; Conflicts:
; pkgs/development/libraries/nss/generic.nix
- bb53634671 removed the conditionals since firefox-esr-91 and nss <3.69 has been dropped a while ago.
- cb3762857d updated the conditionals to always partition the tests based on the nss_latest version. Chosen that since it will remain future proof.
When lib overrides were used, before this commit, they would not be made
available in the configuration evaluation of nixosTest's nodes.
Sample code:
``` nix
pkgs = import ./. {
overlays = [
(new: old: {
lib = old.lib.extend (self: super: {
sorry_dave = builtins.trace "There are no pod bay doors" "sorry dave";
pkgs.testers.runNixOSTest {
name = "demo lib overlay";
nodes = {
machine = { lib, ... }: {
environment.etc."got-lib-overlay".text = lib.sorry_dave;
testScript = { nodes }:
machine.succeed('grep dave /etc/got-lib-overlay')
The flag iterates through the lockfile entries, rewrites `resolved` URLs
to those that will be in the cache (like `fixup_yarn_lock` from
yarn2nix), removes `integrity` for git deps whose hash won't match the
reproducible repacking that the fetcher does, writes the amended
lockfile, and exits.
When a response file is in use, "$*" contains the response file and not
the parameters; both the linker and compiler wrappers are updated to use
the response-expanded params.
The compiler driver likes to pass parameters to the linker via a
response file, including -shared.
LLD rejects the combination of (-shared -pie), whereas other linkers
silently ignore the contradiction:
ld.lld: error: -shared and -pie may not be used together
This breaks certain configurations using LLD as a linker.
Changing `add-hardening.sh` results in a full rebuild. To avoid the
rebuild, here is a quick test case which shows the new hardening script
allows the link to succeed:
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
# gcc silently accepts -shared -pie together, lld does not.
linker = pkgs.wrapBintoolsWith { bintools = pkgs.llvmPackages.lld; };
patchWrapper = prev: prev.overrideAttrs (final: prev: let
prevScript = builtins.match (".*(/nix/store/[a-z0-9]+-add-hardening.sh).*") prev.postFixup;
in {
postFixup = (builtins.replaceStrings prevScript ["${./new-add-hardening.sh}"] prev.postFixup);
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "nixpkgs-hardening-bug";
src = pkgs.writeText "src.c" "int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { return 0; }";
unpackPhase = ":";
buildPhase = ''
$CC -c -o src.o $src
bash -x ${patchWrapper linker}/bin/ld.lld -o $out @${pkgs.writeText "responsefile" "-shared"} src.o
Fixes: #178162
Signed-off-by: Peter Waller <p@pwaller.net>