For this round of ZHF: #230712
Failing Hydra build:
Not sure why this a problem now and not in the past, but routes to
the corresponding `/24`-subnet are only configured if addresses are
specified with the correct CIDR.
The original implementation did a simple string-comparison against the
output of `ip route`. This is problematic because
* if the details in the string-output change, the test breaks. This is
less likely with JSON because the relevant values (i.e. destination,
interface etc) aren't supposed to be changed.
* this is causing issues with formatters[1][2].
[1] #161703
[2] #154818
- Code formatters normally strip trailing whitespace.
Since this test depends on the whitespace to succeed,
formatting the code would break the test
- This small change make this file to be formatted
while at the same time preserving the test meaning
The subtest was mainly written to demonstrate the VRF-issues with a
5.x-kernel. However this breaks the entire test now as we have 5.4 as
default kernel. Disabling the test for now, I still need to find some
time to investigate.