{ config, pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; let kernelPackages = config.boot.kernelPackages; # Abbreviations. cfg = config.services.xserver; xorg = pkgs.xorg; # Map video driver names to driver packages. knownVideoDrivers = { ati = { modules = [ xorg.xf86videoati ]; }; cirrus = { modules = [ xorg.xf86videocirrus ]; }; i810 = { modules = [ xorg.xf86videoi810 ]; }; intel = { modules = [ xorg.xf86videointel ]; }; nv = { modules = [ xorg.xf86videonv ]; }; nvidia = { modules = [ kernelPackages.nvidia_x11 ]; }; nvidiaLegacy = { modules = [ kernelPackages.nvidia_x11_legacy ]; driverName = "nvidia"; }; openchrome = { modules = [ xorg.xf86videoopenchrome ]; }; sis = { modules = [ xorg.xf86videosis ]; }; unichrome = { modules = [ pkgs.xorgVideoUnichrome ]; }; vesa = { modules = [ xorg.xf86videovesa ]; }; virtualbox = { modules = [ kernelPackages.virtualboxGuestAdditions ]; driverName = "vboxvideo"; }; vmware = { modules = [ xorg.xf86videovmware ]; }; }; driverNames = optional (cfg.videoDriver != null) cfg.videoDriver ++ cfg.videoDrivers; drivers = flip map driverNames (name: { inherit name; driverName = name; } // attrByPath [name] (throw "unknown video driver `${name}'") knownVideoDrivers); fontsForXServer = config.fonts.fonts ++ # We don't want these fonts in fonts.conf, because then modern, # fontconfig-based applications will get horrible bitmapped # Helvetica fonts. It's better to get a substitution (like Nimbus # Sans) than that horror. But we do need the Adobe fonts for some # old non-fontconfig applications. (Possibly this could be done # better using a fontconfig rule.) [ pkgs.xorg.fontadobe100dpi pkgs.xorg.fontadobe75dpi ]; configFile = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "xserver.conf"; xfs = optionalString (cfg.useXFS != false) ''FontPath "${toString cfg.useXFS}"''; inherit (cfg) config; buildCommand = '' echo 'Section "Files"' >> $out echo $xfs >> $out for i in ${toString fontsForXServer}; do if test "''${i:0:''${#NIX_STORE}}" == "$NIX_STORE"; then for j in $(find $i -name fonts.dir); do echo " FontPath \"$(dirname $j)\"" >> $out done fi done for i in $(find ${toString cfg.modules} -type d); do if test $(echo $i/*.so* | wc -w) -ne 0; then echo " ModulePath \"$i\"" >> $out fi done echo 'EndSection' >> $out echo "$config" >> $out ''; # */ }; halConfigFiles = singleton (pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "hal-policy-keymap"; destination = "/share/hal/fdi/policy/30-keymap.fdi"; text = '' hal-setup-keymap base ${cfg.xkbModel} ${cfg.layout} ${cfg.xkbOptions} ''; }); in { imports = [ ./display-managers/default.nix ./window-managers/default.nix ./desktop-managers/default.nix ]; ###### interface options = { services.xserver = { enable = mkOption { default = false; description = '' Whether to enable the X server. ''; }; autorun = mkOption { default = true; description = '' Whether to start the X server automatically. ''; }; exportConfiguration = mkOption { default = false; description = '' Whether to symlink the X server configuration under /etc/X11/xorg.conf. ''; }; enableTCP = mkOption { default = false; description = '' Whether to allow the X server to accept TCP connections. ''; }; modules = mkOption { default = []; example = [ pkgs.linuxwacom ]; description = "Packages to be added to the module search path of the X server."; }; resolutions = mkOption { default = []; description = '' The screen resolutions for the X server. The first element is the default resolution. If this list is empty, the X server will automatically configure the resolution. ''; }; videoDriver = mkOption { default = null; example = "i810"; description = '' The name of the video driver for your graphics card. This option is obsolete; please set the instead. ''; }; videoDrivers = mkOption { # !!! We'd like "nv" here, but it segfaults the X server. Idem for # "vmware". default = [ "ati" "cirrus" "intel" "vesa" ]; example = [ "vesa" ]; description = '' The names of the video drivers that the X server should support. The X server will try all of the drivers listed here until it finds one that supports your video card. ''; }; driSupport = mkOption { default = true; description = '' Whether to enable accelerated OpenGL rendering through the Direct Rendering Interface (DRI). ''; }; startSSHAgent = mkOption { default = true; description = '' Whether to start the SSH agent when you log in. The SSH agent remembers private keys for you so that you don't have to type in passphrases every time you make an SSH connection. Use ssh-add to add a key to the agent. ''; }; layout = mkOption { default = "us"; description = '' Keyboard layout. ''; }; xkbModel = mkOption { default = "pc104"; example = "presario"; description = '' Keyboard model. ''; }; xkbOptions = mkOption { default = ""; example = "grp:caps_toggle, grp_led:scroll"; description = '' X keyboard options; layout switching goes here. ''; }; config = mkOption { description = '' The contents of the configuration file of the X server (xorg.conf). ''; }; deviceSection = mkOption { default = ""; example = "VideoRAM 131072"; description = "Contents of the first Device section of the X server configuration file."; }; monitorSection = mkOption { default = ""; example = "HorizSync 28-49"; description = "Contents of the first Monitor section of the X server configuration file."; }; moduleSection = mkOption { default = ""; example = '' SubSection "extmod" EndSubsection ''; description = "Contents of the Module section of the X server configuration file."; }; serverLayoutSection = mkOption { default = ""; example = '' Option "AIGLX" "true" ''; description = "Contents of the ServerLayout section of the X server configuration file."; }; extraDisplaySettings = mkOption { default = ""; example = "Virtual 2048 2048"; description = "Lines to be added to every Display subsection of the Screen section."; }; defaultDepth = mkOption { default = 0; example = 8; description = "Default colour depth."; }; useXFS = mkOption { default = false; example = "unix/:7100"; description = "Determines how to connect to the X Font Server."; }; tty = mkOption { default = 7; example = 9; description = "Virtual console for the X server."; }; display = mkOption { default = 0; example = 1; description = "Display number for the X server."; }; virtualScreen = mkOption { default = null; example = { x = 2048; y = 2048; }; description = '' Virtual screen size for Xrandr. ''; }; }; environment.x11Packages = mkOption { default = []; type = types.list types.package; description = '' List of packages added to the system when the X server is activated (). ''; }; }; ###### implementation config = mkIf cfg.enable { assertions = singleton { assertion = config.services.hal.enable == true; message = "The X server needs HAL running. Set services.hal.enable to true"; }; boot.extraModulePackages = optional (elem "nvidia" driverNames) kernelPackages.nvidia_x11 ++ optional (elem "nvidiaLegacy" driverNames) kernelPackages.nvidia_x11_legacy ++ optional (elem "virtualbox" driverNames) kernelPackages.virtualboxGuestAdditions; environment.etc = optionals cfg.exportConfiguration [ { source = "${configFile}"; target = "X11/xorg.conf"; } # -xkbdir command line option does not seems to be passed to xkbcomp. { source = "${pkgs.xkeyboard_config}/etc/X11/xkb"; target = "X11/xkb"; } ]; environment.x11Packages = [ xorg.xorgserver xorg.xrandr xorg.xrdb xorg.setxkbmap xorg.iceauth # required for KDE applications (it's called by dcopserver) xorg.xsetroot xorg.xprop ] ++ optional (elem "nvidia" driverNames) kernelPackages.nvidia_x11 ++ optional (elem "nvidiaLegacy" driverNames) kernelPackages.nvidia_x11_legacy; environment.systemPackages = config.environment.x11Packages; services.hal.packages = halConfigFiles ++ optional (elem "virtualbox" driverNames) kernelPackages.virtualboxGuestAdditions; jobs.xserver = { startOn = if cfg.autorun then "hal" else "never"; environment = { FONTCONFIG_FILE = "/etc/fonts/fonts.conf"; # !!! cleanup XKB_BINDIR = "${xorg.xkbcomp}/bin"; # Needed for the Xkb extension. } # !!! Depends on the driver selected at runtime. // optionalAttrs (!elem "nvidia" driverNames) { XORG_DRI_DRIVER_PATH = "${pkgs.mesa}/lib/dri"; } // optionalAttrs (elem "nvidia" driverNames) { LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "${xorg.libX11}/lib:${xorg.libXext}/lib:${kernelPackages.nvidia_x11}/lib"; } // optionalAttrs (elem "nvidiaLegacy" driverNames) { LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "${xorg.libX11}/lib:${xorg.libXext}/lib:${kernelPackages.nvidia_x11_legacy}/lib"; } // cfg.displayManager.job.environment; preStart = '' # Ugly hack: wait until udev has started since the X server # needs various devices. This would more properly be # expressed as an Upstart dependency, but AFAIK in "start # on" we can't express a logical AND. while ! initctl status udev 2>&1 | grep -q running; do sleep 1 done rm -f /var/run/opengl-driver ${# !!! The OpenGL driver depends on what's detected at runtime. if elem "nvidia" driverNames then '' ln -sf ${kernelPackages.nvidia_x11} /var/run/opengl-driver '' else if elem "nvidiaLegacy" driverNames then '' ln -sf ${kernelPackages.nvidia_x11_legacy} /var/run/opengl-driver '' else if cfg.driSupport then "ln -sf ${pkgs.mesa} /var/run/opengl-driver" else "" } ${cfg.displayManager.job.preStart} rm -f /tmp/.X0-lock ''; script = "${cfg.displayManager.job.execCmd}"; }; services.xserver.displayManager.xserverArgs = [ "-ac" "-logverbose" "-verbose" "-terminate" "-logfile" "/var/log/X.${toString cfg.display}.log" "-config ${configFile}" ":${toString cfg.display}" "vt${toString cfg.tty}" "-xkbdir" "${pkgs.xkeyboard_config}/etc/X11/xkb" ] ++ optional (!cfg.enableTCP) "-nolisten tcp"; services.xserver.modules = concatLists (catAttrs "modules" drivers) ++ [ xorg.xorgserver xorg.xf86inputevdev ]; services.xserver.config = '' Section "ServerFlags" Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "on" EndSection Section "Module" ${cfg.moduleSection} EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor[0]" ${cfg.monitorSection} EndSection Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "Layout[all]" ${cfg.serverLayoutSection} # Reference the Screen sections for each driver. This will # cause the X server to try each in turn. ${flip concatMapStrings drivers (d: '' Screen "Screen-${d.name}[0]" '')} EndSection # For each supported driver, add a "Device" and "Screen" # section. ${flip concatMapStrings drivers (driver: '' Section "Device" Identifier "Device-${driver.name}[0]" Driver "${driver.driverName}" ${optionalString (driver.name == "nvidiaLegacy") '' # This option allows suspending with a nvidiaLegacy card Option "NvAGP" "1" ''} ${cfg.deviceSection} EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen-${driver.name}[0]" Device "Device-${driver.name}[0]" ${optionalString (cfg.defaultDepth != 0) '' DefaultDepth ${toString cfg.defaultDepth} ''} ${optionalString (driver.name == "nvidia") '' Option "RandRRotation" "on" ''} ${optionalString (driver.name != "virtualbox" && (cfg.resolutions != [] || cfg.extraDisplaySettings != "" || cfg.virtualScreen != null)) ( let f = depth: '' SubSection "Display" Depth ${toString depth} ${optionalString (cfg.resolutions != []) "Modes ${concatMapStrings (res: ''"${toString res.x}x${toString res.y}"'') cfg.resolutions}"} ${cfg.extraDisplaySettings} ${optionalString (cfg.virtualScreen != null) "Virtual ${toString cfg.virtualScreen.x} ${toString cfg.virtualScreen.y}"} EndSubSection ''; in concatMapStrings f [8 16 24] )} EndSection '')} ''; }; }