552s7ijyqgw6zqm2zx8skwsalgbwmhx12i";
sha256 = "0yxdpc602jnd14xz3px85ka0b6db98zwbgfi9a3vj8p1k3mmiwaj";
propagatedBuildInputs = with python3Packages; [
@ -53,9 +53,6 @@ python3Packages.buildPythonApplication rec {
preBuild = ''
sed -i 's,usr_share = .*,usr_share = "'$out'/share",g'
pyrcc5 icons.qrc -o electrum/gui/qt/
# Recording the creation timestamps introduces indeterminism to the build
sed -i '/Created: .*/d' electrum/gui/qt/
sed -i "s|name = 'libzbar.*'|name='${zbar}/lib/'|" electrum/
substituteInPlace ./electrum/ --replace ${secp256k1}/lib/

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ buildPythonApplication rec {
homepage =;
description = "Browse Hacker News like a haxor";
license = licenses.asl20;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ matthiasbeyer ];

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
homepage =;
description = "A horizontal bar for your terminal";
license =;
maintainers = [ ];
maintainers = [ maintainers.matthiasbeyer ];
platforms = platforms.unix;

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
homepage =;
description = "Shell history suggest box - easily view, navigate, search and use your command history";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ];
maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.matthiasbeyer ];
platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux; # Cannot test others

View File

@ -50,6 +50,6 @@ in with python.pkgs; buildPythonApplication rec {
homepage =;
description = "Console carddav client";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ];
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ matthiasbeyer ];

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage =;
description = "A command-line based markdown presentation tool";
maintainers = with maintainers; [ vrthra ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ matthiasbeyer vrthra ];
license = licenses.gpl3;
platforms = with platforms; unix;

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
homepage =;
description = "spell-checker that groups possible misspellings and shows them in their contexts";
license =;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ matthiasbeyer ];

View File

@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ buildPythonApplication rec {
homepage =;
description = "Browse Reddit from your Terminal";
license =;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ jgeerds wedens ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ matthiasbeyer jgeerds wedens ];

View File

@ -29,6 +29,6 @@ python3Packages.buildPythonApplication rec {
description = "Yet another simple static gallery generator";
homepage =;
license =;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ domenkozar ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ domenkozar matthiasbeyer ];

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
homepage =;
description = "Terminal streaming bar graph passed through stdin";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsdOriginal;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ];
maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.matthiasbeyer ];
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.unix;

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage =;
description = "A ncurses wrapper around taskwarrior";
maintainers = with maintainers; [ infinisil ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ matthiasbeyer infinisil ];
platforms = platforms.linux; # Cannot test others
license =;

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
description = "REPL for taskwarrior";
homepage =;
license =;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ matthiasbeyer ];
platforms = platforms.linux;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
description = "A command-line time tracker";
homepage =;
license =;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ mrVanDalo ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ matthiasbeyer mrVanDalo ];
platforms = platforms.linux ++ platforms.darwin;

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ python3Packages.buildPythonApplication rec {
description = "Mastodon CLI interface";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ ];
maintainers = [ maintainers.matthiasbeyer ];

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
homepage =;
description = "Quick access to current weather conditions and forecasts";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.isc;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ];
maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.matthiasbeyer ];
platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux; # my only platform

View File

@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ in
stdenv'.mkDerivation rec {
name = "xmr-stak-${version}";
version = "2.7.1";
version = "2.8.2";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "fireice-uk";
repo = "xmr-stak";
rev = "${version}";
sha256 = "1mlli8sx1f3922ygnwakmi2h3swccz62njxbzxfzbi4hlmvsaz0y";
sha256 = "0z0fdh5fmiisx5dgfyyin3ddl8g28fpd64gn8nl8dd6sf3iw8z7p";

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
homepage =;
description = "Yet another framebuffer terminal";
license =;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ];
maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.matthiasbeyer ];
platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{ pkgs, useMupdf ? true, synctexSupport ? true }:
{ config, pkgs
, useMupdf ? config.zathura.useMupdf or true
, synctexSupport ? true }:
callPackage = pkgs.newScope self;

View File

@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
name = "zola-${version}";
version = "0.5.0";
version = "0.5.1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "getzola";
repo = "zola";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "0as8nrzw9zz10w4xxiibgz8ylghc879b2pwaxnw8sjbji2d9qv63";
sha256 = "1jj6yfb3qkfq3nwcxfrc7k1gqyls873imxgpifbwjx9slg6ssis9";
cargoSha256 = "0a14hq8d3xjr6yfg5qn5r7npqivm816f1p53bbm826igvpc9hsxa";
cargoSha256 = "1hn2l25fariidgdr32mfx2yqb3g8xk4qafs614bdjiyvfrb7j752";
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkgconfig openssl ];
buildInputs = stdenv.lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ CoreServices cf-private ];

View File

@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "${product}-${version}";
product = "vivaldi";
version = "2.3.1440.41-1";
version = "2.3.1440.48-1";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${product}-stable_${version}_amd64.deb";
sha256 = "0wrq7c0sw1b41bshwgzji4pwl0raj0l5h2r7gkcg952rcn0wl9bs";
sha256 = "0zc9080np82qqqrfavg78vbjfl7w1b4p7f3s6h5wga9f6w1m078c";
unpackPhase = ''

View File

@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "${product}-${version}";
product = "vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs";
version = "72.0.3626.96";
version = "72.0.3626.109";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}.tar.xz";
sha512 = "2hawkyydcd0b6ipfigkf5n6c1ha1vknaqd4mgw381pi0ayq8skxbjazqabfcg9gcj84cnksi8j4dylfcrbgrmlnmc479fix0m0xx7cl";
sha512 = "0ffpzvamrzw71vfi12sdwqrxc42bhraai21zzx8rp5n12794rr687dzw9hn3735sc0h2bq7c59zc4hcx3ighr2i93iplz35hp883dhy";
buildInputs = [ ];

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
version = "1.30.0";
version = "1.31.0";
# Update these on version bumps according to Makefile
centOsIsoVersion = "v1.14.0";
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ in buildGoPackage rec {
owner = "minishift";
repo = "minishift";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "0p7g7r4m3brssy2znw7pd60aph6m6absqy23x88c07n5n4mv9wj8";
sha256 = "0v5hngfz393yi3x4c328g5bjazw02jr59ljqh6ws0j6wzxzm8jxf";
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig go-bindata makeWrapper ];
@ -28,9 +28,6 @@ in buildGoPackage rec {
subPackages = [ "cmd/minishift" ];
postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace vendor/ \
--replace 'nil, diff' 'diff'
# minishift downloads openshift if not found therefore set the cache to /nix/store/...
substituteInPlace pkg/minishift/cache/oc_caching.go \
--replace 'filepath.Join(oc.MinishiftCacheDir, OC_CACHE_DIR, oc.OpenShiftVersion, runtime.GOOS)' '"${openshift}/bin"' \

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
, rubySupport ? true, ruby
, tclSupport ? true, tcl
, extraBuildInputs ? []
, fetchpatch
@ -27,14 +28,22 @@ let
assert lib.all (p: p.enabled -> ! (builtins.elem null p.buildInputs)) plugins;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "2.3";
version = "2.4";
name = "weechat-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}.tar.bz2";
sha256 = "0mi4pfnyny0vqc35r0scn6yy21y790a5iwq8ms7kch7b7z11jn9w";
sha256 = "1z80y5fbrb56wdcx9njrf203r8282wnn3piw3yffk5lvhklsz9k1";
patches = [
(fetchpatch {
url =;
sha256 = "1blhgxwqs65dvpw3ppxszxrsg02rx7qck1w71h61ljinyjzri3bp";
excludes = [ "ChangeLog.adoc" ];
outputs = [ "out" "man" ] ++ map (p: enabledPlugins;
enableParallelBuilding = true;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ fetchurl, stdenv, wrapGAppsHook, autoreconfHook
{ config, fetchurl, stdenv, wrapGAppsHook, autoreconfHook
, curl, dbus, dbus-glib, enchant, gtk2, gnutls, gnupg, gpgme, hicolor-icon-theme
, libarchive, libcanberra-gtk2, libetpan, libnotify, libsoup, libxml2, networkmanager
, openldap, perl, pkgconfig, poppler, python, shared-mime-info, webkitgtk24x-gtk2
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
# gdata requires libgdata
# geolocation requires libchamplain
, enableLdap ? false
, enableNetworkManager ? false
, enableNetworkManager ? config.networking.networkmanager.enable or false
, enablePgp ? true
, enablePluginArchive ? false
, enablePluginFancy ? false

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
with stdenv.lib;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "0.28.1";
version = "0.28.2";
name = "notmuch-${version}";
passthru = {
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0mcsfkrp6mpy374m5rwwgm9md8qzvwa3s4rbzid4cnkx2cwfj4fi";
sha256 = "0cg9ff7h7mklgbqqknxigxxx1j3p3s2a9cxvrs5ih7j56f04k9l5";
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ];

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
# The (only) source file states:
# License: "Do what you feel is right, but don't be a jerk" public license.
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ];
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ matthiasbeyer ];

View File

@ -32,6 +32,6 @@ buildPythonApplication rec {
homepage =;
description = "Web interface for beancount";
license =;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ];
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ matthiasbeyer ];

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
description = "Text-based word processor";
homepage =;
license =;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ matthiasbeyer ];
platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux ++ darwin;

View File

@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
{ fetchurl, stdenv, ocamlPackages }:
{ fetchurl, stdenv, which, dune, ocamlPackages }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "alt-ergo-${version}";
version = "2.2.0";
version = "2.3.0";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${name}.tar.gz";
name = "${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "106zfgisq6qxr7dlk8z7gi68ly7qff4frn8wab2g8z2nkkwla92w";
sha256 = "1ycr3ff0gacq1aqzs16n6swgfniwpim0m7rvhcam64kj0a80c6bz";
buildInputs = with ocamlPackages;
[ ocaml findlib camlzip ocamlgraph zarith lablgtk ocplib-simplex psmt2-frontend menhir num ];
buildInputs = [ dune which ] ++ (with ocamlPackages; [
ocaml findlib camlzip lablgtk menhir num ocplib-simplex psmt2-frontend seq zarith
preConfigure = "patchShebangs ./configure";
meta = {
description = "High-performance theorem prover and SMT solver";

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
{ stdenv
{ config, stdenv
, callPackage
, lib
, fetchurl
, unzip
, licenseAccepted ? false
, licenseAccepted ? config.sc2-headless.accept_license or false
if !licenseAccepted then throw ''

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ stdenv, lib, runCommand
{ config, stdenv, lib, runCommand
, fetchFromGitHub
, fetchurl
, cmake
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
, Accelerate, CoreGraphics, CoreVideo
, lmdbSupport ? true, lmdb
, leveldbSupport ? true, leveldb, snappy
, cudaSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, cudatoolkit
, cudnnSupport ? false, cudnn ? null
, cudaSupport ? config.cudaSupport or false, cudatoolkit
, cudnnSupport ? cudaSupport, cudnn ? null
, ncclSupport ? false, nccl ? null
, pythonSupport ? false, python ? null, numpy ? null
, substituteAll

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
{ lib, stdenv, fetchgit, fetchFromGitHub, cmake
{ config, lib, stdenv, fetchgit, fetchFromGitHub, cmake
, openblas, opencv3, libzip, boost, protobuf, openmpi
, onebitSGDSupport ? false
, cudaSupport ? false, cudatoolkit, nvidia_x11
, cudnnSupport ? false, cudnn
, cudaSupport ? config.cudaSupport or false, cudatoolkit, nvidia_x11
, cudnnSupport ? cudaSupport, cudnn
assert cudnnSupport -> cudaSupport;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, bash, cmake
{ config, stdenv, lib, fetchurl, bash, cmake
, opencv, gtest, openblas, liblapack, perl
, cudaSupport ? false, cudatoolkit, nvidia_x11
, cudnnSupport ? false, cudnn
, cudaSupport ? config.cudaSupport or false, cudatoolkit, nvidia_x11
, cudnnSupport ? cudaSupport, cudnn
assert cudnnSupport -> cudaSupport;

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ pythonPackages.buildPythonApplication rec {
homepage =;
license = licenses.gpl2Plus;
platforms = platforms.all;
maintainers = [ ];
maintainers = [ maintainers.matthiasbeyer ];

View File

@ -49,6 +49,6 @@ buildRustPackage rec {
inherit (src.meta) homepage;
description = "Decentralized Issue Tracking for git";
license = licenses.gpl2;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ Profpatsch ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ Profpatsch matthiasbeyer ];

View File

@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
"ce": {
"version": "11.7.4",
"repo_hash": "0qq9snykdlpkpbznwpkv0n7bz1rsgz4z7lcjl4xkjxkf2gkf8pxp",
"deb_hash": "1j76jya0ydyg7v3vcdfjmcr5ir23yzdwmg9fxlirvgh74py7q85c",
"deb_url": "",
"version": "11.7.5",
"repo_hash": "0bbyx9zmscf9273fgypb82gw166psy7d3p7dnwb6f5r9yz7rmhbn",
"deb_hash": "1m6hdvrz467q33z626l9f3d5pssl0bbj2hkqy5g0b05wvdznmldy",
"deb_url": "",
"owner": "gitlab-org",
"repo": "gitlab-ce",
"rev": "v11.7.4",
"rev": "v11.7.5",
"passthru": {
"ee": {
"version": "11.7.4",
"repo_hash": "0riqww094ylbbwb9mhjpsqhrdpxlcf6rc5p796p7x7f46p31mcjb",
"deb_hash": "02hnhhyrm4a3lgwnl399byka2dr5q3pjirki447373270ca93h5i",
"deb_url": "",
"version": "11.7.5",
"repo_hash": "05dzvqrdgxbzsrf9rbis5m3iic04midx2arxgg3g4f78qfjxzylm",
"deb_hash": "1nfd68vzy3zc6a3xn5lhr83kqv9d7aaxvzv4ca9awcz4va5b33kc",
"deb_url": "",
"owner": "gitlab-org",
"repo": "gitlab-ee",
"rev": "v11.7.4-ee",
"rev": "v11.7.5-ee",
"passthru": {

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gitlab-workhorse-${version}";
version = "8.0.1";
version = "8.0.2";
src = fetchFromGitLab {
owner = "gitlab-org";
repo = "gitlab-workhorse";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "1aslcadag1q2rdirf9m0dl5vfaz8v3yy1232mvyjyvy1wb51pf4q";
sha256 = "12xwr9yl59i58gnf0yn5yjp7zwz3s46042lk7rihvvzsa0kax690";
buildInputs = [ git go ];

View File

@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "1.2.0";
name = "handbrake-${version}";
pname = "handbrake";
version = "1.2.1";
src = fetchurl {
url = ''${version}/HandBrake-${version}-source.tar.bz2'';
sha256 = "03clkknaq3mz84p85cvr21gsy9b8vv2g4vvyfz44hz8la253jfqi";
sha256 = "0gbqzar49c8ygz6chnsz65xgsdcwr60lbc8ivnw8i6xjggn6wc80";
nativeBuildInputs = [

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, fetchFromGitHub, makeWrapper
{ config, stdenv, fetchurl, fetchFromGitHub, makeWrapper
, docutils, perl, pkgconfig, python3, which, ffmpeg_4
, freefont_ttf, freetype, libass, libpthreadstubs, mujs
, lua, libuchardet, libiconv ? null, darwin
, waylandSupport ? false
, waylandSupport ? stdenv.isLinux
, wayland ? null
, wayland-protocols ? null
, libxkbcommon ? null
@ -24,30 +24,30 @@
, vulkan-headers ? null
, vulkan-loader ? null
, alsaSupport ? true, alsaLib ? null
, bluraySupport ? true, libbluray ? null
, bs2bSupport ? true, libbs2b ? null
, cacaSupport ? true, libcaca ? null
, cmsSupport ? true, lcms2 ? null
, drmSupport ? true, libdrm ? null
, dvdnavSupport ? true, libdvdnav ? null
, dvdreadSupport ? true, libdvdread ? null
, libpngSupport ? true, libpng ? null
, pulseSupport ? true, libpulseaudio ? null
, rubberbandSupport ? true, rubberband ? null
, screenSaverSupport ? true, libXScrnSaver ? null
, sdl2Support ? true, SDL2 ? null
, speexSupport ? true, speex ? null
, theoraSupport ? true, libtheora ? null
, vaapiSupport ? true, libva ? null
, vdpauSupport ? true, libvdpau ? null
, xineramaSupport ? true, libXinerama ? null
, xvSupport ? true, libXv ? null
, youtubeSupport ? true, youtube-dl ? null
, archiveSupport ? false, libarchive ? null
, jackaudioSupport ? false, libjack2 ? null
, openalSupport ? false, openalSoft ? null
, vapoursynthSupport ? false, vapoursynth ? null
, alsaSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, alsaLib ? null
, bluraySupport ? true, libbluray ? null
, bs2bSupport ? true, libbs2b ? null
, cacaSupport ? true, libcaca ? null
, cmsSupport ? true, lcms2 ? null
, drmSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, libdrm ? null
, dvdnavSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, libdvdnav ? null
, dvdreadSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, libdvdread ? null
, libpngSupport ? true, libpng ? null
, pulseSupport ? config.pulseaudio or stdenv.isLinux, libpulseaudio ? null
, rubberbandSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, rubberband ? null
, screenSaverSupport ? true, libXScrnSaver ? null
, sdl2Support ? true, SDL2 ? null
, speexSupport ? true, speex ? null
, theoraSupport ? true, libtheora ? null
, vaapiSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, libva ? null
, vdpauSupport ? true, libvdpau ? null
, xineramaSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, libXinerama ? null
, xvSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, libXv ? null
, youtubeSupport ? true, youtube-dl ? null
, archiveSupport ? false, libarchive ? null
, jackaudioSupport ? false, libjack2 ? null
, openalSupport ? false, openalSoft ? null
, vapoursynthSupport ? false, vapoursynth ? null
with stdenv.lib;
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ let
"${wafVersion}" ];
sha256 = "0j7sbn3w6bgslvwwh5v9527w3gi2sd08kskrgxamx693y0b0i3ia";
luaEnv = lua.withPackages(ps: with ps; [ luasocket]);
luaEnv = lua.withPackages(ps: with ps; [ luasocket ]);
in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "mpv-${version}";

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ stdenv
{ config, stdenv
, fetchFromGitHub
, fetchpatch
, cmake
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
, swig
, python3
, alsaSupport ? false
, alsaSupport ? stdenv.isLinux
, alsaLib
, pulseaudioSupport ? false
, pulseaudioSupport ? config.pulseaudio or stdenv.isLinux
, libpulseaudio

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "${pname}-${version}";
pname = "dynamips";
version = "0.2.19";
version = "0.2.20";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "GNS3";
repo = pname;
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "0x63m37vjyp57900x09gfvw02cwg85b33918x7fjj9x37wgmi5qf";
sha256 = "1841h0m0k0p3c3ify4imafjk7jigcj2zlr8rn3iyp7jnafkxqik7";
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ fetchurl, stdenv }:
version = "0.13.0";
version = "0.14.0";
baseurl = "";
fetchbin = name: sha256: fetchurl {
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ let
inherit sha256;
firecracker-bin = fetchbin "firecracker" "1wdcy4vmnx216jnza7bz6czlqpsjrnpqfsb5d322ld4gzbylm718";
jailer-bin = fetchbin "jailer" "0k0sc5138bh35ciim2l78ma9g5x18dw098f2ar5y31ybr8i4q60y";
firecracker-bin = fetchbin "firecracker" "02d7s2hzhl13k5linlav7yc4kg9v70sccc3ysfgaqq8hz7zfqywg";
jailer-bin = fetchbin "jailer" "120n14zjnm21s39dza99p003bn5n0n5fzcyaw4l6laq336r24gvi";
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "firecracker-${version}";

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, pkgconfig, autoreconfHook, glib, dbus-glib
, desktopSupport, xorg
, desktopSupport ? "gnomeflashback", xorg
, gtk2
, gtk3, gnome3, mate
, libxfce4util, xfce4-panel

View File

@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
else if targetPlatform.isPower then if targetPlatform.isBigEndian then "ppc" else "lppc"
else if targetPlatform.isSparc then "sparc"
else if targetPlatform.isAvr then "avr"
else if targetPlatform.isAlpha then "alpha"
else throw "unknown emulation for platform: " + targetPlatform.config;
in targetPlatform.platform.bfdEmulation or (fmt + sep + arch);

View File

@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation (fBuildAttrs // {
# sandbox enabled. Code here
USER=homeless-shelter bazel --output_base="$bazelOut" --output_user_root="$bazelUserRoot" fetch $bazelFlags $bazelTarget
# On macOS Bazel will use the system installed Xcode or CLT toolchain instead of the one in the PATH unless we pass BAZEL_USE_CPP_ONLY_TOOLCHAIN
BAZEL_USE_CPP_ONLY_TOOLCHAIN=1 USER=homeless-shelter bazel --output_base="$bazelOut" --output_user_root="$bazelUserRoot" fetch $bazelFlags $bazelTarget
runHook postBuild
@ -90,7 +92,42 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation (fBuildAttrs // {
buildPhase = fBuildAttrs.buildPhase or ''
runHook preBuild
bazel --output_base="$bazelOut" --output_user_root="$bazelUserRoot" build -j $NIX_BUILD_CORES $bazelFlags $bazelTarget
# Bazel sandboxes the execution of the tools it invokes, so even though we are
# calling the correct nix wrappers, the values of the environment variables
# the wrappers are expecting will not be set. So instead of relying on the
# wrappers picking them up, pass them in explicitly via `--copt`, `--linkopt`
# and related flags.
for flag in $NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE; do
copts+=( "--copt=$flag" )
host_copts+=( "--host_copt=$flag" )
for flag in $NIX_CXXSTDLIB_COMPILE; do
copts+=( "--copt=$flag" )
host_copts+=( "--host_copt=$flag" )
for flag in $NIX_LD_FLAGS; do
linkopts+=( "--linkopt=$flag" )
host_linkopts+=( "--host_linkopt=$flag" )
USER=homeless-shelter \
bazel \
--output_base="$bazelOut" \
--output_user_root="$bazelUserRoot" \
build \
"''${copts[@]}" \
"''${host_copts[@]}" \
"''${linkopts[@]}" \
"''${host_linkopts[@]}" \
$bazelFlags \
runHook postBuild

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{stdenvNoCC, subversion, glibcLocales, sshSupport ? false, openssh ? null}:
{stdenvNoCC, subversion, glibcLocales, sshSupport ? true, openssh ? null}:
{url, rev ? "HEAD", md5 ? "", sha256 ? ""
, ignoreExternals ? false, ignoreKeywords ? false, name ? null
, preferLocalBuild ? true }:

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More