import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ... }: let passphrase = "supersecret"; dataDir = "/ran:dom/data"; excludeFile = "not_this_file"; keepFile = "important_file"; keepFileData = "important_data"; localRepo = "/root/back:up"; # a repository on a file system which is not mounted automatically localRepoMount = "/noAutoMount"; archiveName = "my_archive"; remoteRepo = "borg@server:."; # No need to specify path privateKey = pkgs.writeText "id_ed25519" '' -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- b3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAAAMwAAAAtzc2gtZW QyNTUxOQAAACBx8UB04Q6Q/fwDFjakHq904PYFzG9pU2TJ9KXpaPMcrwAAAJB+cF5HfnBe RwAAAAtzc2gtZWQyNTUxOQAAACBx8UB04Q6Q/fwDFjakHq904PYFzG9pU2TJ9KXpaPMcrw AAAEBN75NsJZSpt63faCuaD75Unko0JjlSDxMhYHAPJk2/xXHxQHThDpD9/AMWNqQer3Tg 9gXMb2lTZMn0pelo8xyvAAAADXJzY2h1ZXR6QGt1cnQ= -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- ''; publicKey = '' ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHHxQHThDpD9/AMWNqQer3Tg9gXMb2lTZMn0pelo8xyv root@client ''; privateKeyAppendOnly = pkgs.writeText "id_ed25519" '' -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- b3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAAAMwAAAAtzc2gtZW QyNTUxOQAAACBacZuz1ELGQdhI7PF6dGFafCDlvh8pSEc4cHjkW0QjLwAAAJC9YTxxvWE8 cQAAAAtzc2gtZWQyNTUxOQAAACBacZuz1ELGQdhI7PF6dGFafCDlvh8pSEc4cHjkW0QjLw AAAEAAhV7wTl5dL/lz+PF/d4PnZXuG1Id6L/mFEiGT1tZsuFpxm7PUQsZB2Ejs8Xp0YVp8 IOW+HylIRzhweORbRCMvAAAADXJzY2h1ZXR6QGt1cnQ= -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- ''; publicKeyAppendOnly = '' ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFpxm7PUQsZB2Ejs8Xp0YVp8IOW+HylIRzhweORbRCMv root@client ''; in { name = "borgbackup"; meta = with pkgs.lib; { maintainers = with maintainers; [ dotlambda ]; }; nodes = { client = { ... }: { virtualisation.fileSystems.${localRepoMount} = { device = "tmpfs"; fsType = "tmpfs"; options = [ "noauto" ]; }; = { local = { paths = dataDir; repo = localRepo; preHook = '' # Don't append a timestamp archiveName="${archiveName}" ''; encryption = { mode = "repokey"; inherit passphrase; }; compression = "auto,zlib,9"; prune.keep = { within = "1y"; yearly = 5; }; exclude = [ "*/${excludeFile}" ]; postHook = "echo post"; startAt = [ ]; # Do not run automatically }; localMount = { paths = dataDir; repo = localRepoMount; encryption.mode = "none"; startAt = [ ]; }; remote = { paths = dataDir; repo = remoteRepo; encryption.mode = "none"; startAt = [ ]; environment.BORG_RSH = "ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /root/id_ed25519"; }; remoteAppendOnly = { paths = dataDir; repo = remoteRepo; encryption.mode = "none"; startAt = [ ]; environment.BORG_RSH = "ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /root/id_ed25519.appendOnly"; }; commandSuccess = { dumpCommand = pkgs.writeScript "commandSuccess" '' echo -n test ''; repo = remoteRepo; encryption.mode = "none"; startAt = [ ]; environment.BORG_RSH = "ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /root/id_ed25519"; }; commandFail = { dumpCommand = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/false"; repo = remoteRepo; encryption.mode = "none"; startAt = [ ]; environment.BORG_RSH = "ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /root/id_ed25519"; }; sleepInhibited = { inhibitsSleep = true; # Blocks indefinitely while "backing up" so that we can try to suspend the local system while it's hung dumpCommand = pkgs.writeScript "sleepInhibited" '' cat /dev/zero ''; repo = remoteRepo; encryption.mode = "none"; startAt = [ ]; environment.BORG_RSH = "ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /root/id_ed25519"; }; }; }; server = { ... }: { services.openssh = { enable = true; settings = { PasswordAuthentication = false; KbdInteractiveAuthentication = false; }; }; services.borgbackup.repos.repo1 = { authorizedKeys = [ publicKey ]; path = "/data/borgbackup"; }; # Second repo to make sure the authorizedKeys options are merged correctly services.borgbackup.repos.repo2 = { authorizedKeysAppendOnly = [ publicKeyAppendOnly ]; path = "/data/borgbackup"; quota = ".5G"; }; }; }; testScript = '' start_all()'test -d "${remoteRepo}"') client.succeed( "cp ${privateKey} /root/id_ed25519" ) client.succeed("chmod 0600 /root/id_ed25519") client.succeed( "cp ${privateKeyAppendOnly} /root/id_ed25519.appendOnly" ) client.succeed("chmod 0600 /root/id_ed25519.appendOnly") client.succeed("mkdir -p ${dataDir}") client.succeed("touch ${dataDir}/${excludeFile}") client.succeed("echo '${keepFileData}' > ${dataDir}/${keepFile}") with subtest("local"): borg = "BORG_PASSPHRASE='${passphrase}' borg" client.systemctl("start --wait borgbackup-job-local")"systemctl is-failed borgbackup-job-local") # Make sure exactly one archive has been created assert int(client.succeed("{} list '${localRepo}' | wc -l".format(borg))) > 0 # Make sure excludeFile has been excluded "{} list '${localRepo}::${archiveName}' | grep -qF '${excludeFile}'".format(borg) ) # Make sure keepFile has the correct content client.succeed("{} extract '${localRepo}::${archiveName}'".format(borg)) assert "${keepFileData}" in client.succeed("cat ${dataDir}/${keepFile}") # Make sure the same is true when using `borg mount` client.succeed( "mkdir -p /mnt/borg && {} mount '${localRepo}::${archiveName}' /mnt/borg".format( borg ) ) assert "${keepFileData}" in client.succeed( "cat /mnt/borg/${dataDir}/${keepFile}" ) with subtest("localMount"): # the file system for the repo should not be already mounted"mount | grep ${localRepoMount}") # ensure trying to write to the mountpoint before the fs is mounted fails client.succeed("chattr +i ${localRepoMount}") borg = "borg" client.systemctl("start --wait borgbackup-job-localMount")"systemctl is-failed borgbackup-job-localMount") # Make sure exactly one archive has been created assert int(client.succeed("{} list '${localRepoMount}' | wc -l".format(borg))) > 0 with subtest("remote"): borg = "BORG_RSH='ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /root/id_ed25519' borg" server.wait_for_unit("sshd.service") client.wait_for_unit("") client.systemctl("start --wait borgbackup-job-remote")"systemctl is-failed borgbackup-job-remote") # Make sure we can't access repos other than the specified one"{} list borg\@server:wrong".format(borg)) # TODO: Make sure that data is actually deleted with subtest("remoteAppendOnly"): borg = ( "BORG_RSH='ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /root/id_ed25519.appendOnly' borg" ) server.wait_for_unit("sshd.service") client.wait_for_unit("") client.systemctl("start --wait borgbackup-job-remoteAppendOnly")"systemctl is-failed borgbackup-job-remoteAppendOnly") # Make sure we can't access repos other than the specified one"{} list borg\@server:wrong".format(borg)) # TODO: Make sure that data is not actually deleted with subtest("commandSuccess"): server.wait_for_unit("sshd.service") client.wait_for_unit("") client.systemctl("start --wait borgbackup-job-commandSuccess")"systemctl is-failed borgbackup-job-commandSuccess") id = client.succeed("borg-job-commandSuccess list | tail -n1 | cut -d' ' -f1").strip() client.succeed(f"borg-job-commandSuccess extract ::{id} stdin") assert "test" == client.succeed("cat stdin") with subtest("commandFail"): server.wait_for_unit("sshd.service") client.wait_for_unit("") client.systemctl("start --wait borgbackup-job-commandFail") client.succeed("systemctl is-failed borgbackup-job-commandFail") with subtest("sleepInhibited"): server.wait_for_unit("sshd.service") client.wait_for_unit("")"systemd-inhibit --list | grep -q borgbackup") client.systemctl("start borgbackup-job-sleepInhibited") client.wait_until_succeeds("systemd-inhibit --list | grep -q borgbackup") client.systemctl("stop borgbackup-job-sleepInhibited") ''; })