rebar3: refactor

cleanup up the code quite a bit in the bootstrapper
This commit is contained in:
Eric Merritt 2016-04-25 07:55:34 -07:00
parent 585c1a8f96
commit cd27abe751
2 changed files with 30 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -7,68 +7,56 @@ let
bootstrapper = ./rebar3-nix-bootstrap;
# TODO: all these below probably should go into nixpkgs.erlangModules.sources.*
# {erlware_commons, "0.19.0"},
erlware_commons = fetchHex {
pkg = "erlware_commons";
version = "0.19.0";
sha256 = "1gfsy9bbhjb94c5ghff2niamn93x2x08lnklh6pp7sfr5i0gkgsv";
# {ssl_verify_hostname, "1.0.5"},
ssl_verify_hostname = fetchHex {
pkg = "ssl_verify_hostname";
version = "1.0.5";
sha256 = "1gzavzqzljywx4l59gvhkjbr1dip4kxzjjz1s4wsn42f2kk13jzj";
# {certifi, "0.4.0"},
certifi = fetchHex {
pkg = "certifi";
version = "0.4.0";
sha256 = "04bnvsbssdcf6b9h9bfglflds7j0gx6q5igl1xxhx6fnwaz37hhw";
# {providers, "1.6.0"},
providers = fetchHex {
pkg = "providers";
version = "1.6.0";
sha256 = "0byfa1h57n46jilz4q132j0vk3iqc0v1vip89li38gb1k997cs0g";
# {getopt, "0.8.2"},
getopt = fetchHex {
pkg = "getopt";
version = "0.8.2";
sha256 = "1xw30h59zbw957cyjd8n50hf9y09jnv9dyry6x3avfwzcyrnsvkk";
# {bbmustache, "1.0.4"},
bbmustache = fetchHex {
pkg = "bbmustache";
version = "1.0.4";
sha256 = "04lvwm7f78x8bys0js33higswjkyimbygp4n72cxz1kfnryx9c03";
# {relx, "3.17.0"},
relx = fetchHex {
pkg = "relx";
version = "3.17.0";
sha256 = "1xjybi93m8gj9f9z3lkc7xbg3k5cw56yl78rcz5qfirr0223sby2";
# {cf, "0.2.1"},
cf = fetchHex {
pkg = "cf";
version = "0.2.1";
sha256 = "19d0yvg8wwa57cqhn3vqfvw978nafw8j2rvb92s3ryidxjkrmvms";
# {cth_readable, "1.2.2"},
cth_readable = fetchHex {
pkg = "cth_readable";
version = "1.2.2";
sha256 = "0kb9v4998liwyidpjkhcg1nin6djjzxcx6b313pbjicbp4r58n3p";
# {eunit_formatters, "0.3.1"}
eunit_formatters = fetchHex {
pkg = "eunit_formatters";
version = "0.3.1";
sha256 = "0cg9dasv60v09q3q4wja76pld0546mhmlpb0khagyylv890hg934";
# {rebar3_hex, "1.12.0"}
rebar3_hex = fetchHex {
pkg = "rebar3_hex";
version = "1.12.0";

View File

@ -38,15 +38,14 @@
main(Args) ->
{ok, ArgData} = parse_args(Args),
{ok, RequiredData} = gather_required_data_from_the_environment(ArgData),
%% @doc
%% This actually runs the command. There are two modes 'register_only'
%% where the register is created from hex and everything else.
-spec do(#data{}) -> ok.
do(RequiredData = #data{registry_only = true}) ->
%% @doc There are two modes 'registery_only' where the register is
%% created from hex and everything else.
-spec do_the_bootstrap(#data{}) -> ok.
do_the_bootstrap(RequiredData = #data{registry_only = true}) ->
ok = bootstrap_registry(RequiredData);
do(RequiredData) ->
do_the_bootstrap(RequiredData) ->
ok = bootstrap_registry(RequiredData),
ok = bootstrap_configs(RequiredData),
ok = bootstrap_plugins(RequiredData),
@ -55,10 +54,15 @@ do(RequiredData) ->
%% @doc
%% Argument parsing is super simple only because we want to keep the
%% dependencies minimal. For now there can be two entries on the
%% command line, "register-only" and "compile-ports"
%% command line, "registery-only"
-spec parse_args([string()]) -> #data{}.
parse_args(["registry-only"]) ->
{ok, #data{registry_only = true}};
parse_args([]) ->
{ok, #data{registry_only = false}};
parse_args(Args) ->
{ok, #data{registry_only = lists:member("registry-only", Args)}}.
io:format("Unexpected command line arguments passed in: ~p~n", [Args]),
-spec bootstrap_configs(#data{}) -> ok.
@ -76,7 +80,7 @@ bootstrap_plugins(#data{plugins = Plugins}) ->
gather_dependency(Path) ++ Acc
end, [], Paths),
lists:foreach(fun (Path) ->
link_app(Path, Target)
ok = link_app(Path, Target)
end, CopiableFiles).
-spec bootstrap_libs(#data{}) -> ok.
@ -89,7 +93,7 @@ bootstrap_libs(#data{erl_libs = ErlLibs}) ->
gather_directory_contents(Path) ++ Acc
end, [], Paths),
lists:foreach(fun (Path) ->
link_app(Path, Target)
ok = link_app(Path, Target)
end, CopiableFiles).
-spec gather_dependency(string()) -> [{string(), string()}].
@ -199,21 +203,20 @@ guard_env(Name) ->
%% include the 'pc' plugin.
-spec if_compile_ports_add_pc_plugin(#data{}) -> ok.
if_compile_ports_add_pc_plugin(#data{compile_ports = true}) ->
ConfigTerms = update_config(read_rebar_config()),
ConfigTerms = add_pc_to_plugins(read_rebar_config()),
Text = lists:map(fun(Term) -> io_lib:format("~tp.~n", [Term]) end,
file:write_file("rebar.config", Text);
if_compile_ports_add_pc_plugin(_) ->
-spec update_config([term()]) -> [term()].
update_config(Config) ->
case lists:keysearch(plugins, 1, Config) of
{ok, {plugins, PluginList}} ->
lists:keystore(plugins, 1, Config, {plugins, [Config | PluginList]});
_ ->
[{plugins, [pc]} | Config]
-spec add_pc_to_plugins([term()]) -> [term()].
add_pc_to_plugins(Config) ->
PluginList = case lists:keysearch(plugins, 1, Config) of
{ok, {plugins, ExistingPluginList}} -> ExistingPluginList;
_ -> []
lists:keystore(plugins, 1, Config, {plugins, [pc | PluginList]}).
-spec read_rebar_config() -> [term()].
read_rebar_config() ->
@ -229,10 +232,13 @@ read_rebar_config() ->
-spec if_single_app_project_update_app_src_version(#data{}) -> ok.
if_single_app_project_update_app_src_version(#data{name = Name,
version = Version}) ->
case app_src_exists(Name) of
{true, SrcFile} ->
SrcFile = filename:join("src",
lists:concat([Name, ".app.src"])),
case filelib:is_file(SrcFile) of
true ->
update_app_src_with_version(SrcFile, Version);
{false, _} ->
false ->
@ -240,14 +246,7 @@ if_single_app_project_update_app_src_version(#data{name = Name,
update_app_src_with_version(SrcFile, Version) ->
{ok, [{application, Name, Details}]} = file:consult(SrcFile),
NewDetails = lists:keyreplace(vsn, 1, Details, {vsn, Version}),
file:write_file(SrcFile, io_lib:fwrite("~p.\n", [{application, Name, NewDetails}])).
-spec app_src_exists(string()) -> boolean().
app_src_exists(Name) ->
FileName = filename:join("src",
lists:concat([Name, ".app.src"])),
{filelib:is_file(FileName), FileName}.
ok = file:write_file(SrcFile, io_lib:fwrite("~p.\n", [{application, Name, NewDetails}])).
%% @doc
%% Write the result of the format string out to stderr.