{ nixos ? ../.. , nixpkgs ? ../../../nixpkgs , services ? ../../../nixos/services , system ? builtins.currentSystem }: let /* test nixos installation automatically using a build job (unfinished) run this test this way: nix-build --no-out-link --show-trace tests/test-nixos-install-from-cd.nix --no-out-link is important because creating ./result will cause rebuilding of the iso as the nixos repository is included in the iso. To prevent this make these paths point to another location: nixosTarball = makeTarball "nixos.tar.bz2" (cleanSource ../../..); nixpkgsTarball = makeTarball "nixpkgs.tar.bz2" (cleanSource pkgs.path); */ configuration_iso = ./configuration-iso.nix; configuration_install = ./configuration.nix; release = (import ../../release.nix) { inherit nixpkgs; }; isoFile = ( release.makeIso { module = configuration_iso; description = "minimal-testing-only"; maintainers = ["MarcWeber"]; } { inherit system; } ).iso; eval = import ../../lib/eval-config.nix { inherit system nixpkgs; modules = [ configuration_install ]; }; inherit (eval) pkgs config; inherit (pkgs) qemu_kvm; # prebuild system which will be installed for two reasons: # build derivations are in store and can be reused # the iso is only build when this suceeds (?) systemDerivation = builtins.addErrorContext "while building system" config.system.build.toplevel; # TODO test both: copyKernels = true and false. true doesn't work ? debug = if false then '' export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 '' else # That's crazy: You see nothing but your computer is doing a *lot* of work :-) '' KVM_OPTIONS="-nographic" ''; in rec { test = # FIXME: support i686 as well # FIXME: X shouldn't be required # Is there a way to use kvm when not running as root? # Would using uml provide any advantages? # TODO: Run installation withoun networking support ? # This can be done by using either firewalls or building system by .drv path? pkgs.runCommand "nixos-installation-test" { inherit systemDerivation; } '' set -e INFO(){ echo "INFO: " $@; } die(){ echo $@; exit 1; } if ${pkgs.procps}/bin/ps aux | grep -v grep | grep sbin/nmbd ; then die "!! aborting: -smb won't work when host is running samba!" fi [ -e /dev/kvm ] || die "modprobe a kvm-* module /dev/kvm not present. You want it for speed reasons!" for path in ${pkgs.socat} ${pkgs.openssh} ${qemu_kvm}; do PATH=$path/bin:$PATH done # without samba -smb doesn't work PATH=${pkgs.samba}/sbin:$PATH # install the system ${debug} SOCKET_NAME=65535.socket # creating shell script for debugging purposes cat >> run-kvm.sh << EOF #!/bin/sh -e exec qemu-system-x86_64 -m 512 \ -no-kvm-irqchip \ -net nic,model=virtio -net user -smb /nix \ -hda image \ -redir tcp:''${SOCKET_NAME/.socket/}::22 \ $KVM_OPTIONS \ "\$@" EOF chmod +x run-kvm.sh RUN_KVM(){ INFO "launching qemu-kvm in a background process" { ./run-kvm.sh "$@" \ || { echo "starting kvm failed, exiting" 1>&2; kill -9 $$; } } & } waitTill(){ echo $1 eval "while ! $2; do sleep 1; done" } SSH(){ # if timout occurs ssh command will be retried. # Waiting forever doesn't seem to work because # there seems to be a race condition where # SSH connects but sshd doesn't notice it. # Thus fail and retry ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ -o ProxyCommand="socat stdio ./$SOCKET_NAME" \ -o ConnectTimeout=1 \ root@ \ "$@"; } SSH_STDIN_E(){ { echo "set -e;"; cat; } | SSH; } SHUTDOWN_VM(){ SSH 'shutdown -h now'; INFO "waiting for kvm to shutown" wait } # wait for socket waitForSSHD(){ waitTill "waiting for sshd job" "SSH 'echo Hello > /dev/tty1' &> /dev/null" } nixBuildTest(){ INFO "verifying that nix-env -i works" SSH_STDIN_E << EOF cat >> test.nix << EOF_TEST let pkgs = import /etc/nixos/nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix {}; in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "test"; phases = "create_out"; create_out = "mkdir -p \\\$out/ok"; } EOF_TEST nix-build test.nix [ -e result/ok ] EOF } ### test installting NixOS: install system then reboot INFO "creating image file" # 2GB = data; 1GB=swap # Maybe using 1GB swap is much. But qcow2 doesn't fill holes so it only # used when required (?) qemu-img create -f qcow2 image 3G RUN_KVM -boot d -cdrom $(echo ${isoFile}/iso/*.iso) waitForSSHD nixBuildTest # INSTALLATION INFO "creating filesystem .." SSH_STDIN_E << EOF parted /dev/sda mklabel msdos parted /dev/sda mkpart primary 0 2G parted /dev/sda mkpart primary 1G 3G waitFor(){ while [ ! -e "\$1" ]; do echo "waiting for \$1 to appear"; sleep 1; done } waitFor /dev/sda2 mkswap /dev/sda2 swapon /dev/sda2 waitFor /dev/sda1 mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 mount /dev/sda1 /mnt mkdir -p /mnt/nix-on-host mount // -oguest,username=nobody,noperm -tcifs /mnt/nix-on-host EOF SSH_STDIN_E << EOF # simple nixos-hardware-scan syntax check: nixos-hardware-scan > /tmp/test.nix EOF INFO "copying sources and Nix, starting installation" SSH_STDIN_E << EOF nixos-prepare-install # has the generated configuration.nix file syntax errors? nix-instantiate --eval-only /tmp/test.nix mkdir /mnt/root echo 'export NIXOS_CONFIG=/etc/nixos/nixos/tests/test-nixos-install-from-cd/configuration.nix' >> /mnt/root/.bashrc . /mnt/root/.bashrc export NIX_OTHER_STORES=/nix-on-host run-in-chroot "/nix/store/nixos-bootstrap --install --no-pull" #nixos-install EOF SHUTDOWN_VM INFO "booting installed system" RUN_KVM -boot c waitForSSHD nixBuildTest SHUTDOWN_VM echo "$(date) success" > $out ''; }