{pkgs, config, ...}: let inherit (pkgs.lib) mkOption filter concatMap concatStringsSep; failed = map (x : x.message) (filter (x: ! x.assertion) config.assertions); in { assertions = mkOption { default = []; example = [{ assertion = false; msg = "you can't enable this for that reason"; }]; merge = pkgs.lib.mergeListOption; description = '' Add something like this assertions = mkAlways [ { assertion = false; message = "false should have been true"; } ]; to your upstart-job. ''; }; environment = { # extraPackages are evaluated always. Thus the assertions are checked as well. hacky! extraPackages = if [] == failed then [] else throw "\n!! failed assertions: !!\n${concatStringsSep "\n" (map (x: "- ${x}") failed)}"; }; }