import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ... }: { name = "sway"; meta = { maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ primeos synthetica ]; }; nodes.machine = { config, ... }: { # Automatically login on tty1 as a normal user: imports = [ ./common/user-account.nix ]; services.getty.autologinUser = "alice"; environment = { # For glinfo and wayland-info: systemPackages = with pkgs; [ mesa-demos wayland-utils alacritty ]; # Use a fixed SWAYSOCK path (for swaymsg): variables = { "SWAYSOCK" = "/tmp/sway-ipc.sock"; # TODO: Investigate if we can get hardware acceleration to work (via # virtio-gpu and Virgil). We currently have to use the Pixman software # renderer since the GLES2 renderer doesn't work inside the VM (even # with WLR_RENDERER_ALLOW_SOFTWARE): # "WLR_RENDERER_ALLOW_SOFTWARE" = "1"; "WLR_RENDERER" = "pixman"; }; # For convenience: shellAliases = { test-x11 = "glinfo | tee /tmp/test-x11.out && touch /tmp/test-x11-exit-ok"; test-wayland = "wayland-info | tee /tmp/test-wayland.out && touch /tmp/test-wayland-exit-ok"; }; # To help with OCR: etc."xdg/foot/foot.ini".text = lib.generators.toINI { } { main = { font = "inconsolata:size=14"; }; colors = rec { foreground = "000000"; background = "ffffff"; regular2 = foreground; }; }; }; fonts.fonts = [ pkgs.inconsolata ]; # Automatically configure and start Sway when logging in on tty1: programs.bash.loginShellInit = '' if [ "$(tty)" = "/dev/tty1" ]; then set -e mkdir -p ~/.config/sway sed s/Mod4/Mod1/ /etc/sway/config > ~/.config/sway/config sway --validate sway && touch /tmp/sway-exit-ok fi ''; programs.sway.enable = true; # To test pinentry via gpg-agent: programs.gnupg.agent.enable = true; # Need to switch to a different GPU driver than the default one (-vga std) so that Sway can launch: virtualisation.qemu.options = [ "-vga none -device virtio-gpu-pci" ]; }; enableOCR = true; testScript = { nodes, ... }: '' import shlex def swaymsg(command: str, succeed=True): with machine.nested(f"sending swaymsg {command!r}" + " (allowed to fail)" * (not succeed)): (machine.succeed if succeed else machine.execute)( f"su - alice -c {shlex.quote('swaymsg -- ' + command)}" ) start_all() machine.wait_for_unit("") # To check the version: print(machine.succeed("sway --version")) # Wait for Sway to complete startup: machine.wait_for_file("/run/user/1000/wayland-1") machine.wait_for_file("/tmp/sway-ipc.sock") # Test XWayland (foot does not support X): swaymsg("exec WINIT_UNIX_BACKEND=x11 WAYLAND_DISPLAY=invalid alacritty") machine.wait_for_text("alice@machine") machine.send_chars("test-x11\n") machine.wait_for_file("/tmp/test-x11-exit-ok") print(machine.succeed("cat /tmp/test-x11.out")) machine.copy_from_vm("/tmp/test-x11.out") machine.screenshot("alacritty_glinfo") machine.succeed("pkill alacritty") # Start a terminal (foot) on workspace 3: machine.send_key("alt-3") machine.sleep(3) machine.send_key("alt-ret") machine.wait_for_text("alice@machine") machine.send_chars("test-wayland\n") machine.wait_for_file("/tmp/test-wayland-exit-ok") print(machine.succeed("cat /tmp/test-wayland.out")) machine.copy_from_vm("/tmp/test-wayland.out") machine.screenshot("foot_wayland_info") machine.send_key("alt-shift-q") machine.wait_until_fails("pgrep foot") # Test gpg-agent starting pinentry-gnome3 via D-Bus (tests if # $WAYLAND_DISPLAY is correctly imported into the D-Bus user env): swaymsg("exec gpg --no-tty --yes --quick-generate-key test") machine.wait_until_succeeds("pgrep --exact gpg") machine.wait_for_text("Passphrase") machine.screenshot("gpg_pinentry") machine.send_key("alt-shift-q") machine.wait_until_fails("pgrep --exact gpg") # Test swaynag: machine.send_key("alt-shift-e") machine.wait_for_text("You pressed the exit shortcut.") machine.screenshot("sway_exit") swaymsg("exec swaylock") machine.wait_until_succeeds("pgrep -x swaylock") machine.sleep(3) machine.send_chars("${nodes.machine.config.users.users.alice.password}") machine.send_key("ret") machine.wait_until_fails("pgrep -x swaylock") # Exit Sway and verify process exit status 0: swaymsg("exit", succeed=False) machine.wait_until_fails("pgrep -x sway") machine.wait_for_file("/tmp/sway-exit-ok") ''; })