{ config, pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; let cfg = config.deployment; in { options = { deployment.targetEnv = mkOption { default = "none"; example = "ec2"; type = types.uniq types.string; description = '' This option specifies the type of the environment in which the machine is to be deployed by nixos-deploy-network. Currently, it can have the following values. "none" means deploying to a pre-existing physical or virtual NixOS machine, reachable via SSH under the hostname or IP address specified in . "ec2" means that a virtual machine should be instantiated in an Amazon EC2-compatible cloud environment (see ). "adhoc-cloud" means that a virtual machine should be instantiated by executing certain commands via SSH on a cloud controller machine (see ). This is primarily useful for debugging nixos-deploy-network. ''; }; deployment.targetHost = mkOption { default = config.networking.hostName; type = types.uniq types.string; description = '' This option specifies a hostname or IP address which can be used by nixos-deploy-network to execute remote deployment operations. ''; }; # EC2/Nova/Eucalyptus-specific options. deployment.ec2.type = mkOption { default = "ec2"; example = "nova"; type = types.uniq types.string; description = '' Specifies the type of cloud. This affects the machine configuration. Current values are "ec2" and "nova". ''; }; deployment.ec2.controller = mkOption { example = https://ec2.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/; type = types.uniq types.string; description = '' URI of an Amazon EC2-compatible cloud controller web service, used to create and manage virtual machines. If you're using EC2, it's more convenient to set . ''; }; deployment.ec2.region = mkOption { default = ""; example = "us-east-1"; type = types.uniq types.string; description = '' Amazon EC2 region in which the instance is to be deployed. This option only applies when using EC2. It implicitly sets and . ''; }; deployment.ec2.ami = mkOption { example = "ami-ecb49e98"; type = types.uniq types.string; description = '' EC2 identifier of the AMI disk image used in the virtual machine. This must be a NixOS image providing SSH access. ''; }; deployment.ec2.instanceType = mkOption { default = "m1.small"; example = "m1.large"; type = types.uniq types.string; description = '' EC2 instance type. See for a list of valid Amazon EC2 instance types. ''; }; deployment.ec2.keyPair = mkOption { example = "my-keypair"; type = types.uniq types.string; description = '' Name of the SSH key pair to be used to communicate securely with the instance. Key pairs can be created using the ec2-add-keypair command. ''; }; deployment.ec2.securityGroups = mkOption { default = [ "default" ]; example = [ "my-group" "my-other-group" ]; type = types.list types.string; description = '' Security groups for the instance. These determine the firewall rules applied to the instance. ''; }; # Ad hoc cloud options. deployment.adhoc.controller = mkOption { example = "cloud.example.org"; type = types.uniq types.string; description = '' Hostname or IP addres of the machine to which nixos-deploy-network should connect (via SSH) to execute commands to start VMs or query their status. ''; }; deployment.adhoc.createVMCommand = mkOption { default = "create-vm"; type = types.uniq types.string; description = '' Remote command to create a NixOS virtual machine. It should print an identifier denoting the VM on standard output. ''; }; deployment.adhoc.destroyVMCommand = mkOption { default = "destroy-vm"; type = types.uniq types.string; description = '' Remote command to destroy a previously created NixOS virtual machine. ''; }; deployment.adhoc.queryVMCommand = mkOption { default = "query-vm"; type = types.uniq types.string; description = '' Remote command to query information about a previously created NixOS virtual machine. It should print the IPv6 address of the VM on standard output. ''; }; # Computed options useful for referring to other machines in # network specifications. networking.privateIPv4 = mkOption { example = ""; type = types.uniq types.string; description = '' IPv4 address of this machine within in the logical network. This address can be used by other machines in the logical network to reach this machine. However, it need not be visible to the outside (i.e., publicly routable). ''; }; networking.publicIPv4 = mkOption { example = ""; type = types.uniq types.string; description = '' Publicly routable IPv4 address of this machine. ''; }; }; config = { deployment.ec2 = mkIf (cfg.ec2.region != "") { controller = mkDefault "https://ec2.${cfg.ec2.region}.amazonaws.com/"; # The list below is generated by running the "create-amis.sh" script, then doing: # $ while read system region ami; do echo " if cfg.ec2.region == \"$region\" && config.nixpkgs.system == \"$system\" then \"$ami\" else"; done < amis ami = mkDefault ( if cfg.ec2.region == "eu-west-1" && config.nixpkgs.system == "x86_64-linux" then "ami-65dae711" else if cfg.ec2.region == "us-east-1" && config.nixpkgs.system == "x86_64-linux" then "ami-95bb72fc" else if cfg.ec2.region == "us-west-1" && config.nixpkgs.system == "x86_64-linux" then "ami-0b0c534e" else # !!! Doesn't work, not lazy enough. # throw "I don't know an AMI for region ‘${cfg.ec2.region}’ and platform type ‘${config.nixpkgs.system}’" ""); }; }; }