{ bazel , bazelTest , fetchFromGitHub , fetchurl , gccStdenv , lib , runLocal , runtimeShell , writeScript , writeText }: let com_google_protobuf = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "protocolbuffers"; repo = "protobuf"; rev = "v3.7.0"; sha256 = "0nlxif4cajqllsj2vdh7zp14ag48fb8lsa64zmq8625q9m2lcmdh"; }; bazel_skylib = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "bazelbuild"; repo = "bazel-skylib"; rev = "f83cb8dd6f5658bc574ccd873e25197055265d1c"; sha256 = "091fb0ky0956wgv8gghy9ay3yfx6497mb72qvibf0y9dllmxyn9l"; }; net_zlib = fetchurl rec { url = "https://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz"; sha256 = "c3e5e9fdd5004dcb542feda5ee4f0ff0744628baf8ed2dd5d66f8ca1197cb1a1"; passthru.sha256 = sha256; }; WORKSPACE = writeText "WORKSPACE" '' workspace(name = "our_workspace") load("//:proto-support.bzl", "protobuf_deps") protobuf_deps() ''; protoSupport = writeText "proto-support.bzl" '' """Load dependencies needed to compile the protobuf library as a 3rd-party consumer.""" load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") def protobuf_deps(): """Loads common dependencies needed to compile the protobuf library.""" if "zlib" not in native.existing_rules(): # proto_library, cc_proto_library, and java_proto_library rules implicitly # depend on @com_google_protobuf for protoc and proto runtimes. # This statement defines the @com_google_protobuf repo. native.local_repository( name = "com_google_protobuf", path = "${com_google_protobuf}", ) native.local_repository( name = "bazel_skylib", path = "${bazel_skylib}", ) native.bind( name = "zlib", actual = "@net_zlib//:zlib", ) http_archive( name = "net_zlib", build_file = "@com_google_protobuf//:third_party/zlib.BUILD", sha256 = "${net_zlib.sha256}", strip_prefix = "zlib-1.2.11", urls = ["file://${net_zlib}"], ) ''; personProto = writeText "person.proto" '' syntax = "proto3"; message Person { string name = 1; int32 id = 2; string email = 3; } ''; personBUILD = writeText "BUILD" '' proto_library( name = "person_proto", srcs = ["person.proto"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) java_proto_library( name = "person_java_proto", deps = [":person_proto"], ) cc_proto_library( name = "person_cc_proto", deps = [":person_proto"], ) ''; toolsBazel = writeScript "bazel" '' #! ${runtimeShell} export CXX='${gccStdenv.cc}/bin/g++' export LD='${gccStdenv.cc}/bin/ld' export CC='${gccStdenv.cc}/bin/gcc' # XXX: hack for macosX, this flags disable bazel usage of xcode # See: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/4231 export BAZEL_USE_CPP_ONLY_TOOLCHAIN=1 exec "$BAZEL_REAL" "$@" ''; workspaceDir = runLocal "our_workspace" {} ('' mkdir $out cp ${WORKSPACE} $out/WORKSPACE touch $out/BUILD.bazel cp ${protoSupport} $out/proto-support.bzl mkdir $out/person cp ${personProto} $out/person/person.proto cp ${personBUILD} $out/person/BUILD.bazel '' + (lib.optionalString gccStdenv.isDarwin '' mkdir $out/tools cp ${toolsBazel} $out/tools/bazel '')); testBazel = bazelTest { name = "bazel-test-protocol-buffers"; inherit workspaceDir; bazelPkg = bazel; bazelScript = '' ${bazel}/bin/bazel \ build --verbose_failures \ //person:person_proto ''; }; in testBazel